Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Patient Protection and Affordability Act

find a research article (no older than 2009) related to the Patient Protection and Affordability Act. Use this opportunity to discuss physician practice behaviors related to managed healthcare and the future of managed care under healthcare reform.

Your written paper should be 750 words, double-spaced, and in APA style. At least three references are required for this assignment. Our primary text and the journal or website research article must be used as references to support your analysis. Include a link to the primary ACA article.

At least 3 references are needed

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I will receive the coursework 20th of may 18:00pm and i have to return it back at 21:00 pm the same day will you manage to finish it in 3 hours is 10 question. I attached some questions and a list with formulas. If you can do it let me know so we will proceed

Study objective for applying in a Fulbright Scholarship

-Write a clear and detailed description of your study/research objectives, and give your reasons for wanting to pursue them Be specific about your major field and your specialized interests within this field Describe the kind of program you expect to undertake, and explain how your study plan fits in with your previous training and your future objectives This statement is an essential part of your application and is required Do not mention specific US universities at which you would like to study
-Plagiarism  free content

Organizational Conflict Resolution

Literature Review Research Plan
In 3 4 pages (excluding the title page and References), describe your plan for your literature review research. The plan must include the following components:

Purpose statement for your literature review
Two – three (2 – 3) specific research questions your research will answer
An outline describing how you will answer each research question supported by the literature
A preliminary reference list of 10 – 15 sources you may use in preparing your Literature Review (the final Literature Review due in week 7 requires a minimum of 15 scholarly sources including 10 peer-reviewed journal articles with 4 research studies).
An example of a research plan is posted in the Examples folder in Course Information


Research healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community. Develop a power point presentation offline. Structure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem. 
Problem Statement 

Types of Homelessness

Types of Homelessness

There are many routes one can take to become homeless. Revisit your readings for this unit and review the list of the Types of Homelessness to prepare for this assignment.

For this assignment, you will write a paper to explain the role of the human service professional as an advocate for change.

Using the Unit 5 Assignment Template, please respond to the following:

Identify two populations from the list that you think you might work with in your career as a human services professional.
Describe the specific problems related to homelessness that individuals in these two populations may encounter.
Describe two possible interventions or tasks that you might be involved with in working with both populations. Why did you choose these interventions?
What are two basic skills a human services professional might need to work with these populations? Using the NOHS Standards, explain the role human services professionals play in advocating for the homeless populations you selected.
Research and identify at least one agency/organization in your community that might work with each population you selected. For each agency/organization you identified, provide the following information:
How effective do you think the agency is in assisting the populations you chose to discuss?
What are some of the important services of an agency that works with the homeless population?
Assignment Guidelines

Your assignment should be a 2- to 3-page expository paper, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:

Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.
Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs, reflecting appropriate personal and professional insights.
Reference page: Sources in APA format
Be sure to use specific information from the text and outside research to support your answers.
Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.
Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.
Use APA formatting and citation style.
If you need assistance with APA style, please visit the Academic Success Center.
The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. Your responses should be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure).

This assignment assesses the following Course Outcomes:

HN200-1: Explain the role of the human service professional as an advocate for change.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

Essay- Representing A Democracy

Research the background of your Congressional representatives based on your address listed with CU – two senators and a member of the House of Representatives. Find out about their previous occupation(s), political experience, family, income, education, and other relevant demographics. What percentage of the vote did they receive to win in their last election? What are two policy issues areas they are interested in? How do these areas reflect their ideologies?

Here is a link to get your started: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Write an essay. Start by identifying all three of your representatives. Then, pick the representative you are most interested in and explain why they interest you. Present the information you found in your research required above in the essay.

References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources beyond those provided)

Global Heath Systems

Question 1 ***250 words***
Identify one nutritional issue that impacts global health. Who is most at risk? What are some of the proposed interventions to address this issue?

Question 2 ***250 words***
What are some risk factors for cancer? Who is most at risk? What are some characteristics of good screening programs?

Jocobsen, H. Kathryn (2019). Introduction to Global Health, 3rd edition, Jones & Bartlett Learning.
ISBN-13: 978-1111138219

in the instruction

-Explain and define the concept of big data. What do we mean by 5V? What sorts of algorithms are particularly suitable for big data
-Times new roman, 12, 1.5 spacing
-Without plagiarism


Research Plan- MUST BE in APA 6th Edition including all references-please do not bid if you are not proficient in this.
[Project Goal]
[Forchaper number three, add an action plan. In this section, you will address the specific change you want to make in your specific context. Chapters 1 & 2 have been completed and will be supplied as a reference to the writer that defines and describe a field/topic that deserves attention that carries social significance. Carefully craft a narrative that addresses the social change that needs to be brought to the community.
Explain briefly what this change is and why you want to see this change take place. If you see the research question(s) are appropriate for y, please write it/them.]

[Project Methods]
Drawing from the goals narrated, design an action plan for this project.
Provide as many details as possible in this plan. You may use a chart to map out eight weeks of the action plan. This plan will guide one through the project, so spend enough time to prepare and write the logistical action plans to have a clear direction for the project.
Once you have made the chart/table for the eight weeks, provide a rationale for the actions you plan on taking. This is where you will have to explain the method of the project. ( The action steps will be provided to the writer to follow the theme)
Resources to find different methods that are commonly used in action research will be provided but you are not limited to those guidelines. Find a way to explain why you are conducting your research in the way you have planned THAT is a method, relevant to the topic. Therefore, you need to support your method by giving reasons for its unique and appropriate nature for the project.
Be sure to include who your research participants are, what you are actually doing, how you are carrying out the action, and when this project took/taking (time frame) place.]
[Project Measurements] (This section will also be provided to writer-so communication back and forth is important)
    [In this section, you will have to describe what you are measuring in your project to provide results. In the design of your project plan, you may want to think about how you can measure the successes/failures of your proposed project. Once you have determined what to measure, you will have to explain how you will measure them. Like the section above, you are the expert in your project; explain why you chose to measure what you want to measure and the methods with which you are measuring your projects outcome. Share with the reader the logic and thought process behind the measurements of your project. (This section will also be provided to writer-so communication back and forth is important)