Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Ch. 4 Q&A

Optional reading:

1. On page 149, from the 3rd sentence(Although we shall not examine…) to the end of the proof and before the sentence (You may have gathered.) on Page 159.

2. From the 2nd paragraph (By Euclids time, Greek geometric algebra had reached a stage of) on page 160 to the end of page 164.

3. Page 165-page 168 Construction of regular pentagon.

4. Page 172-page 181.

Answer the following questions:

1. (4pts) Describe the works and influence of Euclid (pages 143-160; must include the importance and flaws of Elements, what a postulate is). Minimum 240 words.

2. (1pt) Summarize the math achievements of Eratosthenes (pages 183-188; must include at least two major achievements).  Minimum 60 words.

3.  (1pt) Summarize the achievements of Ptolemy (pages 188-191).  Minimum 60 words.

4.  (3pts) Describe the life and math achievements of Archimedes (pages 193-206 skip math examples).  Minimum 180 words.

5.  (1pt) Summarize the math achievements of Apollonius (pages 206-208).  Minimum 60 words.

For resubmission, send me an e-mail. After I clear your submission, you will be able to resubmit.

Grading Rubrics:

(1). lose a half point for every two grammar or spelling mistakes.

(2). lose one point each day past the due day for any late submission.

(3). lose a half point for each 20 words less than the minimum.

(4). lose a half point for any key item that is not covered in your answer.

Ch. 3 Q&A

Read Chapter 3. 

Optional reading topics: math examples from Pages 95 to 101; Theon’s Side and Diagonal Numbers from Pages 111-116 excluding Eudoxus of Cnidos; The Quadratrix of Hippias from Pages 130-134.

1. (1pt) Describe Thales’ influence upon mathematics (pages 86-90).  Minimum 50 words.

2. (2pts) Describe two discoveries the Pythagoreans made (pages 90-100 skip math examples).  Minimum 100 words.

3. (1pt) Describe Zeno’s paradox and what mathematical concept needs to be used to explain it (pages 101-102).  Minimum 50 words.

4. (2pts) How did the discovery of incommensurable magnitudes produce a crisis in the development of mathematics? (pages 109-117 skip math examples)  Minimum 100 words

5. (3pts) Three Construction Problems of Antiquity (Minimum 150 words) :

a. Describe each of three construction problems of antiquity and what instruments are allowed to use? (pages 120-121)

b. Who made progresses on theses problems (pages 122-127)?

c. Are these problems solved and what math subject was used (pages 122 and 126)? 

6.  (1pt) Describe Plato’s influence upon mathematics (pages 134-136). Minimum 50 words.

For resubmission, send me an e-mail. After I clear your submission, you will be able to resubmit.

Grading Rubrics:

(1). lose a half point for every two grammar or spelling mistakes.
(2). lose one point each day past the due day for any late submission.
(3). lose a half point for each 20 words less than the minimum.

(4). lose a half point for any key item that is not covered in your answer.

Here is the link to the book:

Criminal minds

Provide examples of ways to control crime, or crime prevention policiesother than those mentioned in the book chapterthat are consistent with (a) classical theories of crime and (b) positivist theories.

I do not have the book so I am not sure what the book mentions.

Criminal Minds

Write two pages in which you:

Compare and contrast the cumulative risk and developmental cascade model.
Describe attachment theory and how it relates to juvenile delinquency and adult criminal behavior.
Describe each of Baumrinds four parental styles.
All papers should be in APA style and should include a title page, running head, and references

Global Health Agenda

MN507 Unit 10 DB

What are some of the opportunities that are available to develop an interdisciplinary approach to the advance of the World Health Organization (WHO) global health agenda? Describe how the application of multiculturalism and diversity practices and policies can impact the organization you work in respect to those opportunities. Summarize what you have learned in this course to advance how the role of an advanced practice nurse can influence this global approach.

***Need 3 scholarly references***

Global Nursing Shortage

MN506 Unit 10 DB

Evaluate the effects of the global nursing shortage on health policy. How has the shortage affected the United Nations Millennium Development Goals? Analyze how nursing ideas, values, and beliefs impact policy agenda. Identify when policy can dictate treatment options.

*** Need 3 scholarly references***

Any topic (writer’s choice)

These questions can be formulated while reading assigned texts before the lecture, during a lecture about the lecture itself, during the viewing of the recorded lecture, or after viewing the recorded lecture. Below youll find different options for formulating your one-page word question/reflection:
1) Addressacitationfromoneofthetheoreticaltextswevereadfortheweek, and a short (2-3 sentence) description of what you find compelling, interesting, confusing, challenging, confounding, about the passage.
2) Addressatheoreticalconceptpresentedintheweekslecturepresentationthatyoufind compelling, interesting, confusing, challenging, confounding, and would like to introduce for discussion in class. This scene may have some relationship to the citation of the theoretical text youve provided.
3) An anesthetic technique that you saw in artwork or exhibition that was covered in the lecture presentation. Pick one you think has engaged directly with a theoretical concept weve discussed or has been discussed in one of our readings/lectures. Briefly describe the artwork or exhibitions technique and also what kind of relation it might have to the theoretical text we encountered that week.
These should not be simple yes or no question or something that can easily be looked
up on Wikipedia. Rather, your one-page response should reflect your active engagement
with the reading, lecture, or case study artwork/exhibition. These questions are meant to
help you understand concepts in the text that you find difficult, please use them to your
advantage. Consider the following questions to guide your work
a. What is the text, lecture, or artworks main idea?
b. What does it mean?
c. Why does it matter?
As you proceed with these assignments over the course of the quarter, you may compare
and contrast prior theories or artworks covered in one lecture with another. This will prepare you for the final paper assignment.

Sociological concept

Write an essay based on a sociological concept and discussed through three sociological theories, Structural Functionalist Theory, Critical Theory including Feminist Theory and Symbolic Interactionist Theory. You can pick from any major topic discussed in your textbook. For example, race, ethnicity, socialization, power, sex, gender, sexuality, stratification, etcetera.
work must be cited.

Reflection Paper

The IOM published report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” makes recommendations for lifelong learning and achieving higher levels of education.

In 1,000-1,100 words, examine the importance of nursing education and discuss your overall educational goals.

Include the following:

1)Discuss your options in the job market based on your educational level.
Review the IOM Future of Nursing Recommendations for achieving higher levels of education. Describe what professional certification and advanced degrees (MSN, DNP, etc.) you want to pursue and explain your reasons for wanting to attain the education. 2)Discuss your timeline for accomplishing these goals.
3)Discuss how increasing your level of education would affect how your competitiveness in the current job market and your role in the future of nursing.
4)Discuss the relationship of continuing nursing education to competency, attitudes, knowledge, and the ANA Scope and Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics.
5)Discuss whether continuing nursing education should be mandatory. Provide support for your response.
You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice. 

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric.

Marketing in a Competitive Business Environment

Marketing in a Competitive Business Environment

As you begin your new marketing position, it is important that you get to know the business youll be working on. Your manager asked you to prepare a presentation that will allow you to familiarize yourself with the business, while also offering a refresher to the rest of the team. For your first course project submission, complete the following:
1.    Read the Course Project Overview tab.
2.    Select a company and product to focus on for the duration of the five-week project.
3.    Conduct research on the company, brand, and product category you selected and create a PowerPoint presentation that answers the following questions:
a.    What are the corporate mission, vision, and values?
b.    What is the primary source of competitive advantage, and how has it played a role in the products success?
c.    Who is the target audience?
d.    Examine the product, price, place (distribution), and promotion strategies for the product. How does the marketing mix align with the mission, vision, and values?
e.    Which step(s) in the strategic marketing planning process do you believe would be most critical for this product and why?
4.    Your PowerPoint should include:
a.    Title Page (first slide).
b.    A minimum of six body slides.
1.    At least one page for each topic.
2.    Succinct text and bullet points.
3.    Relevant images, photographs, and/or charts.
c.    A list of references (last slide).
d.    A script in the presenters notes section of each slide that includes what you would say when presenting your PowerPoint to the team.
5.    Use at least five credible sources.