Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Need to editing.
theory and so the model should be changed, then the Excel estimation should be changed accordingly; i.e. you need to re-run the model with 2 Variables in the right side, X  & X2(squared).

ay2 = 1+ bx2

It should be

Y = a +bX +CX2(X*X).

Your theory and so the model should be changed, then the Excel estimation should be changed accordingly; i.e. you need to re-run the model with 2 Variables in the right side, X  & X2(squared).

Sampling Preview

Respond to any 5 of the following questions relating to populations, samples, and sampling.

Describe the differences between a population, sample, and participant.
Contrast the uses of proportional stratified sampling and disproportional stratified sampling procedures.
Discuss the unique characteristics of quantitative nonrandom sampling techniques: convenience sampling, purposeful sampling, and quota sampling.
Describe the two critical features that a sample must provide in quantitative studies that measure relationship.
Why are cluster sampling and stratified random sampling often used in educational studies?
What are the main differences in the sampling methods used in quantitative studies versus qualitative studies?
Why might using a convenience sampling method lead to misleading findings?

Sampling Comparisons: Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Quantitative and Qualitative Sampling differ in various respects.  In Research articles, they are found usually as subheading (Participants, Sampling, etc).
Respond to the following items related to The Effects of Metacognitive Reflective Assessment on Fifth and Sixth Graders Mathematics Achievement found in Chapter 9 and A Phenomenological Investigation of
African American Counselor Education Students Challenging Experiences found in Chapter 11:
a) What sampling procedure is used in each study?
b) Describe the samples in terms of size and the characteristics of the participants for each study.
c) What did the researchers accomplish by using different sampling procedures?
d) Using the criteria for evaluating sampling procedures and participant descriptions, evaluate the sampling methods used in one of the articles.

DB 2

In this module/week, you learned why consumers purchase what they do. Part of the explanation included various market environment and segmentation factors. The retailing strategies description included how to market to the target segments for the retailer and describe various growth strategies to include expansion into global markets. Chapter 6 provides information on how to establish measurable performance and financial objectives using standard business financial models. For this Discussion Board Forum, choose no more than 2 of the following questions to discuss in your thread:

How does the buying decision process differ when consumers are shopping on the Internet or mobile device compared with shopping in a store in terms of locations or sites visited, time spent, and brands examined?
Choose a retailer and describe how it has developed a competitive strategic advantage.
Give an example of a market penetration, a retail format development, a market expansion, and a diversification growth strategy that Best Buy might use.
What are Neiman Marcuss and PetSmarts bases for sustainable competitive advantage? Are they really sustainable, or are they easily copied?

2 peer reviewed sources and a biblical source

Group Structure and Managment

Group Structure and Management
Assignment Instructions
In your previous assignment, you examined professional literature to plan the structure and management of the group. With support from scholarly literature, present the following:

Group goal and objectives: Provide a general statement of the desired outcomes for group members. List three to five measurable group objectives aligned with the primary group goal.
Group format: Based on your selected group topic and population, discuss appropriate steps to recruit, screen, and select group members. Describe considerations in the group formation stage, including composition and size, frequency and duration, and open or closed membership. Will the group be led by a single leader or co-leaders?
Leadership and theoretical perspective: Identify your therapeutic and leadership style. A specific counseling theory is needed to guide how you will approach the group. Present specific considerations of group leadership style explored in Unit 2 that will be relevant to the topic and population for the proposed group.
Utilize the Unit 7 Assignment Paper Template for this assignment and review the scoring guide.

Submission Requirements
Your paper needs to meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication must be grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing should be consistent with graduate-level scholarship.
APA formatting: Title page, main body, and references need to be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
The number of resources: Minimum of four scholarly resources. Distinguished submissions typically exceed this minimum.
Length of paper: 57 typed, double-spaced pages. Abstract and Table of Contents are not necessary.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 points.



The paper will include the following.
    Describe problem
    Significance of problem in terms of outcomes or statistics

Purpose of your paper   
    Levels of Evidence
    Type of question asked
    Best evidence found to answer question

Search Strategy
    Search terms
    Databases used (you may use Google Scholar in addition to the library databases; start with the Library)
    Refinement decisions made
    Identification of two most relevant articles
    Correct grammar and spelling
    Use of headings for each section
    Use of APA format (sixth edition)
    Page length: 3 pages

Cultural Anthropology Foodways Paper

Questions are:
What must be in your own familys Thanksgiving meal? What is typical in an American familys meal? What cant be in your own familys Thanksgiving meal? How much of the Thanksgiving meal is produced/cultivated/grown by the people eating the meal, either in your family or in a typical American family? What is the gender division of labor of a typical American familys Thanksgiving meal? How does that compare with the gender division of labor of your familys Thanksgiving meal?
Compare and Contrast these observations regarding an American Thanksgiving meal with observations of foodways of a non-industrial society of your choosing. What does a typical meal of your chosen non-industrial society look like? What does a celebratory meal of your chosen non-industrial society look like? How much of the typical or celebratory meal of your chosen non-industrial society is produced/cultivated/grown by the people eating the meal? What is the gender division of labor of a typical meal of your chosen non-industrial society?

Impacts of Shark Finning Upon the Environment

Five full pages (not including cover page or title etc.); 1-inch margin max, Times New Roman 12 font
Minimum 10 references. References MUST be peer reviewed journal articles
Cover page with title
Introduction includes quantitative justification of the TITLE (topic), starting with a sentence that introduces and emphasizes the topic. Provides some details describing and justifying topic.
Introduction includes a topic sentence that introduces the subsequent subtopics that the paper will focus on 3 to 4 key ideas that will be presented in the topic.
Body paragraphs include 3 to 4 well-developed subtopics related to the TITLE (topic)- try not to silo your information in paragraphs. Rather, make sure each paragraph is related to the title and this aspect is clear to the reader. Also, think about the best logical flow from one subtopic to the next
Double space your entire document.
References should be single spaced using format above.
Do NOT use headings and sub-headings- Challenge yourself to use transitional sentences to flow from one idea to next; make sure your paragraphs are limited to <1 page & at least 5 well developed sentences.

The health benefits of meditation – What does research say about how meditation can improve healthphysical as well as mental health? How does it work? To what extent can meditation be used as an intervention or in conjunction with other treatment?

Research your topic. Your research must include at least two journal articles or books. That is, websites can be very helpful and informative, but your final paper must include full articles (whether from the Internet or elsewhere) or books on the topic. GoogleScholar and PDF articles from the Internet can be helpful resources. This paper requirement means that you need to include at least two primary sources in your paper; articles from the Internet can be included, but they would be in addition to the two minimum primary sources. Primary sources are firsthand accounts; thus, they involve the author writing about his or her own work. Primary sources include books or published journal articles.
In each paper, you are required to support evidence for your written points, whether the evidence is specific detail from the Internet, or your observations (and, in all cases, the evidence needs to be stated in your own words and not plagiarized). These sources should be appropriately cited. For example: (Scott, 2010) or (, What is Keeping Your Kids Up At Night, para. 2). Sufficient referencing and integration (without plagiarism) of other sources is necessary to achieve full points in this area. A reference page is also needed.
you are to include your own thoughts and evaluations. Each paper option involves you thinking further on a topic in psychology and making some evaluations and decisions about the topic. Your thoughts need to be described in sufficient detail and identified as your thoughts, compared to information that you may obtain elsewhere. Sufficient explanation is necessary.

I. Introduction. Introduce your topic and explain why this topic was of interest to you.
II. Body of paper. Fully address your topic and all the components of it. Support your points with your cited research. The topic should be explained in full. This section should be at least three pages long.
III. Application. Discuss your topics application component. Be sure to mention what applications are recommended by others and what you recommend. You must include your own views about what the application should be, and clearly state them and why. This section should be at least one to two pages
IV. Conclusion. Conclude your topic with a wrap-up paragraph. Some suggestions for a good conclusion: a) end by summarizing what was learned about this topic; b) end by emphasizing a particular application of the information; c) end by suggesting where future research and discussion should go on this topic.

Cultural Anthropology Foodways Paper*

Questions are: What must be in your own familys Thanksgiving meal? What is typical in an American familys meal? What cant be in your own familys Thanksgiving meal? How much of the Thanksgiving meal is produced/cultivated/grown by the people eating the meal, either in your family or in a typical American family? What is the gender division of labor of a typical American familys Thanksgiving meal? How does that compare with the gender division of labor of your familys Thanksgiving meal?
Compare and Contrast these observations regarding an American Thanksgiving meal with observations of foodways of a non-industrial society of your choosing. What does a typical meal of your chosen non-industrial society look like? What does a celebratory meal of your chosen non-industrial society look like? How much of the typical or celebratory meal of your chosen non-industrial society is produced/cultivated/grown by the people eating the meal? What is the gender division of labor of a typical meal of your chosen non-industrial society?