Category: Social Sciences

Complete the Module 5 portion of the Explore and Analyze assignment. Step 1: Click to read the following transcript and article. Defending and Attacking Polygamy in Saudi Arabia (Links to an external site.) Ideas & Trends: Legal License; Race, Sex and

Module 5: Explore and Analyze Assignment
Submit Assignment
    Due Nov 29 by 11:59pm

    Points 35

    Submitting a file upload

    Available after Nov 21 at 11:59pm
Complete the Module 5 portion of the Explore and Analyze assignment.
Step 1: Click to read the following transcript and article.
    Defending and Attacking Polygamy in Saudi Arabia (Links to an external site.)
    Ideas & Trends: Legal License; Race, Sex and Forbidden Unions (Links to an external site.)
Try this if you are having trouble with the link:  (Links to an external site.)

McCarthy, J. (2004). Defending and attacking polygamy in Saudi Arabia [Audio]. Retrieved from
Rosenbaum, D. E. (2004). Ideas & trends: Legal license; Race, sex and forbidden unions. In Marriage and the Family. Retrieved from
Step 2: Submit your response as a Microsoft Word document.
    What different interpretations of family and gender roles are being voiced in this information?
    To what extent do these differing viewpoints correspond or clash with Western notions of family?
Your response should be a one-page (300-350 words) report that makes informed references to this module’s materials. A grading rubric (how this assignment will be graded) is provided.
Reminder: You are required to comply with the Academic Honor Code at all times. Facts, quotes, ideas, and so forth, that are borrowed from a resource or resources other than personal experiences, must be cited in proper APA format in your response.


Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 9
Link (website): Pew Research Center (Links to an external site.)
Click on the Social Trends tab.
Click on the Interactives tab.
Locate the following link: How Census Race Categories Have Changed Over Time
Click on 1790 to see two columns comparing the 1790 Census categories with the 2010 Census categories.
Minimum of 4 outside scholarly sources in addition to the textbook/lesson (may include Pew Research Center as a source)
In this weeks lesson, you learned about the U.S. Census Bureaus most recent racial and ethnic categories. For this assignment, consider the racial and ethnic categories used in the 2010 Census with the four racial, ethnic, and gender categories used in the 1790 Census: Free white males, free white females, all other free persons, slaves (Pew Research Center, 2015). Analyze the concepts of race, ethnicity, and gender as social constructs, just as sociologists do, by addressing the following:

Explain how you might have been categorized by the 1790 Census and how you would have been categorized by the 2010 Census.
Compare and contrast the two potential categorizations and explain how this exercise shows that the concepts of race, ethnicity, and even gender change over time. Most importantly, explain how this exercise shows that the concepts of race, ethnicity, and gender are social constructs.
Determine and describe what ethnic, racial, and/or gender categories, if any, would be best, in your view, for the 2020 Census or the 2030 Census, to most accurately show the diversity of the U.S. population. What categories would be best to reveal the segments of the U.S. population most vulnerable to racial, ethnic, and/or gender inequalities or discrimination? What categories could be listed in the 2020 Census or the 2030 Census that might best educate the U.S. population on differences between race and ethnicity? Explain your decisions.
Include headings for each of the three main sections of the paper:

What the Census Might Have Called Me(I am African American)
Social Constructs
Better Future Census Categories
Each of the three main sections of your paper must contain scholarly support in the form of quotes or paraphrases with respective citations from assigned reading (the textbook/lesson) and the outside scholarly source that you identify on your own.
please bold where you have answered all questions per student request

*This assignment is adapted from Glaser (2018).

Medical Sociology Theories Related to COVID-19

DIRECTIONS: Define ANY 7 of the following terms and/or theories in as much detail as possible using the POWERPOINTS. You must connect each term/theory to the current coronavirus situation: how has the COVID-19 Pandemic influenced/affected/exacerbated the selected term or theory? You may use personal experiences or news articles.


2. How has the ongoing social construction of race been influenced by mass incarceration and related racial projects at the level of everyday interaction? Discuss:  a) Omi and Winants view and on how racial formation is affected by racial projects (use relevant examples they give); b) Wacquants discussion of mass incarceration as a race-making institution that effects the construction of the black race (lecture); c) Western and Pettit on the role of mass incarceration in institutionalizing racial inequality; and d) Pagers research findings on employer attitudes toward job seekers) (Inequality in the 21st Century and lectures).

4. How does gender continue to be significant for social inequality? Discuss: a) Lorbers account of how we continually do gender and the  institutionalization of gender inequality; b) Tilesiks study of discrimination against gay men; c) Englands analysis of how female activities are valued and the role of gender essentialism; and d) Ridgeways claims about Cultural lag and the continued use of gender framing (Inequality in the 21st Century and lectures).

We must change the way that we think and behave if we are to save the world from climate change. What changes in social norms do you believe will be necessary to combat climate change?

Complete the Module 6 portion of the Explore and Analyze assignment.

Step 1: Click and read the NPR article on climate change:

How Psychology Can Save The World From Climate Change (Links to an external site.)

Lombrozo, T. (2015, November 30). How psychology can change the world from climate change. Retrieved from

Step 2: Submit your response as a Microsoft Word document.

We must change the way that we think and behave if we are to save the world from climate change. What changes in social norms do you believe will be necessary to combat climate change?
Your response should be a one-page (300-350 words) report that makes informed references from this module’s materials. A grading rubric (how this assignment will be graded) is provided.

Reminder: You are required to comply with the Academic Honor Code at all times. Facts, quotes, ideas, and so forth, that are borrowed from a resource or resources other than personal experiences must be cited in proper APA format in your response.

provide 4 examples in fictional media where violence is presented as being justified are excusable Four fictional examples must include: 1) movie or tv series 1) book or short-story 1) song lyrics or poem 1) your choice What makes these acts of violence

provide 4 examples in fictional media where violence is presented as being justified are excusable
Four fictional examples must include:
1) movie or tv series
1)  book or short-story
1) song lyrics or poem
1) your choice
What makes these acts of violence justifiable or excusable?

Envisioning Critical Societies

Here’s a question for you.  What might our country/world look like if we had more critical thinkers?  Though I think that William Graham Sumner’s statement on the, “Envisioning critical societies” page in your critical thinking booklet is a good start, I think it is much bigger than that!

After thoroughly and thoughtfully reading the aforementioned page in the critical thinking booklet, consider and share with us what our country and world might look like if we collectively were better critical thinkers?  Then ask yourself an even more important question:  “What would I look like if I enhanced the way I think and became a better critical thinker?”

Climate Change

The purpose of this assignment is to apply knowledge of how the earth functions climatically ACCORDING to recent media coverage regarding climate change. It matters not whether you believe in climate change at the hands of humans. Just exploring ways in which to apply your learning and to recognize bias in sources.
– Cite the sources.
– Summarize the article (two paragraphs each)
-Would he agree or disagree and why? What questions would he possibly ask? Why do YOU say this?
-12 point font,Times New Roman
– Talk about global warming and climate change.

Two articles:

R Assignment

In this assignment you will enter data into a spreadsheet. You can use any spreadsheet software that can save data in .csv format (Excel, Numbers, Google Docs). Excel is utilized in this module’s lecture video on entering data.

Complete the following steps:

For examples, see pages 5256 in the Auerbach and Zeitlin text and this module’s lecture video on entering data.
Select the first five variables from the codebook on page 53 in the Auerbach and Zeitlin text to create a spreadsheet.
Enter the data displayed in the table below.
ID    gender    age    job    leave
1    1    25    2    2
2    2    34    3    1
3    2    42    1    2
4    1    23    2    2
5    1    56    1    1
Save your spreadsheet in .csv format.
Import the data into R (see page 56 in the Auerbach and Zeitlin text).
Save the file in R format (see page 59 in the Auerbach and Zeitlin text).
Upload the R and spreadsheet files through this assignment page.

M5: Case Scenario Discussion

Read Rachel’s story of Culture and Identity: Life Stories for Counselors and Therapists. Then, respond to the prompts below.

What additional themes do you see emerging from this story that the authors did not highlight?
What questions would you want to ask each member of the immediate family to help with your assessment of this case?
What support would you need to work with a client or family presenting with issues related to gender identity?
What services do you think would help support this family?