Category: Social Sciences

Controversy: Does old age have meaning?

please respond to the following question:

Simone de Beauvoir, describing the life course journey of becoming an older person, asks, Can I have become a different being while I still remain myself?

Discuss the tension identified in this quote between staying the same and changing as we grow older. What examples from the lecture and chapter exemplify this quote?

include examples from Tuesday’s with Morrie

Should be written in a format that includes an introduction, body and conclusion.
Make 2-3, properly APA cited references to the course material

video on aging:





Race and the Media

Both racist and egalitarian ideas and symbols can be found in every part of American history and culture. Each portion of the following exercise is intended to have you examine some part(s) of your cultural environment for examples of both racist and egalitarian messages, symbols and interactions. It should be noted that a curious and disturbing feature of prejudice is that many of our beliefs and attitudes about other racial or ethnic groups are formed without any direct contact with members from these groups. The media most notably television play a significant role in providing the public with often inaccurate and oversimplified information about racial and ethnic groups that indirectly shapes public attitudes. Your task is to analyze a variety of television programming.


Culture Through Time

Summary: For this assignment, you will experience parts of the archival research process by scouring the archives for clues about cultural change. This hunt begins by finding advertisements in print from magazines, newspapers, or other media.  You will need a total of six ads from six different decades. Try to make your research as specific as possible by choosing one product and manufacturer.

If you use printed resources, provide brief bibliographic data like source, year, and author if available. If you use electronic resources, include the URL and retrieval date of the resource as an addendum (Links to an external site.) to your paper.  These references will not count toward your two page maximum.  You should attach your ads to the back of the paper–do not include your ads within the text of your paper.  Failure to do the above will result in my treatment of the advertisement as missing. This paper may be no more than 2 pages, must adhere to the guidelines for written work in the syllabus, and does not require any extra outside reading. Single-spaced papers will not be accepted.

Observations:  Describe your archival data.  Make sure that your observations are rich enough to support your responses to speculations below.  While you will not have space to include your notes on all of the following, you may want to detail as much as you can about the following questions so that you have a lot of data to work with to construct your hypotheses:

(1) Notice the people in the ad.  Based on what they are wearing or what they are carrying, what might they be doing, and what norms or values are expressed? If people are not in the ad, explain who you think the ad is intended for.  What norms do they abide by?  Which symbols have meaning?

(2) Notice the ages, genders, class status, and race/ethnicity of people in the ad.  Who seems to be in ads, and does this change at different points in time?

(3) Notice the design elements of the ad.  What do the taglines tell you about the intended audience for the ad?  What types of norms and values do these taglines promote or uphold? How is language used? How is space used?

Speculations:  Using your archival data, generate three hypotheses about how social variables (like the elements of culture, income, race, age, family/relationship characteristics, occupation, and education, etc.) have changed over time.  Hypotheses are of the highest quality when they speculate about how variables are related and are clearly drawn from observations. Hypotheses that are unrelated to observations and hypotheses about company sales are of low quality.

Hint: Focusing on the changes in culture or society that the ads reflect is way more interesting than thinking about product sales, or even the product itself.

Hint: After you create your three hypotheses, look back at your observations and cut everything that is not needed to support your hypotheses.  This will help you get under the two page max.

Ideas about Falsification: Explain what it means to say that your hypotheses are falsifiable, and what type of study you could use to test them.

Conclusion:  In the final paragraph, use the information you provided to sum up the paper by developing a theme.  What are commonalities among the ads?  Are there trends of change, or forces of continuity?

Drafting A Process Evaluation

For this Assignment, you either build on the work that you completed in Weeks 6, 7, and 8 related to a support group for caregivers, or on your knowledge about a program with which you are familiar. Review the resource Workbook for Designing a Process Evaluation.

By Day 7
Submit a 4- to 5-page plan for a process evaluation. Include the following minimal information:

A description of the key program elements
A description of the strategies that the program uses to produce change
A description of the needs of the target population
An explanation of why a process evaluation is important for the program
A plan for building relationships with the staff and management
Broad questions to be answered by the process evaluation
Specific questions to be answered by the process evaluation
A plan for gathering and analyzing the information

sociological theories to analyze drug use and drug legalization in the United States today

There are major changes occurring in our social world with regard to drug use and legalization. Several states, including California, Colorado, Nevada, Washington, and Oregon, have legalized the medical and/or recreational use of marijuana. In your initial post, use one of the three major sociological theories to analyze drug use and drug legalization in the United States today. How does the sociological theory compare with your own personal view of drug usage/legalization?

Three major sociological theories include: Conflict theory, functionalist theory, interactionist theory

Analytic paper

Students are required to write a paper based on the book The Size of Others’ Burdens. Here, students must write about the scholarly contribution of the book, with equal space allocated to considering its contribution to (1) theory and (2) methods. Students are encouraged to write about what the author describes as his goal in writing the book and how those goals are achieved in the text. The paper must be 750 to 1000 words long uploaded as a Microsoft Word file It is worth 12.5% of the total mark in the course – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Additional Tips Offered by Professor Maghbouleh – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – (1) Begin the paper with a brief statement.”This paper describes how [insert your own words here] and [insert your own words here] are significant scholarly contributions of Size of Others’ Burdens.” (2) Then jump in to describing these contributions in greater detail. (3) Theory refers to the concepts, tools, and ideas sociologists develop in order to explain a phenomenon in the social world. (4) Methods refer to “what” data sociologists collect and “how” they do so. (5) When you are describing a contribution, make sure to draw on examples from the text. You can paraphrase an anecdote from the text or use a direct quote. In either case, make sure that you put the page number that the information is found on into parentheses. For example: (148). Warning: do not just cut and paste huge chunks of the book into your paper in order to meet the word count. Use material from the book judiciously. (6) Spend a roughly equal amount of space in your paper on theory and methods. (7) The last two sentences of your paper should be something like: “In conclusion, this paper has described the significant scholarly contributions of the book to be [insert your own words here] and [insert your own words here]. Future research would do well to [insert your own words here].” (8) If you go slightly over 1000 word ceiling that is ok. If you do not meet the 750 word floor, that is a problem. (9) Standard formatting is appreciated. Microsoft Word, 12 point Times New Roman, 1″ margins on all sides. Single, 1.5 or double-spaced is fine.

Analytic paper

Students are required to write a paper based on the book The Size of Others’ Burdens. Here, students must write about the scholarly contribution of the book, with equal space allocated to considering its contribution to (1) theory and (2) methods. Students are encouraged to write about what the author describes as his goal in writing the book and how those goals are achieved in the text. The paper must be 750 to 1000 words long uploaded as a Microsoft Word file It is worth 12.5% of the total mark in the course – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Additional Tips Offered by Professor Maghbouleh – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – (1) Begin the paper with a brief statement.”This paper describes how [insert your own words here] and [insert your own words here] are significant scholarly contributions of Size of Others’ Burdens.” (2) Then jump in to describing these contributions in greater detail. (3) Theory refers to the concepts, tools, and ideas sociologists develop in order to explain a phenomenon in the social world. (4) Methods refer to “what” data sociologists collect and “how” they do so. (5) When you are describing a contribution, make sure to draw on examples from the text. You can paraphrase an anecdote from the text or use a direct quote. In either case, make sure that you put the page number that the information is found on into parentheses. For example: (148). Warning: do not just cut and paste huge chunks of the book into your paper in order to meet the word count. Use material from the book judiciously. (6) Spend a roughly equal amount of space in your paper on theory and methods. (7) The last two sentences of your paper should be something like: “In conclusion, this paper has described the significant scholarly contributions of the book to be [insert your own words here] and [insert your own words here]. Future research would do well to [insert your own words here].” (8) If you go slightly over 1000 word ceiling that is ok. If you do not meet the 750 word floor, that is a problem. (9) Standard formatting is appreciated. Microsoft Word, 12 point Times New Roman, 1″ margins on all sides. Single, 1.5 or double-spaced is fine.

Childhood Bipolar disorder

The Final Paper should include:

An analysis of the question or controversy you selected including central arguments for various sides of the controversy
An explanation of how the question or controversy relates to clinical applications as a helping professional
An explanation of how you might reconcile the question or controversy in your current or future professional role
Bibliography of resources

The Final Paper should include at least 10 references.
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the central argument for these readings

a.  What are the central arguments raised in the below readings?
b.  How do you find these readings? Do you like or dislike them, and why?

Required Readings for this session:
Siddiqi, Dina M. “Do Bangladeshi factory workers need saving? Sisterhood in the post-sweatshop era.” Feminist Review 91, no. 1 (2009): 154-174.

Rudell, Fredrica. “Shopping with a social conscience: Consumer attitudes toward sweatshop labor.” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 24, no. 4 (2006): 282-296.

Ross, Robert JS. “No sweat: Hard lessons from garment industry history.” Dissent 53, no. 4 (2006): 50-56.

answer these question separately for each reading please.