Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

British Museums cultural and artistic activities

Make research about  British Museums cultural and artistic activities that are organised in the last 2 years and for a specific period (such as temporary exhibitions, seminars, symposiums, movie screens, music concerts, art courses or workshops and etc.-except educational programs)

Cultural and artistic activities can be organised either online or in the museum premises

Evaluate cultural and artistic activities in terms of museums communication function


Please answer the following question:
Having taking this course, do you think the scaleups are more interesting places to work than startups and large corporations?

Please agree on this idea, look for reasons why scaleups are more interesting and explain it without adding sources. This should be done as personal opinion and it might be a thought analyzed “after” the course that we have covered.
Do it as if you  were “answering an email”.
No additional resources should be included. Just personal opinion using words such as “I consider”, “I believe”, “In my opinion”

Scaleups affected by covid19

Answer the following question:
Please support the reasons why covid-19 will affect scaleups. Regarding the industries,
The industries can be: artificial intelligence, automotive, augmented and virtual reeality, bitcoin and blockchain, cybersecurity, financial services. Choose ONE of this industries and explain why is it going to be the most affected industry.
There should NOT be additional resources. You  can do research and base it in your words.

Please develop this task as if  you were “answering an email”. No resources, just answer explaining why you think covid will affect scaleups (based on research) and which one is going to be the most affected industry.


Please answer the following question:
Having taking this course, do you think the scaleups are more interesting places to work than startups and large corporations?

Please agree on this idea, look for reasons why scaleups are more interesting and explain it without adding sources. This should be done as personal opinion and it might be a thought analyzed “after” the course that we have covered.
Do it as if you  were “answering an email”.

Sydney Retail Petrol Price Cycles,2019

Background: Economists are increasingly required to work in interdisciplinary teams and engage with members of the general public to express their research findings.

In this assessment, your task is to educate a non-specialist audience about an issue of your choice pertaining to pricing data and the Australian petrol market.

You will translate your advanced academic knowledge of the economics of petrol pricing into an engaging and educating article that a member of the general public can understand and enjoy. This article could be a magazine article, longform newspaper op-ed, piece for The Economist, or similar. You can assume your audience cares about how much they’re paying when they fill up their tank, but you can’t assume they know how the economy works or the theories that an economist would use to analyse it.

Assignment task: Write an article for a popular publication to educate a non-specialist audience about an issue, debate, or future prediction pertaining to petrol pricing in the Australian market.

Although a publication like a tabloid newspaper may not include sources in real life, your submission still needs to. At least 7 academic sources are required, and should be referenced properly using a recognised academic style guide such as CMS or APA. You may also employ your quantitative results from experiments conducted in this unit if relevant.

A strong submission will take a clear stance and/or pose a clear argument related to some aspect of pricing data and the Australian petrol market.

Your article should use language appropriate to a non-specialist audience, and include thoughtful rhetorical choices designed to engage and educate them.

Please specify who your intended audience are, including a brief indication of their interests and assumed knowledge. Please also note the publication you are writing for, and anything you would like to specify about style. For example, I am writing for people who want to know why supermarkets now own petrol stations, and whether this gets in the way of a fair price. I am writing for The Daily Telegraph using an accessible tone so that people can quickly absorb my message on a daily commute or similar. This information should be placed before the heading of your main text to avoid confusion.

Please mention that:
1. Please read Lecture1 and lectures(PPT FILES) clearfully!!!!!
2.please use the information I post called Sydney RC1

sydney petrol priceing2019

Background: Economists are increasingly required to work in interdisciplinary teams and engage with members of the general public to express their research findings.

In this assessment, your task is to educate a non-specialist audience about an issue of your choice pertaining to pricing data and the Australian petrol market.

You will translate your advanced academic knowledge of the economics of petrol pricing into an engaging and educating article that a member of the general public can understand and enjoy. This article could be a magazine article, longform newspaper op-ed, piece for The Economist, or similar. You can assume your audience cares about how much they’re paying when they fill up their tank, but you can’t assume they know how the economy works or the theories that an economist would use to analyse it.

Assignment task: Write an article for a popular publication to educate a non-specialist audience about an issue, debate, or future prediction pertaining to petrol pricing in the Australian market.

Although a publication like a tabloid newspaper may not include sources in real life, your submission still needs to. At least 7 academic sources are required, and should be referenced properly using a recognised academic style guide such as CMS or APA. You may also employ your quantitative results from experiments conducted in this unit if relevant.

A strong submission will take a clear stance and/or pose a clear argument related to some aspect of pricing data and the Australian petrol market.

Your article should use language appropriate to a non-specialist audience, and include thoughtful rhetorical choices designed to engage and educate them.

Please specify who your intended audience are, including a brief indication of their interests and assumed knowledge. Please also note the publication you are writing for, and anything you would like to specify about style. For example, I am writing for people who want to know why supermarkets now own petrol stations, and whether this gets in the way of a fair price. I am writing for The Daily Telegraph using an accessible tone so that people can quickly absorb my message on a daily commute or similar. This information should be placed before the heading of your main text to avoid confusion.

Please mention that:
1. Please read Lecture1 and lectures(PPT FILES) clearfully!!!!!
2.please use the information I post called Sydney Retail Petrol Price Cycles

Leadership Style matrix

Create a 1,750- to 2,100-word matrix to compare and evaluate three current leadership styles (identified in Discussion 1, Current Leadership Studies and Theories) which are emerging in the new world of work. Critically analyze what type of leadership will best suit a changing and future environment. In your response:

Define what shared, emergent, and collaborate leadership are, their characteristics, and how they will meet future leadership challenges related to a VUCA world.
Compare and contrast these leadership styles and recommend which leadership style will be the most suitable for a fast-changing environment.
Synthesize and integrate your arguments into your own understanding of how you would like to develop as a leader.

Support your evaluation and recommendations with five to seven scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.


Read the article,  Grossman, R. J. (2011, August). The Care and Feeding of High-Potential Employees. HR Magazine, 56(8), pp. 34-39 to identify why high-potential employees become dissatisfied with their employers and eventually decide to leave. Researchers have found that a major factor of high attrition among high-potential employees is the difference between what employers believe can motivate these employees and what can actually motivate them. A list of strategies to enhance workplace morale and engagement of high-potentials is presented.

Write a 300-word response to the following question(s)/prompt(s), include at least one APA-formatted citation/reference to a source from this lesson.

Respond to the question:

Imagine yourself an employer or manager of high-potential employees. Choose two tactics from the article that you feel are most likely to retain those employees and discuss your reasoning for utilizing these strategies. Now imagine yourself a high-potential employee and discuss the tactic that is most likely to have a profound impact on retaining your services.

Grossman, R. J. (2011, August). The Care and Feeding of High-Potential Employees. HR Magazine, 56(8), pp. 34-39


Write a 300-word response to the following question(s)/prompt(s), include at least one APA-formatted citation/reference to a source from this lesson.

What is “Whole-Person Management”? What does this approach integrate the leadership skills you need to manage an organization?  In the MacGregor, you will examine the idea of sustainable executive performance (SEP), which is an experiential approach for whole person learning. With your peers and Faculty Mentor, discuss the core commonalities of these two concepts and what influence they have on managerial performance and on executive function in the workplace. Reflect on how are the two ideas addressing sustainability, well-being and the welfare of the wider society?

Read and listen to the internet resources provided and synthesize the information provide on “whole-person management” and “sustainable executive performance.”

Towards whole person learning through sustainable executive performance from MacGegor, S. and Semler, K. (2012), Journal of Management Development, 31(3), pp. 231-242

Examine the ideas and concepts of Whole-Person Management in the workplace as an overhaul approach to manage workforce and enhance a sense of belonging and well-being both in and outside the work environment. HR Spark Ep6 Whole Person Management.

Synthesize what the author might mean by the following key points:

1.We see a logical link between both perspectives since innovation and the long-term success of a company should not be swayed by actions focused on short-term gain which often lead to irresponsible practices that destroy value for stakeholders in short, the values-value interplay cited by many corporate leaders but perhaps not as present in practice as we are led to believe.

2. In the same way that an organisation ought not be a machine that outsources innovation as a commodity, people are not machines who have an incomplete view of their whole self. A new type of leadership is critical to the sustainable competitiveness of a firm, which further permeates throughout the organisation.

Towards whole person learning through sustainable executive performance from MacGegor, S. and Semler, K. (2012), Journal of Management Development, 31(3), pp. 231-242

HR Spark Ep6 Whole Person


Write a 300-word response to the following question(s)/prompt(s), include at least one APA-formatted citation/reference to a source from this lesson.

Based on the case study, Change Leadership at Southwest Airlines from Southwest(2016), presentation examine the vision and the application of the Change Leadership strategy and methodology and respond to the following question:

How does the leadership strategies used at SWA in implementing change and the vision integrate decision-making, market research, and knowledge management?  How do they contribute to sustainability? Provide a comprehensive response and analysis.