Category: Social Sciences

Social Policy: Analysis and Advocacy

In this Assignment, you write a proposal for some form of social advocacy that will seek to change a social, organizational, or legislative policy. The proposal may also involve advocacy for the amelioration of a social problem. The purpose of this assignment is to thoughtfully and thoroughly plan how you will advocate changing a social problem or policy that is of interest to you.

The policy practice/advocacy can take whatever form you wish and can be on any level: agency, community, state, or federal. You will submit a prospectus that describes the problem that is being addressed and the expected advocacy activities. You are expected to carry out the activities planned in this proposal and will present on your actions and outcomes in the Week 10 Final Project assignment

Kingdon: Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies

a 2- to 3-page paper evaluating the accuracy of the Kingdon model in policymaking. Address the following:

Discuss the three streams Kingdon has identified where problems originate, and provide your opinion on which one most accurately reflects how and why policies come about.

Discuss the assertion that certain kinds of issues receive preferential treatment in problem solution and political streams.

Discuss tactics that policy practitioners use within each of the three streams to increase the odds that a specific issue will be placed on decision agendas.

Feminization of Poverty

For this weeks discussion I would like you to discuss the topic of the Feminization of Poverty.  What does it mean? Why is it important to study and understand? 

How does race and ethnicity fit into the argument or does it all?  Just a brief discussion on the topic. I have included a link to a specific story, Tammy’s Story, as part of the People Like Us Series. There is also an update to the linked clip as well. to an external site
2 source citation needed

Team Leadership

Create a 6- to 8-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which you:

Explain the importance of leadership to a team.
Explain leadership practices you incorporated into your leadership style.
Provide examples of how you incorporated those leadership practices within your team.
Discuss leadership strategies the other managers can use to motivate their own teams.
Summarize the challenges you encountered through the teams process and what decisions you would have made differently.
Team formation
Conflict Resolution
Resource Planning and allocation

Social Deviance

. The papers will be about 2+
pages, single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 margins, no heading. They must
be between 1300-1500 words in length. I only want your name at the top and nothing else; again,
you need to meet the word requirement. Points will be deducted if you use larger font, spread out
your font, adjust your margins, dont meet the word count, etc.
These papers will include your thoughts on the assigned reading (there is no formal prompt). It is
expected that the assignment will be well edited, thoughtful, and written in true essay format.
Points will be deducted for short papers, poor grammar, bullet points, and the like.
The papers will be checked with, so do not collaborate with others. Quotes from
the book can be used, but should not be the majority of your paper and should be marked as
quotations so as not to plagiarize. The paper should not show more than 10% match with other
sources in
These papers can include: personal stories of experiences you have had related to this section,
information from the research you found in the books that sheds more light on the topic,
questions/arguments about the reading you want to bring to light, thoughts on applications of the
material to your own life, etc. This is your time to show you thorough read the material,
understand it and can apply it.

M7: Final Assignment

the paper needs to be fix ASAP

This assignment gives you the opportunity to explore a community different from your own and fairly unfamiliar to you. Depending on the day of the week and the time of day, you may have access to different community resources. During the course of your visit you should speak with residents, and community professionals. Attempt to interview a local politician, a member of the police department, clergy from a religious institution, and/or the head of a social service agency.

In order to successfully complete this assignment, you need to meet the following requirements:

Your paper should be no less than 10 and no more than 12 written pages, plus a reference page.
You must use both texts and a minimum of 7 additional resources.
Use APA 7 style of writing.

Money mule research laper

You are to use a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed academic journal articles as the basis of your paper. Books are acceptable as a journal article. In addition to these, you may use government websites such as,, etc to demonstrate the data used in your topic. Newspaper articles can be used to describe an example of your topic.

Other websites are not usually acceptable, such as, other .coms, .net, .org, etc. No opinion websites are acceptable. Magazines are not academic sources.

This is not an opinion paper, so the words, “I’, “I think”, “I believe”, “My opinion”, “I agree”, should not appear anywhere in your paper.

Your paper is to be 5 pages long. No excessive margins. 12 point font, and 1.5 line spacing is required. You must submit your paper in a format that can easily be opened such as a word.doc, etc. The bibliography is separate from the body of the text and does not count as one of the five pages. You may add a title page but it is not required.

Family Assesment

Consider your experience both within your own family of origin and when interacting with other families. What is different between these examples of families?

In the field of social work, it is imperative that you know how to assess families. When trying to identify what is happening within a family, a social worker must learn about the familys structure, identify their strengths, review their communication style, and understand the familys dynamics. Families are influenced by the unique individuals within the family, as well as by the larger cultural context in which the family exists. Families vary in how they define who is a member of the family unit, what role each family should play, and what the family dynamics are based on an individual members contributions to the family system. Often, the social workers role is to help identify trouble spots and help the family re-adjust to healthy system dynamics.

In this weeks Assignment, you provide an assessment of a family and provide an analysis of the family using a social work perspective with consideration to strengths, cultural values, and social work theory.

By Day 7
Submit a 2- to 3-page paper in which you analyze a family that is familiar to you. Support your analysis by using the Kirst-Ashman and Hull text and at least 2 to 3 additional peer-reviewed articles to do the following:

Describe the structure of a family that is familiar to you.
Identify the strengths in the family.
Explain where in the life cycle this family is located and how that may influence family dynamics.
Analyze one form of communication used by this family and how this communication style influences family dynamics.
Describe the specific roles of two family members and explain if the various roles work well together for the benefit of this family.
Explain how understanding cultural values will help a social worker working with this family.
Analyze this family using systems theory or the ecological perspective.

Site observation report

Your motivation and guiding research questions
What questions does your report aim to answer? Why, and for whom are these questions important? To what bigger goal does your report contribute (e.g., to inform the design of this specific project site? To better understand the process of informal learning? To better understand the role of tools in )?

A description of your research site and of its participants
Where is the site located? What’s its intended purpose? Who are the participants at this site? What are their goals? What other relevant details about the participants and the site are important to know?

Research approach
Describe how you collected and analyzed your data. How many hours did each of you and your team mates spend at the site, and across what period of time? What was your method for collecting your data (field notes, observations, interviews, etc)? How did you combine and analyze your data with your teammates, and ensure that your conclusions were based in evidence?

Conceptual framework
How do you conceptualize the learning that occurs in the space you observed? On what theories, ideas, or frameworks in the Learning Sciences is your framework based? What key things are involved in the learning that takes place at your site, and how do they relate to one another? Present “either graphically or in narrative form, the main things to be studiedthe key factors, variables, or constructsand the presumed relationships among them. Frameworks can be simple or elaborate, commonsensical or theory driven, descriptive or causal.” (Miles, Huberman & Saldaa, 2014, p. 20). You may provide separate frameworks for each of your lenses, or attempt to integrate your ideas into a single framework. See EXAMPLES here.

Your analytic approach
How did you (individually and together with your group, if applicable) make sense of your data? What roles did you play in each others analysis processes? How did you select which parts of your data to focus on? How did you ensure that your conclusions were based in evidence?

Evidence-supported claims
What themes, patterns, phenomena, etc. did you identify? What lens, theories, ideas, or frameworks in the Learning Sciences do your claims draw on? How do your claims emerge from, connect to, or offer concretization of ideas from these lenses? Provide some specific examples from your data as evidence to illustrate and explain your reasoning.
This section is an elaborated version of your first and second analytic memos (incorporating revisions based on feedback, and any further thoughts you may wish to incorporate).

Considering the different claims and frameworks that emerged from the different lenses, what higher-level ideas about learning in the space can you identify? Where do the perspectives of different lenses support or enhance each other? Where are there tensions or contradictions? Are there some places where the lenses just lead you to talk about completely different things? Is there a way to pull them together somehow?

Based on your analysis and on theories from the Learning Sciences, what recommendations do you make for better supporting learners’ experiences in this context?

Future work
What further questions remain to be investigated, and that you might address if you had more tools, resources, and time at your disposal?

Community Assessment

The paper needs to be well-researched and written using APA guidelines. Data should come from at least five sources.

Part I: Understanding your Community
Analyze how your community has changed over the past 20 years. Use policy and community concepts and theories from the learning resources to support your analysis.
Describe your community, using research and statistics to describe socio-demographic make-up. (For example: How many persons live in the city and/or in the town? What were/are their cultural/racial characteristics? What were/are their incomes, ages, political affiliations, etc.?)

Part II: Community Assessment
Describe a problem that the community is currently experiencing.
Assess the duration, intensity, and frequency of the problem.
Analyze the probable etiology of the problem, supporting your analysis with resources.
Analyze the key elements and characteristics of the community that make it vulnerable to this problem.
Analyze the key strengths of the community that give the community resilience and the potential for overcoming the problem.
Identify major institutions (e.g., schools, factories, churches, attraction sites, etc.) and explain how these institutions contribute to or inhibit the communitys ability to address the problem?
Explain which groups are most affected by the problem.

Part III: Community & Policy Action Plan
Describe your proposed plan for community change.
Explain the strategies and tactics you would you use to bring about change. Consider if you would need multiple strategies, and if so, explain which strategy would be used for each target.
Explain any policies that may influence the ability, either supportive or prohibitive, to influence proposed community change.
Explain what policies would need to be in place to ensure proposed plans are sustainable.