Category: Social Sciences

Social Problem Pertaining to Sexuality PowerPoint

Assignment Requirements

You will need to conduct research on your specific social problem with at least 7-10 SCHOLARLY resources (e.g., books, newspaper articles, news magazine articles, sociological journals, internet sites, videos, interviews, etc.). Students are encouraged to use COC’s library database, and click the option “peer-reviewed” in the search to ensure resources are in fact scholarly works.

After you have conducted your research, you will analyze your information using the following questions as a guide:

1. Discuss the history of your social problem and how it relates to sexuality. How did it emerge?  How did it come into existence?

2. How do members of society perceive this problem?

3. How has the problem changed over time?

4. What has caused it to change?

5. Discuss any stable features of the institution, that is, features that have not changed.

6. As a way to better accommodate members of society, what solutions can be offered?

7. Who are the major participants in the possible solution? What are their roles and statuses?

8. Does your institution work better for some members of society (as opposed to others)? This is where you will use conflict theory, ie: Who is benefiting and who is being exploited by this social problem pertaining to sexuality?

You will then organize and submit your information in outline format on a PowerPoint (10 15 slides). Your slide presentation should include images, videos, charts and graphs where applicable. You are welcome to use Google Slides (Links to an external site.), Open Office Impress (Links to an external site.), or Prezi (Links to an external site.) if you do not have access to PowerPoint.

Social Problem Pertaining to Sexuality PowerPoint

Assignment Requirements

You will need to conduct research on your specific social problem with at least 7-10 SCHOLARLY resources (e.g., books, newspaper articles, news magazine articles, sociological journals, internet sites, videos, interviews, etc.). Students are encouraged to use COC’s library database, and click the option “peer-reviewed” in the search to ensure resources are in fact scholarly works.

Library database username: cream

                            password: sugar

After you have conducted your research, you will analyze your information using the following questions as a guide:

1. Discuss the history of your social problem and how it relates to sexuality. How did it emerge?  How did it come into existence?

2. How do members of society perceive this problem?

3. How has the problem changed over time?

4. What has caused it to change?

5. Discuss any stable features of the institution, that is, features that have not changed.

6. As a way to better accommodate members of society, what solutions can be offered?

7. Who are the major participants in the possible solution? What are their roles and statuses?

8. Does your institution work better for some members of society (as opposed to others)? This is where you will use conflict theory, ie: Who is benefiting and who is being exploited by this social problem pertaining to sexuality?

You will then organize and submit your information in outline format on a PowerPoint (10 15 slides). Your slide presentation should include images, videos, charts and graphs where applicable. You are welcome to use Google Slides (Links to an external site.), Open Office Impress (Links to an external site.), or Prezi (Links to an external site.) if you do not have access to PowerPoint.

sociology theory

this paper is 8 pages long need to choose a combination of topics and write about each topic totaling up to 8 pages each topic is worth a certain amount of points the topics are valued by points these topics need to add to about 250 to 300 points please look up upload for topics and points for each topic you would need to label each topic with its corresponding number and write a combined topic paper of 8 pages including all the topics

Social Science Research Methods

Main overall instructions can be found in the file SSC211 TMA01.pdf”.
Please read questions and instructions carefully.

Notes can be retrieved from SSC211e_StudyGuide.pdf (STUDY UNIT 1)

Textbook used for this module:
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches by W. Lawrence Neuman. (Page 26 to 164)

Notes on the topic and additional material have been uploaded.

Notes on related topics are as attached. Some of the things to note are the references in APA format, 1,400 word limit and of course the usual plagiarism check.

Why do our bodies grow old?

please respond to the following question:

Aubrey de Grey proposes a cure for aging. Olshansky provides a counter argument to de Greys agenda to cure aging. What are the key ideas in Olshanskys argument? Taken together, which side of the debate do you find to be more compelling? More realistic?

Should be written in a format that includes an introduction, body and conclusion.
Make 2-3, properly APA cited references to the course material.

Health and Society

Health plays a major role in the functioning of society. Define the relationship between social behavior and health. Justify your answer using examples and reasoning.

What are the social factors that play a critical role in improving health?
What are the social factors that are the greatest threat to health?
How can sociology help health practitioners better understand their patients and provide improved forms of health care?

Cite your sources using the correct APA format on a separate page

Sociological Imagination

Please explain the concept of the sociological imagination and give two examples by applying the concept.

From my notes:
The Sociological Imagination
o    Sociology is the study of human society.
o    In the mid-twentieth century, sociologist C. Wright Mills argued that we need to use our sociological imagination to think critically about the social world around us.
o    The sociological imagination is the ability to connect one’s personal experiences to society at large and greater historical forces. Using our sociological imagination allows us to “make the familiar strange” or to question habits or customs that seem “natural” to us.

Sociological Imagination

Please explain the concept of the sociological imagination and give two examples by applying the concept.

From my notes:
The Sociological Imagination
o    Sociology is the study of human society.
o    In the mid-twentieth century, sociologist C. Wright Mills argued that we need to use our sociological imagination to think critically about the social world around us.
o    The sociological imagination is the ability to connect one’s personal experiences to society at large and greater historical forces. Using our sociological imagination allows us to “make the familiar strange” or to question habits or customs that seem “natural” to us.

Social Sciences

That outline must be approximately 150 to 250 words long, with an indication of at least three sources (e.g., Internet sites, books, court cases, newspaper stories) you have found and may use. The outline is not graded, but we usually acknowledge its receipt and often also write to the submitting student with advice on how to approach his/her paper and/or with a request that he/she revise his/her outline.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

– Describe three philosophical theories regarding ethical decision-making discussed in the lesson.
– Describe a prescriptive approach (Eight Steps Approach) to ethical decision-making.
– Discuss in detail the following questions. You will be assessed based on demonstrated ability to self-reflect and self-examine.
1. What did your learn about yourself from this lesson?
2. What’s important about what you learned?
3. What are you going to do with what you learned? Please be specific and avoid providing a generic response.
4. Your essay for this assignment is to be in the 750 – 1,000 word range. You are expected to demonstrate scholarship including providing a reference section, and where appropriate, in-text citations in accordance with the APA  formatting and style guide.