Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

American Literature Final Essay With Outline

First, you’ll need to choose a topic for your final essay, which will be at least 1,000 words in length. This is the topic you will use to create your outline in Week 2 and final essay in Week 3. Choose ONE of the topics below.

Option 1:

The American Dream lecture in Week 1 points out that Poor Richards Almanac was an annual publication that included calendar lists, home recipes, weather forecasts etc. What made Franklins almanac unlike other almanacs was the inclusion of Franklins witty parables and humorous writings.  Franklin proposes in The Way to Wealth that anyone who works hard, avoids debt, and works toward attaining a virtuous character can be successful and ultimately wealthythat the American Dream is accessible to all.

Watch either The Color Purple or The Great Gatsby (locate the films using Netflix, Amazon, or your local library) and argue why or why not Franklins assertions are correct. Provide examples from the film and your own explanations to support your assertions.

Your will have two choices for your thesis statement:

As is evident in the film The Color Purple (or The Great Gatsby), Franklins assertion that the American Dream is available to all people is incorrect because _________, ___________, and _________ (you will determine three points in support of your thesis, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs).

As is evident in the film The Color Purple (or The Great Gatsby), Franklins assertion that the American Dream is available to all people is correct because _________, ___________, and _________ (you will determine three points in support of your thesis, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs).

Option 2: 

Write a comparison or contrast essay about two of the corresponding characters in the table below. You will choose three of the points of comparison from the pool below as your points of comparison or contrast. Keep in mind that the purpose of a comparison or contrast essay is to reveal something meaningful about the characters and their relationships to the text. 

You will be using a point-by-point style of comparison, and you will have two choices for your thesis statement: 

While some differences between __________ and __________ (names of characters in the pairing you chose) are evident, they are similar in the aspects of __________, __________, and __________ (you will determine three points of comparison from the pool, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs). 

While some similarities between  __________ and __________ (names of characters in the pairing you chose) are evident, they are different in the aspects of __________, __________, and __________ (you will determine three points of comparison from the pool, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs).

Choose one of the following pairings:    Choose three of the following points of comparison:
1. Rip Van Winkle and Anton Rosicky    A. Motivation
2. Dame Van Winkle and Mrs. Peters    B. Religion
3. Desiree Aubigny and Faith Brown    C. Generosity
4. Young Goodman Brown and Armand Aubigny    D Trustworthiness
5. Dame Van Winkle and Mrs. Hale    E. Independence/Dependence
    F. Communication skills
    G. Level of intelligence
    H. Sense of adventure
    I. Relationships with others
    J. Conflicts/trials faced
    K. Journeys, either physical or symbolic


Ethical Rules Screen (Steps 3(b)

(1))A comprehensive discussion of relevant NASW ethical responsibilities.

Ethical Principles Screen (Step 3(b)(2); 3(c))A comprehensive use of the Ethical Rules and Ethical Principles Screens when discussing ambiguous and/or contradictory guidance in the NASW Code of Ethics.

Proposed Ethical Action/Policy (Steps 4(a),(b),(d),(e); 6; 8(a),(b),(c); 9; 10)Proposed ethical action/policy clearly flows from the students comprehensive use of the 10 Ethical Assessment Screen steps (including the nuanced management of competing ethical arguments).

Ethical Use of Organizational Resources (Step 4(c))A thoughtful discussion of resource utilization issues relevant to resolution of the ethical dilemma.

Use of Technology to Facilitate Clinical Practice (Step 5)A thoughtful discussion of ethical uses of technology to help in resolving the ethical dilemma.

Use of Consultation to Guide Judgement and Behavior (Step 7)A comprehensive critical discussion of ideas gained though consultation.

Discussion board post

In your daily scrum meeting, you observe that some of your team is not coming fully prepared. Would you wait until the retrospective to address this problem? Who would you raise to and what would you say?

Lyons & Wilker, Chapter 4 and 5
PMBOK, Chapter 10

American Literature

Week 2 Creative Writing Assignment:

This week’s creative assignment is “Who is the speaker?” Pick  one of the three poems (“homage to my hips,” “The Woman Thing,” or “Wild nights – Wild nights!”) and create a 400-word description of the poem’s speaker.  This will require you to use your imagination and develop the character outside of the poem.

Assignment Requirements:

Your submission must:
include a minimum of 400 words, written in paragraph form.
use Times New Roman 12-point font and be double spaced. A title page, running head, and abstract are not required.
be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment on the submission page (click title above). Assignments not submitted in this way may be returned to you ungraded.
No Research
There is a no-research policy in place for this class. Using any material other than the assigned readings and lectures, even if it is correctly quoted and cited, will result in a failing grade for this assignment. Contact your instructor if you have questions about this policy.

American Literature discusion

Post 1: Identify a character from both a fiction (Chopin or Glaspell) and a nonfiction piece (Sedaris or Bornstein) that we have read this week. First, show how the character is limited in his or her role in society (excluded from the American Dream), an then explain specifically how that character pushes against boundaries imposed by society. Use paraphrased quotes to support your claims, and cite them in APA style using in-text and reference citations that you reviewed last week.


300 words minimum (excluding quotations and citations)
Include two properly integrated and cited paraphrased quotations (one from each work) to support your claims. See the Literary Analysis Tools Module from this week’s activities for information about integrating and citing quotes.

Major depressive disorder and Alcohol Stubance Abuse Order

Major depressive disorder and Alcohol substance abuse diagnosis co-occurring with a specific psychiatric diagnosis and create a vignette describing the co-occurring diagnosis.

Your vignette should be written as a brief clinical assessment including factors such as the consumers symptomology, a detailed description of the presenting problem, and at least one treatment goal addressing a mental health issue and one treatment goal addressing a substance use issue. Once this is complete, you need to apply the consumers profile to the treatment modalities (individual, couple/family, and group) and include the following.

Be sure to include any assessment information specific to the treatment modalities (e.g., information on family for family treatment).

Describe any engagement or rapport building issues that would likely be encountered with this consumer within the context of individual, family, and group therapy.

Name two therapeutic approaches and two interventions that would apply to the treatment of the co-occurring diagnosis within each of the treatment modalities that have special benefit to individuals, families, and groups.

Describe how you would determine treatment effectiveness within each of the treatment modalities.

The paper must be at least 8 pages long, have a minimum of 8 peer reviewed citations, and be formatted in American Psychological Association (APA) style. 


As an entrepreneur, I came up with a new retail business idea (see the attached document)

Now I need a business plan.

But I only want you to finish two parts of my plan, which is “1. Three direct competitors Analysis “and ” 2. Business Strategy”

1.Three Direct Competitor Analysis  (1.5page  1.5 spacing)

Who are they? Provide a brief introduction
Analyze their strengths and weaknesses
2. Business Strategy  (3 pages )
Company goals and objectives  (0.5 page  1.5 spacing)
SWOT analysis  (1 page  1.5 spacing)
Competitive advantage and strategic actions(1.5 page  1.5 spacing): Consider the three strategic options (Cost
leadership, Differentiation, & Focus). Which strategy do you rely on to achieve the goal
and objectives? What is your competitive advantage? Come up with a set of strategic
actions you will undertake to achieve a competitive advantage and explain them.

Format Requirements
Provide a heading for each section
Font: Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. Use the same font throughout the report.
Font size: 12 points for text
Spacing: 1.5 spacing throughout the report.
Margins: 1 inch margins on all sides.
Pages: Place page numbers at the right, bottom of the page. Use page breaks as
appropriate and necessary (e.g., after Table of Contents, before References and
Appendix, etc.).

Video Review

Identify the top 5 things from your video that you consider most important and why you feel they are important. The “why” is an important aspect of the assignment, so make sure you don’t just breeze over that part. You should have a minimum of a three- to four-sentence paragraph to support your choice.


Home Work Assignment

CBT Homework Project:
You will be required to conduct a behavioral experiment on yourself. Essentially, you will need to gather baseline data on a target behavior, thought, etc., and develop a single-subject experiment designed to change the frequency and intensity of that behavior.

You will then write up your results in a 5-8 page paper.
Grades will be assigned based on the thoughtfulness and thoroughness of the experiment and not on whether the intervention actually worked.

Your treatment needs to run for a minimum of 6 weeks plus 1 week of baseline (7 weeks total).

General Outline:
1.    Cover page (APA format)
2.    Brief intake along with a presenting problem.

This should include the following:

a.    Either a functional analysis or a symptom-focused assessment of the problem

b.    Identification and operationalization of the identified problem

3.    Intervention strategy from an EBP perspective explain your process for selecting your intervention approach.

4.    A methods section that includes the use of valid and reliable measurement tools and a data collection plan.

5.    Results of your quantitative and qualitative data including baseline data, intervention data, and outcomes.

This should include any changes made to your treatment and how to practice and research-informed your treatment decisions.

6.    Discussion of the results and treatment process. Was the treatment effective? Why or why not? Did things go the way you expected?

7.    Self-reflections about the process.

8. Self-reflections on what you liked/disliked about following a manualized treatment and what you would have done differently. Include any adaptions you made based on your practice experience or consumer needs.

Role play

Role play with another individual (face to face) by administering the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). After conducting this role play, address the following:

Discuss the experience of conducting the exam.
Was it difficult not to cue the interviewee?
Share thoughts on the validity of the tools–what are some of the challenges in administering the tests?
Share what they have learned about cognitive testing through these exercises.