Category: Social Sciences

Scholarly Paper for Research Topic

You will continue building the research plan you started to develop in Unit I. In a scholarly paper, you will plan your research to answer questions and/or solve problems by addressing the criteria below.

First, you will design a hypothesis of what you believe will happen in terms of observed change if the study proceeds.
Second, you will develop a null hypothesis that shows that nothing will change.
Third, explain how and why your proposed study incorporates ethics.
Finally, how do you expect a standard institutional review board to approve or ask for changes to your research proposal?
Your scholarly activity must be at least two pages in length. It must be supported by the use of at least three sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.
I have attached one source that should be used,  the rubric and the final version of the previous paper submitted. I will use the descriptive method for research

Hypothesis: Modern beauty standards negatively impact the personal beauty ideals amongst men and women of all ages (Relevant variables: modern beauty standards, men and women; Projected outcome: negative impact; Target group: all ages)

Null hypothesis: Modern beauty standards have no impact on the personal beauty ideals amongst men and women of all ages

Some thoughts on how to incorporate ethics:
Will not use fictitious sources
Will use credible sources
Will report the data as presented/researched
Survey data will be anonymous

IRB review accept or ask for changes:
Expected to be approved
Use source provided

Inequality in Criminal Justice System

I need a article critique on an article from Google scholar relating to my topic. The first paragraph needs to be research on the topic, problem, and any questions. The second paragraph will need to be review of the literature. The 3rd, the methods used, the 4th paragraph needs to be results and the conclusions.

Online Obsession: Digital Dependency

Imagine that you are a new counselor at the colleges student center, you will provide an assessment and a treatment plan for someone presenting with an electronic addiction.  You will prepare a 8-10 page paper about a new client you are seeing that include answers to the following questions and topics.

1.  What is the presenting electronic addiction problem?  Provide a brief statement regarding why this student has come in today.  What motivated this client to get help?
2.  What is the electronic addiction?  Describe any short and/or long term risks of this addiction.  Relate this information specifically to this clients situation.
3.  What is/was the progression of use of this addiction?  (Social issues?)
4.  What changed to cause your client to suddenly seek treatment?
5.  Assessment.  (Identify a valid and reliable tool that you believe can be effective to assess this clients situation;  explain why you feel this tool would be appropriate for your client.)
6.  What is this clients biological/medical background?
7.  Are there any psychological issues?
8.  What is this clients social background?
9.  What are some of this clients strengths and challenges in relationship to this addiction?
10.  What intervention will you suggest to help with this clients electronic addiction?
11.  Create an evidence-based treatment plan which would include:
Goals, Objectives, Action Plan, Intervention, Rationale/justification for your treatment plan, Challenges, and how to deal with them.
12.  Reference list (Do not include Wikipedia as a scholarly/reliable resource).  You should include at least 5 scholarly references.

Online Obsession: Digital Dependency

Answer question should be in the range of 500-700 words, or the equivalent of two-three typed, 12 point font, double-spaced pages, and include at least two references other than those in the reading assignments. Please note that your references should begin on a new page separate from your answer to the question.

What kind of effect do you feel smartphones have on peoples relationships? Are they able to say things via their phone they could not without?


One of the standard steps in producing a scientifically verifiable research study is to conduct a review of the existing literature.  However, as we debated in the first Discussion, authority and documentation are sources of knowledge that may have their weaknesses.  Written treatises are not infallible and may lack the empiricism and objectivity of the scientific method.  Even if they are based on observable evidence and follow the scientific method, part of the literature review process is to critique the studies and potentially find flaws or gaps that were not addressed.  So, why do we do this in the first place?

1). Describe the multitude of reasons we conduct a literature review, from determining what was already discovered; to developing a theoretical framework; to finding flaws in the instrumentation, validity, reliability, and analysis and interpretation of data; and finding gaps in the literature.  How does this position us as researchers to conducting a comprehensive inquiry?  What benefit does it provide to discuss why we expect either similar or different results to the existing study?

2). What about sampling?  What are the pros and cons of conducting a census to generate parameters about your population?  What are the pros and cons of pulling a sample from the population to generate statistics?

3). What would you consider adequate sample size and sampling technique if you were conducting a nationwide poll on perceptions of Sociology degree holders?  What would an adequate sample size and sampling technique if you wanted to find out why Sociology programs include research methods courses?  Who would you talk to to get that data?



        The world is significantly evolving, resulting in the replacement of ancient techniques with the latest inventions which are more effective and contribute to better results. Research is the background of any invention or improvements on the current approach. Specific parameters such as the selection of the study population, methodology, sample size estimation, and literature review are standard for any form of study. A comprehensive analysis of the aspects of sociological research sheds light on the relevance of literature review and sample size in the quality of research.

            Literature review entails the examination of data from studies conducted in a similar field and comparing the findings. The reasons for a literature review include identifying the gaps that need to be addressed in interest, ensuring that the study to be conducted does not reinvent the wheel, identify the expected limitations of the study, and provision of criticism on previous research (Kalman 2020). The gaps identified challenges the researchers to conduct a comprehensive inquiry that will fill in the details that have been left out on former studies. Besides increasing the quality of research, a literature review enables the researchers to realize the factors that might affect the accuracy of data and put in the prophylactic measures required to reduce the study limitations (Kalman 2020). It applies to point out any expected improvements from the previous studies since the approach acts as an illustration that the study will be more comprehensive and less biased.

        Sampling involves selecting a subset of the population to act as the representatives in the research. The entire study population can also be involved in activities such as census, which has the advantage of comprehensive and specific data despite the high costs. The advantage of sampling is reduced costs and efforts required to reach out to individuals, but the information is generalized (Kalman 2020). Selecting an adequate sample size depends on the number of people in the study area. I would ensure a representation of ten percent when conducting a nationwide poll on sociology degree holders. I would use simple stratified sampling to determine why sociology programs include research programs, and there will be a representation of individuals from every group. I will talk to the sociology students and graduates to obtain data. Therefore, any research should include a selection of sampling techniques and a comprehensive review of the literature to influence the pattern of the study and improve on the results accuracy.


Andrassy, Kalman Julius. 2020. Guide to Research Methods in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 1st ed.


As usual, I enjoyed your post. Do you ever get tired of hearing this? We both seem to have stressed the importance of the times and conditions of our society with respect to the need for current research. Interestingly, I feel I may have understood the last question differently, so I approached my answer differently. thus I was looking at the national population’s attitudes regarding those who have Sociology degrees. Either way, I felt that without the resources for a national consensus, a portion of the population must be sampled. However, I feel that your approach would yield a good sample of those who are in the field of Sociology. It would be important to gather information from both the students and the professors to establish well-rounded opinions and reduce bias.

I appreciate your honesty, NOPE.. challenges me to search for more approaches to answering a question. The last question answered from your unique perspective was a scoping of precision. Analyzing all data-sets extracted from unbias from both senior-philosophers, and juniors yields an immense calibrated and comprehensive context worth debriefing. Furthermore, Sampling sizes and techniques used in data-collection vary depending on the nature of the research. For instance, the appropriate sample size in conducting nationwide polls about sociology degree holders’ perceptions should be about ten percent of their total population.

        Systematic-sampling is also an appropriate technique for the study because it involves selecting members of populations by researchers at regular intervals, which are determined in advance. Sampling-intervals are calculated by dividing populations by their sample-sizes. Sometimes, data can be obtained through talking, especially in research that entails finding out facts about research programs like sociology, including research methods courses.

Great post. You are correct a literature review entails an examination of data from other research studies that have already been conducted in a similar field in which you compare and contrast findings in the the research. I was intrigued when you mentioned  that gaps identified in a literature review exposes challenges researcher to conduct a comprehensive inquiries that would lead to details left out from the former studies in the research process. I agree that sampling involves selecting a subset of population to act as the representatives. Last, you are correct that selecting an adequate sample size depends on the number of people in the same study are important for data purposes. 

Very Good, When you mean representation, do you mean 10% each relevant demographic or 10% of the whole 330 million population?  The latter would be a bit excessive and prohibitive in cost and time. 

Mick Homework Assignment 3

You should have answered ONE of the Analyze questions for EACH of the four assigned articles: Haskins & Sawhill, Burd-Sharps & Lewis, Sessions and Wright.  Be sure that you have followed the example and clearly listed the question you are answering and which article it corresponds to.  Your response to each question should contain no fewer than five complete, grammatically-correct sentences to be accepted for credit.

Reading Analysis #1

Reading Analysis #1: Respond to each of the prompts below.  In order to complete the assignment you need to be up to date with ALL the readings, specifically All God’s Children. You should have read through Chapter 5.  For each theory analyzed, start by identifying the main elements of the theory and then apply the theory to the book by providing examples that either support or counter the main elements. You should be providing me with enough details and examples from the book to show you’ve done the readings. Please submit your assignment in a Word or PDF doc. 500 words minimum.

Using the 3 key elements of deterrence theory, explain why there was such high rates of violence in the South in the 1800s described in the first 4 chapters of All God’s Children. In other words, explain why and/or how the key elements did/did not function in that society.  You should be analyzing the violence perpetrated by both whites and black and the consequences they experienced.
Chapter 5 introduces the reader to James and Butch.  Do you think that Rational Choice Theory adequately explains James or Butchs criminality?  In other words, how much do you think that their crimes were rationally thought out as explained by the theory (e.g. what went into their decision making process, were they weighing the costs and benefits of their crimes, were their crimes planned out or spur of the moment)?  Provide examples of either James or Butchs rational and/or irrational decision-making. For this question, focus on either James or Butch to analyze, you do not need to analyze both.

Provide an example of how Routine Activities Theory helps explain the high rates of crime in certain areas of Augusta, Georgia as described in Chapter 5 of All Gods Children.  Make sure to identify the main points of the theory in your explanation.

Deterrence theory
Using the 3 key elements of deterrence theory, explain why there was such high rates of violence in the South in the 1800s described in the first 4 chapters of All God’s Children.
4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDo you think that Rational Choice Theory adequately explains James or Butchs criminality?
In other words, how much do you think that their crimes were rationally thought out as explained by the theory (e.g. what went into their decision making process, were they weighing the costs and benefits of their crimes, were their crimes planned out or spur of the moment)?
6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse Routine Activities Theory to explain the high rates of crime in certain areas of Augusta, Georgia.
4 pts

Covid-19 and Class Inequality

1. Post a brief summary of your two articles (what do they reveal about the relationship between class and Covid-19?). Compare/contrast the articles. (ex. Do they emphasize different points? Advocate for different actions?, etc.). Include links to the articles that you read.

2. Follow the summary/discussion of the articles with your reaction to them. How serious/problematic do you think the issue is? How should the issue be addressed (if at all)?

Ariticle 1:
Article 2:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    According to the study, Understanding differences in sexting behaviours across gender, relationship status, and sexual identity, and the role of expectancies in sexting, what is expectancy theory? Answer this question by defining and fully explaining what expectancy theory is. Additionally, what did the study reveal about expectancy factors for sending and receiving sexts?
    What is mobile intimacy? What did the study Mobile Phones or Pepper Spray? reveal about how people think of the mobile phone?
    According to the study, The socio-sexual circuit: How porn moves among us, what is the socio-sexual circuit? ? Answer this question by defining and fully explaining what the socio-sexual circuit is. Additionally, state and fully explain the nodes that make up the socio-sexual circuit.

Short Discussion

DQ4 Chapter 21 | Demographics
1313 unread replies.1313 replies.
For this discussion forum, you will be looking at how areas in the US are becoming increasingly diverse.  Brookings Institution does research on the changing population, using US Census and other data.  Go to the following site and look at the interactive maps there. (Links to an external site.)

After you have looked at the maps, consider a ‘trend or pattern’ that emerges from the data.