Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

analyse for 28 article and then write an article about stakeholder

I want to create/ write an article about stakeholder subject according to that the course is: ( public relations new approaches) for master’s students. references will be 35 articles not book. the articles will be linked with a relations with public relations and stakeholder. I want to use the all of 35 articles as sources/ references. I want it’s form like a normal format of  scientific article with all of it’s steps. it will be as a final exam.
article about new data

course is: public relations new approaches

NOTE: the assignment for master’s student. it will be as a midterm work

Costco – Strategic HRM Proposal

Obtain the Instructor’s approval on the selected organization before writing the Strategic HRM Proposal.

Write a 750-1,000 word strategic human resource management plan. The purpose of this assignment is to simulate the thought process managers use to connect unit goals with organizational strategy. The students are not expected to produce a detailed strategic plan (which in actual organizations can exceed 100 pages). Rather, the expectation is that students demonstrate consideration of the multiple complexities involved in strategic planning.

The assignment is centered on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) model of analysis, and the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) model of goal setting.

Access the GCU Library, relevant course materials, and Internet resources to research SWOT analysis and SMART goals.

Select an organization to research that has a description of the organization and necessary information available to conduct a SWOT analysis and develop SMART goals.

The Strategic HRM Plan should be in the form of a professional report. There is no single, correct manner of presentation. Critical and creative thinking is expected. The formatting is secondary to the content and application of knowledge. However, the proposal should be organized in a readily comprehensible manner that conveys a thorough understanding of course objectives. Graphics, bulleted lists, and charts are acceptable. Include the following:

Introduction that outlines how the human resource goals support the organizational goals.
Summary of the organizational description.
A SWOT analysis.
Three human resource goals that fulfill the SMART criteria.
Alignment of human resources goals and strategic plans.
Proposal for a job design initiative or an organizational hiring goal to meets the needs of the human resource goals and organizational goals.
A conclusion that summarizes the highlights of the plan is presented.
Incorporate three to five resources (including your textbook) to support your Strategic HRM Plan.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


TOPIC: Which person do you consider the most courageous figure in American history?
1) Choose a historical figure who you feel best embodies courage in U.S. history. They can be military heroes like General Douglas McArthur, freedom fighters like Martin Luther King, politicians like Franklin D. Roosevelt, humanitarians like Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey, etc. They can also be people who are not so famous but who showed enormous courage in the face of adversity. They must, however, be Americans and have lived during the 20th or 21st century.

2) This project consists of 2 partsa 4-5-page written report and a 3-5 minute oral presentation. In both the written and the oral report let your audience know what is important and perhaps also controversial about the person you have chosen. Also indicate why you feel this person should be considered the most courageous individual in American history. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you follow the guidelines in the attached rubric.

3) To enhance your oral presentation, you may use visual aids (e.g. PowerPoint, videos, etc.). Als,o include a picture or photograph of that person in your written report.

4) Your written report must include a list of your sources (at least 4) as well as relevant citations. You should use the MLA format.

A. 2/26/20—I need to know the name of the individual you chose to write about & whether you are working alone or with a partner.
B. 4/1/20Outline of the project must be emailed to me ([email protected])
C. 5/20/20—Presentation of final project.

Conflict Essay

Follow the attached document that specifies the instructions.

Recap: 3 to 5 page essay/ APA style format

Topic: After completing the assignment on pages 3-8, you will write a 3-5 page paper which will describe your results in detail.

Prior to writing the essay, you must fill out the questions and obtained the calculation. refer to pages 3 to 8 on the attached document.

please read the instructions carefully as listed in the attached document prior to starting the assignment.

Pharmacy School Admissions Essay

Need assistance in writing my personal statement for pharmacy school admission. I’ve already written parts of the essay.
This is the criteria for essay:
“Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals.”

Details About Me:
-completed an associates of science  and bachelors of art degree
– worked in cvs pharmacy as pharmacy technician for 6 years
-worked in mount sinai hospital in pharmacy department as pharmacy teachnician for 2 years.


There are three categories of social-order crimes (the fourth will be covered later in the course). The three categories that fall under the heading of offenses against public order and the administration of justice are 1) crimes against public order and safety, such as disorderly conduct and reach of peace; 2) crimes against justice and the administration of justice, such as treason and perjury; and 3) crimes against the environment, such as crimes that violate environmental laws. These social-order or public-order crimes are offenses that disturb society in such a way that the action taken is seen as invading the peace and tranquility of society.

For this assignment, assume you have been asked by your supervisor to select a public-order crime from one of the three categories that relates to your current or future position as a criminal justice professional to be distributed to your department for training purposes. Based on your selected crime, prepare a memorandum to your supervisor, responding to the following:

Summarize a statute (federal or state, depending on the crime chosen) governing your selected crime using your state’s government Web site.
Analyze the elements required to prove a violation of the statute for your selected crime.
Explain one case opinion that is on point for the charge associated with your selection, including the facts of the case, the ruling of the court and the basis for the ruling.
Articulate why it is important for a criminal justice professional to understand the legal and social parameters of the statutory and case law for your selected crime when conducting an investigation.
Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Resources and citations: Format according to APA guidelines.
Required page count: 35, not including the cover page or the references page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
You are required to submit a draft of your paper to SafeAssign. Once you review your results and make any needed changes, submit your paper for grading.

Business opportunities

Using one of several dimensions to determine opportunities for a viable business proposition [for example, new technology, Markets trends etc] Develop a coherent narrative to showcases a well-researched opportunity that it worth exploring as a profit or non-profit business. Here, you are required to produce a 2500-word report that uses the problem/solution fit framework to articulate the viability of the opportunity identified. 

Once this has been determined, use it to determine the initial steps required to have a product market fit. Here, you can use the initial hypothesis to creatively propose a strategy to achieve it. 

Reflective practice through a critical incident framework: Critically reflecting on your thinking and practice in a professional context.

Please include a minimum of 8 RELEVANT references.

I have attached documents containing incidents you MUST use. You can choose three incidents to use in the essay within the documents labeled week one, week 2, week 3, week 4, and week 5.

I have also attached the documents containing the instructions below.

You will see I have attached an example essay our teacher gave us to show what the essay should be like. Please do not plagiarise this as my teacher gave it to me.

Please ask if you need any clarification at all.

Keep    to    the    word limits    (2000    words    +/-    10%)
Make    sure    you    anonymise    names    of    schools,    teachers,    pupils    and    yourself        make    sure    you    do    this    in    the    references    at    the    end    too.    Include    a    reference    list    at    the    end        min    =    about    8    references        Use Hrvard    referencing        –    find    this    on    The    University    website

(Suggestion to start off the essay)
For the past six weeks, I spent each Friday afternoon in a Year One classroom on placement acting as a teaching assistant. Throughout the placement, I kept a journal of significant incidents I experienced whilst in the school in Trafford. In this essay, I intend to use a critical incident framework to reflect on and interpret the situations I found my self in, enabling me to transcribe the results. These incidents have been described as critical incidents  (Tripp;1993, p.8). Tripp states that critical incidents are produced by the way we look at a situation (Tripp;1993, p.8).

Title: Reflective practice    through a    critical incident    framework: Critically reflecting on    your    thinking and practice in a professional context.   

Section 1: Brief introductionwhat are you going to do and how     In this essay, I    intend to    (50-100 words)

Section 2:Reasoned explanation of the meaning of reflective practice, a critical incident, and the critical incident framework you are using. Explain how you will use the framework to structure your incidents. Make sure you do this. (200-300 words)

Section 3:
Critical incident 1
Use the critical incident framework to structure your incident. Describe the incident briefly, move onto the initial reflection, and then reasoned analysis and critical reflection about what was going on using the critical incident framework. Come to a reasoned new understanding of the critical incident. (450-500 words)

Section 4:
Critical Incident 2
Use the critical incident framework to structure your incident. Describe the incident briefly, move onto the initial reflection, and then reasoned analysis and critical reflection about what was going on using the critical incident framework. Come to a reasoned new understanding of the critical incident. (450-500 words)

Section 5:
Critical incident 3
Use the critical incident framework to structure your incident. Describe the incident briefly, move onto the initial reflection, and then reasoned analysis and critical reflection about what was going on using the critical incident framework. Come to a reasoned new understanding of the critical incident. (450-500 words)

Section 6:
Discussion and reasoned conclusions
What have you learned about your thinking and/or practice through using the critical incident framework? How has your thinking developed as a consequence? What are your final reflections on how using a critical incident framework can help you develop more broadly as a professional? (250 words)

Should Children Under the Age of 10 Own Cell Phones?

) Select either Topic A or Topic B for your persuasive speech.
o Topic A: Should Children Under the Age of 10 Own Cell Phones?
Deliver a speech on question of value.
o Topic B: Should Self-Driving Cars Be Legal?
Deliver a speech on question of policy.
2) Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word.
o Download the Microsoft Word template in the Assignment 3.1 section
located in Week 6 of your course.
o Develop a specific purpose, central idea, and several main points so you’ll
stay within the 4-minute time limit.
o You must use at least two quality resources.
3) Submit the completed Microsoft Word template in Blackboard (this is separate from
your speech/self-review).
4) For this assignment, you will not compose an essay or speech. You are only
required to submit an outline.

Select Topic A Should Children Under the Age of 10 Own Cell Phones?

Copywriting & Creative Evaluation

Copywriting & Creative Evaluation
1st Assessment instructions

1.    Overview
The 1st Assessment  will challenge you to better understand and critically assess advertising, its functions and effects in society, using semiotics and your observation skills. You are encouraged to study old print advertisements from the Hellenic Advertising Archives. 

2.    Content
Each project must contain the following sections:
a)    Abstract: write it after you finish your project. This is a 100-150 word overview of your work
b)    Introduction: present your print ad and the reasons why you believe it is worth analyzing.
c)    Method: in one or two paragraphs describe how you are going to apply semiotics to critically read this ad.
d)    Description: present your work stage by stage:
    Observation and description:
    Headline, text, messages
    Main visual
    Secondary visuals
    Colors, sizes, positions including the product
e)    Questions:
    Signifier and signified
    Rhetoric tropes and figures
    Anchoring and appeals
f)    Conclusion: what do we find out after following this process? Areas for future research.

3.    Research
You need two types of research to submit this project: First, you need to consult literature on semiotics, as instructed, to develop thorough analyzing skills. Second, you need to study older ads and cultural trends of the time the ad circulated, to be able to match your observations with such trends thus acquiring a better understanding of an ads function during its time, the symbols used, the underlying appeals etc. This type of reading is case specific. 
Therefore, make sure you use sources; you list them properly at the end of your assignment; and you cite them meticulously in your text. You should use at least five (5) sources (books or peer-reviewed articles in academic journals) including your book. Make sure you use APA style

    Documentation: APA style
    Word length: between 2000-2500 words excluding references. Under- or over-writing leads to a 10% penalty on your grade.
    Submission: The project must be word processed, and submitted through Turnitin. Students are also required to bring a hard copy in class, on the same or during the following day.
CN 3609 Copywriting & Creative Evaluation – Level 5
1st assessment rubric