Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Final Exam:
You will write an essay interrogating the impact of AI, Geoengineering, the challenge of technology and / or the ontology of the virtual on peoples perception of the post-Covid19 world which has seen an acceleration in digital transformations across diverse sectors of industry and geographies. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Unit VI Annotated Bibliography
Compose an annotated bibliography (use the working bibliography format as found on pages 5860 in The Curious
Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers and on pages 373375 in The Little, Brown Compact Handbook) using
the sources you have found for your research paper. Remember to cite your sources using APA format.
You are only required to include two of your sources in the annotated bibliography. Your annotations should be at least 200
words per source.

Elon Musk

Compose an annotated bibliography (use the working bibliography format as found on pages 5860 in The Curious
Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers and on pages 373375 in The Little, Brown Compact Handbook) using
the sources you have found for your research paper. Remember to cite your sources using APA format.
You are only required to include two of your sources in the annotated bibliography. Your annotations should be at least 200
words per source.

Wireless Communication


– Create a presentation to deliver to the staff of a medical client about WLANs

Submission Instructions:

Your completed essay must be submitted as an MS Word attachment to this assignment no later than Sunday 11:00 PM EST.

Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the American Psychological Association (APA). Students are encouraged to read/understand the Basics.

Assignment 1 Case Study
You are employed by The Baypoint Group (TBG), a company of 50 consultants that assists organizations and businesses with issues involving network planning, design, implementation,and problem solving. You have recently been hired by TBG to work with one of their new clients, Vincent Medical Center (VMC), a large health care facility, concerning their wireless needs.
Each day, VMC doctors and nurses throughout the facility attend to thousands of patients, update medical records, issue prescriptions, and order medical exams. VMC deployed a sophisticated suite of medical software that stores all patient records, exam results, and diagnoses. The system is also fully integrated with VMC’s pharmacy and can process purchase orders,payments,and receipts as well as inventory and shipments. However,all data entry and processing currently requires that a staff member be at a nursing station or office to access the application and central VMC database.

1. VMC is interested in learning about the possibilities of upgrading all of its infrastructure and deploying a wireless network to allow doctors, nurses, and all staff to access information from anywhere within the entire medical facility (two buildings). VMC does not want to spend money installing additional network cabling connections to every patient room. VMC has asked you to make a presentation to its administrator regarding the use of a WLAN.

Create a presentation to deliver to the staff about WLANs. Be sure to cover the following points:

Greater mobility for doctors and nurses
Ease and cost of installation
Easier network modifications
Increased network reliability
Radio signal interference

Students will submit their assignment as a Word document. Submissions should be submitted in a font and page set-up that is readable and neat. All essays must be prepared in Microsoft Word and uploaded to the appropriate online assignment. Please include your name, course number, week number and assignment name at the top of your submissions e.g. StudentName -ISSC343 Week 1 Case Study.

Coursework 2

The report length is 3500 words. When counting your words, please exclude the text in figures, tables, Section 1 (Title Page and Table of Contents) and Section 7 (References). The word count must be included in the Title Page.

This assessment uses the work undertaken in Coursework 1 as its foundation. This time however, you must take the opportunity to demonstrate your learning from all OR many of the units of the module to present a case study that shows how theory can be useful in appraising activities and performance of an organisation.

The formal learning outcomes that coursework 2 will contribute to are:

1.      Evaluate the role of an organisations internal capabilities and how these may be structured to attain competitive advantage.

2.      Appraise the role and scope of specific business functions and their contribution to an organisations success.

3.      Analyse and evaluate the significance of key, cross functional processes essential to the delivery of customer value.

The Task: Written report (organisation case study)

The task requires you to:

briefly recap on the introduction to your chosen organisation from Coursework Summative Task 2 introduce the elements of theory that you are using.
discuss the ways in which you can see the theoretical principles being applied (or ignored) in the organisation.
The assignment should demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, the ability to select and discuss relevant literature and to apply knowledge of functional areas to the overall process.

The most important part of this assignment is critical appraisal of the extent to which the current models of good practice in management can be seen to contribute or not to the organisations success.
The report must include the following activities, which you will be grouping in 5 sections:

1.    Identification and description of organisation

Using the same organisation as you did in Coursework Summative Task 2, you can then re-use most of the same data.  If for some reason you have had to change the organisation you must make clear the background to the new organisation and justify the reasons for using it as a focus for your study.  Details should be placed in an Appendix.

2.    The Value and Supply Chains: Establishing relevant theoretical underpinning and application of theory to the particular organisation

This is essential to demonstrate that you are able to take the theoretical material included in each section of the module and apply relevant selected parts of it to use a foundation or framework for the examination of practice in a live organisation.  There must be explicit use of, and referencing to, published academic sources. Evidence of wider reading and research will enhance your mark in this area.

The evidence presented by you of the practice in your organisation must be related to the theory you have chosen to use – there must be a fit between the theory and the practical evidence.  The facts relating to your organisation must be relevant and clearly explained.

3.    Appraisal of contribution of other models to organisational success including SWOT analysis

This is another very important ability for you to demonstrate. You are expected to come to a conclusion about the relevance and suitability of the theory in relation to the organisation you have chosen to study. This appraisal must be reasoned and grounded in the evidence you have presented. It is the strength of your reasoning that matters here and the justification of  your conclusion.

4.    Design and layout

Your work should communicate your ideas in an interesting and appropriate way that adds to the evaluation and discussion within the text.

5.    Quality of text and diagrams or graphics as appropriate

Text, diagrams and any graphics should be clear, readable and used in an appropriate context.

Bibliography and references

The sources of ALL the information should be referenced in proper format. If you are unsure about the proper way to construct a bibliography and cite references, the library has guidance notes available.

The bibliography demonstrates the range of your reading. Remember that there must be evidence in the text that you have applied the reading you have done.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please complete this 900 words essay writing (discussion part) from the presentation scratch. The original assessment is a group report, and my teammates have finished their parts. Therefore, dear writer, what you need to do is to summarize the literature review on my part – discussion section of the presentation (last 6 slides). Please kindly see the powerpoint slides for your reference.
Additionally, from my professors feedback on the presentation, we are encouraged to dedicating more words for the implications of practice (i.e., CBT treatment strategies for single parenthood & community/neighborhood related parental monitoring). The relevant references are asserted in those slide notes for your reference.

Literary Analysis

The topic I chose was HOME BY SILVIA SAUNDERS After selecting and reading the story, choose one of the following topics to analyze in a five-paragraph paper:

1. Characterize one of the characters from the story. Create a thesis that analyzes some attribute of the character. (Ex: Tom may seem like a cold, heartless killer, but a deeper look shows that he is really a scared little boy.) Choose three aspects of the character to use in the analysis. Each aspect must contribute to your attribute from your thesis.
2. Discuss the use of imagery in the story. Create a thesis that connects the images into a larger idea being portrayed in the story. (Ex: The animal imagery in the story clarifies to readers that world that seems so modern and technologically savvy is really more base and animalistic than it at first appears.) Make sure you have at least three images to support your thesis.
3. Discuss a theme of the story using three literary devices to validate the theme. (Ex: Fear of the unknown often prevents people from moving forward and accepting new ideas as is shown in the setting, imagery, and protagonist.) Each element of literature will be a body paragraph.
4. Discuss the significance of the setting(s) in the story. (Ex: The dark, vast woods create an atmosphere of fear and confusion that cause the characters to make panicked choices, which affect their fates.) In this paper, each character will be analyzed (in three separate paragraphs) according to choices the setting caused them to make.


The 1930s have become almost a blueprint for how not do deal with an international crisis. The Great Depression crippled most major powers (including Germany, Britain, and France) and left its population susceptible to political extremism, as we saw last week. But we must also keep in mind that historical hindsight should not cloud our vision of this period. We must remember that Germany was not a pariah state before the Second World War. Not only had Germany made multiple international agreements (including the Dawes Plan and the Locarno Treaty in the 1920s), Nazi Germany was looked at as a rising power in the world and some saw it as a symbol for the future. As we saw last week with the former PM of Britain calling Hitler Germanys George Washington. This was also seen in the near-universal participation in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, the somewhat blas news coverage of the Nazi rise to power in 1933, and even the support of international figures like Charles Lindbergh.

We must remember that Europeans did not want war in the 1930s, as the memory of WWI still cast a long shadow. Multiple peace measures are put forward after the war, including the Dawes Plan in 1924 (which reduced and rescheduled German reparation payment while also guaranteeing American loans to the Weimar Republic) and the Locarno Treaty of 1925 (which solidified the borders on in the West agreed to by Versailles but also allowed for possible changes in the East). Germany was admitted into the League of Nations in 1926, and the Briand-Kellog Pact of 1929 solemnly renounced war as a tool of politics (but was an empty pledge).

When individuals like PM Chamberlain (as you will hear in the podcast) appeased Hitler, it was largely because Britain (and much of the rest of Europe), was simply unprepared for the war. Sadly, few realized the true horrors that were to be unleashed a few months later.

Orwell is a wonderful conduit to understanding this overall uncertainty. While the first half of his book addresses the economic uncertainty of the Depression, Orwells account of the political and social issues of socialism clearly highlights the uncertainty and apprehension that dominated the 1930s. The chapter from Arnsteins work on interwar Britain would also provide additional context (not only for this week but also your critical analysis paper). Orwell was a massive proponent in confronting Hitler and Stalin and was appalled by the idea of appeasement in the late 1930s. As Orwell put it, the problem was that Britain was not willing to pay the price either of peace or war, and so they got both.

It was in this environment of appeasement that war was eventually declared in the Fall of 1939 and unleashed the most destructive conflict in human history. Snyders work gives you a strong sense of the scale and scope of this conflict (especially on the Eastern Front), but casualties aside, in Asia and Europe, the Second World War was very destructive.

Mass aerial bombing had made the ability to destroy cities very effectively. By the end of the war, infrastructure and economies across the world were crippled, along with the millions of people who were driven from their homes and isolated. By wars end, the old capitols of Europe were in ruin, and the once-mighty empires of the 19th century could not even feed their own population. Because of this, there were major doubts that the old imperial powers of Europe would be able to fully recover. This economic weakness only solidified view of the weakness of the Europeans by their colonial subjects.

World War II fundamentally altered the power structure of the globe. This is not only because of the unimaginable loss of life, but because of the direct aftermath, leading to two of the major byproducts of the war: The Cold War and Decolonization. Sadly, we do not have two more weeks to cover these events with our remaining time in the course. We will, however, deal with these questions or the legacy of the war (and the course as a whole next week when we discuss the Holocaust).

Discussion Prompt

Using Orwells Road to Wigan Pier as your primary source, what do you think was the biggest concern or apprehension for Europeans during the buildup to World War II? These concerns can be economic, political, social, or even intellectual.

[Note: Think of this response as a kind of starting point for your Critical Analysis Paper. I fully expect you to incorporate this response into your longer paper to get you a head start on this assignment.]

Report on the development of China’s college entrance examination policy and its improvement strategy

enable  assess and reflect on how best institutional and non institutional arrangements can be remade for effective policy advocacy and social development; developing independent, creative and critical thinking for policy formulation.

Like other policies,The formulation and implementation of the college entrance examination policy is a systematic project. It involves multiple levels, including admission system, test content, question design, admission method, etc., but as far as its core elements are concerned, it is mainly the admission system. It can be said that a history of changes in the new China’s college entrance examination policy is, to a large extent, a history of continuous changes in the enrollment system.

Healthcare Regulations

This Competency Assessment (CA) assesses your level of performance on the specific outcome(s) that are the focus of this course. The CA requires you to demonstrate your knowledge, understanding, and proficiency of the outcome(s). Be sure to use the other activities in this course prior to attempting the CA. You can attempt the CA an unlimited number of times within the term. However, the CA must be completed successfully by the end of the term to earn credit.

Be sure to review the Competency Assessment Checklist Rubric in order to understand the criteria on which you will be evaluated.

Instructors will provide feedback on the CA. If you expect to receive feedback, revise, and resubmit this CA near the end of the term, you will need to make your submission no later than 5 days before the end of the term.

Please refer to your syllabus for additional Competency Assessment requirements.

The end-of-course survey is your opportunity to provide us with valuable feedback about your experience as a learner, the course materials, and your instructor. The survey takes approximately five minutes to complete. We take your feedback very seriously.Instructions

Imagine that you are an administrator for a large hospital. You have been tasked with compliance for the facility. Demonstrate competence in healthcare law and ethics by following the instructions below in completion of this multi-part assignment.


Competency Assessed



Verify that documentation in the health record supports the diagnosis and reflects the patient’s progress, clinical findings, and discharge status.

A 45-year-old female has requested a copy of her 80-year-old father’s health record. She has presented POA and has a legal right to access his records. You provide a copy to the woman, but she has many questions regarding documentation of her father’s diagnosis. He was admitted to the ICU last week from the skilled nursing facility. When discharged, he was transferred to an LTACH. In a brief written response to the woman, relate the components of the health record that supports diagnosis and reflects the patient’s progress, clinical findings, and discharge status. Explain the documentation used for these purposes within skilled nursing facilities, ICU, and LTACH.


Identify laws and regulations applicable to health care.

Imagine that you are the Director of Health Information at a hospital and you have been asked to create a “one-page” pamphlet on the major laws and regulations guiding health record retention and destruction. Draft an outline summarizing a total of five (5) best practices in a retention/destruction program. In addition to your text, you may refer to The Joint Commission (TJC), State law(s) (pick any state), and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).


Analyze legal concepts and principles to the practice of HIM.

A hacker has penetrated the network of the business associate who provides cloud-based storage for the hospital. All patient records within the last two months were compromised. As HIM Director, you have been tasked with organizing a response to this breach. Differentiate the steps related to breach notification.


Evaluate policies and strategies to achieve data integrity.

A patient has requested an amendment to their medical record and the provider does not agree with the amendment language the patient wants. Recommend via policy how you would ensure data integrity and quality of health information exchange.


Recommend compliance of health record content across the health system.

Imagine you are the Manager of a Health Information Management Department. The Board of Directors has tasked you with evaluating and interpreting the Joint Commission standards regarding documentation and develop a recommendation on how the facility can ensure compliance with documentation standards.

This Assessment should be a Microsoft Word (minimum 1500 words) document, in addition to the title and reference pages.

Minimum Submission Requirements

Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
A separate page at the end of your paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA formatting and citation style found in the Writing Center. The Writing Center can be found within the Academic Support Center under Academic Tools in the left navigation of your course. (It should include a cover sheet, paper is double spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font, correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references at the bottom of the last page.)
If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.