Category: Social Sciences


I know this might be difficult to do since I was the one that did took the training , but if you think you can obtain this information on your own please let me know and don’t just take this assignee to take it.
Part A.  The CITI Ethics Training spoke of both Laud Humphreys,  Tearoom Trade and the infamous Tuskeegee Study. In addition, the readings and videos reported on the Milgram study on obedience and the Zimbardo  Prison Experiment.

Using one of these four studies as an example, explain how the study violated (or not) each of the three basic principles of research ethics:  beneficence, justice and respect for persons, using materials from the Belmont Report.

Before you use each concept, find the definition of the concept and quote and cite the definition adding clarification and/or explanation in your own words if needed.  If you care to learn more about these studies, there is quite a bit of high-level information on the web.  If you use any of it, you must cite it properly. 

Part B.  For the study you have chosen, can you think of a way to get similar data in an ethical way?  If yes, explain how.  If no, explain why.  It does not matter whether you decide to say yes or no as long as you can support your decision. (probably about one page) The study I choose was Technology Addiction !

Theoretical Essay on Conversion to Latin American Protestantism and the Case for Religious Motivation

This is to be done in question and answer format
This question relates to the article, Conversion to Latin American Protestantism and the Case for Religious Motivation.

Part A.  How did the authors define deprivation theory as applied to religious conversion?
Part B.  What sources of data did they use to test deprivation theory?
Part C.  Did the analysis of the data support or reject deprivation theory?
Part D.  How did the authors modify/change the theory?



Step 1: Choosing your current event

Step 1: Choosing a topic
A current event refers to something that is happening in the world at present and they are usually described on the news and in mass media. I would like you to choose a media-based report of some current event that took place within the past year in the US.
These past couple of years have been a wild ride for society, and weve seen some major, large-scale shifts occur. Whether its this global pandemic, the uprising against police brutality and the movement for Black lives, or an influx of laws and policies that push the boundaries of basic human rights, as sociologically-minded people weve got a lot of material to work with.

In order to write the paper, you will need to do some background research on the event itself so you can answer the basic who, what, where, when, why, and how of it. This background information will help you write a solid introduction to your paper and give the necessary context to understand your current event sociologically.

Step 2: Deciding why your event is sociological

Once you have chosen your current event, your next goal is to spend some time figuring out exactly what element you want to build out as the sociological focal point.
For instance, if my current event is COVID-19, I could take it in many, many different directions: I could write about the racial, class, or gender disparities associated with this public health issue; I could write about its impact on the social institutions like education, family, or religion; I could write about its interaction with mass incarceration; or I could even write about how its changing our relationship to labor and what that means for society.

As you can see, once you select a current event, there will be myriad ways to explore it sociologically. Whichever way you choose will depend greatly on your personal interests. 
Of course, I know some of you will end up taking one of my examples from above as your topic– and thats totally ok– but I also want you to know that anything can be (and everything is) sociological, and so I would really love to see you get creative with this assignment.

Remember, to look at something sociologically usually means you are exploring power dynamics, you are looking at the social meanings that are enforced and created, and you are connecting what seems like an individual situation to the larger social structure and placing it within the context of history. Although this is a multi-step paper, this step is the key to earning an A on this assignment, because its where you will be making critical connections and building out your analysis.

Step 3: Selecting your sources

Once you have come up with your current event and an idea of how you want to frame it sociologically, your next task is to find sources to contextualize your claims.
Ultimately, I would like you to pick three concepts from your text/ videos as well as three scholarly articles to substantiate your claims.
In order to get access to scholarly articles for this assignment, please visit the Colleges Library website

In the search box select the articles tab and enter your topic and/or key words related to your topic. (note: sometimes helps to actually include the word sociology so I might search for the term Covid-19 racism sociology etc.)
Check out my example below:

Once you see your search results, filter them using the following options on the left side of the screen: available online, peer-reviewed journals, journals, and articles.

You will then select the best 3 scholarly, sociological articles that speak to your topic.

Step 4: Writing the paper

The goal of this assignment is to show you can deploy sociological concepts and theory to interpret the world around you. Doing so means you will introduce your topic and then build out a systematic argument advocating for its sociological relevance.
Please review this general outline for an idea of how to structure this paper:
Paste a link to your report at the top of the page
Please include a direct link to the report discussing your current event. Please be sure to rename the link to the title of whatever the report is– I do not want to see potentially long URLs which will take up valuable space on the page. 

The introduction is used to establish the context of your current event. To establish the context, it is important to do the following in this opening paragraph:
Introduce your current event and provide any background information that helps your reader to understand it.
Explain the overall goal of your paper and explain how you will go about accomplishing it.
Explain why you chose this particular current event.
This section is all about going through your sources to make a case for why your current event needs to be understood sociologically. This is where you will introduce relevant theories, concepts, and/or empirical information that helps to prove your point. Remember, even though I said everything is sociological doesnt mean we just take that as truth, it must be proven– so this section of your paper is where you will do the work of convincing the reader that your current event is sociological because its either:
Dealing with power dynamics between social groups
Dealing with the social construction of social categories/ norms/ etc.
A product of some historical legacy
Explained by the characteristics of the larger social structure
If you can use your sources to make these points, you are on the right track.
This is the last paragraph of your paper. This is where you summarize your case in the strongest terms. By this point, you should have convinced your reader of your sociological framing and you may want to conclude your paper by posing further sociological questions about this topic, offering a sociological prediction of how the situation will play out and explaining why, or giving recommendations to address this topic.
This is the last page of your review. It serves as a listing of all references that you mentioned in your paper (including the citations from your text as well as the report of your current event). Please use ASA style when completing this list. If you need help creating this page, please check out this ASA citation generator.
Step 5: Go through the checklist

Before you submit this assignment on Canvas, please go through the following checklist to make sure you are meeting essential requirements:
Your chosen current event occurred within the past year in the US
Included a link to your current event report at the top of the first page
You renamed that link to the title of the report
The majority of your paper is about explaining your current event sociologically
You refer to 3 concepts/ theories from your text and/or videos
You refer to 3 scholarly articles
All writing is in your own words, no quotations
All ideas that are not 100% yours are cited
All In-text citations/ references are in ASA style
You included a references page (does not count towards the 3 page requirement)
You followed my formatting guidelines:
12 point Times New Roman font
1 margins
Do not list your name, my name, the class, the date, etc.
Numbered pages
No excessive spaces between paragraphs
Three *full* pages of your writing
You reached out to me if you have any questions

The main focus of social work practice with children and families should be on the protection of children at risk from significant harm rather than on the provision of support for children in need and their families.

    Learning Outcome 1 – Critique the range of family and childcare social work settings and roles in Northern Ireland, including child protection, looked after children, family support, fostering and adoption, this will include the statutory duties in social services.

    Learning Outcome 2 – Effectively apply legislation and policy related to social work and serious case reviews.

    Learning Outcome 3- Understand and synthesise the concept of child abuse, including  definitions, signs and indicators, and key research messages in respect of sexual abuse, neglect, emotional abuse and physical abuse.

    Learning Outcome 4 – Apply family and childcare safeguarding practice across practice settings.

    Learning Outcome 5- Adhere to social work ethics and values in line with professional standards

Description of a client

Agency is a high school
can choose either one of these cases:
The client is a teen boy who traveled the border alone, trauma-based
abandonment issue. also has expressed multiple personalities

or teen girl, Armenian strict household under a tight leash, not allowed to do many things parents control what she does on her phone via an app. was caught dating someone outside of the culture
as well as having sex
mom is very abusive verbally

another case can be a teen boy that has grieving the loss of his father. was living with him full time until his death a year ago came back to live with the mom is dealing with anger outbursts eating has changed was very close to his father. life style has changed dramatically now has more responsibilities helping mother with younger siblings can no longer play sports due to change of state and school

assignment 3

his counts as one of the video assignments.

read the bell hooks —

(there are some notes posted about this)

who is bell hooks and what is her critique of Beyonc ?

it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you answer the question I ask and not one you decide is there. There is nothing in this assignment that asks you to defend or explain what Beyonce is doing based on your opinion

(I know some of you may really like and appreciate Beyonce. Dont think of this as a personal attack on her)

Is smoking marijuana deviant?

What interests me about it being deviant? I just remember being in Elementary school and learning that drugs were bad for you and to always say no to drugs. If it was known as a gateway drug 20 years ago what has changed? 2). Give a very brief history of the form of deviance(has it always been deviant, is this a recent situation, etc?) Yes, this has always been tabled as deviant. 3).     Who has decided that this behavior is deviant? I feel as though during the 40s and 50s was the worst time for marijuana to be looked down on by most Americans. It was viewed as a really bad thing to do but nowadays we use the drug for medical purposes. 4). Then you will prepare a 4-5 page research paper on the topic that you have chosen, answering questions 1-4 in essay form. You will expand items 2-4 in detail, giving examples of the behavior and societys reaction to it.
Please use APA style, with in-text citations and a Works Cited page. You will be graded on how well you answer the questions and the thoroughness of your research. Please use at least two academic sources in addition to other sources.

The Meritocracy Trap

In The Meritocracy Trap, what is a mechanism that, according to Markovits, makes meritocracy have such negative consequences? In the course of answering this question, you should identify at least one cause-and-effect relationship that is part of Markovitss argument.
This may be stating the obvious, but you should cite Markovits in your paper and include his book in your References.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Conclude the paper by addressing your decision to enter the social work profession. How does this decision relate to any of the significant features of your development within your environmental context and from a diverse perspective including race, ethnicity, culture, language, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.  What were the significant events both positive or negative that impacted you today and your decision to be a social worker. What do the aforementioned theories say about your past and present development and what can you do to continue to evolve in the person you want to become? Please utilize the following outline as you develop your paper and follow APA guidelines.

Values and Ethics

Part of becoming a professional social worker is reflecting on how your personal values and professional ethics will play a role in your practice. This assignment will give you an opportunity to define some key terms, consider potential ethical challenges in your present or future practice, and place your discussion in a scholarly context.
For this assignment, prepare a three-page paper (page number refers to the body of the paper and does not include the title page, abstract, or reference pages in APA format) addressing the difference between your personal and professional values and examining how personal values can create bias. In addition, address how values will play a role in social work practice and ethical decision making based on the lens and content of the assigned reading.

Include the following in this paper:

Address the difference between your personal and professional values and examine how personal values can create bias.
Discuss the concepts of competency, integrity, boundaries, and social justice.
Address how values will play a role in social work practice and ethical decision making.
Discuss any ethical challenges you anticipate in the field and areas or concepts on which you can improve.
Being insightful and using the critical thought process is imperative for this paper.
Describe how you could advocate for clients to secure resources to support their efforts to change behaviors and how this relates to ethics and values.
This paper must be based on the assigned readings and a minimum of two other scholarly literature sources. This is not a personal reflection paper. The goal is to shift away from personal bias and values and into the literature and lens of professional ethics.
Additional Requirements
The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free from errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA Style and Format.
Cited resources: Minimum of two scholarly sources. The assigned reading must be utilized. All literature cited should be peer-reviewed and current, with publication dates within the past five years.
Length of paper: Minimum of three double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.