Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


a. Provide an introduction of the organization, clearly stating the mission, vision and service objectives (if any). Critic if the mission, vision and service objectives (if any) are aligned with the targeted customers and the service rendered to them.
b. Service organizations often face the service-objective dilemma: to provide great service and to be efficient in resource usage (keep operating cost low). Identify if the chosen organization faces similar issue. Share your thoughts on how the organization manages this service dilemma and the implications for both the staff and the customers.
c. Demonstrate your understanding of the impact of environmental factors have from the perspective of the operations manager. Do those factors make their role easier or harder?
i) Choose any TWO internal environmental factors (include: Corporate culture, Managements desire for quality, Information system & flow, Finance standing) to demonstrate your understanding, and suggest any ONE operational implementation to cope with any of the internal factor explained.
ii) Choose any TWO external environmental factors (include: Economic, Political/Legal, Social, Environmental, Technological) to demonstrate your understanding, and suggest any ONE operational implementation to cope with any of the external factor explained.
d. Critic the choice of service strategy used Cost Leadership, Differentiation and/or Focused strategy. Share your understanding of the strategy used and your thoughts on whether the organization has chosen the optimal strategy and whether the strategy creates competitive advantage(s) to the organization. Suggest ONE competitive advantage for the organization given your analysis.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one of the following topics to write an essay:
1. [T]he issue is no longer how China is being hybridizedbut how it is hybridizing, and the
agency and choice of Chinese actors (across the spectrum of government, firms, entrepreneurs,
consumers, migrants, tourists) move to the foreground as key variables (Pieterse, 2015, p.
Within the time span and scope covered by the topics of this unit of study in weeks six to nine,
discuss the process or/and consequences of Chinas engagement with the products or
production of foreign:
a) film, or
b) television, or
c) news.
2. The engagement of various media industries in China with the world in the post-1978 era is
shaped by a similar set of state regulation and policy. Discuss the regulation and policy with
respect to the:
a) online gaming, or
b) video streaming industry.
3. In what ways do networked digital technologies alter the relative power of the Chinese partystate and the Chinese citizens? Discuss with regard to one of the following:
a) social media,
b) the social credit system

E Sports Industry

1.    How to create an eSports programme to recruit primary and secondary school participants? (e.g. the concerns of schools, parents, teachers and other concerned parties, e sports future)

2.    How to set up tournaments inviting university teams and who should be approached? 

American History Slavery and Racism, Harriet Jacob

Here is the prompt for the third paper which is due by Monday night, May 25:

Write a 3-4 page paper addressing  ONE of the following topics.  Please use 1-inch margins and  11 or 12 point font.  Be sure to give your paper a title.

1 – What does Harriet Jacobs narrative reveal about solidarity and tension among enslaved people? How does Jacobs regard plantation slaves? On what basis does she trust some enslaved people and not others. 

2 – Harriet Jacobs was an astute critic of slavery and racism.  Analyze her critique of racism by focusing not only on her  experience in North Carolina, but also (even more importantly) on her description of life in the North.


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Special Occasion Speech Outline
Employee of the Month | You have been given an award for Employee of the Month and must give an acceptance speech at an awards banquet.
Deliver your speech of acceptance.
Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.
Download the Microsoft Word template in the Assignment 4.1
Structure and organize your speech so youll stay within the 2-minute time limit.

1. Speech Outline
2. Speech writeup

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Persuasive speech.
Should Self-Driving Cars Be Legal
Deliver a speech on question of policy.
Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.
Download the Microsoft Word template in the Assignment 3.1
Develop a specific purpose, central idea, and several main points so you’ll stay within the 4-minute time limit.
Use at least two quality resources.

1. Create Speech outline
2. Speech writeup

Technology on socility

Informative Speech Outline
How Technology Has Impacted Society

Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.
Download the Microsoft Word template
Develop a specific purpose, central idea, and several main points so you’ll stay within the 3–minute time limit.
You must use at least two quality resources.

1. Speech Outline
2. 3 min speech writeup

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer ONE of the following essay questions:
1) Are international energy relations characterised by cooperation or conflict?
2) Does resource wealth lead to state failure?
3) What are the obstacles to pursuing a common EU foreign energy policy? (For example, have these changed over time? Are they surmountable?)
4) To what extent is sustainability a key part of energy policy? (For example, internationally, nationally, in academic debate)
5) Why is it so difficult to agree on a global energy governance regime?
6) What are the main geopolitical, political, economic, social and technical challenges of energy transitions? (Consider at least two of these challenges in depth)


High-Quality Early Childhood Education

After you view the presentation, address the following in a two-page paper.

Explain the main points presented in the presentation.

Describe how this learning is new to you or how it has shaped your existing thinking.

Create a plan for how you as an early childhood education leader will use this knowledge to design, maintain, and lead an overall high-quality program.

Locate, share, and summarize an additional two online credible resources that you can use to further support this concept in your high-quality program.

Nutrition, Health, and Safety

One of the most important responsibilities of early childhood administrators is to ensure that childrens nutrition, health, and safety needs are met. Choose one of the Nutrition, Health, and Safety topics and complete your discussion using the criteria below.

Topics: meal planning, immunizations, playground safety, food safety & sanitation, childhood obesity, communicable disease prevention.

Describe your in-depth action plan including a minimum of three strategies to address this nutrition, health, or safety situation.

Describe specifically how you will lead the development, implementation, and ongoing management to promote childrens health and nutrition. Also, describe how you will promote safety in your environment for staff, children, and families.

Support your ideas with a reference to at least one outside source and be sure to cite that source.