Category: Social Sciences

What is a current day example of the ways that state ideologies and institutions shape sexual practices and how do you see such regulation playing out?

What is a current-day example of the ways that state ideologies and institutions shape sexual practices and how do you see such regulation playing out?

the essay should be typed, double spaced, and include a bibliography.

draw connections to the articles below:


How does the mail-in votes system affect the elections?

-Cover Page
-Introduction (context, description of the problem, purpose, significance, research questions, thesis statement)
-Conclusion (main claims, reaffirmation of thesis statement, implications, suggestions)

-a minimum of 8 pages (not counting the cover and reference pages – no abstract is required).
-Provide the historical context to your research topic and its importance in our current global society.
-Critically analyze the issues and evaluate possible solution(s) to the problem in your research?
-The Research Paper must be based on at least 2 books relevant to your own research topic (not counting our textbooks) and 2 articles. All sources must be scholarly, peer-reviewed articles, and reliable websites for academic research.

Research Paper

Students will be required to analyze a basic conflict in a family (choose one you have observed or one you have been involved in) following the Conflict Assessment Guide (Wilmot & Hocker). Using the guide, you will review the conflict by assessing it from each of the headings. This paper will contain 5-7 pages with concentration on used or proposed intervention. The paper should be written in APA format. Cite at minimum of 5 references. Description of the Family: 4 points

Description of the Conflict: 4 points

The Conflict Assessment Guide: 2 points

Conflict Assessment Analysis: 10 points

Used/Proposed Intervention: 20 points

APA Style: 5 points

Adopting a Human Service Agency

I will pick the agency unless are already aware one with my approval .

Outline for Paper This is the order in which you should submit your paper: (use the Headings in bold, and answer the interview questions in narrative (paragraph format) under each Heading)

Title Page APA format According to APA Format, there should be a short title followed by page number 1 at the upper right side of the paper (also called Running Head); full title should be centered in middle of page; centered towards the bottom of the page is your name, course section, my name, and date.

Introduction answer the question:  What is the purpose of this paper?
. History of the Agency (and/or of program)
1. When started, by whom, original purpose, original size and structure
2. How agency has changed over time in terms of size, structure, and purpose. What is thought to have influenced these changes (societal changes, etc)?

II. Services (of agency or program)
1. Who is the target population?
2. How are the clients “recruited?” Are there any barriers to service that inhibit use of agency by some clients? Does the agency attempt any strategies to reduce these barriers? How?
3. Using the concept of multicausality, what are some of the primary factors thought
to be contributing to the problem(s) addressed by the agency?
4. Which factors does the agency address? Through what approaches, interventions and/or services?
5. To what other agencies are clients commonly referred to address other components of the problem and/or common needs of the target population? For what are they referred?
6. What, if any, service gaps seem to exist?

III. Organization (of agency or program).
1. Where do funds come from?
2. How is accountability maintained to the funding source”? How does this impact
on the staff (i.e., record keeping)?
3. How is the agency (or program) organized? (Obtain and attach a copy of their
organizational chart if possible.)
4. What type(s) of educational background and experience is required to work
there? What is the starting salary for a social worker at this agency?

IV. What is it like to do this kind of work at the agency?
1. A “typical day” at work for your interviewee?
2. The “highs” and the “lows” experienced doing this kind of work.

V. Other

References – at least two scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles (obtained through EBSCOhost) used to research your area of interest be sure to use APA format; you may also include websites and the textbook if you used them as a reference in researching and/or writing this paper.

Social Construction of Gender

Social Construction of Gender
Socialization and the Social constructs of gender
Gender and families
Social Interaction in Everyday Life

A fundamental feature of social life is social interaction, or the ways in which people act with other people and react to how other people are acting. To recall John Donne, no one is an island. This means that all individuals, except those who choose to live truly alone, interact with other individuals virtually every day and often many times in any one day. For social order, a prerequisite for any society, to be possible, effective social interaction must be possible. Partly for this reason, sociologists interested in microsociology have long tried to understand social life by analyzing how and why people interact the way they do.

Social Constructions of Reality

Social construction focuses on how meaning is created, and that knowledge is a social product, collaboratively created by society. As a member of society, the individual is placed within various power hierarchies, and create meaning within their environment.

The sociological concept of reality as a social construct
Define roles and describe their place in peoples daily interactions
Explain how individuals present themselves and perceive themselves in a social context
Describe what is meant by dramaturgy and by impression management.
Provide examples of role conflict or role strain.
Explore  gender differences in nonverbal communication.
Describe the difference between a status and a role in everyday life.
The difference between an ascribed status, an achieved status, and a master status in everyday life.

Universal intellectual standards.

I ask two things of each of you.  First, consider if YOU are truly a critical thinker.  Do you meet the standards of critical thinking listed under the result section on the “Why critical thinking” page of your booklet?  Do YOU adhere to any of the “It’s true statements…” listed on the “Problem of egocentric thinking” page?  Are YOU truly a critical thinker or do you simply want to believe that you are?  Is it a good thing to be a critical thinker?  If yes, why?  If no, why not?

Second, please thoughtfully and thoroughly read the “Universal Intellectual Standards” pages in your booklet and provide us your thoughts and feelings.  Furthermore, discuss which universal intellectual standard listed you believe is the most difficult to apply to critical thinking?  Why?

Egocentric Thinking

In our first discussion on critical thinking, we established that there are some serious flaws in our patterns of thinking.  We even supported the idea that much of our non-assessed thinking is biased, partial and prejudiced.  Consider some of the ramifications of this reality. Remember that our thinking affects every aspect of our life including our personal relationships, level of success at work, and even how we view the world, others and even ourselves.

Note on the bottom of the page titled, Why Critical Thinking?  in the Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking that a higher level  of thinking (i.e., critical thinking) is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective.  In other words, each of us individually becomes ultimately responsible for how we think!  We cannot and should not allow others to do our thinking for us.  In addition, we should often critique our thinking and try to improve it (some of the ways we can do this are detailed in the bullets under the Result section).

I believe critical thinking is not necessarily an easy thing to do.  Indeed, it can be very trying and difficult.  For example, how comfortable are we admitting that we are potentially wrong in our ideas and beliefs about self, others, or the worlds issues?  Most of us not only want to believe we are right, we actually believe we are right without question!

Lets skip ahead a few pages in the Miniature guide to critical thinking by going to the page titled, The problem of egocentric thinking.  As before, please thoughtfully and thoroughly read this page and provide us your thoughts and feelings.  Before responding in a forum posting, consider if any of the Its true because statements have or currently apply to YOU and your thinking?  If so, why?  Also, what if anything will you do about it from this point forward?

racial profiling and diversity

For your research paper please select one of the topics that we will be covering in the coming weeks or a related topic.
Requirements: The body of the research paper–not including the title page and bibliography–must be 4-5 pages, typewritten (Times New Roman font, size 12), and double-spaced. You are required to use at least four articles that are in databases available on the Nathan W. Collier Library website. APA or MLA style may be used for in-text citations and the bibliography. No abstract or title page is required for the research paper.
You are not permitted to use books for the research paper unless the complete book is in electronic form, in which case put [e-book] next to the citation in your bibliography.
APA format:
Author’s last name, Author’s initials (Year of publication). Article title. Journal title, Volume number (Issue number), pages of article. doi (Digital Object Identifier) or URL of the journal home page
Sample citation using APA format:
Wolf, J. P. (2007). Sociological Theories of Poverty in Urban America. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 16(1/2), 4156. doi:10.1300/J137v16n01_04.
Points will be deducted from the final research paper if you include paper books, Internet sites or sources other than what is found on the Nathan W. Collier Library website.
If you need assistance with Academic Search Complete or another database please call the Nathan W. Collier Library at (305) 626-3640 ext. 69404
Points: The research paper will comprise 17 percent (170 points) of your final grade. An additional 50 points will be given over a period of weeks for selecting a topic for the paper, writing a bibliography, an outline, and an introductory paragraph.
The outline should contain headings for the major points in the paper and subheadings for the minor ones. Headings may be ordered by indentation, numerals and/or letters.
For your research paper you may use footnotes, endnotes or include (author, date) in the text. A bibliography should always be included. A bibliography is a listing of the
bibliographic citations of the sources that you will use for the research paper. For each source list the author of the article, title of the article, title of the journal, date, etcan example appears in the research paper section of the syllabus.

The Fire This Time

Summarize the main points (300 words) in Michelle Alexander’s analysis of what needs to be changed and innovated in the social movements of our time.

chapter 6: The Fire This Time.


Case Study

I already came up with the case study. You can use the power point and paper and then do additional research that is required.

After the case presentation and discussion, the student will prepare a case analysis.  The analysis will:
1.Illuminate the central ethical challenge,
2.Identify and evaluate possible course of action, and
3.Explain the reasoning behind a course of action using support justified through research.
A trenchant analysis will:
Articulate an understanding of the ethical dimensions of technology in education.  It will draw upon the ethical frameworks for analysis examined in the course.  Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, social, and ethical issues related to technology use.  (Core Curriculum Learning Outcome [CCLO] #3.
Highlight arguments from evidence gathered from a variety of sources, including materials that support opposing points of view.  The aim is to demonstrate critical thinking skills in relation to the analysis of a case (CCLO #1)
Evaluate the logic of persuasive rhetoric in arguments for all major positions on a topic and formulate cogent counter arguments to each one (CCLO #2)
Construct and assess possible solutions to problems or dilemmas within an informed ethical and societal context.  (CCLO #4)
Communicate arguments and conclusions effectively and clearly.  (CCLO#5)
About Written Expression:  The Case Project will include the development of a case study related to an ethical issue in education and technology.  The case will be presented in-class, as Ethical Rounds, and will be considered along with a written response to the presentation of the case as the final examination in the course.  All written assignments must be clear, concise, grammatically correct and free from errors in spelling and punctuation.  Work should demonstrate creativity as well as depth of understanding of the topic.
Because of your responsibility as a professional will include articulate communication of issues in the field, clarity and accuracy in writing will be required for full credit on all graded assignments.  You are encouraged to work with the writing center.  Final submissions must be word-processed, double spaced, and proof read and will be assessed for both content and presentation.  For final submissions, professional level writing is expected, following APA (6th Edition) format.  (An APA Style Manual is recommended, or can be found at