Category: Social Sciences

Discussion question

This is discussion question:

Investigate and create a list of both informal and formal deviance (things that were/are against the law as well as those against social norms). Identify at a solution/technique/action that was used both historically and used in modern times, to control/react to the deviant behavior you listed. Discuss what the differences are and if the modern solutions are more effective than historical solutions and why modern solutions replaced historical ones.

does not have to be 275 words more like 125

Does humor serve the same sorts of functions in gatherings of older people?

750 words, at least 2 resources cited

Describe the functions of humor that Sanford and Eder observed in their research on how adolescents use humor. Then consider: Does humor serve the same sorts of functions in gatherings of older people? For example, if you and your friends were sharing a meal, in what ways would your interactions be the same as or different from those observed by Sanford and Eder?

Using link:


Complete the following (750 words APA formatted formal paper):

You are required to have 2 additional scholarly resources to prove your thoughts and ideas.

-Describe “girl watching” and the attitudes of the men to practice it? How does this qualify as sexual harassment?

-Describe boy watching and the attitudes of the women who practice it? How does this qualify as sexual harassment?

Read the following article to help you get started, then answer the questions below:

Film&Theory Paper

This project will involve applying the three sociological theories (conflict theory, structural functionalism, and symbolic interactionism) to a film or TV show of your choice.

For this project, you must write a 2-3 page double-spaced analysis of a video. You need to:

Pick a film or TV Show
Provide a short summary of your film/TV show (What is the video about? Clarity is important!)
Separately, explain how conflict theory, structural functionalism, and symbolic interactionism would view/interpret your film/TV show. Thoroughly explain using sociological concepts/terms.
Which paradigm do you think is most represented in your film/TV show? Explain.
How to Submit Your Project
You will submit your work here in the CANVAS system as a Word 97-2003, .docx or other wordprocessing file (Google Docs, Open Office are also acceptable).

On the right hand Menu, you will see a SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button with a circle and a white plus sign.
Click on the SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button. Then click BROWSE to look for your file on your computer.
When done, click the SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button.
Film/TV Show Summary:  5 points (Clarity is important)
Interpretation of Conflict Theory, Structural Functionalism, and Symbolic Interactionism: 10 points (must be thorough)
Most Represented Paradigm: 5 Points (Explanation of selected paradigm: why did you select your particular paradigm? How does your paradigm explain your  video/DVD? Thoroughly explain).
Usage of sociological concepts: 5 points
The following content is partner provided

Diverse Policy Viewpoints: Right or Wrong?

Explain why there is no such thing as a right or wrong social policy viewpoint. Provide examples from the issue you researched in the first discussion of this unit to illustrate your claims and support them with course references. Include how different groups define the same problem; accomplish this by showing how the problem would be viewed by at least three distinct groups.

The Definition of a Social Problem

Choose a social problem affecting an oppressed population you are interested in learning about. Research the history of how that issue became a social problem and report your findings. Use this unit’s readings to ensure your understanding of defining a social problem. For this discussion, answer the following questions:

What factors led to the definition of this social problem?
Who were the key players?

Social Deviance

Assignment: Test of a Theory
**The Analysis MUST be in ASA format.
**The body of the paper will be 4-5 double spaced typed pages. This does not include
title page and reference page. You do not need an abstract.
**You will use one peer-reviewed journal article and your textbook.
**This assignment is worth 140 points.
** Each student will be expected to find and report on at least one study that tests some
theory or theories of deviance. You can look for a theory that you like from the first three
chapters in the book.
**Once you find a theory that you like, then look in a scholarly journal for an article that
tests that theory. The source of the publication should be from a professional journal in
Sociology or Criminology (e.g., Social Problems; Criminology; Journal of Crime,
Criminology, and Police Science; Social Forces, Crime and Delinquency, Justice
Select an article published in the last 10 years. Make sure the article reports on actual
research and is NOT a theoretical article or just a review of the literature! If you are
unsure if it is indeed peer-reviewed, I should approve the article before you begin the
analysis. You can email me a link to the article for approval. If the article is not peerreviewed, you will receive a 0 on the paper.
Answer the following questions in your test of a theory:
1. What is the theory being tested in the article? Whose theory is it? Where
originated? (Use your book here as well as the article).
2. What is the research question or hypothesis in this article? (If there is no research
question or no hypothesis, describe what the research is about.)
3. Define the variables or concepts that are studied. For each concept or variable,
give the definition and how it was measured. List independent, dependent, and
control variables. How did they operationalize or measure the variable?
4. Describe the studys population, sample, study population and the kind of
sample used. How did they gather their sample?
5. Comment on the generalizability of the study, supporting your statements. For
example, can their study be generalized to all criminal populations? If so, how? If
not, why not?
6. What method(s) of data collection were used? What were the advantages and
disadvantages of using this method or methods? Would different method(s) of
data collection been possible or better? Comment on the practicality of methods.
7. Describe the studys major findings. (Look in the conclusion section.) What
statistical tests did they use in the paper? What variables/relationships were
statistically significant? At what level?
8. What is your reaction to this research? Do you think this study will be useful or
helpful to others in some way

Social Deviance

Assignment: Test of a Theory
**The Analysis MUST be in ASA format.
**The body of the paper will be 4-5 double spaced typed pages. This does not include
title page and reference page. You do not need an abstract.
**You will use one peer-reviewed journal article and your textbook.
**This assignment is worth 140 points.
** Each student will be expected to find and report on at least one study that tests some
theory or theories of deviance. You can look for a theory that you like from the first three
chapters in the book.
**Once you find a theory that you like, then look in a scholarly journal for an article that
tests that theory. The source of the publication should be from a professional journal in
Sociology or Criminology (e.g., Social Problems; Criminology; Journal of Crime,
Criminology, and Police Science; Social Forces, Crime and Delinquency, Justice
Select an article published in the last 10 years. Make sure the article reports on actual
research and is NOT a theoretical article or just a review of the literature! If you are
unsure if it is indeed peer-reviewed, I should approve the article before you begin the
analysis. You can email me a link to the article for approval. If the article is not peerreviewed, you will receive a 0 on the paper.
Answer the following questions in your test of a theory:
1. What is the theory being tested in the article? Whose theory is it? Where
originated? (Use your book here as well as the article).
2. What is the research question or hypothesis in this article? (If there is no research
question or no hypothesis, describe what the research is about.)
3. Define the variables or concepts that are studied. For each concept or variable,
give the definition and how it was measured. List independent, dependent, and
control variables. How did they operationalize or measure the variable?
4. Describe the studys population, sample, study population and the kind of
sample used. How did they gather their sample?
5. Comment on the generalizability of the study, supporting your statements. For
example, can their study be generalized to all criminal populations? If so, how? If
not, why not?
6. What method(s) of data collection were used? What were the advantages and
disadvantages of using this method or methods? Would different method(s) of
data collection been possible or better? Comment on the practicality of methods.
7. Describe the studys major findings. (Look in the conclusion section.) What
statistical tests did they use in the paper? What variables/relationships were
statistically significant? At what level?
8. What is your reaction to this research? Do you think this study will be useful or
helpful to others in some way

Social Deviance

Media Write-Up Guidelines
You will write a 2 page-double spaced, Times New Roman, 1 margins, ASA format paper for this assignment. Paper must include a title page, body, and a reference page. No abstract is needed.
You will watch the film provided and use course concepts and/or theories to analyze and explain the film. Do any of the theories we discussed fit with those in the film? How? What about the media or the family?
You must incorporate two passages, concepts or theories from the book that go along with the video. You must cite these passages using in-text citations in ASA format. For example, Barkan (2016) stated that differential association is widely used to describe why juveniles deviate.


Social Deviance

Media Write-Up Guidelines
You will write a 2 page-double spaced, Times New Roman, 1 margins, ASA format paper for this assignment. Paper must include a title page, body, and a reference page. No abstract is needed.
You will watch the film provided and use course concepts and/or theories to analyze and explain the film. Do any of the theories we discussed fit with those in the film? How? What about the media or the family?
You must incorporate two passages, concepts or theories from the book that go along with the video. You must cite these passages using in-text citations in ASA format. For example, Barkan (2016) stated that differential association is widely used to describe why juveniles deviate.