Category: Social Sciences

Web Quest 1

(1) Functionalism, Anomie and General Strain Theory; (2) Labeling, Resistance and Edgework; and (3) Stigma, Carnival and the Grotesque). Use ONE of these theories and investigate a current related issue.

Also please refer to the attachment for specific details. Please make sure you pick a topic from Google Scholar initially then branch out to other sources. NO Conspiracy theories, NO Plagiarism. WEBQUEST 1 only.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

As an astute social worker and professional policy advocate, once you have selected and identified a social problem, you begin the process of creating and implementing a policy that addresses that social problem. One of the first things you do in the implementation process is an analysis of the social policy you identified. There is always the possibility that the policy created and implemented to address the social problem you identified is not viable for a variety of reasons. In this case, you must explore a policy alternative.

In Part 4 of your ongoing Social Change Project assignment, you identify a policy alternative to the social problem you identified.

What is the policy alternative?
What, if any, change(s) in the policy alternative are necessary and where will they need to occur (local, state, national, and international)?
Is this policy alternative congruent with social work values? Explain.
What is the feasibility of the alternative policy (political, economic, and administrative)?
Does the policy alternative meet the policy goals (e.g., social equality, redistribution of resources, social work values, and ethics)?
What are the forces that are for/against the policy?
What policy advocacy skills can be used to support the policy alternative?
How does the current policy affect clinical social work practice with clients?
What changes could be made in the policy to support the needs of clients seeking clinical services?
Provide an update on the advocacy activities your proposed in the Week 6 Assignment.

Your essay/project needs to be 6-8 pages, double-spaced in APA or ASA format. Only use MS Word or PDF. Remember the first pages about 2 should be detailed field notes of your observations. Then the remaining pages should be used for your analysis section

Your essay/project needs to be 6-8 pages, double-spaced in APA or ASA format. Only use MS Word or PDF.

Remember the first pages about 2 should be detailed field notes of your observations. Then the remaining pages should be used for your analysis section; what is significant about your observation in sociological terms. What might the structural functionalists say or the conflict theorists say about your observationsYour essay/project needs to be 6-8 pages, double-spaced in APA or ASA format. Only use MS Word or PDF.

Remember the first pages about 2 should be detailed field notes of your observations. Then the remaining pages should be used for your analysis section; what is significant about your observation in sociological terms. What might the structural functionalists say or the conflict theorists say about your observations?

The Sociological Imagination and Millennials

For this unit, you read “The Promises” from C. Wright Mills 1959 book, The Sociological Imagination. In this book, Mills conceives of the sociological imagination as a quality of mind (or way of viewing and interacting with the world) and “the vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society”–the relationship between your biography and history. 

As you now know, Mills argues that the greatest contribution sociology can make is to help the public find/see connections between and make sense of the various ways in which their personal lives are shaped by public issues. These public issues, broadly conceived, include history, technology, politics, culture, the economy, laws, the nation into which one is born, the neighborhoods in which we are raised and many other social forces beyond our individual and personal control.

For this reflection and application assignment, I would like you to employ the sociological imagination to examine the lives of millennials and how their individual/personal biographies and/or their personal “troubles” have been shaped by the public “milieu” in which they have grown up and lived. I asked you to read “Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation” to provide you with the “data” from which to draw for this analysis.

Your essay should be 2-3 pages in length (double-spaced, 12 point font, 1″ margins).

Please remember to use your own words and not present others’ words as your own. I would prefer that you avoid quoting Mills’ or the author of the Time piece on Millennials. Instead, practice paraphrasing (translate his ideas in your own words) when relevant. Some rely too heavily on quoted material resulting in a paper that is light on their own ideas and thoughts.

Social Work Change

Select a gap. The gap is that foster kids are placed in a pre- adoption family for only 3 months before adoption. This doesn’t give a family adequate time to know a child. It can lead to failed adoptions.

After using this gap, Identify a hypothetical plan to
eliminate the gap that has been selected. Discuss why the gap is important and the population. Identify community partners that can collaborated with and funding opportunities that are available. Discuss the impact that eliminating this gap will have on the population and as well as the community as a whole.

Include at least 2 scholarly articles in the reference.


The paper should include the following sections and associated components:

Part I: Social Justice Issue (approximately 6-8 pages)
Competencies: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Knowledge, Values, Skills)

    Identify and describe a human rights issue that intersects with social, economic, and/or environmental justice
    Complete a review of the literature related to the identified issue
    Identify and describe relevant policies and legislation related to the identified issue
    Identify and describe a vulnerable population affected by this human rights or social, economic, and/or environmental justice issue
    Apply knowledge of the intersection of empowerment and the identified social justice issue

Social Class, Poverty, and the Family

Step 1: Create a budget (use Family Profile #5 under additional materials)
First, create a complete and exhaustive budget of all the expenses this family would incur throughout a typical month. The budget can be created in any format you wish, but it must be well organized, comprehensive, and straightforward. Use the Cost of Living sheets (provided under additional materials) to create your budget. Use those numbers to create your budget, don’t use make up numbers!

Family Profile #5
Gross Annual Income: $74,109
After Tax Annual Income: $57,305
Monthly Income: $4,775
Assets: $0.00

Family Members: 3 adults
                          1 male child age 10
                          1 female child age 12

Description: Your family lives in a 3 bedroom apartment in a suburb of a large metropolitan area. An elderly relative recently moved into the residence. One adult works full-time as a nurse’s aide in a near-by hospital. Another adult works full-time as a school security guard. The elderly relative does receive social security benefits. There is a metropolitan bus service available nearby your home. The elderly relative is not able to provide childcare.

Step 2: Reflection #1 (at least 1 full page)
After creating your budget, reflect on how easy or difficult it would be for this family to survive or even thrive. Describe the quality of life of this family. What kind of housing do they live in? What are their jobs? What might an average week day or weekend day look for them? What are they able to afford? What are they forced to do without that other more affluent families may take for granted (vacations, eating out, spending money, a second car, etc.)? How might this influence the family?

Step 3: Life happens
Next, you will need to incorporate the two Life Happens cards into your monthly budget. These two cards should occupy separate line items on the budget. If necessary, depending on what life throws at your family, you must modify your budget and clearly delineate (so that it is obvious to me) how these circumstances influenced the budget. The two “Life Happens” are your car needs new tires. Review your budget to see if you can afford $500 for new tires installation. The other one is a flood has hit your town and you need to evacuate your home for two weeks. There is no room at the emergency shelter. Make the necessary changes in your budget to account for hotel and food expenses.

Step 4: Reflection #2 (at least 1 full page)
Explain what happened to your family by way of life events, how they dealt with those events, and how it impacted the family. Did the budget change significantly? If yes, how so? If not, why not? What decisions had to be made? What might be the repercussions of these decisions?

Step 5: Conclusion (at least 2 full pages)
What does this exercise demonstrate to you regarding social class and the family? What do you think are the most important ways in which social class influences family life in the United States? How is the family, as an institutional arena, influenced by other institutional arenas like education, law, the economy, medicine, and others? How are the childrens lives affected by living at this particular level of the social strata? How might the familys difficulty (or ease) in meeting basic needs translate into access to opportunities (education, jobs, health care) for the children later in life? How does your familys social class affect how they experience every facet of their lives? What sorts of stressors might your family face given its social class? What do you think are the most important ways in which social class influences family life in the United States?

The Reflections and Conclusion must, in total, be at least 4 full pages. Clearly delineate each section with a heading for Reflection #1, Reflection #2, and Conclusion where you will reflect on that section of the project using (but not limited to) the prompts I provide above. It must be written in Times New Roman font, 12 point font size, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins.

Social Class, Poverty, and the Family

Step 1: Create a budget (use Family Profile #5 under additional materials)
First, create a complete and exhaustive budget of all the expenses this family would incur throughout a typical month. The budget can be created in any format you wish, but it must be well organized, comprehensive, and straightforward. Use the Cost of Living sheets (provided under additional materials) to create your budget. Use those numbers to create your budget, don’t use make up numbers!

Family Profile #5
Gross Annual Income: $74,109
After Tax Annual Income: $57,305
Monthly Income: $4,775
Assets: $0.00

Family Members: 3 adults
                          1 male child age 10
                          1 female child age 12

Description: Your family lives in a 3 bedroom apartment in a suburb of a large metropolitan area. An elderly relative recently moved into the residence. One adult works full-time as a nurse’s aide in a near-by hospital. Another adult works full-time as a school security guard. The elderly relative does receive social security benefits. There is a metropolitan bus service available nearby your home. The elderly relative is not able to provide childcare.

Step 2: Reflection #1 (at least 1 full page)
After creating your budget, reflect on how easy or difficult it would be for this family to survive or even thrive. Describe the quality of life of this family. What kind of housing do they live in? What are their jobs? What might an average week day or weekend day look for them? What are they able to afford? What are they forced to do without that other more affluent families may take for granted (vacations, eating out, spending money, a second car, etc.)? How might this influence the family?

Step 3: Life happens
Next, you will need to incorporate the two Life Happens cards into your monthly budget. These two cards should occupy separate line items on the budget. If necessary, depending on what life throws at your family, you must modify your budget and clearly delineate (so that it is obvious to me) how these circumstances influenced the budget. The two “Life Happens” are your car needs new tires. Review your budget to see if you can afford $500 for new tires installation. The other one is a flood has hit your town and you need to evacuate your home for two weeks. There is no room at the emergency shelter. Make the necessary changes in your budget to account for hotel and food expenses.

Step 4: Reflection #2 (at least 1 full page)
Explain what happened to your family by way of life events, how they dealt with those events, and how it impacted the family. Did the budget change significantly? If yes, how so? If not, why not? What decisions had to be made? What might be the repercussions of these decisions?

Step 5: Conclusion (at least 2 full pages)
What does this exercise demonstrate to you regarding social class and the family? What do you think are the most important ways in which social class influences family life in the United States? How is the family, as an institutional arena, influenced by other institutional arenas like education, law, the economy, medicine, and others? How are the childrens lives affected by living at this particular level of the social strata? How might the familys difficulty (or ease) in meeting basic needs translate into access to opportunities (education, jobs, health care) for the children later in life? How does your familys social class affect how they experience every facet of their lives? What sorts of stressors might your family face given its social class? What do you think are the most important ways in which social class influences family life in the United States?
In the Reflections and Conclusion

the writer will choose

Write a 7 pages essay on ONE of the following topics:

Write a 7 pages essay on ONE of the following topics
Globalization is an uneven process. It creates pockets of wealth and sites of violence in various parts of the globe. In discussing this statement, explain how globalization policies impact womens and men by focusing on one of the

gender roles and gender relationships
LGBTQ+ issues
Structural adjustment programs
Gender and migration
Sweat shops/Human trafficking
Gender and armed conflict
Social Change and transformation

Film Review Assignment:
Film: Dam/Ages

Essay Requirements:

Focus on women or gender
Select any country (of your choosing) as the focus of your essay
You should make specific reference to *at least* 6 references (4 from the class readings + one of the course documentary films) in your essay.  Please find 2 other scholarly references (of your choosing) to help with your selected country topics.
The essay should be 7pages, doubled spaced, 12 point font– please do NOT use bullet format.
You must use MLA citation.
Please check the attached grading rubric.

In answering any of these questions, students should examine both:

a) The challenges facing women (men and children if applicable);

b) And, examine men/womens strength and ability to overcome these challenges.

the writer can choose the topic and can choose any 3 of the reading attached bellow.

Important note: Please check the essay grading rubric that is attached to this learning module before submitting your essays.

contemporary (current) issue/social problem and how social inequality plays a role

Final Project Research Essay —–As a culmination of your work in this class, you will analyze a contemporary (current) issue/social problem and how social inequality plays a role. Once you have made a topic selection, find a related media source from (Links to an external site.)  or a podcast from (Links to an external site.) to use as a point of initial reference. Then, you will analyze, compare and/or contrast your chosen issue using at least two (2) sociological perspectives from this course (structuralism, conflict, symbolic interactionism, feminism).

This essay should be no longer than 3-4 pages, double spaced, 12-font, and Times New Roman and set 1 margins for top/bottom/left/right. All films, books, peer-reviewed articles, documentaries, podcasts and course materials must be referenced on the reference or bibliography page and cited within the essay text when referred to using proper ASA, APA or MLA formatting. I require the use of a title page, running head, pagination, in-text citations and a reference page that includes the course text.
Once you have selected your topic and media reference, you will begin to organize your essay by addressing the following:

Brief introduction of your topic, a statement of the problem/issue and why it is relevant for this course. Why is this topic important to you and relevant to a sociology course?
Provide a brief overview of the history of the topic including relevant people, places, events, policies, statistics, etc
Discuss the current status of the topic, interesting statistics, and include which theories from this class (Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionist Theory or Feminist Theory) have strong contributions to this topic.
Summarize with brief thoughts on where this topic/issue/social problem is going. Support this summary with your sociological knowledge learned during this course and include course concepts such as social inequality, social stratification, ethnocentrism, racism and discrimination.
Integrate key terms and concepts from the course material and always use proper references in ASA, APA or MLA format.
This is a professional college essay and you should not use I or first person throughout your paper, with the exception of recommendations in the conclusion section. The paper must reflect a proper sociological approach and therefore you should not write opinions as to the right or wrong nature of your topic. Your work should be more of an academic examination of the various sociological positions of your topic. However, you may include your sociological opinion in the conclusion.

Technical Guidelines for writing assignments:

The essay should flow and make logical sense with the use of proper transitions and the grouping of similar concepts. This will strengthen your essay.
You will be graded on grammar, form and organization.
You must include your name in the upper right corner of the first page. You do not need to include an abstract.
Please include a title-page and a reference page.
If you use an idea that is not your own, you must reference in ASA, APA or MLA Style.
Using someone elses work or ideas that are not your own is plagiarism and is a violation of College policy.
Late assignments are not recommended and points may be deducted for late submissions.
Name your attachment to coincide with the assignment. However, do not use symbols, instead use only letter and/or numbers (FinalEssay) or (CourseEval) or (ExtraCredit).
If I cannot open a submission, I will contact you or the assignment could be assigned a Zero. Submitting early can help avoid this. Be sure to only use Microsoft Word or PDF no other formats are accepted.
Save all your course work to a hard drive, a flash drive, cloud, Google or in email storage. This will ensure that you have a record of all your work in case there are any computer issues. I practice these precautions too!