Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

emergency management

1.    Provide a brief definition of ethics
2.    Provide aa brief definition of morals
3.    Provide a brief definition of values
4.    Provide a brief definition of altruism
5.    Provide a brief definition of integrity
6.    Provide a brief definition of virtue ethics
7.    Provide a brief definition of conflict of interest
8.    What did Damon Horowitz say about the banality of ethics?
9.    What did Shafali Roy say was the cause of the building collapse?
10.    What was Aristotles definition of Ethics?

Public Safety

For this assignment you will examine and articulate leadership styles, and identify which styles you use and/or would like to use as you develop your leadership skills and knowledge.
To do this you will read the assigned material, use online tools, as well as doing your own independent research, and review your own leadership experience.  You may also solicit the input of friends and family.  Your finished paper will be 3-4 pages long (not including the cover page or reference page, and attachments) presented in APA (6th edition) format.
Your paper should identify at least eight commonly accepted styles of leadership and summarize the characteristics of each. You will then identify the style or styles you use and explain why you chose these styles, providing examples of how you have used them.  Finally, you will identify which styles you would believe it would beneficial for you to use more of and explain why you chose them and how you think they will aid you in becoming a better public safety leader.

show your knowledge

Cite your references at the end of each essay.

1. There are reported cases of husbands abandoning wives because of the skin color of a new infant. In some cases, the couple with dark complexions produced an infant with a very light complexion. Assuming no infidelity, as a mediator, how would you explain this to the disturbed husband? Your response should include the words gene, polygenic, trait, generation, and genotype.

2. You are a genetic counselor. You are presented with a couple who were just informed that they are carriers of the sickle cell trait. You must tell them their chances of having a baby born with sickle cell disease. Use a Punnett square. What will you tell them? You must show your square in your response. Use the terms dominant, recessive, probability, trait, genotype, and phenotype in your response.

3. What is epigenetics? Discuss a specific example.

4. Review the process of meiosis. Choose two specific diseases that occur when meiosis goes wrong and explain how and why these occur.

show your knowledge

1. Discuss four differences between photosynthesis and cellular respiration:
a) First summarize each process,

b)Next discuss four ways the processes differ.

2. Discuss the interconnection between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Include the terms energy, process, ATP, oxygen, carbon dioxide, cells (cellular), producers, glucose, and consumers in your response.

3. Explain why we die in seconds without oxygen. Your response should include the terms ATP, electrons, acceptor, and energy.

4. Read this brief article on Dinosaur Extinction (Links to an external site.). How do hypotheses on the extinction of the dinosaurs relate to photosynthesis? Include the terms wavelength, producers, heterotrophs and photosynthesis in your response.

5. Describe the anatomy of chloroplasts and mitochondria. Explain the activity associated with each structure.

Child Development

Introduction to Child Life
What is child life?
What does a child life specialist do?
Where do they typically work etc
What is a child life specialists educational background?
2. Describe the services that would be provided if they hired a child life specialist at a dentist office.
What skills do you have that are helpful (include the child life competencies and standards of clinical practice).
In what areas are child life specialists needed most?
What specific things could a specialist do in a dentist office?
Why hire a child life specialist over someone with a different degree? What makes a child life unique?
3. Expenses and accommodations: What will it cost them to hire you (budget, salary, toys etc) and how much space do you require to do your job.
4. Summary
Your chance to add any other relevant information and to really wrap-up any information you want them to know about you, your skillset and the proposal.

Please try to utilize peer-reviewed journals and incorporate developmental theory.

Convincing YourBoss The New Cyber Defense Program is Worth-it!

For this discussion, you need to convince your profit-minded boss that you must invest in a new security program for the business.  This security program is quite expensive ($50,000 initial cost and then $25,000 annually for the license).

Initial Post Guidelines:

– Put together 5 pullet points to your boss on why you must invest in this cybersecurity program. Discuss the pros and cons of this system.  Also, provide an example of a company that was hacked and the damage inflicted on the business (did it go under, were they fined because of the data breach, etc). 

M3D1: Photosynthesis in the News

In this weeks discussion, you will choose a recent article on the important biological process of photosynthesis. While on face value it may not seem that exciting, photosynthesis is central to life on the planet. This process is not only at the core of a lot of biological peer-reviewed research articles, it is also something that is at the heart of topics in our current news cycle, like global warming and deforestation. Completion of this activity will help you master Module Outcome 4: Describe an overview of photosynthesis (CO2).


Employee satisfaction and job performance

Annotated Bibliography

This bibliography should include FOUR research articles you will use for your paper. For each article, you need to provide

The citation in APA style
A brief (no more than 1 page) summary of each article. The summary should include:
The basic premise and research question of the study
The methodology


Summary Paper:

The paper should not simply be a summary of the articles. Rather, it should be geared at professionals who do not have in-depth knowledge of research, but know something about management and organizations. You could pretend you are the personnel director of a company and are presenting to a group of managers. Your summary paper should convey the information gained from the research literature in an organized way and should make an argument for why this topic is important for managers to pay attention to. Also I would like to see you make some recommendations for action.

APA Style: All submissions must be written in APA format.  Basically this means that the references must be written in APA style, all assignments written in 11 or 12 point font, double spaced, with 1-inch margins.

Story From a Different POV

Now it’s your turn to tell a story…but from a different point of view (POV).

Pick a character from a fable, fairy tale, myth, or folktale…other than the main character(s).  Retell the story from their perspective.  We saw how different The Three Little Pigs story was when we learned about how the wolf felt.  You also saw how committed Cinderella’s stepsisters really were in the Grimm’s version.  I wonder what motivated them to take such drastic measures….So pick a story and give it a new perspective.

Your story doesn’t have to be as long as the original, just enough to help the reader recognize the original but also see how different it can be when told from a different point of view.

When you are done, be sure to comment on at least one of your classmate’s stories.  Let them know if you like the new perspective more or not…and why.

Fractured Fairytale Discussion

first of all – what is a “fairy tale”?  A fairy tale is one type of story under the heading of “folk tales.”  There are many types of folktales: a tall tale, a cumulative tale, or an animal story. Sometimes, people use the term folktale and fairy tale to mean the same thing.  A fairy tale is a folktale, but a folktale is not always a fairytale.  A fairytale is usually longer than most folk stories and takes place in the nether realm of far, far away and a long time ago. They often have some sort of royalty involved in the story (including the fairy realm); the main character (s) go on a journey where he/she is tested; they have some sort of magical help along the way; good triumphs over evil; there is a transformation or reward at the end. They usually start with “a long time ago, in a place far away” and end “happily ever after.” The characters and the journey are often metaphors for  people and challenges that are universal. Fairy tales are often fractured, but they are not the only folktales that are fractured.

So, what is a fractured fairy tale?  It is a fairy or other folk tale that has been modified in such a way as to make us laugh at an unexpected characterization, plot development or contrary point of view. (Information from Fractured Fairytales by Marilynn Kinsella)

Your assignment is to choose a fairy tale and turn it into a fractured fairy tale. You may choose to change a character, setting, part of the plot, or the ending.  Your fairy tale should be recognizable but it should be different in some way.