Category: Social Sciences

Social Deviance

The papers will be about 2+
pages, single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 margins, no heading. They must
be between 1300-1500 words in length. I only want your name at the top and nothing else; again,
you need to meet the word requirement. Points will be deducted if you use larger font, spread out
your font, adjust your margins, dont meet the word count, etc.
These papers will include your thoughts on the assigned reading (there is no formal prompt). It is
expected that the assignment will be well edited, thoughtful, and written in true essay format.
Points will be deducted for short papers, poor grammar, bullet points, and the like.
The papers will be checked with, so do not collaborate with others. Quotes from
the book can be used, but should not be the majority of your paper and should be marked as
quotations so as not to plagiarize. The paper should not show more than 10% match with other
sources in
These papers can include: personal stories of experiences you have had related to this section,
information from the research you found in the books that sheds more light on the topic,
questions/arguments about the reading you want to bring to light, thoughts on applications of the
material to your own life, etc. This is your time to show you thorough read the material,
understand it and can apply it.


Social Deviance

The papers will be about 2+
pages, single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 margins, no heading. They must
be between 1300-1500 words in length. I only want your name at the top and nothing else; again,
you need to meet the word requirement. Points will be deducted if you use larger font, spread out
your font, adjust your margins, dont meet the word count, etc.
These papers will include your thoughts on the assigned reading (there is no formal prompt). It is
expected that the assignment will be well edited, thoughtful, and written in true essay format.
Points will be deducted for short papers, poor grammar, bullet points, and the like.
The papers will be checked with, so do not collaborate with others. Quotes from
the book can be used, but should not be the majority of your paper and should be marked as
quotations so as not to plagiarize. The paper should not show more than 10% match with other
sources in
These papers can include: personal stories of experiences you have had related to this section,
information from the research you found in the books that sheds more light on the topic,
questions/arguments about the reading you want to bring to light, thoughts on applications of the
material to your own life, etc. This is your time to show you thorough read the material,
understand it and can apply it.


Any topic (writer’s choice)

The file below  “Essay instruction” is the essay instruction , i will give you 5 example essay from my class last year as the style and content reference. Which the final essay format  should be similar as these example essay. Please read the instruction of the essay and these 5 example essay. and tell me which qualitative research Methods you would like to use on this essay,Qualitative research comprises of the following methods: logic, ethnography, discourse analysis, case study, open-ended interview, participant observation. I will give you additional supporting document for you selecting methods and  pilot study

The Sociological Imagination

The Sociological Imagination
The social imagination is defined as the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and the wider society; the ability to see things socially and how they interact and influence each other. To have a sociological imagination, a person must be able to pull away from the situation and think from an alternative point of view (Crossman, 2015, para.
With practice, you can use your sociological imagination to better understand the circumstances of an unemployed person, a person of a different gender, a person from another country, or the CEO of a major corporation. Throughout this course you will use your sociological imagination to view situations from a variety of perspectives.

To prepare for this Discussion:
    Read the three articles referenced in the Required Learning Resources for this week.

With these thoughts in mind:
Post a 1- to 2-paragraph response to the following prompts:
    Describe a value or behavior that you think studying sociology might help you understand. You can choose a behavior you do not like (e.g., a teenager constantly looking at his or her cellphone) or a value you treasure (e.g., integrity in the workplace).
    Explain why you chose the value or behavior.
    How might you use your sociological imagination to better understand the value or behavior you chose?
    Refer to 2 specific examples from the readings provided or other sources you find. Be sure to include information about each source, including title, author, year, and page number. If you refer to concepts from your Interactive Units, note the unit and element (lecture notes, video, etc.) to which you refer.

culture and capitalism

Culture and Capitalism


You will have multiple resources to analyze and incorporate in your sociological arguments based on the questions asked in this assignment. First, start by reading the questions. IT would help you to gather your thoughts, make notes as you review the questions. Secondly, watch the clip provided by the link below. Reread the questions, select the country you plan to discuss and complete research on that country, and the US based on the issues in the questions provided below. I have also provided search terms as a guide on what to research.  Remember that I am not grading on your opinion. Your observations can be included in your analysis but you must use the data from the text if relevant, and the data from the research that you completed to provide analysis and answer the questions below.

Consider the following sociologically and respond to the following:

Selecting between Bali, Spain, or Japan do some research on the country of your choice and discuss the work culture in the country and the peoples attitudes towards the work/life balance. In your discussion, compare these cultural attitudes with the cultural attitudes of the US and discuss how they are similar or different. (2.5 points)
What role does Capitalism (an integral part of American culture) play in our shaping our perceptions and ideals about work and play here in the United States? (2.5 points)

Your paper should be 2 pages long using a 12 point font doubled-spaced. You should have an intro, 2 paragraphs and a conclusion.
The 1st paragraph should cover the work/life balance and cultural practices for the US and the country of your choice. The second paragraph will consist of a discussion on how CAPITALISM as a system influences aspects of our culture, particularly when it comes to the work/life balance that many adults struggle with in western culture. Ive provided an article below as a resource with more info on the work/life balance
Citations should be used to avoid plagiarism (MLA or APA)

Helpful research terms: culture of capitalism, work life balance in the US, capitalism, social impacts of capitalism

ch 2b discussion

Reflect on the videos that you have seen and your readings. What do you think about these videos and your practice? What stood out for you? What do you think may be issues for you? Any other thoughts to create a meaningful discussion.

videos link:

video link:

Social Deviance

The papers will be about 2+
pages, single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 margins, no heading. They must
be between 1300-1500 words in length. I only want your name at the top and nothing else; again,
you need to meet the word requirement. Points will be deducted if you use larger font, spread out
your font, adjust your margins, dont meet the word count, etc.
These papers will include your thoughts on the assigned reading (there is no formal prompt). It is
expected that the assignment will be well edited, thoughtful, and written in true essay format.
Points will be deducted for short papers, poor grammar, bullet points, and the like.
The papers will be checked with, so do not collaborate with others. Quotes from
the book can be used, but should not be the majority of your paper and should be marked as
quotations so as not to plagiarize. The paper should not show more than 10% match with other
sources in
These papers can include: personal stories of experiences you have had related to this section,
information from the research you found in the books that sheds more light on the topic,
questions/arguments about the reading you want to bring to light, thoughts on applications of the
material to your own life, etc. This is your time to show you thorough read the material,
understand it and can apply it.

Why is anonymity on the internet important?

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

3 reading questions

Please use APA style, cite and state your references, and limit your responses to 100 words per question
1.    In reading the chapter on Easter, why was this holiday more significant in ancient time compared with Christmas? How did the origin affect celebration (the author notes that there are four layers to Easter)?
2.    How has increased secularism affected the celebration of the holiday?–please use outside sources as you would like to support your points.
3.    How does the auspiciousness of a holiday (look at the New Year article) affect optimism in behavior specific to the stock market? In comparing behavior related to the New Year, how does culture affect the economic framework–in other words do all cultures appear to value financial returns as based on holiday outcome?

Final Project

Once you graduate and obtain your first job out of your Master of Social Work program, you may be asked to identify the gaps in services at your new agency. You may be asked to create a new group or help to identify a new evidence-based intervention that can be introduced to the clients. Understanding how to research the current literature, and then choose and evaluate an intervention, is an important component of being a successful social worker. For this course, you have researched new and interesting interventions that are currently being used with children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Further, you have explored the importance of connecting theory to practice.

For this Assignment, use will practice steps in Evidence-Based Practice. 1) You will think of a practice problem. 2) You then conduct a literature review on available research. 3) You will evaluate the evidence to determine which intervention to use. 4) You will consider client values and your clinical expertise. 5) You will think about what you hope the client gains from this intervention (i.e., decreased depression, increased quality of life, decreased PTSD symptoms) and consider how you might measure this change.

To prepare:

Choose a population of interest to you. (elderly/ aging with mental illness)

Choose a presenting problem (depression**, family conflict, homelessness, etc.) related to the population of interest.
Conduct a literature review focused on the presenting problem within the population of interest

Submit an 8 scholarly paper supported with a minimum of six peer-reviewed articles as references. In the paper, you should:

Briefly describe the population and presenting problem you are focusing on for this assignment.

Provide a review of the articles you reviewed from this project and explain what you learned from conducting this research.

Briefly describe at least 2 evidence-based interventions currently used for your chosen population when addressing this particular problem. Provide supporting references when explaining the evidence behind the interventions.

Explain which of these interventions you might choose to use and why.
Consider client values and your clinical expertise and how those might affect your decision of which intervention to use.

Describe how you might apply the specific skills and techniques of the chosen intervention.

Briefly explain how you could measure the outcomes of this intervention.

Explain any cultural considerations that you need to take into account when working with this population or the particular presenting problem.

Discuss how the Code of Ethics applies when working with this particular presenting problem and population.

Explain how you would apply a trauma-informed lens when working with this population.