Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Risk Management Plan

You are to create a Risk Management Plan where you will address an issue or issues below or if you have your own issue you may like to address you are free to do so. You may select one or two and create a Risk management plan which will include: Education & Training, Patient & Family Grievances, (Purpose, Goal & Metric), Communication Plan, Contingency Plans, Reporting Protocols, Response & Mitigation.

You may use templates available online to guide & assist you in creating the plan do not copy and paste and use as your own you are to create one.

Issues in the Healthcare Industry:
Cyber Risk
Healthcare Infections
Violent Incident in Hospitals
Alarm Fatigue
Preparedness for Pandemics
Healthcare Reform/Physician Integration
Disruptive Staff Behavior
Environmental Pollutants
Emergency Preparedness
Obesity Epidemic

Project 1: Topic-Approval Proposal

For this project you will write a formal proposal letter seeking my approval for the project that will become your Project 5: Formal Analytical Report.  This proposal is the first document in a series of tasks which will culminate in that final project.

Your audience for this letter is me, your instructor.  Think of me as someone who wants to be sure that you choose a project from which you can learn a great deal and on which you can do a good job.  I need to be convinced that this project is important to you and that you have the ability to complete it.

Your proposal should persuade me that a significant business challenge exists in a real organization and that you should be permitted to address it.  You do not have to have the solution to the problem at this time; rather you are suggesting that the organization must invest its faith in you to research and devise a solution.

After you have convinced me of a need for your work, include a detailed description of your work plan.  Will you go to the library and research the latest techniques in your field?  Will you investigate the cost of new equipment?  Will you talk to people who have solved the problem for other organizations?  Will you research social media communication plans?  Some combination of these?  Convince me that this plan for research is the right path leading to a solution and that the time exists in this semester to do the work well.

This work plan must also be plotted with time; you must indicate what work you will be doing during each of the weeks left in the semester.  You should also have sections of your proposal detailing your qualifications to do this work.

While I am willing to consider a wide range of topics for your report, you must persuade me that you have chosen a worthwhile issue that you are capable of handling well.  In reading your proposal letter, I will be looking for answers to the following questions:

What business challenge will your report address?  Have you clearly defined a conflict between a desired situation and the current situation?  Have you provided enough background detail about the organization? Is the problem statement clear?
Who is affected by the situation?  Who will be the audience for your final report? What is your position in relationship to the audience?
Why is this challenge significant for this final audience? What is at stake?
Do you have a possible feasible solution for the problem?  Have you established what a good solution would require? Have you thought about alternative plausible solutions?
What makes you qualified to carry out the project?  How is the topic related to your major?  Your career plans?  I prefer projects that give you practice using the skills you will need in your career.
What will it take to gather the necessary information and complete your analysis?  Can you complete your report in the time left in this semester, using the resources readily available to you?
Do you have a work plan for your project, a plan that shows specifically when certain activities must be completed this semester if you are to finish the project on time?
Note:  Since Project 1 is the first step that will lead to Project 5: Formal Analytical Report, be sure to read that assignment description as well.  Project 5 will be due at the end of the course.

Craft your proposal in the form of a formal business letter to me (See BCE Appendix A).  Select your information and organize it in such a way that it is persuasive and accessible.  Remember, this proposal is not merely informative:  it is an argument for why your topic should be approved.  Your proposal will most likely include the following sections:

An introduction that tells me why you are writing.
A section on the business challenge, including an explicit well-developed thesis statement.
A section describing your research plans for this project.  Convince me that you know what kind of information youll need and where to find it. Include an analysis of your readers and what information theyll need in order to adopt your solution.
A discussion of your credentials and motivation.  Convince me that you have the background and resources necessary to conduct your research.  Be sure to also indicate your motivation for and/or connection to this particular project.
A schedule.  Convince me that you know what activities your research will require and that you can get them done on time.
A conclusion that formally requests permission to proceed.
Evaluation Criteria
Content and persuasiveness. I will be looking to see that you are taking on an actual project related to your professional and academic expertise and that you can complete the project by the end of the semester.  Make your proposal convincing; demonstrate that you have singled out a worthwhile problem to solve and that you are the researcher to solve it.

Style, clarity and arrangement.  Your proposal must be well written.  The problem statement is clear and logically stated, sentences are correct, concise and arranged so that the meaning is easily obtained and the prose is effective for a general reader.  Paragraphs are coherent, unified and relatively short (125 words or fewer).

Design and format.  Your design choices, including paragraph length, headings, subheadings, font choices, etc., increase document professionalism and accessibility.  Business letter format is used consistently and appropriately.

Argumentative Essay

Write an argumentative essay on an ethical issue of interest using course materials. Just to name a few: the prison industrial complex,trans issues, homelessness, immigration, police brutality, corporate influence, media practices, fracking, sex work, pollution, indigenous rights, women’s rights, workers rights. An argument is not a statement of your opinion; it is an attempt to support your position with reasons. This position is your thesis, or the stance you take on a particular topic. You should be able to express your thesis/conclusion in one or two sentences in the first paragraph of your essay. Your thesis states the conclusion you aim to prove. The argument you develop in the essay offers a set of reasons or evidence to support your conclusion or thesis. You will have some flexibility in the topic you choose to write about, however, you will need to include a discussion of readings from the course and documentaries from the course to provide some level of focus.

General Objectives:This paper is meant to give you an opportunity to do a few things: 1.Show your understanding of the course material.2.Show your ability to relate theories from the course to real world ethical issues.3.Show your ability to formulate and support a thesis on a specific ethical issue with argumentative prose.
Format Requirements:-12 point font-double spaced-1500 word minimum-Any citation style is allowed (MLA, APA, Chicago) as long as you choose one and use it correctly and consistently.-You must have in text citations and a works cited page.

Source Requirements:
-You are only required to use readings and documentaries from the course. However,you may use additional outside sources if you so choose.
-You should use at least two readings and one documentary from the course.
For the two readings, you must choose at least one of the following:
-Understanding Marxism by Richard Wolf OR On the Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche
At least one of the following:
-Transliberation by Leslie Feinberg
-The Racial Contract by Charles Mills

Then choose at least one of the following documentaries:
-13th documentary
-The T Word
-The Fight for Trans Rights
-This Changes Everything

Principles of Management

This is the term paper of management 101, more like a textbook review actually.
The paper need to explain whatmanagement is base on the following textbook. (
The paper must include the following topics: Introduction,Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture, Decision Making, Communication, and Managing Groups and Teams.
You can include pictures or charts. You can also include other topics if you need.

Current issues/trends

Choose a current issue/trend topic from the following list:
Technology in health care
Collective bargaining
The impaired nurse
The global nurse workforce
Mentoring and coaching in nursing
The trimodal model of 21st-century effective nurse leaders
Other instructor-approved topic
Create a 6- to 8-page paper in APA format including a minimum of 4 to 5 references. Explain how you would lobby your legislators or local government for funds to support your issue or trend. Include the following elements in your paper: share why you chose the specific topic, the current relevance of material, how it is integrated into clinical practice, and how the information is used in clinical setting.


Please, refer to order (( 169870225 )), needs revision.

Here is my professor’s comments regarding part A
(((( Research and Development, as well as employee compensation are the headers for decisions to be changed. Unclear is what the decisions actually were that had a negative effect. Please identify. ))))

Here is my professor’s comments regarding part B:
(((( Lost sales is identified as a positive effect, while the increase marketing budget had a positive effect. It appears that the lost sales was due to stock outs, but it is unclear what is the positive action was to affect lost sales. Please provide discussion on two clearly identified decisions that had a positive effect on the organization. ))))



Objective: Assess the traits and characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and leadership.

Introduction: Although the media may sometimes portray a different view, building a strong ethical culture within your business is important. It takes a dedicated and persistent personality, a person with high morals, and a person who can be a coach, leader, and visionary. All this seems pretty straightforward!

In your essay identify the traits required of a leader and successful entrepreneur, provide examples and explore the role management has in building a supportive and ethical culture within the workplace. Do a search to include other current and contemporary views on entrepreneurial skills, traits, and characteristics that integrate leadership and effective ethical business practices.


The essay for this lesson is required to be a minimum of 5 FULL pages (the text should cover 5 pages excluding title and reference pages) which clearly demonstrate your understanding of the activity. Essays should have a clear introduction, thesis statement, and a conclusion, written in APA format ( Additional pages to your work should include a cover page, title page, and outside references.

Activity Details:

Step 1: Read the following questions, and use what you have learned about the Successful Entrepreneur to summarize your responses in a paper that is 5 full pages, excluding title and reference pages (APA formatting required). Key points to address to help you launch your theme might include:

What specific approaches and strategies should entrepreneurs implement in their business to promote ethical behavior and punish unethical behavior, among owners, partners, and employees?

Entrepreneurs should lead by example. Provide a summary of your recommendations for additional strategies they could adopt to help safeguard against unethical behavior.


How to Create a Successful Organizational Culture: Build it -Literally from Haworth, G.W., Haworth, D., Bianchi, F., (2014). Global leader in contract furnishing industry.

Nelson, W., Taylor, E., & Walsh, T., (2014). Building an Ethical Organizational Culture. The Health Care Manager, 33(2), 158-164. 

Dame, J. (2014, March 10). The Four Keys to Being a Trusted Leader. Harvard Business Review, 2-3.

George, B., Sims, P., McLean, A.N., & Mayer, D. (2007, February). Discovering Your Authentic Leadership. Harvard Business Review, 129-138.

Freeman, D. & Siegfried Jr., R.L. (2015). Entrepreneurial Leadership in the Context of Company Start-up and Growth. Journal of Leadership Studies 8 (4), 34-39.

Ways to organize a day in lockdown

Write 5paragraphs: introduction, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion. The essay should be about 350-400 words.-Ensure that the introduction has three parts: hook, background information, and thesis.-Start each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence.-Provide 1-3 minor supporting details for each body paragraph.-Summarize all the ideas in the conclusion and use another suitable method of conclusion (advice, prediction, final thought, solution, etc.).-Use transition wordsto link paragraphs andto connect ideas in each paragraph.-Make sure your essayis well-organized (time order, emphatic order or combination).-Check spelling / punctuation / grammar.-Format  your  document  in  accordance  with  APA  conventions  (add  cover  page,  abstract  page, runninghead,  page  number).  You do  nothave  to  use  external  sources  to  support  the  ideas  of your essay.

Psychotraumatology Evaluation

Please see M9 Assignment 2 LASA for instructions for this assignment. The description of this assignment must be done as “Role-Playing” some of my story is true and some of it needs to be made up.

Interviewer: Juanita M. Phillips
Friend: LaShanda Yvette Hemphill-Gerriff
Age at the time of incident: 23
Age now: 38
Gender: Female
Date of birth 24 May 1985
Race: Black
Ethnicity: African-American
Relationship Status: Married
Occupations 92Y Unit Supply Specialist


SGT Hemphill was a 92 Y U.S. Army supply sergeant. One day SGT Hemphill had to inventory the personal belongings of one of her Soldiers who had recently killed themselves in there living quarters during a deployment to Iraq. When she entered the room she could see brain splatter on the walls of where her soldier had killed himself. After inventorying all of his belongings SGT Hemphill remembers returning back to the United States and as she was turning in her soldier who passed aways M16 A2 rifle she could still see his blood on the weapon. From that moment she states that she could never forget that moment and it lives with her every day. The Soldier had placed the weapon in his mouth and blew his own brains out. SGT Hemphill was the direct supervisor of this now deceased Soldier. Other lives where in danger because the bullet could have gone through the walls of the other Soldiers rooms. This incident happened only once.
Exposure to a dead body, SGT Hemphill did not witness the trauma personally but did have to clean her Soldier’s belongings and make sure his belongings returned home to his family.

This incident happened when SGT Hemphill was just 23 and deployed to Iraq, she is now 38 and states that the death of her soldier committing suicide is harder for her now than when she was 23. There isn’t a day that goes by that she does not think of her Soldier.

Unwanted memories of the event: Yes

The unwanted memories come when she is awake.

The memories bother her very much.

Yes, she is able to put them out of her mind and think about something else.

Unpleasant dream: Please describe a dream of a person who experienced someone close to them, and killing themselves while deployed to Iraq.

You can make up as much of the story as you want just please use the information I provided as far as the names go. Thank you

Attached is a Clinical Mental Health Counselor Case Study Outline, Initial Clinical Assessment.

The teacher wants us to use all sections of the Trauma Therapist Toolkit.

Please include at a minimum 7 scholarly articles.

Thank you.

Introduction to Risk Principles

Please include these components:
1.    a Title Page for the report;
2.    an Executive Summary which highlights the scope of the report, and its most significant findings and recommendations (typically 1 page at most);
3.    a Table of Contents;
4.    an appropriate introduction that discusses the purpose of the report, the report structure (which should reflect the scope of work performed) and any limitations;
5.    the body of the report should include the outcomes of the research and analysis
6.    a conclusion that summarises the analysis and findings;
7.    appendices should be used for detailed and/or large tables and figures; and
8.    a bibliography of references used should be included.

You can choose  any two alternaitive companies and anyone of the alternative topic that you want.