Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Describe the characteristics of the taxonomy of your animal. In other words, explain what phylum, class, order, family, genus and species it belongs in and explain the significance of each taxon. Why does this animal belong in this phylum, class, order, family etc.? What are the characteristics of this phylum, class, order, family etc.? Describe in detail the external and internal anatomy of the animal that you picked, and then write about its comparative anatomy. In other words, compare and contrast the anatomy of your animal with other animals that we learned about this semester. Describe the ecological factors associated with your animal such as, where it lives, what are some unique adaptations that it has that has allowed it to be successful in it’s environment, what is it’s ecological niche, what are some symbiotic relationships that it has, what are it’s predators and prey, where does it live, how does it reproduce, and how are humans impacted by this animal?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Identify and read two to three articles that discuss how patient education can reduce health care costs.

Note: If relevant articles are not found in the University Library, expand your search to outside sources and materials.

Identify best practices you can use in your sustainability initiative.

Write a 90- to 175-word summary for each citation that explains how the article supports the sustainability initiative you are developing in this course.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

sustanible practices

dentify and read two to three articles that discuss how patient education can reduce health care costs.

Note: If relevant articles are not found in the University Library, expand your search to outside sources and materials.

Identify best practices you can use in your sustainability initiative.

Write a 90- to 175-word summary for each citation that explains how the article supports the sustainability initiative you are developing in this course.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment. For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

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Case 1 is an essay in which students will communicate using their own thoughts, words, and ideas to demonstrate their ability to interpret text and organize ideas. In addition, the student will demonstrate the ability to integrate others words and ideas coherently into ones own writing, using APA Style format.

Students will analyze and interpret the thoughts, words, and ideas of others, draws conclusions, and solve problems to demonstrate their ability to think critically and creatively in a disciplined and evaluative manner.

The assigned reading/viewing background materials included such thoughts, words, ideas, and/or concepts as poverty, non-profit, philanthropy, giving, happiness, charity, champion, altruism, and community.

Select two or more of these societal constructs in which you see some sort of connection. For example, how is philanthropy connected to community happiness connected to giving or poverty connected to community?

In a well-organized and well-supported essay, discuss where, how, and why that connection exists in our society today. Be sure to provide specific examples to support your point of view, perhaps your own experience in your community, at work, or through your own pursuits. On the other hand, maybe you do not see a connection between many of these concepts, while there should be. In this case, an essay might address ways in which society needs to improve as we consider ways to find connections between these concepts and societal constructs.

Analyzing Developmental Theory

In this assignment, I will analyze a developmental theory relevant to childrens growth and development that was introduced in the module.

Create a 3- to 5-page paper (not including the title or references pages) in a Word document for my response.
Include an introduction and a conclusion in my paper.
Step 1.
Select a classic developmental theory addressed in the module.

Step 2.
Locate three recent research articles on your selected theory. Follow these guidelines:

Choose peer-reviewed articles preferably published within the last 7 years. Depending on your theory you may need to expand to the last 10 years.
Search for seminal articles by the theorists themselves. These may be more than 10 years old but will help you to better understand the theory.
Step 3.
Provide an APA citation and summary for each source.

Step 4.
Next, provide a detailed comparison of the articles, addressing how each article utilizes the classic theory and how it applies to working in early childhood education. Answer these questions in relation to each article:

What does the article say about the theory?
What developmental domain was addressed?
What age of individuals does the theory address?
What questions did the researchers ask in their study?
Who were their subjects?
What did the researchers find (answers to their questions)?
Step 5.
Finally, explain the aspects of the theory which are relevant to my practice and the ways in which I would use them.

Research Proposal on how race, education, socioeconomic status and spirituality plays a role in divorce amongst blacks, whites and hispanic

This is a Qualitative Research Proposal. The topic: How does race, education, socioeconomic status, and spirituality play a role in divorce amongst blacks, whites, and Hispanics.

One of the main goals I would like to emphasize is how does this project contribute to the literature.

Attached is the Research Proposal Instructions (100pts) There it will state the specific details of how the assignment should be completed (see attachment labeled Research Proposal Instructions).

Attached is my group’s Identify a Research Problem. There it will state the purpose of our study, the audience we are trying to capture and the questions we need to find the solution to. (see attachment Identify a Research Problem).

Attached is the Annotated Bibliography of articles that pertain to our topic. If you have better articles please feel free to use those instead. (see attachment Annotated Bibliography).

Attached is also a rough draft one of my team members completed if it does not make sense please feel free to add or change anything you would like (see Rough Draft for Introduction).

Also, Our instructor would like us to incorporate a qualitative purpose statement. I have attached an example found in the slides. HSM-508 Creswell.

I have attached additional articles and anything else that may help this project.

Please let me know if there is anything you need me to clarify. Please provide the references you have used at the end of the study.

Fecal Accidents in Community Swimming Pool Case Study

Fecal Accidents in Community Swimming Pool Case Study
CDC reference if needed

During June of 2000, several children in Delaware, Ohio, were hospitalized at Grady Memorial General Hospital (GMH) after experiencing watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Dr. McDermott, a new gastroenterologist at GMH, who also had a strong interest in infectious diseases, was asked to examine the children. Their illness lasted from 1 to 44 days, and nearly half of them complained of intermittent bouts of diarrhea. By July 20, over 150 individualsmainly children and young adults between the ages of 20 and 40experienced similar signs or symptoms. Dr. McDermott suspected that their illness was due to a microbial infection and queried the Delaware City County Health Department (DCCHD) to investigate this mysterious outbreak further.

Dr. McDermott helped the DCCHD team in surveying individuals hospitalized for intermittent diarrhea. They questioned individuals about recent travel, their sources of drinking water, visits to pools and lakes, swimming behaviors, contact with sick persons or young animals, and day-care attendance. The DCCHDs investigation reported that the outbreaks were linked to a swimming pool located at a private club in central Ohio. The swimming pool was closed on July 28. A total of 700 clinical cases among residents of Delaware County and three neighboring counties were identified during the entire span of the outbreak that began late June and continued through September. At least five fecal accidents were observed during that time period at the pool. Only one of these accidents was of diarrheal origin. Outbreaks of gastrointestinal distress associated with recreational water activities have increased in recent years, with most being caused by the organism in this case.

Do you know what microorganism might be the cause of the outbreak? How can a single fecal accident contaminate an entire pool and cause so many clinical cases of gastrointestinal distress?

(1) Article Review

Unit 1 Article Review:
Choose a recent (within the last 2 years) professional or academic article regarding an organization that faced an ethical dilemma and how it was handled. The review must be 3-4 pages and includes the following:

-Cover page does not count toward 3-4 pages of content
-A short summary of the article on page 1
-Your critical comments on the issue(s) faced by the organization and analysis on whether the handling was effective (1-2 pages)
-At least one page answering the question: “What does this dilemma teach other organizations and leaders?”
-Reference page must be in APA citation style, even if only using one source (does not count toward 3-4 pages of content)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Staining Helps Identify an Infectious Agent Case Study Reference CDC website if needed

A 94-year-old woman went to her local hospital emergency department in mid-November 2001 complaining of a 5-day history of weakness, fever, nonproductive cough, and generalized myalgia (muscle aches). Otherwise, for a person her age she was fairly healthy, although she did suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, and chronic kidney failure.

On physical examination, her heart rate was above normal and she had a fever of 102.3F (39.1C). The rest of her physical examination was normal. Initial laboratory studies of blood cell count, blood chemistries, and chest X ray were also normal except for the chemical urine testing. This finding along with the fever suggested an infection, so the patient was admitted to the hospital. Samples of blood and urine were sent to the microbiology laboratory and set up appropriately.

The next day, microscopic evaluation of the urine culture revealed rod-shaped bacteria that stained red, and the blood culture revealed rods that stained purple. The liquid blood culture was then transferred to appropriate solid media. This finding in the blood was unusual, so a sample culture was sent to the state health department laboratory. Antibiotic therapy was adjusted, yet the patients condition deteriorated. Her most serious symptoms localized to her chest, and she was transferred to the intensive care unit. Four days after admission, the health department announced that the bacteria found in the patients blood were Bacillus anthracis. She was suffering from inhalation anthrax. Further testing showed these bacteria to be of the same strain that had been involved in the recent bioterrorist attack. Despite treatment, the patient died on the fifth day after admission.

What techniques and equipment are used when the bacteria are observed as being purple and red? How are these findings reported? What are the stages of processing a blood sample?

decision making

Document three choices that you personally make in the course of the week leading up to this due date (5/18 – 5/24).

A decision to ACT (a decision about behavior)
A decision to REACT (a decision made about how to respond or react to information or a stimulus)
A decision to INTERACT (a decision about whether and/or how to engage with others)
Briefly describe what led to each decision context and then provide information on what caused you to come to your decision. Consider how conscious your decision was and what factors and context influenced your choice.

You will be graded on the thoroughness of your analysis, the accuracy of the example for each context (e.g. was the reaction decision actually reacting?), and style.