Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Students will create an individual presentation that will consist of at least 7 slides. Students will pick two organized groups discussed in class and compare them criminal activity, membership requirements, background (family ties, for example), structure, and other factors that students find important or interesting. The purpose of this presentation is to present two groups of different backgrounds (for example comparing an Italian group to a Mexican group) and recognizing the differences and similarities. Before attempting to discuss them, students should use one slide to briefly introduce the groups of their choice.

Unit 4

In this assignment, you will identify and evaluate one bioethical health care issue facing healthcare administrators. In a 1-page summary, you will identify bioethical issues and discuss how you would effectively and ethically handle the issues in your facility. Include two (2) academic references and submit your assignment in APA format.

Choose one (1) bioethical issue to research. (for example, Euthanasia, End-of-life care, Eugenics, Medical resource allocation, Stem Cells, Substance abuse (excessive opioid scripting), Genetic manipulation, Cloning, etc.).
Identify the issue and its implications and status in health care.
Discuss how you would effectively and ethically handle the issue in your facility as the administrator.
Include two (2) academic references formatted in APA.


Complete the Questions and Exercises listed:

Larson & Gray, Chapter 3, Review Questions: 1, 2, 3, and 7 (p. 90)
Larson & Gray, Chapter 3, Exercise 1: (p. 91)

2. The entire assignment should be a maximum of 5 pages double-spaced (excluding title page and reference page) and should follow APA referencing style.

3. Prepare your report as an essay, summarizing the responses to the various questions. Make sure to include a comprehensive introduction and conclusion to your report.

Contingency-Shaped versus Rule-Governed Behavior

Contingency-Shaped versus Rule-Governed Behavior

As children, we are taught the rules to follow for many different situations. Despite knowing these rules, there are some lessons we must learn through personal experience (contingency shaped).

Provide a minimum of two real-world examples of both contingency-shaped behavior and rule-governed behavior.
Think about your daily behavior and determine if it is primarily rule-governed or contingency-shaped behavior. Explain your rationale.

Unit 3 Discussion

What constitutes ethical behavior while using a computer? Ethics is a system of moral principles, rules, and accepted standards of conduct.  To give an example from one country, the implications and restrictions of U.S. copyright law are that copying of software is illegal. Copying of software by individuals can harm the entire academic community, and the copying and use of software deprives publishers and developers of a fair return for their work, increases prices, reduces the level of future support and enhancements, and can inhibit the development of new software products.

Consider guideline 6: Do not use software (or make illegal copies for others) without paying the creator for it. Have you or anyone you know ever done this, thinking it was okay?
Conduct a Web search on the ethics of copying music or software from another person or the Internet. Discuss some of the information that you find. Some ideas you might want to consider include the following.

Is it legal?
Is it accepted by the general public? Include information on shareware and freeware.
Is copying software moral or immoral?
Is it wrong when so many people are doing it?
Is anyone really harmed?

Final Research paper

In Unit VII, submit your research paper on your chosen domestic pre- and post-9/11 terrorist event. The research paper must be written using the following outline structure:

Title page
Introduction: In this section, identify the two terrorist events that have been previously selected, and briefly explain why these events serve as good comparison points for evaluating how terrorist activities have evolved over time.       
Pre-9/11 terrorist event: In this section, describe the first terrorist event that is being used for comparison. The description of this terrorist event must include the nature of the event, methods used by the terrorists, and eventual outcome of the event.
Post-9/11 terrorist event: In this section, describe the second terrorist event that is being used for comparison. The description of this terrorist event must include the nature of the event, methods used by the terrorists, and eventual outcome of the event.
Terrorist events comparison: In this section, compare and contrast the two terrorist events that were described in the previous sections. Suggested areas for comparison include (1) motivations for attacks, (2) methods of attack, (3) impact on society, and (4) lessons learned from attacks that can be used to develop counterterrorist strategies. You should also discuss how terrorist strategies have evolved from the first event to the second event. 
Summary and conclusions: In this section, summarize the evolution of terrorism based upon the two selected events.
References: Provide a reference list.
While the level of detail in each section of the research paper will vary, it is expected that the final paper will be at least three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

This formal paper example provided by the CSU Writing Center shows this type of formatting.

This is the last part of the researched paper that i had told you about. if you can use the same sources that were used in the first part of it. Thank you!

VII Reflection paper

Domestic and international terrorists are using social media and the Internet to promote propaganda and to recruit new individuals to join their organizations.

In a two-page reflection paper, complete the following:

Part I: Choose one domestic and one international terrorist organization and explain how they are using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, and others to recruit individuals and promote propaganda. How are they using the Dark Web (i.e. Tor Internet browser) and encrypted chatrooms to further their agenda?

Part II: Choose one federal government law enforcement/intelligence agency that is responsible for countering the actions listed in Part I. Is this agencies current counterterrorism tactics working to prevent and stop terrorists online activities? Reflect on three recommendations that could be implemented to further the federal assist federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Current Events Paper

Make sure to read the instructions and do a good job for me,  Make sure your selected topic applies to the content of the material covered in chapter 6-7, and you should add some explanation.

Read the instructions and follow every requirement.

You must relate to chapter 6-7 of the book.

Case Study

Step 1: Read the following case study:

Following her return home from the hospital, the patient became aware that the respiratory therapy technician on the day she checked out had given her a treatment that was meant for the patient in the next bed. The technician had not checked the wristband on the patient before giving the treatment. This was a deep-breathing treatment designed to make her cough and clear her lungs.

Step 2:  Answer the following questions by creating a coherent and professional essay. You should provide outside research to support your answers.

Would the scenario produce a viable negligence action? If so, which type is the best fit? If not, what element is missing? Are healthcare professionals allowed to make honest mistakes without the fear of retribution by the patient, patients family, and their employer? Why/why not? Defend your answers.

  Step 3: Write a 1 page paper, Once complete, save your file and submit.

International Opportunities

What incentives influence firms to use international strategies? What are the three basic benefits firms can gain by successfully implementing an international strategy? Why?
Determine why, given the advantages of international diversification, some firms choose not to expand internationally. Provide specific examples to support your response.
As firms attempt to internationalize, they may be tempted to locate their facilities where business regulation laws are lax. Discuss the advantages and potential risks of such an approach, using specific examples to support your response.