Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

End of life care- Nursing

The question focuses on role of nurse and interventions required for providing end of life care for an older person.
The question has two parts and are to be answered based on the given case scenario:
Part 1: 2 short questions (500 Words).
Part 2: Essay (1500).

APA6 Referencing. Minimum 15 references required.


HSCO 502 impact assignment 1

HSCO 502
Impact Assignment: Part 1 Instructions
You may select any of the topics below for the focus of your impact assignment. If you have another topic of interest that is not on the list, you must get approval from your instructor prior to starting your impact assignment.
Impact Assignment: Part 1 must be at least 6 pages including a title page, 4 pages in the body, and a reference page. Note: You may have up to 6 pages in the body of your paper. In addition, you must include your textbook and at least 3 other scholarly sources as you develop your paper. You must use these sources to provide an overview of the most meaningful information from your sources that helps you understand the topic. 
This paper must be written in current APA format.

Failure to Thrive (infancy)
Parenting Styles (impact on children)
Attachment Styles (impact on children)
Autism (impact on child)
Divorce (impact on child)
Death of a Parent (impact on child)
Death of a Child (impact on adult)
Influence of Technology (impact on child or adolescent)
Multiracial/Biracial (impact on the individual)
Military Service (impact on the individual)
Culture or Religion (impact on the individual)
Poverty (impact on the individual)
Failure to Launch  (impact on the individual)
Adult Attachment and the Implications on Romantic Relationships (impact on the individual)
Job Loss (impact on the individual)
Empty Nest syndrome (impact on the parent)
The Sandwich Generation (impact on the parent caring for children and parents)
Retirement transition (impact on the individual)
Death of a Spouse  (impact on the living spouse)
Dementia  (impact on the individual)
The Burden of Caring for an Elderly Parent (impact on the adult child)

Use the following headings to organize your paper. Provide insight to these questions from your reading and research on the topic:
How is the topic defined or conceptualized?
Importance to the field of human development
Developmental Impact
At what age and stage does this issue typically impact a person?
What is its potential impact on a persons development progress?
What is the impact to cognitive, social, emotional, relationship, and/or moral dimensions of development?
Faith & Professional Perspectives
Are there Christian principles or biblical themes that provide explanation or clarification you want to include?
What are the most important considerations for human services providers to know as they work with individuals and families experiencing this impact to development?
Provide 2 suggestions of educational readings that you might suggest if a client was impacted by your topic. What reading materials would be most beneficial and appropriate for your clients? You must research literature, read reviews and excerpts, and become knowledgable and comfortable with the content of the materials. Then, make 2 suggestions of the best information you found and would be comfortable recommending to clients. Provide the title, a link to the source, and a 1-paragraph explanation of the content.
Provide 2 referral sources that you could recommend to clients. Research providers in your local area that offer services and care related to your impact topic. Provide a web link to the agency or organization. Under the link, provide a 1-paragraph explanation of services they provide that are related to your topic and why you would recommend it.
Provide a complete list of references in current APA format that you used to inform your paper.
Writing Guidelines:
Your references can include peer-reviewed journal articles found in Libertys library or credible web resources; if you are not sure of the credibility of your web resource, ask your instructor before using it. Provide appropriate citations and references for any information you use in this paper. Write the paper using professional writing etiquette and consult the Liberty Writing Center if you have questions about grammar or format. Remember that all work must be your own and plagiarism is not tolerated. Be sure to review the plagiarism policy in your syllabus. Make sure to use in-text citations throughout your paper. Anything that is not common knowledge or is not an original thought must be cited or it is considered plagiarism. Direct quotes should not be used, but rather you should rephrase ideas into your own words. In-text citations should be in current APA format (Author, Year).

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 3.
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Scholarly source websites you can use

University of Southern California

Liberty university

Benefits of Working in Cross Cultural Teams

Explain Benefits of Working in Cross-Cultural Teams give detailed information and examples. Also, include a part for a Cross-Cultural Design Engineering team, what can be the advantages if many engineers from different cultures come together in a design project (you may refer to a library, media, TV, internet, etc.).

2 pages, excluding table of contents, abstract, introduction, conclusion, references, etc

short answer

you need to answer two out of these four questions.  Each answer should span between 1/2 and 1 document page.
Essay questions:
Question 1) Describe the main considerations/inputs needed in the determination of sample size for a representative survey.  Discuss how they are related to one another and why.

Question 2) A marketing research manager intends to survey a simple random sample of Swiss consumers and ask questions about level of beverage consumption. How can she estimate the population standard deviation for this variable before selecting the sample? Why would she need to do that? What would happen if her initial estimate were not reflected in the sample results (i.e., if the estimated standard deviation in the sample turned out to be larger than expected)?

Question 3) A convenience store chain wants to determine the relationship between the income of customers and the frequency of visiting stores in the chain.  To answer your clients question, you would do a test of hypothesis.  State the null and alternative hypotheses for this particular study.  Which significance level alpha would you select?    If both income and frequency of store visits were measured on ordinal scales, how would you analyze the relationship between these two variables? Set up an example to illustrate your answer in the case of ordinal-scale variables and explain what kind of result would be evidence of this hypothetical relationship.

Question 4) Briefly describe two methods of analysis of association.  Discuss the relevance of analysis of association in general for marketing and provide examples.

Politeness in Global Society

First, read the following scenario; at the end, you will find some questions and instructions to write your response paper.

During their summer break, a group of twenty students from a prestigious British high school went on a week-long tour of Italy, accompanied by their Art History teacher. They visited a number of citiesVenice, Florence, Romeadmiring artworks in museums, visiting churches and monuments, and enjoying gelatos and iced coffees in their free time.

One day, the students went to see Santa Maria del Fiore, the cathedral in Florence. As they were waiting in line to enter the cathedral, they were approached by street sellers offering selfie sticks, I <3 Firenze T-shirts, and felt-tip permanent markers. Among the tourists were other groups of teenagers on school trips, from Italian and European cities, and many of them were buying the markers. When they climbed on the cathedral roof, it became obvious what the markers were for: kids were signing their names here and there on the marble walls.

Taking advantage of a moment when the teacher was admiring the stained-glass windows inside, five of the students borrowed a marker and also wrote on the cathedral wall: XXX Grammar School, August 5, 2017. Unfortunately for them, the teacher found out almost right away, and she was not exactly thrilled. She rounded up the class, and asked who had made graffiti on the monument; the five culprits quickly confessed. Angry and embarrassed, the teacher dragged them to the cathedral museum offices, where she tried to explain the situation to one of the employees. Luckily, the museum director was on site, and after some back and forth the teacher was directed to his office, where she again explained what had happened.

We are terribly sorry, sir; the kids would like to apologise to you in person, and they will personally clean up the graffiti they made. We will be back first thing tomorrow morning with sponges and bleach, and they will scrub it all away, I promise.

Signora, the director replied, dont worry about it. They are kids, these things happen! Theres no need for you to come back tomorrow to clean up!

Sir, I insist, I am really sorry about this, and it is important that the kids learn a lesson here.

Signora, believe me, its ok. Please dont worry about it.

Sir, please, let me bring the kids back to apologise to you in person, and also wipe out the graffiti. They even wrote the name of the school! This is not the kind of behaviour that we condone at XXX Grammar!

Signora, please, its fine, it was just kids play! Besides, you cannot just use bleach on the walls of the cathedral. This is century-old marble, it needs to be handled by specialised personnel with the appropriate techniques, you cant just scrub it with a cleaning product from the supermarket.

I understand; well, if that is the case, we are willing to pay for the specialised technicians to do the cleaning. It is our responsibility to do that. Just let me know who I can contact and how can I pay for this.

Madam, its not necessary, these things are very expensive, your graffiti will get wiped the next time we do an overall cleaning of the cathedral walls.

And when will that be?

Ah, well, we are not sure there is talk of some European funds coming for this, but I cannot give you an exact date now, these things take a long time. It could be next year or it could be ten years from now, it really depends.

But surely there must be a way to do it sooner than that? As I said, we are willing to pay whatever there is to pay!

Madam, really, you are getting worked up about nothing; they are kids, these things happen, please dont worry about it!

The conversation continued like this for some time. Both parties were getting increasingly frustrated.

Questions and instructions

What do you think was happening here? Where did the tension arise from? And how could it be resolved? What could have been done differently?

Write a two-part response paper, of maximum 500 words, addressing this scenario in light of what you have learned in the course. In the first part, analyse the situation and explain how different norms of politeness/impoliteness are involved. In the second part, imagine that you are one of the characters in the story (either the teacher or the museum director, or, if you prefer, another employee from the school or the museum) and propose a solution.

In writing the short response essay, be careful to provide your own analysis of the situation; do not simply rehash the content of the lectures and readings but make sure to connect them to the specific situation you analyse. The essay will also be assessed based on structure, clarity of expression, ability to think critically, and ability to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the themes of the course.

economic developing in the era of globalization

Choose one of the following special topics and write a report on the topic.
1. Economic Development in the Era of Globalization
2. Trade and Capital Flows in the Era of Digitalization
3. Global Value Chains and Economic Performance
4. Currently Proliferating Protectionism

The report should cover both general academic investigation about the topic (30%~40%) and at least a case study of the topic (60%~70%) covering the East Asian economy (a country, countries, or/and the region as a whole).

Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and checked. If violated, not only F grade given to you but also reported to the Office of Academic Affairs at Korea University.

What was the material basis of the thriving cultural and artistic patronage in 14th and 15th Century Italy?

Critically reflect on the beginning of the Renaissance in Italy.  You may refer to other academic sources on the topics raised therein (JSTOR & EBRARY can be very useful if not familiar, please ask a librarian). Finally, plan and draft an essay at least 1100 words on the topic.

In your response, please use well-described evidence to construct your argument. Your response should reference your academic sources and contain a list of works cited formatted after the APA style of references.

Politeness in Global Society

First, read the following scenario; at the end, you will find some questions and instructions to write your response paper.

During their summer break, a group of twenty students from a prestigious British high school went on a week-long tour of Italy, accompanied by their Art History teacher. They visited a number of citiesVenice, Florence, Romeadmiring artworks in museums, visiting churches and monuments, and enjoying gelatos and iced coffees in their free time.

One day, the students went to see Santa Maria del Fiore, the cathedral in Florence. As they were waiting in line to enter the cathedral, they were approached by street sellers offering selfie sticks, I <3 Firenze T-shirts, and felt-tip permanent markers. Among the tourists were other groups of teenagers on school trips, from Italian and European cities, and many of them were buying the markers. When they climbed on the cathedral roof, it became obvious what the markers were for: kids were signing their names here and there on the marble walls.

Taking advantage of a moment when the teacher was admiring the stained-glass windows inside, five of the students borrowed a marker and also wrote on the cathedral wall: XXX Grammar School, August 5, 2017. Unfortunately for them, the teacher found out almost right away, and she was not exactly thrilled. She rounded up the class, and asked who had made graffiti on the monument; the five culprits quickly confessed. Angry and embarrassed, the teacher dragged them to the cathedral museum offices, where she tried to explain the situation to one of the employees. Luckily, the museum director was on site, and after some back and forth the teacher was directed to his office, where she again explained what had happened.

We are terribly sorry, sir; the kids would like to apologise to you in person, and they will personally clean up the graffiti they made. We will be back first thing tomorrow morning with sponges and bleach, and they will scrub it all away, I promise.

Signora, the director replied, dont worry about it. They are kids, these things happen! Theres no need for you to come back tomorrow to clean up!

Sir, I insist, I am really sorry about this, and it is important that the kids learn a lesson here.

Signora, believe me, its ok. Please dont worry about it.

Sir, please, let me bring the kids back to apologise to you in person, and also wipe out the graffiti. They even wrote the name of the school! This is not the kind of behaviour that we condone at XXX Grammar!

Signora, please, its fine, it was just kids play! Besides, you cannot just use bleach on the walls of the cathedral. This is century-old marble, it needs to be handled by specialised personnel with the appropriate techniques, you cant just scrub it with a cleaning product from the supermarket.

I understand; well, if that is the case, we are willing to pay for the specialised technicians to do the cleaning. It is our responsibility to do that. Just let me know who I can contact and how can I pay for this.

Madam, its not necessary, these things are very expensive, your graffiti will get wiped the next time we do an overall cleaning of the cathedral walls.

And when will that be?

Ah, well, we are not sure there is talk of some European funds coming for this, but I cannot give you an exact date now, these things take a long time. It could be next year or it could be ten years from now, it really depends.

But surely there must be a way to do it sooner than that? As I said, we are willing to pay whatever there is to pay!

Madam, really, you are getting worked up about nothing; they are kids, these things happen, please dont worry about it!

The conversation continued like this for some time. Both parties were getting increasingly frustrated.

Questions and instructions

What do you think was happening here? Where did the tension arise from? And how could it be resolved? What could have been done differently?

Write a two-part response paper, of maximum 500 words, addressing this scenario in light of what you have learned in the course. In the first part, analyse the situation and explain how different norms of politeness/impoliteness are involved. In the second part, imagine that you are one of the characters in the story (either the teacher or the museum director, or, if you prefer, another employee from the school or the museum) and propose a solution.

In writing the short response essay, be careful to provide your own analysis of the situation; do not simply rehash the content of the lectures and readings but make sure to connect them to the specific situation you analyse. The essay will also be assessed based on structure, clarity of expression, ability to think critically, and ability to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the themes of the course.

Week 3 D1 Reponse

Please respond to each discussion post (a total of 2 responses). Each response should include additional information in response to the discussion post. Please note, you are responding directly to the person by name such as Hi James, or Hi Jane, etc.
Length: at least 135 words each response, not including references
Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years
The entire paper should not be in APAP format but the in-text citation and reference should be in APA format.

Strategies, SWOT Analysis and Marketing Project

In this assignment, you will be writing a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis for a health-care provider of your choice.

First, choose a health-care provider, one that you are familiar with or one in your community or one that you are curious about. Research and review online information. You will need to look at the following information:

The health provider website: Annual reports, etc.
CMS.Gov quality reports
Healthgrades data and/or patient satisfaction scores/ratings
County or regional demographics
For your paper, you will do the following:

      1. Introduce your provider and provide background information (1-2 pages).

      2. Based on the information gathered, develop a SWOT analysis in chart or list format.

Two strengths of your provider
Two weaknesses of your provider
Two opportunities for your provider
Two threats to this provider
      3. Provide reasoning and support for your analysis (minimum two sentences per choice).

      4. Develop a marketing flyer directed to a particular segment of the providers market that highlights their strengths (one flyer).

      5. Utilize at least three sources and cite them in SWS format.

      6. All aspects of the project should be in SWS format. If you wish, this project may be completed in PowerPoint format