Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

King Fisher Aviation Project Paper

As the new financial manager of King Fisher Aviation, you were given a file with problems to solve and were asked to report on various financial areas of the company. You now have a good picture of the financial status of the company and are ready to prepare your final financial analysis report, including your recommendations to help the company grow.
Your paper should include the financial status of King Fisher Aviation and the following information from your assignments throughout the course:

From Scenario 1, evaluate the technology proposed by Shawn Paschal. What is your recommendation on the adoption of this technology? Explain your reasoning.
From Scenario 1, what do you recommend to King Fisher regarding changing their 30 day collection period? Explain your reasoning.
From Scenario 2, what are your recommendations on the investment project? Explain your reasoning.
From Scenario 2, what are your recommendations for investment in the new technology?
From Scenario 3, evaluate King Fisher’s target capital structure. What are your recommendations?  Consider the impact of taxes and explain your reasoning.

Write a brief (2-3 page) report on your findings of King Fisher Aviation’s financial status and include the following:

From Scenario 1, evaluate the technology proposed by Shawn Paschal. What is your recommendation on the adoption of this technology? Explain your reasoning.
From Scenario 1, what do you recommend to King Fisher regarding changing their 30 day collection period? Explain your reasoning.
From Scenario 2, what are your recommendations on the investment project? Explain your reasoning.
From Scenario 2, what are your recommendations for investment in the new technology?
From Scenario 3, evaluate King Fisher’s target capital structure. What are your recommendations?  Consider the impact of taxes and explain your reasoning.

Issue Forum for Grant Proposal

A grant proposal in the form of a four-page letter of inquiry to a foundation on behalf of a nonprofit organization serving youth. The purpose of the grant proposal is to request funding to support an innovative intervention idea that prevents a problem or helps promote positive adolescent development.

Articulate issue of interest in discussion forum citing
(1) a real story you find on the media and
(2) information from the assigned chapters on problems or positive prospects to justify the need for intervention.
Book:Steinberg, L.D. (2017). Adolescence (Eleventh Edition). McGraw-Hill Education.

Capital Structure

Dronalution, Inc. a major drone manufacturer is currently all equity financed. They are contemplating converting all equity capital structure to one that is 30% debt, financed at 6% interest. The company currently has 5,000 shares outstanding at a price of $53 per share. EBIT is $35,000 and expected to remain at this amount. Respond to the following. Ignore taxes.

Mr. Fisher one of the firm’s shareholders, owns 200 shares of the firm’s stock. What is his cash flow under the current capital structure? Assume a dividend payout rate of 100 percent.
What will Mr. Fisher’s cash flow be under the proposed capital structure of the firm? Assume that he keeps all of his shares.
If Dronalution does convert, but Mr. Fisher prefers the all-equity capital structure. How could he unlever his shares of stock to recreate the original capital structure?
Explain the concept of homemade leverage and why Dronalution’s choice of capital structure is irrelevant.

King Fisher Aviation – Scenario 3

As the financial manager for King Fisher Aviation, the CEO asked you to review the company portfolio. Your information will provide a more complete picture of the company’s financial status. You are to calculate the expected return and standard deviation on company stock, consider the risk-free rate and find the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). And also, calculate the cost of bond debt.
Write a brief synopsis of what you learned about the company and provide your recommendations for the company. Complete the five problems and prepare the spreadsheet template with your solutions. Consider each problem independently, without reference to the previous problem

Critically assess how Google attempts to influence the political organization of society through engaging with the digital.

This assessment task will require you to locate Google within a historic context and analyze its stated intentions, its concrete actions and means of affecting change in the social sphere.
Questions of the ownership and funding model and how this affects the organization and their actions should also be dealt with. What kind of power relations are entangled with the Google and their effort to influence society? What theories best help explain their actions? Critically evaluate how successful the group has been in affecting changes in the political organization of society.

Case study
A case study is about a research strategy/methodology used to examine a phenomenon/social problem/issue within its context. A case study is a perfect presentation of a depth analysis resulting from a good extensive research about one topic related to the subject you have learned in Digital Politics.
In your case, you are required to investigate your chosen topic through the theoretical framework of digital politics (shorthand for how internet technologies have fueled the complex interactions between political actors and their constituents).
Make sure that you have a good balance between describing your case study and analysing it. Many of you fall into the trap of being too descriptive when writing about their case. You need to critically engage with underpinning theory and dig in the depth of the selected topic. Here there are some ways to include analysis and avoiding generalizations:

Explaining and giving reasons
Comparing and contrasting
Making suggestions and recommendations
Supporting your ideas with information from appropriate academic sources, professional media outlets and acknowledged data analytic firms

How to start

Choose a topic. In this first stage you are required not to make use of theory. However, I draw your attention to the fact that we live in a world of meaning and not in an empty vacuum. So, we are already affected, consciously and unconsciously – we are aware of it or not – by family traditions, learned knowledge during the school years, other peoples ideas, beliefs, ideologies (which to a certain extend this means theory). This is the reason why, by carrying out a case study or a research paper, we are also required to self-reflect on our own position as a researcher (scholar, student) and on the limitation of our study. Then:

Identify theories that can help you explain if the observed phenomenon/issue/social problem (i.e. global media conglomerates affecting politics) is true or not.

Use the theories to explain how and why the observed phenomenon/issue/social problem is happening.

Remember that you are required to produce a research essay and not an opinion writing. This means that you are required to critically engage with the concepts, ideas (the theory) underpinning your argument (research question), not to merely describe them. Specifically, you are required to discuss/criticize every idea/concept you are using.

Example (Case) + theory = Analysis

On the base of our previous knowledge, the set readings, the lectures, and the discussions during tutorials, we are aware that, in one way or another, Google, Alibaba, Occupy Wally Street, #MeToo, Jeff Bezos or Jack Ma, to make only few examples, attempted to influence the political organisation of society. This means looking at the intersection of technology and politics. Marielle Kaufman and Julien Jeandesboz observe that the most discussed level of this relationship is the ways in which political practices are increasingly organized through and influenced by digital information (2017, p. 309).

So, imagine that you decide that you are interested in investigating global media conglomerate technology company specialized in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising. It can be Alibaba, Amazon, Google or News Corp, to make only few examples. And you decide to investigate Google. I suggest starting to craft a good research question because it is your research question that leads your whole study/investigation. Something like that: How does Googles search engine affected politics during the USA Presidential Campaign of 2008 and 2016? (as you can see, it is specific, focused, complex and open). If you already know the answer to your research question, it is not a research at all. Now, ask yourself:

Why is it important to investigate Google? – i. e. because Google is the most visited website in the world (, Traffic Statistics, 2012) but has received significant criticism involving issues such as privacy concerns, tax avoidance, antitrust, censorship, and search neutrality (Aschoff 2015; McDonald Wallace 1998; Strom, 2018, 2019, 2010; Srnicek 2017; Vaccari 2013; Zuboff 2019).
How do your findings compare with their mission statement – i. e. Googles corporate mission statement is: To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful (2020);
Why could this be a political issue? – here, on the base of the discussed underpinning theory building your argument and your findings (research) – in your own words – you are required to explain why during the period 2010-2020 Google search engine affected politics in USA.

University of Texas at Arlington v. Williams, 459 S.W. 3d 48 (Tex. 2015)

Brief the case University of Texas at Arlington v. Williams, 459 S.W. 3d 48 (Tex. 2015)  found in the Resources section of the class and attached to this Assignment and labeled as “Williamscase.docx”

Please remember to you the approved case brief format that includes the following parts: (1) Facts, (2) Procedural History, (3) Issues Statements, (4) Holdings, (5) Reasoning, and (6) Decision. 

Case briefs are used to highlight the key information contained within a case for use within the legal community as court cases can be quite lengthy.
When writing case briefs, all information must be properly cited.  Make sure you are not copying and pasting from your source. Most of the material should be paraphrased; quotations should make up no more than 10%  of the brief.  Note: since the purpose to is highlight and summarize key information, merely copying and pasting from the case does not accomplish this goal. You must summarize the facts in your own words, using quotations sparingly.

Please take a look at the three handouts that I have attached here. 

The one handout outlines how to brief a case with a detailed explanation of each part of the case brief. Another handout outlines how I will be grading these case briefs.  The third handout provides an example of a properly done case brief.  If you would like to read the case briefed in the model case, please find the case on Lexis at Delanhanty v. Hickley, 564 A.2d 758 (D.C. 1989). 

Legal case names should be done in standard Blue Book format. Example:
York v. Smith, 65 U.S. 294 (1995). For further information see and look under the How to Cite section. Bluebook citation information is also found in the course materials and announcement sections of the class.

Your brief should be 2 pages in length and in the approved format. 

Remember that if you need any help with this case brief that I am here to help.

Cost of Capital

The president of Dronavation, Inc. has hired you to determine the firm’s cost of debt and cost of equity capital. The stock is currently selling for $40 a share and the dividend per share is expected to be around $2. The company has total liabilities of $16 million and interest expense for the year of $2 million.


The president makes the statement that it will cost $2 per share to use the stockholders’ money, so the cost of equity is equal to 5 percent (2/40). Is this correct? How do you respond?
The president says to you that if the company owes $16 million and has only $2 million in interest, the cost of debt is 12.5 percent ($2 million / $16 million). Is this conclusion correct? Explain.
Based on his calculations, the president recommends the company increase its use of equity financing, because debt costs 12.5 percent, but equity only costs 5 percent. How do you respond?

Markets, Risk, and Return

Sky Fly, Inc is considering an investment in two different expansions. The following estimates have been calculated for each project.

                                      X        Y
Initial Investment    15,000    15,000
Annual Rate of Return       
Pessimistic              16%    10%
Most Likely              20%    20%
Optimistic              24%    30%

What is the range of the rates of return for each of the projects?
Which project is less risky? Why?
Which investment would you choose? Why?
What does your investment choice say about your feelings towards risk?
Assume that expansion Y most likely outcome is 21% per year and that all other facts remain the same.  Does this change your investment choice answer?  Why?
What are the ethical considerations that Sky Fly’s managers should observe when deciding between the two projects?

I dont see a problem hanging the word boredom around baseballs neck. Nor do I see it as an epithet. Boredom is fertile. Boredom is potential. Boredom is the basic elements of all of baseballs drama (Forbes 11). Using Andrew Forbes essay The Uti

I dont see a problem hanging the word boredom around baseballs neck. Nor do I see it as an epithet. Boredom is fertile. Boredom is potential. Boredom is the basic elements of all of baseballs drama (Forbes 11). Using Andrew Forbes essay The Utility of Boredom, write a persuasive essay with a strong, and direct thesis statement considering the usefulness of boredom and how it can be applied in our lives in minor or even major ways. Consider how Forbes defines boredom in relation to the Toronto Blue Jays and his love of baseball. Do you have a different definition of boredom? If so, please define it referencing Forbes interpretation. What makes boredom an essential part of our lives, and how can we apply it like Forbes applies the utility of boredom in relation to baseball?

QPPV responsibilities

please review the lecture first

What do you think of the responsibilities of the QPPV? I do not need you to provide the list of responsibilities.

Would you want to be the QPPV for your company if you fulfilled all of the requirements? What do you think would be the most difficult job responsibility to fulfill?

Do you think that the QPPV should be held legally responsible?

Why do you think there is not an equivalent role in the US?

references required; can search from other sources