Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

After you have read the FBI Uniform Crime Report you need to define and describe it along with the National Crime Victims Survey. Compare and contrast the two.

Point out at least three criticisms of each and then give your opinion about which method you feel is most valuable for criminologists to use as a crime measuring device.

SWOT Analysis/Competitive Analysis Spreadsheet Assignment

SWOT/Competitive Analysis Assignment

Purpose: This assignment will give you experience examining a business or organization more closely in connection with its marketing and Value Proposition. In addition to a SWOT Analysis, you will learn the fundamentals of conducting a Competitive Analysis. Note: You are invited to create a team of two or three students to collaborate on this assignment.

Skills: This assignment exercises your ability to construct a detailed SWOT Analysis and compile the data necessary to build a valuable Competitive Analysis. In this assignment you will:
Compile research about a local business/organization.
Build a SWOT Analysis that clearly articulates an organizations Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Learn how a SWOT Analysis reflects and drives an organizations Value Proposition.
Use the SWOT Analysis to create a unique marketing approach/solution.
Build a Competitive Analysis Spreadsheet that shows how your business/organization compares to other similar enterprises in its market.
Discern those specific areas that your business/organization can emphasize to further make themselves stand out in the marketplace, in order to build market share.

Knowledge: This assignment will give your experience conducting a detailed and thorough SWOT Analysis and what factors go into building a Competitive Analysis, and how these data collection methods help determine a business/organizations marketing mix.

Task: To complete this assignment you will need to:
Part 1 — Identify a locally based business or organization. Ideally, this would be an operation where you have worked or have some familiarity. Please dont use national chains; use smaller, locally based businesses and organizations.
Learn as much as you can about this business/organization, whether through internet research or your own connections (e.g. interviews with people familiar with its operations, or maybe the place where you or family members work).
Using Google Docs, create a blank document for a SWOT Analysis.
Begin with an INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH that describes the business or organization, such as where its located (address?), what it primarily sells or the service it provides, how big is the operation (one location or several?), how long has it been around, is it family owned?
After your introduction, begin your SWOT Analysis, including at least five points in each category (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). In addition, be sure to explain each point with enough details to demonstrate its context and significance. Its best to use a bulleted list here, rather than a paragraph format. (See past Marketing Plans for examples. Please dont do your analysis for one of these same example businesses, or youll have to re-do this assignment!)

After compiling your SWOT analysis, craft an effective and succinct VALUE PROPOSITION for the business/organization that clearly articulates its benefit to customers and potential customers, what makes it unique in the marketplace, and, finally, its competitive advantage. Remember, when it comes to the value proposition, the shorter and more specific the better!
Finally, looking at your list of opportunities, suggest a creative, innovative MARKETING APPROACH that could help the business/organization pursue that opportunity. (Note: Its not enough to suggest buying billboard space or using social media. Please provide a detailed plan with specific recommendations.)
Part 2 —
Complete a Competitive Analysis SPREADSHEET that compares your business/organization to at least FIVE other market competitors in no less than 10 categories (e.g. location, products/services, marketing mix, social media use, hours, pricing, staffing). You want to choose categories that will reveal clear differences between your business/organization and the competition! The more clear differences you can show, the better your grade on this assignment. Get creative!
Upon completion of your spreadsheet, EXPLAIN and HIGHLIGHT where your business/organization has its strongest COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, and its PLACE in the market (e.g. new entrant, top dog).
Based on this competitive advantage, create a MARKETING SOLUTION/SUGGESTION designed to build on this strength and expand the customer base of the business or organization.

financial market

Write an essay between 800 and 1200 words (excluding references), consisting of two tasks:
1. Read the article in Journal of Economic Perspectives, From Efficient Markets Theory to Behavioral Finance, (published in winter 2003 by Robert Shiller). Explain the efficient market hypothesis and the weakness of Efficient Market Hypothesis (approximately 300 to 500 words).
2. In the end of the paper, Shiller states the following:
Indeed, we have to distance ourselves from the presumption that financial markets always work well and that
price changes always reflect genuine information.
Discuss how Shiller reached this conclusion and your view on this statement (approximately 500 to 700 words).


Please answer the following question below. I’ve attached a similar answer to help guide you but I also have the source information attached to answer in full detail. Please let me know if you have any questions.

If you do not understand what is needed for this paper do not apply.
Why is China considered a major player in apparel production? How does artificially devaluing and inflating its currency (the Yuan) help China? Give two examples, one where devaluing the Yuan and one inflating the Yuan has created an advantage for China and has hurt the export/import country. Use a citation from Rosen along with an outside source to defend your answer. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Purpose of the Assignment: Reviewing Amazons digital marketing strategy on the web link below, please critically explain and analyze
Amazons deliberate development of new processes, coordination, strategic partnerships and technology governance that drive its bottomline growth, and maximization of internal and external capabilities. Please make sure to infuse
theory into practical application in your answer.
For a more comprehensive theoretical understanding and analysis, please read the following McKinsey report on digital advertising:

Recognizing illogical thinking

Identify a newspaper article that contains an example of illogical thinkingthinking that doesnt make sense to you.

1.    State the issue the thinking revolves around.
2.    State the thinking you believe is illogical and why you think it is illogical.
3.    State some implications of the illogical thinking. What are some consequences likely to follow from the illogical thinking?

SWOT/Competitive Analysis Assignment

SWOT/Competitive Analysis Assignment

Due date: End of Week 4

Purpose: This assignment will give you experience examining a business or organization more closely in connection with its marketing and Value Proposition. In addition to a SWOT Analysis, you will learn the fundamentals of conducting a Competitive Analysis. Note: You are invited to create a team of two or three students to collaborate on this assignment. 

Skills: This assignment exercises your ability to construct a detailed SWOT Analysis and compile the data necessary to build a valuable Competitive Analysis. In this assignment you will:
Compile research about a local business/organization.
Build a SWOT Analysis that clearly articulates an organizations Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Learn how a SWOT Analysis reflects and drives an organizations Value Proposition.
Use the SWOT Analysis to create a unique marketing approach/solution.
Build a Competitive Analysis Spreadsheet that shows how your business/organization compares to other similar enterprises in its market.
Discern those specific areas that your business/organization can emphasize to further make themselves stand out in the marketplace, in order to build market share.

Knowledge: This assignment will give your experience conducting a detailed and thorough SWOT Analysis and what factors go into building a Competitive Analysis, and how these data collection methods help determine a business/organizations marketing mix.

Task: To complete this assignment you will need to:
Part 1 — Identify a locally based business or organization (e.g. Corvallis or Albany restaurant, retail store, contractor, or service organization). Ideally, this would be an operation where you have worked or have some familiarity. Please dont use national chains; use smaller, locally based businesses and organizations. 
Learn as much as you can about this business/organization, whether through internet research or your own connections (e.g. interviews with people familiar with its operations, or maybe the place where you or family members work).
Using Google Docs, create a blank document for a SWOT Analysis.
Begin with an INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH that describes the business or organization, such as where its located (address?), what it primarily sells or the service it provides, how big is the operation (one location or several?), how long has it been around, is it family owned?
After your introduction, begin your SWOT Analysis, including at least five points in each category (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). In addition, be sure to explain each point with enough details to demonstrate its context and significance. Its best to use a bulleted list here, rather than a paragraph format. (See past Marketing Plans for examples. Please dont do your analysis for one of these same example businesses, or youll have to re-do this assignment!)
Share your document with your instructor via Google Docs ([email protected] or [email protected])
After compiling your SWOT analysis, craft an effective and succinct VALUE PROPOSITION for the business/organization that clearly articulates its benefit to customers and potential customers, what makes it unique in the marketplace, and, finally, its competitive advantage. Remember, when it comes to the value proposition, the shorter and more specific the better!
Finally, looking at your list of opportunities, suggest a creative, innovative MARKETING APPROACH that could help the business/organization pursue that opportunity. (Note: Its not enough to suggest buying billboard space or using social media. Please provide a detailed plan with specific recommendations.)
Part 2 —
Complete a Competitive Analysis SPREADSHEET that compares your business/organization to at least FIVE other market competitors in no less than 10 categories (e.g. location, products/services, marketing mix, social media use, hours, pricing, staffing). You want to choose categories that will reveal clear differences between your business/organization and the competition! The more clear differences you can show, the better your grade on this assignment. Get creative!
Upon completion of your spreadsheet, EXPLAIN and HIGHLIGHT where your business/organization has its strongest COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, and its PLACE in the market (e.g. new entrant, top dog).
Based on this competitive advantage, create a MARKETING SOLUTION/SUGGESTION designed to build on this strength and expand the customer base of the business or organization. Again, its not enough to say, for instance, open an Instagram account. You need to explain in detail why and how you would go about this task!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

How to analyse these questions:
First you have to know there are three schools of thought you need to keep in mind when answering these questions: Realism, liberalism, constructivism
Second thing you have to know is:
Kenneth Waltz gave these three levels of analysis and you have to know them to answer these questions:
1. Individual level analysis
2. State level analysis
3. System level analysis

Answer these 3 questions using the information above when relevant

A. New power generation: the world leaders of tomorrow
o Every politician talks of building a better tomorrow. To what extent do you think
policymakers individual attributes and motives can still (and will) influence foreign policy?
100 points

o Comparing the different schools in political science, what are the factors you think will
shape the new horizon of political leaders? Will they be more realist or idealist? Is the
rational model of decision making still valid?

100 points

B. The national interest: its strategic dimension and implementation in foreign policy
o What is the national interest? And is it still a useful concept for explaining the foreign policy
of a country?

100 points

o How does realism understand the concept of national interest?

100 points

C. Perspectives after the COVID-19
o Considering the different perspectives and approaches we discussed in class, where, if
anywhere, do you think a major change will happen in the international system? Is this
pandemic likely to foster international cooperation, or will it promote disintegrative
tendencies within the global system?

100 points
o On a state-level analysis, do you think that COVID-19 is a geopolitical game-changer?

Psychology in the News


For this assignment, you will compile a portfolio of media objects and reflection papers.
Step 1:

To complete this assignment, you will need to select five recent (within the past six months) media items. These can be magazine articles, newspaper articles, advertisements, commercials, radio broadcasts, or television news stories. For audio or visual items describe the item as closely as possible (e.g., by transcribing the script of a radio ad) or include a link to the item.
Step 2:

For each item, include a brief essayone to two pages, double-spaced typingon the connections between the media item and material from the course text or class. Its essential to focus on the connections between the media item and psychological theories or research evidence.
Step 3:

For each item, search the library database using relevant keywords for your topic for at least one peer-reviewed article to support your ideas. Psychology cuts across many disciplines so feel free to explore journals in other areas such as business, education, health, and criminal justice.

see below

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Factoring a trinomial Expression a x squared + b x + c. Step 1. Write all pairs of factors of a x squared. Step 2. Write all pairs of factors of c, the constant. Step 3. Try all combinations of above factors to find the ones that lead to b x squared. Step 4. If no such combination exists, the polynomial is prime. An example is given: 6 x squared + 13 x 5 = 3 x minus 1 times 2 x + 5.Factoring is a skill that is important in simplifying expressions, solving equations, and in many applications. Therefore, it is important that you practice this skill so you can use it when the need arises. One reason it takes some practice is because the method used depends on the precise type of expression you are trying to factor.

Our main focus in this activity and in this module is factoring a trinomial expression of the form ax2 + bx + c and solving the related trinomial equation, ax2 + bx + c = 0. There are two main techniques used to factor these, depending on whether the coefficient a of the leading term ax2 is 1, the simpler case, or if a is some real number other than 1. These techniques are covered on in Section 5.5 of your textbook.

But we are also considering the special case binomials called the difference of squares and the sum and difference of cubes. These special cases have their own factoring strategies, as outlined in your textbook in Section 5.6.

Keep in mind that, for any given trinomial you will encounter in this module, it may or may not be factorable. To prove that ax2 + bx + c is not factorable, for this class it is sufficient to show that the appropriate factoring techniques covered in Sections 5.5-5.6 do not work.

Let’s begin our discussion:

Without looking at any factoring problems in the book, please do the following:

Create 2 polynomial expressions that are factorable. Here are important guidelines:
Your polynomial must be at least of order 2 i.e., have an x2 term or higher)
If you create a quadratic (ax2 + bx + c) you must choose a 1.
If you create a cubic that can be factored using the sum and difference of cubes, you will get 2 extra points.
Remember that factoring is the inverse operation of multiplication of polynomials.  This hint should be useful when creating your problems and checking your work.
Create 1 polynomial expression that is not factorable.
You may put the 3 expressions in any order.

To complete the discussion: Thoroughly complete the directions listed above. To gain full credit, you must reply to the posts of at least two classmates. Also, return to your original post throughout the week to read and reply to any posts made there by others. In the two reply posts to your classmates, do one of the following:

Work with the expressions of one of your classmates:
Show your steps when factoring the two factorable expressions posted by a classmate. Check your factorization by multiplying together the factors you obtain and verify that you get back the expression you started with.
Prove that the other expression posted by this classmate is not factorable, i.e., show that the appropriate factoring techniques covered in Sections 5.55.6 do not work for this expression.
Point out an error in someone elses work and provide a correction. In this case, try to include a tip that might help avoid such mistakes.
As one of your replies, you may ask a question about these factoring techniques to help you understand, or pass along a tip to a classmate that might help him/her.
Unless you are pointing out an error, try to choose the expressions that have not already been solved by someone else.

Your initial post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM. Your responses are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM