Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Public Health

Take a virtual tour of your community ( your home community)  or at the minimum think about resources there. Please clearly identify your community ( ex Boston, Framingham, Springfield).
Identify five different things that you believe are part of “public health. Describe them.
Now choose one and in detail describe how the community benefits from their inclusion in the public health system. Are there any barriers to people actually using them?

Please use Boston as the community, additional instructions attached below

Why a manager should or should not be considered a shareholder

Reply to the attached essay and it should be 300 words and should advance the conversation further by providing new ideas and insights, asking probing questions that get to the heart of critical issues, and share from ones personal and professional experience.  For the purposes of citations, every reply must include 2 references:
– At least 1 scholarly article (attached pdf)
– A relevant business article (any article from a reputable business sourcewebsite, magazine, book, etc.that discusses a relevant business/ethical issue) and;

Remember to provide new ideas, research, and analysis that create a clear dialogue with your classmates ideas.  Go beyond providing basic definitions to topics being discussedthat is information that should have been provided in the original post.  Your reply should not read as just another thread, nor should it merely regurgitate and restate what your classmate has said

Cognitive dissonance theory in consumer behaviour

this is all i need to be written on this paper and please include the references in harvard format.
Research Aim and Rationale
Topic background, with detailed areas of relevance and applications
Literature review showing use of consumer behaviour concepts, theories,
and models in addition to industry and real-life applications
A discussion of the research results, significance, and implications

In a single essay, no more than 750 words in length, please explain why the Robinson College of Business, and the particular program to which you are applying, is best for helping you achieve your short-term and long-term career goals. You should also add

In a single essay, no more than 750 words in length, please explain why the Robinson College of Business, and the particular program to which you are applying, is best for helping you achieve your short-term and long-term career goals. You should also address reasons why you believe you would be good fit for the Robinson College of Business and the program to which you are applying.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

If you do observe children you know, please be sure to submit the record log in addition to the transcripts.

You need to observe videos of preschoolers playing for 2.5 hours and keep a running record of what the children are doing while you are watching.

Below is a list of videos you can watch. The ones you watched already will count for .5 hours so you will just need to complete 2 more hours.

Do you have a child who is 3 to 5 years old? You could observe him/her playing for the time if you would like. Classroom Observation&&view=

detail&mid=41BE0B41A98056F98B4741BE0B41A98056F98B47&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=/videos/search?q=Preschool +Classroom+Observation&FORM=VDMHRS

The first is 1.5 hours long and the second will link you with other long videos.

Evolving teacher practices in the 21st century

As an advocate for improving teaching in the 21st century, create a 12-15 slide digital presentation for an audience of district personnel. Your goal is to get them to support your ideas and to better understand your schools current climate.

You must include a title, reference slide, presenter notes, and 3-5 peer-reviewed scholarly sources.

In your presentation, address the following:

A vision of technology infusion with
*two supporting strategies to promote the participation of others in shared decision-making and community building.
*Two strategies to develop the leadership and technology skills of others.
*Two school-wide strategies to more effectively use existing or emerging digital tools and resources to support student learning.
*Two possible obstacles that will impede improvement on teaching practices and technology infusion and ways to overcome these possible obstacles. 
*Four practical and effective ways of encouraging change in teacher practices. 

Episodic Memory

Cloning anyone??

There are ethical concerns for certain, but also the role of the environment cannot be underestimated. We have a genotype and phenotype. Phenotype is influenced by environmental factors. For instance, when researchers cloned a cat with the clone being an exact genetic makeup of the other cat, the cloned cat showed a different coat coloring pattern. This is phenotype. Even environment in the womb can influence phenotype.

Not quite the same, but similar, people have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to clone their beloved pet after it has died. To the surprise of owners, the pet was not the same as their first beloved pet.

Check this out: deaddog/#.UXWiHbjn8iQ (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

The subject of Week 6’s post will be a continuation of this topic after you view the videos. While we cannot perform these types of experiments on humans, can we learn anything from the animal data? What do you think? What do you conclude from viewing these stories? What are the psychological and ethical ramifications? Can we draw any conclusions that could apply to humans who want to clone a child or genetically modify a child?

Air Transat flight 236 accident report

aviation accident investigation SFTY330
only stating facts throughout the paper
a brief abstract is required

1.0 Brief History of Flight
1.1 On Scene Actions
1.2 On Scene Observations
1.3 Airport Information and Weather
1.4 Flight Information and Mission
1.5 Aircraft Information
1.6 Pilot Information
1.7 Company Information
1.8 Miscellaneous Information
1.8A Witness Interviews
1.8B Company Interviews
1.9 Final Analysis
2.0 Findings
2.1 Recommendations

Divorce (Why do people get divorced? Why are divorce rates so high in the US?)

In your Literature Review, you are asking and answering a question. You are not comparing and contracting articles. You are not evaluating the limitations in the literature. You are answering a question. The way you approach your question (i.e., your subtopics) are determined by the research, not by what you think should be covered. To figure out what the research is covering, you need to read a lot of articles (or the abstracts initially).  In your intro you present your question (why its important) and you might include background info (e.g., symptoms of autism, divorce rates in America, laws relating to your question). Other than that background info, all of your subtopics should be about answering your question. Take a good look at your subtopics. If you dont see how a subtopic addresses your question, drop it (even if its very interesting).  At the end of your paper (i.e., the conclusion), review all of your subtopics and then present the final answer to your question. 13-15 references.

Breakfast of Champions

A meta novel is a novel that is aware of it being a novel. The second part of Don Quijote, for example, is a meta novel, and so is Breakfast of Champions. In BOC the author makes an appearance in the narration, which he is narrating. To make things creepier but more relatable, if you found the novel of your life and started reading it, you would eventually come to the part where you find the novel of your life and start reading.

Write an essay (three-page minimum, double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt), touching on the following point:

1. What other work of art (movie, book, series) do you know of that breaks the fourth wall, i.e., addresses the audience? How does it compare to BOC?

2. This novel was written WAY before any video games were popular, and yet Wayne Hoover acts exactly as if he were a playable character in an open sandbox game. Why do you think people act on their moral liberation by going on a rampage? Is it because there are no consequences? Or is it because, if those who surround you are not really human, you have no obligation to behave?

3. How do words, actions, and characters connect in the novel?

4. What examples of the butterfly effect can you find in the novel?

5. Hoover and Trout are both pathetic characters. In what other ways are they similar?

6. Discuss Trout’s final wish to his creator.