Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1A. If we really care about prevention, we would make sure that juveniles are not on the sex offender registry for life.  Explain why.

1B.To decrease recidivism, we would make sure they had adequate opportunity to participate in Anger Management, Healthy Sexuality, and Social Skills Training groups.  Explain why.

2. briefly explain why changes TO SOLITARY CONFINEMENT are/were needed in our policies. Please focus on the developmental and/or social/emotional impact on the individual.

3.According to Dr. Gabrielle Salfati, in her workshop on Building Resilience in Times of Adversity (May 1, 2020), the difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them.  She also advises that you can turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones and opportunity. Dr. Salfati explains that there can be traumatic growth growth that comes from living through the trauma youre not just surviving, youre thriving. Explain what you think she meant by that.

4. You and your significant other havent had the opportunity for cuddling and intimacy (stay-at-home orders and social distancing restrictions, let alone lack of privacy).  Further complicating things, you are 17 years old and on Probation for sexting with your 15 year old girlfriend.
Your Probation Officer wants a risk assessment conducted to include a polygraph (lie detector) before she approves any contact (even by phone or Skype/FaceTime) between the two of you. The polygraph can focus on a number of different things.  What sort of information does your probation officer need in order to make her decision.  What if she finds out that you have been using a throw-away phone?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A juvenile who was living in a foster home was discovered fondling the genitals of another child in the foster home.  The foster parents report this incident to the authorities.  Some cases can be addressed in Family Court or in criminal court Youth Part, others can only be heard in the regular criminal court.
What factors would you consider in deciding which court?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the case being heard in each court?
The juveniles lawyer explained to the judge that the reason Suzie was taken out of the previous foster home was because she was being sexually abused in that setting.
What are some symptoms of Acute Stress (or even PTSD) that she might exhibit? What would be your treatment recommendations (clinical treatment, not court treatment).

1 Essay plus short answer questions

1 1/2 – 2 pages= ESSAY QUESTION
FOUR short answer questions =should be about 2/3 of a page or more

A juvenile who was living in a foster home was discovered fondling the genitals of another child in the foster home.  The foster parents report this incident to the authorities.  Some cases can be addressed in Family Court or in criminal court Youth Part, others can only be heard in the regular criminal court. 
What factors would you consider in deciding which court? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the case being heard in each court?
The juveniles lawyer explained to the judge that the reason Suzie was taken out of the previous foster home was because she was being sexually abused in that setting.
What are some symptoms of Acute Stress (or even PTSD) that she might exhibit? What would be your treatment recommendations (clinical treatment, not court treatment).

1A. If we really care about prevention, we would make sure that juveniles are not on the sex offender registry for life.  Explain why.

1B.To decrease recidivism, we would make sure they had adequate opportunity to participate in Anger Management, Healthy Sexuality, and Social Skills Training groups.  Explain why.

2. briefly explain why changes TO SOLITARY CONFINEMENT are/were needed in our policies. Please focus on the developmental and/or social/emotional impact on the individual.

3.According to Dr. Gabrielle Salfati, in her workshop on Building Resilience in Times of Adversity (May 1, 2020), the difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them.  She also advises that you can turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones and opportunity. Dr. Salfati explains that there can be traumatic growth growth that comes from living through the trauma youre not just surviving, youre thriving. Explain what you think she meant by that.

4. You and your significant other havent had the opportunity for cuddling and intimacy (stay-at-home orders and social distancing restrictions, let alone lack of privacy).  Further complicating things, you are 17 years old and on Probation for sexting with your 15 year old girlfriend. 
Your Probation Officer wants a risk assessment conducted to include a polygraph (lie detector) before she approves any contact (even by phone or Skype/FaceTime) between the two of you. The polygraph can focus on a number of different things.  What sort of information does your probation officer need in order to make her decision.  What if she finds out that you have been using a throw-away phone?

contextual information about unionizing

You are an HR Manager in a large corporation in the U.S.  There has been some talk of unionizing your company.  What do your managers need to know?  Create a PowerPoint presentation to educate your managers.  Be sure to include any laws and governing bodies they need to be aware of and any dos and donts they need to keep in mind.  This presentation is just background.  Since this is only a response to rumors, you do not need to go into detail about the process of unionization yet, just give your management staff enough contextual information to keep your managers informed and your company out of legal trouble. 

Poem review

1) comment on the tune and point of view of Ron Allen’s “Untittled”
2) discuss the structure of the poems “William Parker” and “We live after a river”

Book link:

discussion for the article

1- I need to write an practice of public relations in new data that will be like a support to article ( public relations projects and practice in the new data field)
2- discuss the attached article .
3-  write opinion or suggestion that in my point of view how can pubic relations use new data in creative way practice.
4- and also write recommendation.
Keywords: (projects and practice, discussion, opinion, recommendation)
NOTE: course is: pubic relations new approach for master’s student

Infection control

Identify one issue that has occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic at your workplace.In a 2 page paper state the issue support with literature.  Assess the issue using the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and the threats (SWOT) analysis. The issue should on your unit at your healthcare facility or your workplace. Support each area of the SWOT using scholarly literature.
Could an organizational strategic plan have helped in preventing this issue?  Was there a disaster preparedness plan? Please write information on the strategic plan in relation to the issue.
What Safety goals have been impacted. How is the issue impacting data management and informatics, marketing?

Based on your findings make a recommendation on how to improve the issue now or in the near future. Provide steps on how to implement your recommendation.
Use strategies from leadership, community, global health, health assessment, legal ethics .

Planning the Training

Assignment 2: Planning the Training (Attached is my assignment 1 & guidelines)
Due Week 6 and worth 190 points

Refer to both the Overall Concept for Assignments 1-4 and your responses from Assignment 1 in order to complete this assignment.

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

Outline the most significant elements or steps of the task upon which the training will focus (See Assignment 1). Using the selected adult learning theory from Assignment 1, analyze the how the theory would support the learners mastery of the task.  Justify your response.
Propose one or more instructional settings for the training being planned based on the nature of the task(s) and the selected theoretical model (e.g., instructor-led in a classroom or self-directed online.)  Provide a rationale for the setting(s) selected.
Propose instructional activities to deliver training on the task(s) that are consistent with the selected theoretical model, the intended audiences characteristics, and the selected training setting. Instructional activities would include the instruction strategies and methods used to teach the tasks, instructional resources (media, materials, technology) needed to teach the task, and student activities needed to learn competent performance of task.
Indicate all needed technology components that you plan to integrate into the training.  Determine how the selected adult learning theory could influence your technology selection. Recommend strategies that you would use in order to accommodate the learners who may not be familiar with technology. 
Propose a timeline for development and implementation of the training, providing a rationale for your views. Determine how the selected theoretical model and the intended audience characteristics could influence the time needed to develop and teach the identified tasks.
Propose three (3) strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the training during and after development. Determine how the selected theoretical model and the intended audience characteristics could influence your evaluation strategies.
Use at least five (5) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Analyze the basic principles of selected teaching and learning theories.
Evaluate the methods that businesses and other post-secondary education environments use to respond to adult learning needs.
Evaluate the degree to which learning is influenced by psychology, growth, and development as well as learning in and out of formal settings.
Use technology and information resources to research issues, current trends, theories, and learning strategies for adult learning and development.
Write clearly and correctly about issues in adult learning and development using proper writing mechanics.
Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

personal Reflection Essay

Select a concept, theme or idea in the course lectures and/or assigned readings, and relate it to
your everyday life. The paper should contain a central thesis or idea that is clearly supported by
course material. Please include how the concept applies to your personal life (to work, leisure,
your commute or your housing, for example).
As an example, if you live in a suburban area,

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please answer the following questions:

Question 1:
“Theoretical Orientations and Integrated Perspectives”  Please respond to the following:

Of the five (5) theoretical orientations of learning, explore the one (1) that most closely aligns with your philosophical approach to teaching and learning. Next, construct an adult learning scenario where the blending of theoretical orientations would be most appropriate for the learner population therein. Justify your response.

Appraise the different approaches (e.g., biological, psychological, sociocultural, etc.) which may influence the myriad of methods by which adults construct learning. Suggest key instructional strategies that you might use that favor an integrated approach to teaching within a diverse learning context. Provide examples of such strategies in use in order to support your response.

Question 2:
“Adulthood, Cognitive Development, and Multiple Intelligence”  Please respond to the following:

Analyze one (1) of the Neo-Piagetians theories of cognitive development discussed within Chapter 13, and examine the primary ways in which the chosen theory falls short in addressing adult learners from a different class, ethnicity, gender, and / or social context. Suggest specific implications of applying the chosen conceptualization within a learning setting comprising adult learners. Justify your response.

From the e-Activities, defend or critique the results generated from your unique M.I. Snowflake. Next, examine at least one (1) criticism of the application of Gardners multiple intelligences theory within an adult learning setting, and give your opinion of the validity of the criticism in question.

Question 3:
“Memory, Cognition, and The Brain, as They Relate to Adult Learners”  Please respond to the following:

Recommend key instructional strategies geared toward facilitating the transfer of knowledge to long-term memory. Next, suggest approaches that instructors may use in order to compensate for the challenges of storage information storage and retrieval that occur with age.

From the e-Activity, compare the results of the two (2) quizzes / tests that you have taken. Distinguish the common thread(s)or lack thereofthat the results yielded. Next, suggest which type of knowledgei.e., procedural or proceduralwould yield the best results with an adult learner like you. Provide a rationale for your response.