Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Evidence based

Imagine your principal has asked you to lead an after-school tutoring program. The principal suggests this will be a great way for you to help “close the achievement gap,” which you have previously described as part of your responsibility as a school counselor.

For this discussion, explain why running an after-school tutoring program is not an optimal school counseling intervention. Defend your answer and illustrate at least three evidence-based programs that could be used to address schoolwide academic needs. Cite and discuss at least one of the articles you found that explore effective interventions.

make up a reflection on what I didn’t know about the LGBTQ and the LGBTQ youth which was nothing and compare it to what I know now

Requirements: To complete the Learning Statement, write a minimum 3-4 page paper describing your learning in this course. Specifically, contrast your knowledge of LGBTQ issues prior to taking SPCL 3000 with the knowledge you have at the courses conclusion. Refer back to your Writing Assignment #1: What You Know About LGBTQ Youth to help assess your growth.

You are asked to identify two or three main educational gains you made by participating in the course. 

What knowledge do you have of LGBTQ youth in educational contexts that you didnt have four months ago?
What new self-awareness do you have of the LGBTQ community, its challenges and possibilities? 
How have your opinions, attitudes, or perceptions about LGBTQ youth or LGBTQ issues in schools changed?
What do you wish you better understood about one or more of the topics raised in the course?

As you articulate your educational gains in the statement, you are required to use the courses contentscholarly articles, class discussions, films, readings, participant observations, interviews, support and/or critically reflect on your own learning. You also should reference and demonstrate an understanding of theoretical concepts we learned in the course such as intersectionality, heteronormativity, gender binary, assimilation vs radical liberation (note: you do not have to reference all of these, but a few should be integrated into your discussion of your gains.)

The Learning Statement concludes with a summation (one or two paragraphs) which includes a response to the question: Where to go from here?  That is, how do you see yourself using and/or applying your educational gains from SPCL 3000 to your life or career in years ahead?  What questions about LGBTQ youth are still on your mind?

Although the Learning Statements shape and form may vary based on individual preference, it is anticipated that your Statement will include:
Clearly articulated statements of two or three educational gains (see above for key questions to consider).
A thoughtful discussion of each educational gain, drawing on references to course content and relevant and accurate use of course theoretical concepts (e.g., intersectionality, gender binary, heteronormativity).
An authentic point-of-view, one that suggests introspection and serious consideration of the topic of LGBTQ youth in education contexts.
Summary paragraph(s) that reflects on next steps, how you might use the information in the future in your personal and/or professional life, what questions do you still have.
Form–proper grammar, syntax, punctuation. (Double spacing and 10-12 pt. font required.)

Team Building

Select a current, professional journal article that is at least three pages in length. You must write a critical assessment of this article for this assignment. Keep in mind, the research databases found in the CSU Online Library are a great source for quick exploration of thousands of articles.
In preparation, follow the guidelines established below:
Find an article (that is less than five years old) that pertains to the important issues leaders or consultants will face when working with various types of teams, and discuss what methods are best to use for developing better teams for the future. Be sure to annotate the author’s main points and thesis statement in your own words.
The critique should be approximately three pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages). The assignment is due at the completion of Unit VIII. Plan early to avoid missing the deadline.
Part I: Introduction
Start the critique with the following information: the author’s name, the article title, and the author’s thesis statement.
Part II: Summary
Summarize the author’s purpose and main points, providing examples for clarity of understanding the author’s intended implications. Share key topics that support the author’s focus for this article. Provide ample details to enlighten the reader as to what the article is implying for audiences who are seeking research data about team building and/or the different types of teams (e.g., virtual, temporary, traditional, or innovative).
Part III: Review and Evaluate
To critically review the article, ask the following questions:
What are the credentials/areas of expertise of the author?
Did the author use appropriate methods to gather the evidence?
Did the author use accurate evidence?
Does the author’s use and interpretation of this evidence lead the reader to the same conclusion? Did the author build a logical argument?
Is there other evidence that would support a counterargument?
Was the author successful in making his/her point?
Part IV: Conclusion
State whether you agree with the author or not. Back up your decisions by stating your reasons. Give a general opinion of the work. Explain what you learned from reading the article and if you would recommend it to a friend/coworker.
Part V: Application
Predict some of the major challenges that teams will face in the future, and explain why the need for teamwork will remain high as it relates to the article. Identify a team-building activity that may be useful for managing teams in the future, and explain why.
Format your paper using APA style. Refer to the resources provided in the Student Portal. Use your own words and expressions to write the critique. Include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. The paper should consist of three pages of body paragraphs, one title page, and one reference page (as the final page).

Requirements: To complete the Learning Statement, write a minimum 3-4 page paper describing your learning in this course. Specifically, contrast your knowledge of LGBTQ issues prior to taking SPCL 3000 with the knowledge you have at the courses conclusio

Requirements: To complete the Learning Statement, write a minimum 3-4 page paper describing your learning in this course. Specifically, contrast your knowledge of LGBTQ issues prior to taking SPCL 3000 with the knowledge you have at the courses conclusion. Refer back to your Writing Assignment #1: What You Know About LGBTQ Youth to help assess your growth.

You are asked to identify two or three main educational gains you made by participating in the course. 

What knowledge do you have of LGBTQ youth in educational contexts that you didnt have four months ago?
What new self-awareness do you have of the LGBTQ community, its challenges and possibilities? 
How have your opinions, attitudes, or perceptions about LGBTQ youth or LGBTQ issues in schools changed?
What do you wish you better understood about one or more of the topics raised in the course?

As you articulate your educational gains in the statement, you are required to use the courses contentscholarly articles, class discussions, films, readings, participant observations, interviews, support and/or critically reflect on your own learning. You also should reference and demonstrate an understanding of theoretical concepts we learned in the course such as intersectionality, heteronormativity, gender binary, assimilation vs radical liberation (note: you do not have to reference all of these, but a few should be integrated into your discussion of your gains.)

The Learning Statement concludes with a summation (one or two paragraphs) which includes a response to the question: Where to go from here?  That is, how do you see yourself using and/or applying your educational gains from SPCL 3000 to your life or career in years ahead?  What questions about LGBTQ youth are still on your mind?

Although the Learning Statements shape and form may vary based on individual preference, it is anticipated that your Statement will include:
Clearly articulated statements of two or three educational gains (see above for key questions to consider).
A thoughtful discussion of each educational gain, drawing on references to course content and relevant and accurate use of course theoretical concepts (e.g., intersectionality, gender binary, heteronormativity).
An authentic point-of-view, one that suggests introspection and serious consideration of the topic of LGBTQ youth in education contexts.
Summary paragraph(s) that reflects on next steps, how you might use the information in the future in your personal and/or professional life, what questions do you still have.
Form–proper grammar, syntax, punctuation. (Double spacing and 10-12 pt. font required.)



BUS 475

1.    Uber has certainly seen their fair share of scandals in recent years… They have been accused of sexual harassment cases internally, they have the self-driving vehicle that killed someone, they’ve had data breaches, and now they have the issue of stealing trade secret information from Google.

BONUS: Class,How should they come back from all of these scandals? What would be an effective strategy?

2.    In January of 2018 Tide found themselves in the middle of the Tide pod Challenge. Teens where swallowing the Tide pods and posting the footage on social media. Tide did change it’s packaging and added a bitter tasting chemical to try and keep them from to ingest the pods. When the media got hold of the challenge Tide knew that they had to do something fast. So they did a Tide pods ad with NFL player Rob Gronkoski telling teens not to eat the pods.
I feel like there communicate was great when they found out they did what they thought would work to stop teens from trying to eat the product. They spoke to them on a level of which they would understand and from someone that they would listen too. If it was me I would have done the same thing cause they are teens you have to use someone that they look up too cause just a notice from the company was not going to cut it.

Find a current event in the past 1-2 years in which a business failed to protect consumers.
Post your URL link. Provide the name of the company & the issue. Do your findings change the way you will support the company in the future?
Respond to at least one of your classmates – how do you think the company your classmate selected could improve its CSR?

Diversity in the work environment promotes acceptance, respect, and teamwork despite differences in race, age, gender, native language, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, or communication styles among employees.

Since you have a paper due this week, choose an article and any topic about Diversity in the workplace that you want to discuss. Perhaps you want to look at the most pressing and significant concern(s) about Diversity in today’s workplace. Why did you choose this topic and why do you think it is important?
Be sure to respond to at least 1 peer and post your article URL.

HIS 105

1.    What do you think the Trump administration should learn from Truman’s foreign policies?  This is a good point and I am interested in your specific observations.

2.    The 1960s are known by all following generations as the time of the Civil Rights Movement. After hundreds of years, the Black community demanded the respect that they so rightly deserved. Two advances that stand out to be would be the sit in at the Woolworth’s counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, the state I live in, by four young black college students. This sit in ignited hundreds across the South. Black Americans began demanding the respect they deserved, all from asking to be served a cup of coffee at a lunch counter. A second advance of the Civil Rights movement that I always think of is the March on Washington where thousands gathered to demand their rights. Both of these advances resulted in the establishment of the most historic piece of legislature that resulted from the Civil Rights Movement, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed all discrimination in public places, banning segregation for good.

Part 1: Post a Response
The 1970s and 1980s brought remarkable changes for the Untied States. The Cold War between the US and its allies versus the Soviet Union and its allies/clients was still the dominant international issue. China was also going to start emerging as a major world power. Nixon was dealing with Vietnam and then Watergateone of the pivotal scandals of modern history. Reagan would bring a new national spirit, and he would tackle economic problems by deregulation and moderating taxesand he would be dealing with a very new type of Soviet leadership.
Discuss lessons in leadership with the examples of President Nixon and President Reagan:
Choose and discuss (in a full paragraph or two) one of the following two topics related to the 1960s and 1970s, especially to the terms of Presidents Nixon and Reagan.
1.    Discuss lessons in leadership with the examples of President Nixon and President Reagan:
o    Identify a leadership example from President Nixons handling of the Watergate issue, and another example from Reagans presidency.
o    Give two lessons in leadershipone from each example. They can be positive lessons or negative lessons (good things to do; things not to do, etc). Discuss how these lessons can apply to those in business or politics or some other realm.
o    Identify the source(s) where you read about these issues.
2.    Discuss Presidents Nixon and Reagan as Cold Warriors:
o    Identify a strategy or policy from the Nixon presidency that related to the Cold War, and another from the Reagan presidency.
o    In hindsight, describe your views of each approach and how effective (or not) each approach was.
o    Identify the source(s) where you read these issues.
Part 2: Respond to a Peer
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.
Reference Material
Chapters 26 and 27
Week 8 Learn materials
Week 8 Primary Sources

Part 1: Post a Response
By the 1990s, the US was stepping into the Information Age. This would coincide with the presidency of Bill Clinton. One can also see this as a period when global connections really became more visible and faster, in part because of new trade agreements around the globe. In North America, there was NAFTAthe North American Free Trade Agreement. By the late 1990s the US economy was entering a dynamic period of growth.
Choose and discuss one of the following two topics related to the American history under President Clinton:
1.    Discuss opposing viewpoints about free trade during the 1990s.
o    For the period of the Clinton presidency, identify one view of those favoring free trade and one view of those who were opposed.
o    Explain how you would weigh the pros and cons of this policy. In hindsight, what is your view of NAFTA? Is globalization good?
o    Identify the source(s) where you read about these free trade issues of that time.
2.    Discuss the economic rebound of the late 1990s under President Clinton.
o    Identify three of the package of changes that characterized the economic boost of the information revolution in the late 1990s.
o    Discuss and explain what you think was the most important of these changes. What can we learn from that sort of period of economic rebound?
o    Identify the source(s) where you read about these changes during the late 1990s. For guidance, view this short video.
Part 2: Respond to a Peer
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.
Reference Material
Chapter 28
Week 9 Learn materials
Week 9 Primary Sources

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Week 2: Thematic Reading Discussion

Based on our thematic readings for this week, “Pray for Me”( and “Goodbye to All That,”  respond to the following questions:

What are the similarities in the reasons for which the characters in the texts move? What are the differences?
Both texts deal with movement of people to a relatively more urban space. How does each of those instances of moving to the city work out in the texts?
Does moving lead to fulfillment for these characters? If yes, explain why you think so. If no, explain what happens to these characters when they find themselves in those new spaces.
Give specific examples from the texts to substantiate your response.
Your post should be about 300 words.

Designing a Compensation Package

Using the job description and evaluation method that you created, design a proposal for a competitive compensation package for the position, including the following elements:

    Job description
    Method of Job evaluation
    Intrinsic and extrinsic benefits
    Compensation package and rationale for same
    How performance will be measured
    Why the proposal you have created is appropriate for the market at this time.
    Compensation strategy.

The proposal should be formatted in accordance with APA, 6th edition.  Be sure to include at least six scholarly and/or popular sources, one of which must be the course text


Apples supply chain management
1. Supply Chain Model
2. how it manages its supply chain operations (cost, speed, flexibility, quality )

Major Factors Contributing to the success of Apples Supply Chain
    concentrating on making incredible items utilizing pivotal advancement
    providing items that are not regular and have an existence cycle of over a year
    lessening the number of distribution centers to one incorporated area in California
    synchronizing information between the focal distribution center and its own stores and clients, making operations more proficient and savvy
    outsourcing fabricating and therefore decreasing the assembling process duration
    decreasing the number of key providers engaged with assembling, dispatching and putting away
    asking for value decreases and requesting that providers move nearer to Apple’s processing plants
    decreasing the quantity of SKU’s to roughly 26,000, to improve and help grow more exact request figures

Apples Supply Chain Challenges
    Leader of the market
    Social responsibility


Internet Searches used for Epidemic Tracking

Internet users have grown accustomed to using Google to search for all kinds of information: the definition of a word, the latest news about a celebrity, or the possible cause of an ache or pain. Now it turns out that Google may be one of the more powerful tools for predicting disease outbreakssome say even more powerful than the best tools of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In 2008 Google launched Google Flu Trends, an application that compiles aggregated data from key word searches for clinical terms, such as thermometer, chest congestion, muscle aches, or flu symptoms. Google reports the data on a website, which then provides an early warning system for the locations of new flu outbreaks. Because the data are collected from searches performed each day, trends in flu symptoms become apparent much more quickly than when they are based on data reported during office visits or in lab reports from physicians around the country. When the CDC compared actual cases over the course of a year with Googles findings, the data from the two sources matched.

Is there any possible downside to this approach to data collection? How might data collected in this way not be representative of a particular population?

TIL for Deep Dive 1: Economic (Individual)

TIL for Deep Dive 1: Economic (Individual)

Today I Learned (TIL) for Deep Dive 1:  Mapping the Economic Landscape
Based on the industry you currently work in, which two economic indicators (other than the indicator your team prepared) should you pay the most attention to?  Why?
Give the industry, the indicators, and why.

Industry: Manufacturers New Orders

(The ppt has the indicator that team prepared)