Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Modern Poetry

As for that paper, you are free to choose any topic of interest that has to do with the works we have read in the course. You may want to compare authors on a particular theme, or perhaps show how a writer’s biography influenced his work. You may want to pursue a specific theme, for instance the response to Nature, and show how variously the poets expressed it. In this last instance I was thinking specifically of Hopkins, Hardy, and Frost. You may want to write on Yeats’s use of the supernatural in his poetry, or his treatment of theme of women. He writes frequently about romantic relationships, including his own, which is another good topic. In the case of Eliot, the theme of human isolation and incommunicativeness is very important, as it is for Frost. All of these are possibilities. In writing about them, be sure to write directly and clearly and to provide textual evidence. There is nothing wrong with your going to the library or going online to read up on the subject you are writing about.

Discussion Board

In this module/week, you learned why retailers are a necessary component of the supply chain in marketing. In addition, you learned about the different categories, channels, and unique characteristics associated with retailers. For this Discussion Board Forum, choose no more than 2 of the following questions to discuss in your thread:

How do retailers add value to the products purchased by consumers?
Is the current consumer purchase trend away from local retailers to big box stores or Internet sites a good or bad trend? Why?
Why is Walmart the largest retailer in the world? What can it do to accelerate growth?
From a customers perspective, what are the benefits and limitations of stores? Catalogs? Retailer websites?

Each thread and reply must use APA current edition formatting, cite 2 peer-reviewed scholarly sources, and include 1 biblical integration.

On the Significance of Capital

ourdieu’s distinctions between different types of capital highlight the ways in which we often view our lives in economic terms, but are also frequently limited by that view. Which perspective do you find the most compelling or powerful: that of the economic view, or that of the social? What role has social and cultural capital played in your life?  Is it something you’ve considered in the past?  Do you find that Bourdieu’s explanation provides insight into your own personal experiences?  Why or why not?

Foundational Issues in Christian Spirituality and Ethics

Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview, and respond to the following:

1. In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care.
2. In 250-300 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it.
3. In 750-1,000 words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own personal perspective and worldview:
a. What is the ultimate reality?
b.What is the nature of the universe?
c.What is a human being?
d.What is knowledge?
e.What is your basis of ethics?
f.What is the purpose of your existence?

Remember to support your reflection with the topic of study materials.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Select a psychological theory you are familiar with. Make sure to find a source for the theory that you can refer to and cite. It is always a good idea to define jargon and then illustrate the jargon with examples (in this case from your theory).
With this theory in mind, explain:
    the basic theory,
    why this is a theory and not a hypothesis, law or model,
    the type of explanation the theory provides (mechanistic vs. functional) and why,
    the classification of  the theory (quantitative or qualitative) and why,
    at what level of description the theory operates (descriptive, analogical or fundamental), and
    the theorys domain.
In addition include the following in your response:
    What is the relationship between theory and research?
    How can a researcher use theory to guide the design of their study and/or interpretation of results
    Finally, explain if this theory is a good theory using the criteria in your textbook.


In his TED talk, four-star general Stanley McChrystal (2011) shares what he learned about leadership and followership over his decades in the military. How does the concepts discussed by McChrystal relate to concepts such as clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, etc. discussed in chapter 5 in the textbook by Paul and Elder (2012). How is the experience of McChrystal helped shaped his points of view and/or his frame of reference?


McChrystal, S. (2011, March). Listen, learn… then lead. TED. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2012). Critical thinking: Tools for taking charge of your learning and your life (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

you must support your statements with evidence and use at least two external sources

early childhood memory

Your assignment is to write 400 to 600 or more words describing a location and time that is vivid in your memory, just as E.B. White describes visiting the lake with his son. This is a descriptive essay, but you, like White, may wish to use a narrative (a story) to tie it all together.

Think of this as a snapshot of an early childhood memory, using as many sensory details as possible. Please dont concentrate only on vision in fact, try writing the essay without using ANY visual detail at first. This will force you to think about your other senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing. This is not a story think of it like a photograph, a moment in time. It may be a few minutes or an hour or so of your life; try to select a concise, select time period. Think like a movie director: select one scene only try not to jump around unless its essential to set up a scene. (In  E.B. Whites Once More to the Lake, he describes multiple scenes, but Im just asking you to select one).

Your introduction should set the scene in a brief but helpful manner. See E.B Whites example. Where and when does your memory take place? In the hot summer of 2010, camping in Florida? In your grandmas house in the 1990s? In your treehouse when you were in fifth grade?

You should have a separate paragraph for your CONCLUSION, which tells us the lesson of your essay. Your conclusion may be, for example, a commentary on why you think this memory sticks out in your mind, or a general commentary on why you think childhood memories are so powerful. Think of a conclusion as a so what? statement a lesson that we learn after reading your essay.

This is as close to creative writing as well get in this class, and most students enjoy this assignment. However, I am still looking for your best writing and your best organization. In general, a typo, error, or grammatical mistake will cost you one point off the 100 point total for the paper.

you choose

First choose a project you want to do, example: coffee shop, clothes shop, digital service, etc.

It should include 5 sections, (two pages 550 words):
1. Project name or purpose
2. objectives
3. overview
4. schedule
5. resource requirements
– APA 6TH style
Please make it as detailed as possible, i will attach 2 documents for exact instructions, we will only do the project charter, the final project plan is not needed now. Thank you!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Why is self-knowledge and understanding a critical step in achieving cultural competence? How has the cultural self-assessment exercise influenced your awareness of personal and professional values, attitudes, and practices, including prejudices and biases? How will your interactions with patients and families change as a result of this self-reflection?
Minimum 250 words.You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing.

DIsobeying your boss

Please complete the following required reading assignments:
1.    Developing Leaders Groysberg, B. (2007). Developing Leaders.  Harvard Business School. Note #: 9-407-015.
2.    HBR Article: Reach Your Potential Kaplan, R. S. (2008). Reaching your potential. Harvard Business Review, July-August, 45-49.

You will write a reflection paper of 3-4 full pages.Use the assignment questions as headers in your paper.

The first half of the paper will examine the question: When will I disobey my boss? The second half should examine: What are the limits, if any, that I place on orders that I give my subordinates? If you do not currently have subordinates, place yourself in a leadership context and replace the word subordinates with followers. Use headers to separate your answers in your paper. Be sure to include relevant and specific details (examples) to support your claims.
    All papers must be typed and double-spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides.
    Papers should follow APA format.
    Use headers to separate different questions in the paper
    Use 12-point font.
    Include your name and page numbers in the header.
    Must have a minimum of 4  scholarly references (DO not use WIkipedia).
    See Purdue Owl on how to format your paper in APA format
    Always explicitly cite your sources, use in text citations and put scholarly references in the reference page. (You can use Google Scholar, do not use Wikipedia)
    Citations should follow APA format. Citing your sources is a way of demonstrating from where and how you came to know something.
    Proofread all written work. Finished products should be spell-checked and grammatically correct. 
    All assignments must be submitted on time.
    On the first page, write the course title, your name, name of the assignment and the instructors name.