Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Challenges in the Business Environment

As you have explored in this course, ongoing challenges in the global business environment are mostly attributed to unethical business practices, failure to embrace technology advancements, and stiff competition among businesses. Imagine that you have been appointed as the Chief Compliance Officer of a Fortune 500 company and must prepare a presentation for your suppliers regarding your Supplier Code of Conduct to deliver via email, webinar, etc.

For this assignment, you are to create a presentation using PowerPoint (or other equivalent software) and your research on the Fortune 500 company from Assignment 1. In your presentation, you are to summarize the important changes and explanations regarding the code of conduct that you would communicate via email, webinar, etc. The specific requirements are listed below.

Create a six to eight (6-8) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

1. Summarize your chosen company’s Supplier Responsibility information.

2. In your own words, explain how each aspect of your Supplier Code of Conduct is committed to ethical business practices and society social responsibility.

3. Discuss your company’s stance on each of the following areas:

Empowering Workers
Labor and Human Rights
Health and Safety
The Environment
4. Identify the key ways that your company’s Code of Conduct has changed since last year.

5. Examine the manner in which your company’s Supplier Code of Conduct helps the organization operate as a socially responsible organization.

6. Provide detailed speaker notes of what you would say if you were delivering the presentation.

7. Submit a reference page with at least two (2) quality references, from within the last 2 years, that you used for this PowerPoint presentation. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your PowerPoint presentation must follow these formatting requirements:

Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title and reference slides are not included in the required slide length.

*****Company is Microsoft****


In the Unit 4 assignment, you convinced your principal that you are capable of leading an effective group. Now, imagine you are going to prepare to lead a counseling or psychoeducational group at your school site to improve academic outcomes.

If you will not be working in a school setting, please modify the instructions and make them applicable to your site. For example, if you would be in a community setting, you would present this to your supervisor instead of a principal. The core concepts should be the same.

For this assignment, state what grade level you will work with and explain the target population. Research the foundations of effective group work. Next, analyze what outcomes you would like to see and how you plan to achieve them by reviewing relevant scholarly sources. Your analysis should address the following points:

Describe at least two theoretical foundations for group counseling and how you will operate from one orientation. Consider how this will be an effective framework when working in the school setting. (12 pages).
Assess your own theoretical orientation for group work, including an examination of how the theory will benefit group counseling and group work.
Consider different dynamics that may be associated with the group process and group development. Explain the initial, transition, working, and final stages of groups and what you might expect considering the grades you are working with. Synthesize approximately four concepts that may include, but are not limited to, trust, goals, resistance, fears, and self-disclosure. These are examples; it is up to you to decide which issues you would like to consider when thinking about possible group dynamics for this group. (14 pages.)
Consider some ethical dilemmas and how you might apply our ethical standards, and demonstrate your synthesis of the standards and how you might apply them in a group setting. For example, you might address concerns around confidentiality in the school setting. Demonstrate your preparedness by addressing approximately three possible ethical dilemmas. References should be made to ACA, ASGW, or ASCA ethical standards in your review. (13 pages.)
Describe your approach to forming the group, including how you will recruit, screen, and select members. Consider whom you might contact and how you will go about the process at your school site. (12 pages.)
Describe your proposed intervention and how it may improve academic outcomes. Integrate how you might measure the effects of the group. For example, perhaps, you targeted working with students who were failing one course. You would state that your goals would be to have the students reengage in their academic achievement, demonstrated by earning at least a C the following quarter. (12 pages.)
Review the Foundations of Effective Group Work Scoring Guide to ensure you meet the grading criteria. Remember to address each identified topic as highlighted in the scoring guide.


Your discussion topics are:

1.Do you think that active or passive management is better for investors to pursue? (M1L1)

2.Please tell your discussion group about your pre-class opinions on the need for investing/saving and the viability of using the established financial markets as a means to an end.

Answer each question in a separate post before midnight on Thursday.

You need to post a link in every forum regardless of whether you have Reader’s Choice or not.
Be aware that articles from “Investopedia” and “Wikipedia” do not count…you need to be more academic than that 🙂

Managing Bad Public Relations

Find a current event, within the last 1-2 years, that involved a crisis or scandal. Give a brief synopsis of the company and the issue, and the company’s communication approach to the crisis.  Do you feel the company’s communication approach was effective? Why or why not?  What would you have done the same and what would you have done differently?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This is a continuation from part 1.

Overview: For the second milestone, you will continue your analysis of the Nike case study. During this phase, you will evaluate global business and societal
trends that have occurred over the years for their impact on Nike leaderships decisions and attitudes. In addition, you will address the competitive challenges
presented to the leadership team when they attempted to engage in CSR practices.

Prompt: Before any company can implement a major change, it should analyze the big picture. For example, leadership groups must understand the greater
context in which a company operates. As you have read the Nike case study, you will note that over time societys attitudes toward social responsibility have
evolved. As a response, Nike made significant changes in the way it did business.
Your job in this milestone is to identify those big picture global changes and
consider how they altered Nikes views of CSR.

For the second portion of this milestone, you will address the competitive challenges that occurred as a result of the societal and global changes. As with any trends, there are challenges and opportunities. Consider the ways in which changes in the global and societal landscape affected Nike.

Finally, dig a little deeper by considering the implications of these challenges, focusing specifically on the ways in which the leadership team responded to the
larger societal and global issues.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your paper:
1. Global and Societal Trends
Identify global and societal trends that affected Nikes CSR policy.
Describe the evolution of global and societal trends over time.
2. Changes in Attitudes and Policy
Provide examples of the ways in which the global and societal trends changed attitudes at Nike.
Explain how global and societal trends drove changes to policies at Nike.
3. Response by Nike Leadership to Global and Societal Trends
Describe the opportunities that arose from the changing global and societal trends.
Explain the challenges presented by the changing global and societal trends.

Unemployment and Inflation

Two of the biggest issues in macroeconomics are inflation and unemployment. Policymakers would like to keep both of these measures low. Often, however, there is a tradeoff between the two. A strong economy that lowers unemployment can put upward pressure on prices. A weak economy that lowers inflation can increase unemployment.

We currently have the benefit of both very low unemployment and inflation. But things could change and its good to have policy plans in place before either of these problems gets too bad.

Imagine that you are in charge of macroeconomic policy. Answer these questions, being sure to explain your answers.

What are some of the problems, difficulties, or hardships caused by unemployment?
What are some of the problems, difficulties, or hardships caused by inflation?
If you had to make a choice today between a policy that would head off increases in inflation or increases in unemployment, which one would you choose?

examination of the company Adidas

To complete the 5th component of the paper, students will review iBook Ch. 4 to remind yourselves of the concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility. I also used a power point in class to explain social impact and corporate social responsibility strategies

Students should identify one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Links to an external site.) and explain one initiative the company has that addresses one of these goals.

The specific objective of the critical assignment due at the end of the term is to conduct a managerial examination of a company. Students will submit components of the final assignment along the way, throughout the term. Please use this APA template paperPreview the document to best prepare your writing submission’s required format.

The fifth component of the critical assignment is for students to submit a one-to-two paragraph preliminary examination of the chosen organizations Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Impact, and/or diversity and cultural awareness

This preliminary examination of Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Impact, and/or diversity and cultural awareness will build the section of the final paper.

Using information from news articles, company websites, digital library searches, Canvas, Multi-touch textbook (Chapter 4), etc.  Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Impact, and/or diversity and cultural awareness.

Successful submission will be submitted in APA (Links to an external site.) writing standards, include citations and references, and serve as the foundation for the 5th part of the final paper.

Benefits and Consequences of Technology

Besides biotechnology, identify one technology that seems to have the greatest potential positive effect on food security. Discuss any potential negative uses of that technology. Do the benefits of these technologies outweigh the potential negative consequences they have on food security? Why or why not?


Use Steen and Kaffenberger 2017 article, “Integrating Academic Interventions Into Small Group Counseling in Elementary School,” as a framework to propose an intervention you might use in a group setting to improve academic outcomes for your students. Discuss how you might assess for the success of the group and how it may positively affect academic outcomes. Reference Dweck’s 2010 article, “Even Geniuses Work Hard,” in your post, too.

Write a 200 word essay on Huey P. Longs, Every Man a King and Share our Wealth (1934)

Huey P. Long, Every Man a King and Share our Wealth (1934) is the name of the documen. Use the following link to read the document,

Compose a two-hundred word essay for the Primary Source Document (PSD) you have selected. The essay must include a proper introduction, a body of support and a conclusion. Please note the deadline for each assignment. I do not allow for late assignments. Please use the hints below to make the most of your assignments, and your grades.

Use the following guidelines to enhance your submissions. You do not have to answer all points in each essay – this is merely a guideline for our to use as your develop your essays.

1. Place the document or item in historical context

2. List the documents or items main points

3. Explain the documents or items historical significance

Historical Context:

Place the document in historical context involves answering some the following questions:

o Who is the author?

o What is the authors position in society?

o What are his or her viewpoints concerning the major issues of their time?

o What can be said about the authors time? In other words, what are the major issues and events concerning the author and

affecting society at the time the document is being conceived and penned?

o For whom was the document written? In other words, who is the intended audience?

Main Points:

Students should ask the following question to understand the documents main points:

o Why was the document written/produced? In other words, what points did the author most want to convey?

Historical Significance:

Students should address the following questions when determining and evaluating the documents

historical significance:

o What impact did the document have on the authors society?

o What impact did it have on later generations?

o What groups in particular did the document impact?

o How was this impact significant? Where do we see evidence of the impact today?