Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

authors choice

You will write an expository essay describing and analyzing cause and effect. Remember, a cause produces a result, and an effect occurs because of a cause. Select a topic that demonstrates a cause and effect.

For example:

Cause: Child obesity in impoverished communities in the United States of America is rising.

Effect: Access to fresh produce and other healthy food is limited in lower income communities.

When you write an expository essay, make sure you use reliable research to lend validity to your position or case.

Criteria for This Assignment
Length and Formatting Requirements

Three to four pages (800 to 1500 words), double spaced
Times New Roman, 12-point font
Works Cited page
In-text citations
Content Requirements

Criteria for writing this essay:

A cause (or causes) that directly lead to an effect
10 to 15 reliable sources that back up your claim
Logical analysis of your topic, reasoning, and resources that builds to a sound conclusion.
As you work on the assignment, please review the note on plagiarism if you have any questions as to what you may or may not use from the presented materials and/or outside sources in your paper.

“karen” stereotype

Write a two-three page argumentative essay where you enter the conversation about the Karen stereotypes that have taken over the internet. This essay should assert and support your claim in response to the following questions:

What are the intentions and consequences of using the term Karen, and should we continue to use it?

In addition to basic essay structure, your essay must include the following:

Your first body paragraph should be a literature review, where you summarize and connect all three assigned readings. The purpose of this paragraph is to contextualize your motivating source, so the final sentence of this paragraph should show what your thesis contributes to the existing conversation.
When integrating quotes, do the following:
summarize the article, using phrases like the author claims, they suggest, they support their argument by, etc.
rhetorically analyze the authors argument, using key words and phrases that clearly indicate rhetorical analysis: the author establishes credibility when (ethos), the author weakens their argument by (logos), the author evokes an emotional response that does this (pathos)
In exploration of your thesis and to support your argument, connect the Karen conversation to other relevant discussions of racism, sexism, and other divisive social issues.
Show me that you have learned the academic moves that matter when analyzing others arguments and supporting your own.
You do not need to have a works cited page, but your essay must be in MLA format.

When you have finished writing your essay, edit to remove all run-ons and comma splices and correct your comma usage and sentence structures BEFORE submitting your draft to the Final Exam drop box, located in the Assignments tab on Canvas before 12pm noon.

Assigned readings:

Cory Collins “What Is White Privilege, Really?”: (Links to an external site.)

Sarah Ditum “The Sly Sexism of the OK Karen Meme”: (Links to an external site.)

Karen Attiah “The ‘Karen’ Memes and Jokes Aren’t Sexist or Racist. Let a Karen Explain”:

In 2009, governments at the Copenhagen climate talks committed to limiting global warming to no more than 2C above pre-industrial temperatures, beyond this level, scientists threaten catastrophic climate change. 97% of the worlds climate scientists agre

make sure task 4 fits to 1,2, and 3 (see attached file).
make sure to put up to 15-20 references, also these ones:

Bowles, S., Carlin, W. and Stevens, M., 2020. The Economy. [ebook] Oxford: Oxford University Press. Available at: <>

Mankiw, N. and Taylor, M., 2020. Economics. 5th ed. Andover: Annabel Ainscow.

Gillespie, A., 2019. FOUNDATIONS OF ECONOMICS 5E. 5th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Begg, D., Vernasca, G., Fischer, S. and Dornbusch, R., 2014. Economics. 11th ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education.

if you can’t access the book, no worries just put them in the reference list anyways…

Task 4:

In 2009, governments at the Copenhagen climate talks committed to limiting global warming to no more than 2C above pre-industrial temperatures, beyond this level, scientists threaten catastrophic climate change. 97% of the worlds climate scientists agree that human emissions of greenhouse gases are responsible for climate change. Limiting atmospheric concentrations of CO2 to 450 parts per million (ppm) will give us a 50% chance of achieving this target
How is climate change affecting or likely to affect your chosen country. Explore the issue of Climate Change (both locally and globally) as social dilemma. Refer to the external effect (or externalities) and the tragedy of the commons. How has the recent covid-19 crisis and lock-down impacted pollution? What can we learn from this? Briefly explain.

genis 1-3

Read Genesis 1-3. Reflect on how humanity’s sin disrupted an otherwise “very good” creation. In particular, how can a fallen world “explain” the presence so many terrible events in the world.

You will be uploading a short document that details your reflections. Quality matters over quantity, but please write something in the range of 1/2 to 1 page, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, etc.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Suggested Length: 6-8 pages, double-spaced, 10-12 point font, normal margins.
Introduction:  Briefly introduce your topic, the question you are going to try to answer in your paper, and why its an important question to answer (most of this can be taken directly from your thesis statement).
Theory: Use at least one theoretical perspective or concept from our readings to guide your discussion.  It is important to emphasize that this theory or concept must come from our class readings.  Some examples include:
DeGenovas deportability theory
Jungs theory of blackness
Stumpfs crimmigration thesis
Bells argument about the permanence of racism
Chavezs theory of the Latino Threat Narrative
Collins intersectional explanation of the family
McWhorters theory of the intersections of race and sexuality
You  can use this theory/concept to explain your topic or you can critically evaluate this theory/concept in light of other perspective youve learned about from sources youve found through your own research.
Core Discussion:  Provide a more detailed discussion of your topic which can do any combination of the following:
Describe important features of the policy and legal history surrounding this issue

Describe different approaches that have been used to manage or solve the problems that are associated with this topic

Discuss some of the most important socioeconomic, cultural and/or political factors that have shaped  these problems (which can include the intersections of race, class and gender/sexuality).
Important:  You can incorporate your theoretical framework into this discussion.  The theoretical framework and the discussion of your topic do not have to be organized into separate sections.

Sources and Supporting Examples: You should support your discussion with examples from at least 3 academic readings (books/book chapters or journal articles) that are directly relevant to your topic. 
At least 2 of these readings must be sources that you found on your own (using Healey Library online database) which do not come from the class reading list. 
You should use 2 examples from each of your sources to support your discussion (3 sources X 2 examples each = a minimum of 6 example in all).
Important Note About Sources: You should cite a minimum of 4 sources for this paper.
3 Research sources that are directly relevant to your topic
(2  of which you must find on your own)
1 Theory source which must come from our class readings.
Conclusion: Provide a concluding discussion that summarizes the main points from the body of your paper and your recommendations for change.  This can be a big picture discussion that explores a new way of thinking about society, social membership, and punishment or a more practical discussion about directions for criminal justice or immigration reform (or a little of both).
Citing Sources:  Make sure to use a parenthetical citation style whenever you reference information (paraphrased or a direct quote) in the body of your paper and provide full citation info for all of your sources in a bibliography at the end of your paper.

UX vs UI

Answer  the following two questions in a straight forward way (question-answer). no need to add introduction just go direct to the answer.

Question 1: According to the attached resources and your own experience: what is the difference between User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). And what is the link wit Design Thinking?  Please use the attached document as a source to answer this question. Apart from that, there should be personal thoughts.

Question 2: Take a look at this video from Quirky about cardboard prototyping. Do you think it’s a low-fidelity prototype? Why?

1 page for each question-answer.

Draft: Introduction to the Methods Section and Description of Target Population

RQ: Is there a relationship between a high score on the NPI (Narcissistic Personality Inventory) and alcohol abuse in mothers?
The goal of methodology in a research proposal is to outline the design strategies used to identify participants or subjects in the study, how you propose to collect data, and how you plan to analyze data.

For this discussion, draft your introduction to the methods section and in the second and third paragraphs, provide a draft of your targeted population (and include your proposed sample).

The purpose of the introduction to the methods section is to provide an overview of your design strategy and explain how your design strategies will help you answer the proposed research question.

Research Question
In your introductory paragraphs to the draft of Chapter 3: Methodology of your integrative project, you will write out your research question. If your research question is quantitative, you will also write out your hypothesis or hypotheses. In addition, you will explain how the research question is part of a logical progression, having emerged from the research problem or the identified gap in the literature as you reviewed the literature for your Unit 4 assignment.

Write your research question at the top of the post. You may upload your draft as an MS Word attachment, but be sure to copy and paste the text into the message box as well.

In this section of the methodology, you will describe the study participants, how they provide data, how they will be recruited into the study, and any ethical considerations important to the planning of the proposed investigation.

Target Population
Describe the following in your draft for the targeted population:

Identifying characteristics and number of individuals, dyads, groups, or units in the study.
Your inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Your recruitment strategy.
Your sampling strategy.
Ethical considerations pertinent to the protection of subject or participant vulnerabilities.
When writing about the target population, imagine that you are trying to convince a panel of experts to fund your proposed research. Have you thought about contingencies regarding the nature of the population? Do you have criteria that will support your effort to get clean data that is free of unnecessary variables or distractions? For instance, if you are collecting data from single mothers, will it help or hinder your study to include single mothers with a history of major depression? Making this kind of decision characterizes the planning of inclusion and exclusion strategies.

Quantitative and qualitative studies have different sampling designs: randomized sampling strategies are typically quantitative; purposive strategies are typically qualitative. Be sure that you know which strategies suit your research question.
Recruitment refers to how participants are invited into the study. Explain your plans in a way that other researchers could follow; if the study is quantitative, others should be able to replicate your study like a recipe. If the study is qualitative, the goal is to provide a trail of evidence that another researcher could follow. The trail is presented as a resource that takes subsequent researchers through the steps that led to interpretations of findings.

Ethical considerations are built on the principle that a researcher must do no harm. Privacy needs of participants, including secure data storage, must be addressed. Depending on the type of research planned, contingencies must be considered. Employees’ jobs must not be jeopardized; pseudonyms are recommended and other support strategies may be needed.

Draft: Introduction to the Methods Section and Description of Target Population

RQ: Is there a relationship between a high score on the NPI (Narcissistic Personality Inventory) and alcohol abuse in mothers?
The goal of methodology in a research proposal is to outline the design strategies used to identify participants or subjects in the study, how you propose to collect data, and how you plan to analyze data.

For this discussion, draft your introduction to the methods section and in the second and third paragraphs, provide a draft of your targeted population (and include your proposed sample).

The purpose of the introduction to the methods section is to provide an overview of your design strategy and explain how your design strategies will help you answer the proposed research question.

Research Question
In your introductory paragraphs to the draft of Chapter 3: Methodology of your integrative project, you will write out your research question. If your research question is quantitative, you will also write out your hypothesis or hypotheses. In addition, you will explain how the research question is part of a logical progression, having emerged from the research problem or the identified gap in the literature as you reviewed the literature for your Unit 4 assignment.

Write your research question at the top of the post. You may upload your draft as an MS Word attachment, but be sure to copy and paste the text into the message box as well.

In this section of the methodology, you will describe the study participants, how they provide data, how they will be recruited into the study, and any ethical considerations important to the planning of the proposed investigation.

Target Population
Describe the following in your draft for the targeted population:

Identifying characteristics and number of individuals, dyads, groups, or units in the study.
Your inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Your recruitment strategy.
Your sampling strategy.
Ethical considerations pertinent to the protection of subject or participant vulnerabilities.
When writing about the target population, imagine that you are trying to convince a panel of experts to fund your proposed research. Have you thought about contingencies regarding the nature of the population? Do you have criteria that will support your effort to get clean data that is free of unnecessary variables or distractions? For instance, if you are collecting data from single mothers, will it help or hinder your study to include single mothers with a history of major depression? Making this kind of decision characterizes the planning of inclusion and exclusion strategies.

Quantitative and qualitative studies have different sampling designs: randomized sampling strategies are typically quantitative; purposive strategies are typically qualitative. Be sure that you know which strategies suit your research question.
Recruitment refers to how participants are invited into the study. Explain your plans in a way that other researchers could follow; if the study is quantitative, others should be able to replicate your study like a recipe. If the study is qualitative, the goal is to provide a trail of evidence that another researcher could follow. The trail is presented as a resource that takes subsequent researchers through the steps that led to interpretations of findings.

Ethical considerations are built on the principle that a researcher must do no harm. Privacy needs of participants, including secure data storage, must be addressed. Depending on the type of research planned, contingencies must be considered. Employees’ jobs must not be jeopardized; pseudonyms are recommended and other support strategies may be needed.

Finalizing the Research Question RQ

Submit a copy of your research question. RQ: Is there  relationship between a high score on the NPI (Narcissistic Personality Inventory) and alcohol abuse in mothers?
For quantitative research questions, include your hypothesis or hypotheses.
Be sure to phrase the research question in the form of a question.
Identify the research question as qualitative or quantitative.
Identify three peer-reviewed sources that support the need to investigate the RQ.
In three sentences or fewer, explain how this inquiry is original and how it will advance the scientific knowledge base.
Post your proposed research question (RQ) in one or two interrogatives. Identify whether it is a qualitative or a quantitative question.
Refer to the assignment scoring guide to ensure that you meet all criteria.

Additional Requirements
Font: New Times Roman, 12 point, double-spaced.
APA: Use APA format and style throughout, including citations.


a. Provide an introduction of the organization, clearly stating the mission, vision and service objectives (if any). Critic if the mission, vision and service objectives (if any) are aligned with the targeted customers and the service rendered to them.
b. Service organizations often face the service-objective dilemma: to provide great service and to be efficient in resource usage (keep operating cost low). Identify if the chosen organization faces similar issue. Share your thoughts on how the organization manages this service dilemma and the implications for both the staff and the customers.
c. Demonstrate your understanding of the impact of environmental factors have from the perspective of the operations manager. Do those factors make their role easier or harder?
i) Choose any TWO internal environmental factors (include: Corporate culture, Managements desire for quality, Information system & flow, Finance standing) to demonstrate your understanding, and suggest any ONE operational implementation to cope with any of the internal factor explained.
ii) Choose any TWO external environmental factors (include: Economic, Political/Legal, Social, Environmental, Technological) to demonstrate your understanding, and suggest any ONE operational implementation to cope with any of the external factor explained.
d. Critic the choice of service strategy used Cost Leadership, Differentiation and/or Focused strategy. Share your understanding of the strategy used and your thoughts on whether the organization has chosen the optimal strategy and whether the strategy creates competitive advantage(s) to the organization. Suggest ONE competitive advantage for the organization given your analysis.