Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

1st Amendment: Religion and Education

You have a standard practice of displaying all student work in your classroom. Recently, you assigned students to write any essay and submit a pictorial depiction on the person they considered to be their hero. One of your students submitted an essay on Jesus and a drawing of the Last Supper.

In a 500-750-essay, discuss any legal issues regarding the grading of your students essay and whether you could display the students work. How does the First Amendment apply to this situation?

Include at least five references in your essay. At least three of the five references should cite U.S. Supreme Court cases.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Perform an extensive inquiry into the relevant contexts (e.g. cultural, historical, national, economic, generic, ideological, or aesthetic) of a contemporary film of your own choosing in order to make an insightful argument about its success and/or significance.

To what cultural moment does this film respond? What tensions does it reveal? Where does it stand in relation to its creators other work? Situate the film within those contexts that help illuminate its meaning, and use apt, credible theories and well-researched evidence to support and develop your insights.

A successful essay will not simply repeat an existing opinion about a film but rather would contribute to the existing conversation about the film by complicating, contradicting or extending other credible points of view.

Note: You will need to perform outside research for this essay and include quotes from at least two sources about the film in your essay.

Word count: 1,000.


I want to use this as a section in my literature study. I want to paraphrase the document in the attachment. keeping in mind there are technical words should not be changed for example impulse, momentum, derives, change of momentum, velocity, force, etc.

Note: references from handbooks need to be used.

international economics

The final project will be based on a theme of your choice.
Write a 5-page paper (not including references and graphs), double space in Arial 12 with 1 line title.
You need to discuss or reflect on issues related to international economics such as tariffs (China), non-tariff barriers, trade agreements (NAFTA, TPP), bilateral agreements (US-China, US-UK, etc), imports, exports, globalization, etc.

Moe, Joe and Unrequited Love

In your paper, include the following:

Summarize the case study.
Describe credible and scholarly sources, relevant to a particular theory.
Apply a social psychological theory to a chosen case study.
Explain how social psychological research studies relate to a particular social psychological theory.
Apply an ethical reasoning concept to a chosen case study.
Apply a critical thinking concept to a chosen case study.
Review the key points.
Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assessment guidelines.
Demonstrate compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.

Any topic

FIRST, do some freewriting; reflecting on your chosen text, write without stopping to correct or read your writing. Write down any ideas that come into your head about the text. Dont worry if they are dumb or smartall ideas in a freewrite are good ideas. You can mine the sentences for gold later! As you write, consider these ideas to get you going.

How does the text make you feel? Why?
Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
Does it successfully convey its message? Why or why not?
What (if any) personal experiences help you relate to the text? 
NEXT, mine the freewrite and tell us:

What were the three best ideas that came from this exercise? Note: this response should be focused on the ideas as they relate to your chosen readings (not on the idea of freewriting itself).
What will your thesis statement be (you will have a chance to work/revise this next week)? To review thesis statement creation, click here: THESIS STATEMENTS
In your textbook reading, Chapter 2 defines a thesis as a statement that identifies your topic and your opinion about that topic. As we are in the planning and drafting stages of writing for the essay, its important to think of your thesis statement as fluid. This means your thesis can, and likely will, change as your ideas become more developed and concrete. Right now, you do not need to think of your thesis statement as something solid and set in stone.

For the Reader Response Essay, your thesis statement should accomplish the following:

Focus on one of the texts provided (Mother Tongue or The Crane Wife).
Clearly capture your response to the text and why you are responding that way.
Provide a position that expresses what you think about the essay you read.
Remember that a strong thesis statement:

is a single sentence (the last sentence of your introduction)
is a statement, not a question
is in the present tense, not the future or past tense
meets the 4 Cs (clear, concise, comprehensive, and makes a claim)
in order for a thesis statement to make a claim, it must push beyond summary and into analysis (not just what happens in the text, but why you responding in the manner you did).
You can find an example of a thesis statement for a Reader Response essay in the student sample essayPreview the document. In this essay, the writers thesis is located at the end of the introductory paragraph. It states:

Although Adrian was ambivalent about his dragon tattoo, his article provides a convincing argument for getting tattooed.

Note that this thesis statement notes the writers main response to the article.  In this case, it sets readers expectations that Adrian (the last name of the articles author) provides a convincing argument for getting tattooed.  This thesis, therefore, offers a positive response to the article.  Readers will expect to read the rest of the essay to uncover just how or why the argument was convincing.  In a Reader Response essay, your thesis can be positive, negative, or a combination of both.  The key element is to ensure it makes some claim about the effectiveness, importance, or impact of the reading you have chosen for your response.

Public Health issue

Evaluate public health issues that impact specific communities.
You are the Public Health Media Official at the local health department. To educate the community and promote public health initiatives, you have scheduled daily time with the local radio station to play media briefs recorded by yourself. The goal of the continuous media briefs is to inform the community about public health-related issues to help ensure the wellbeing of its citizens.

Research a current public health-related issue occurring in your community and record a 1- to 3-minute audio media brief. The media brief will be played on the radio station to notify the community of the public health issue. Your media brief must contain the following elements:

A description of the public health issue
The geographic location of the public health issue
How long has the issue been occurring
How is the issue impacting the community
If the issue is an illness, is it contagious? If yes, how is it spread?
Can the issue be prevented? If yes, how?
Is medical treatment required?
Clear voice and concise message
For guidance on how to create a media brief, review the following:
A Students Guide to Writing a Global Health Policy Brief
Sample Communications Briefs .

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Paragraph 1: only 9-11 sentence (nothing more nothing less)
After reading No, I Do Not Want to Pet Your Dog, consider the organization of the essay.  This essay seems to have a delayed thesis statement, delivered in paragraph 10 when the author says, But heres my problem: Theres now a cultural assumption that everyone must love dogs (Manjoo 236). What is the authors purpose?  Manjoo uses many examples to develop his main ideas, both that people assume we should love their dogs AND that its problematic.  Which of his examples do you feel best serve his purpose, and why?  Are there any examples that do not help uphold his purpose and thesis?  Explain.  As always, make a fully developed paragraph and respond to other learners ideas as well.

Do not blend the paragraph together.
no reference are needed

Paragraph 2: only 9-11 sentence (nothing more nothing less)
You are planning a full exemplification essay, so in this discussion, practice illustrative writing by making a paragraph that uses examples to develop the main idea. What kinds of books or magazines do you enjoy reading? Make your topic sentence a general statement about what you like to read and then develop the rest of the paragraph with either many examples or one long, fully explained example that illustrates your main claim (the topic sentence).

Politeness in Global Society

First, read the following scenario; at the end, you will find some questions and instructions to write your response paper.

During their summer break, a group of twenty students from a prestigious British high school went on a week-long tour of Italy, accompanied by their Art History teacher. They visited a number of citiesVenice, Florence, Romeadmiring artworks in museums, visiting churches and monuments, and enjoying gelatos and iced coffees in their free time.

One day, the students went to see Santa Maria del Fiore, the cathedral in Florence. As they were waiting in line to enter the cathedral, they were approached by street sellers offering selfie sticks, I <3 Firenze T-shirts, and felt-tip permanent markers. Among the tourists were other groups of teenagers on school trips, from Italian and European cities, and many of them were buying the markers. When they climbed on the cathedral roof, it became obvious what the markers were for: kids were signing their names here and there on the marble walls.

Taking advantage of a moment when the teacher was admiring the stained-glass windows inside, five of the students borrowed a marker and also wrote on the cathedral wall: XXX Grammar School, August 5, 2017. Unfortunately for them, the teacher found out almost right away, and she was not exactly thrilled. She rounded up the class, and asked who had made graffiti on the monument; the five culprits quickly confessed. Angry and embarrassed, the teacher dragged them to the cathedral museum offices, where she tried to explain the situation to one of the employees. Luckily, the museum director was on site, and after some back and forth the teacher was directed to his office, where she again explained what had happened.

We are terribly sorry, sir; the kids would like to apologise to you in person, and they will personally clean up the graffiti they made. We will be back first thing tomorrow morning with sponges and bleach, and they will scrub it all away, I promise.

Signora, the director replied, dont worry about it. They are kids, these things happen! Theres no need for you to come back tomorrow to clean up!

Sir, I insist, I am really sorry about this, and it is important that the kids learn a lesson here.

Signora, believe me, its ok. Please dont worry about it.

Sir, please, let me bring the kids back to apologise to you in person, and also wipe out the graffiti. They even wrote the name of the school! This is not the kind of behaviour that we condone at XXX Grammar!

Signora, please, its fine, it was just kids play! Besides, you cannot just use bleach on the walls of the cathedral. This is century-old marble, it needs to be handled by specialised personnel with the appropriate techniques, you cant just scrub it with a cleaning product from the supermarket.

I understand; well, if that is the case, we are willing to pay for the specialised technicians to do the cleaning. It is our responsibility to do that. Just let me know who I can contact and how can I pay for this.

Madam, its not necessary, these things are very expensive, your graffiti will get wiped the next time we do an overall cleaning of the cathedral walls.

And when will that be?

Ah, well, we are not sure there is talk of some European funds coming for this, but I cannot give you an exact date now, these things take a long time. It could be next year or it could be ten years from now, it really depends.

But surely there must be a way to do it sooner than that? As I said, we are willing to pay whatever there is to pay!

Madam, really, you are getting worked up about nothing; they are kids, these things happen, please dont worry about it!

The conversation continued like this for some time. Both parties were getting increasingly frustrated.

Questions and instructions

What do you think was happening here? Where did the tension arise from? And how could it be resolved? What could have been done differently?

Write a two-part response paper, of maximum 500 words, addressing this scenario in light of what you have learned in the course. In the first part, analyse the situation and explain how different norms of politeness/impoliteness are involved. In the second part, imagine that you are one of the characters in the story (either the teacher or the museum director, or, if you prefer, another employee from the school or the museum) and propose a solution.

In writing the short response essay, be careful to provide your own analysis of the situation; do not simply rehash the content of the lectures and readings but make sure to connect them to the specific situation you analyse. The essay will also be assessed based on structure, clarity of expression, ability to think critically, and ability to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the themes of the course.

Manipulation of images and how it affects people

Think about how images and videos have been and can be manipulated for audiences. Think about your own life experiences and how what youve seen or heard may not always be what it seems either.  (Fake news, anyone?)

Write a persuasive response arguing whether or not people should be allowed to manipulate images or videos to post online.