Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


The impact of Alzheimer’s disease on those who provide care to these patients is the focus in this documentary. See five moving portraits of the sacrifices and successes made by people experiencing their loved one’s gradual descent into dementia.  You will consider cognitive impairment and caregiving.

Discuss the following:

Share initial thoughts on cognitive impairment.
Did anything surprise you about their behavior or cognition?

Returning to an Annotated Bibliography

Returning to an Annotated Bibliography
Add seven more sources to your annotated bibliography you started in Unit 5, and review the study in Unit 7 for finalizing this assignment. Follow the guidelines provided in the Capella resource for writing an annotated bibliography, linked in Resources. Your bibliography should adhere to the below requirements:

Upload your annotated bibliography to the assignment space, so your instructor can provide feedback.

Written communication: Writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Length of paper: 35 pages.
Font: Arial, 10 point.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In preparation for the Unit 9 assignment, consider the following:

When you are choosing to write either an argument or an exposition, you may be confused about which option is right for you. After reading the case, Timeline: Jared Remy’s Troubled Past, consider what questions you have from an inquiry perspectivenot necessarily from the perspective of a detective or an attorney. While those are fine starting points, you will want to consider what research you can do now to investigate the case further and find answers that other readers would be interested in. Do you want to read the case through the lens of the court, a close interpretation of laws, a psychological perspective, or some other aspect?

You might also begin by simply searching in the Capella University Library to see what information you find on the case, and using that as a starting point. You may need to use similar cases, related case law, or relevant state statutes as your search terms to expand your findings.

Once you have begun to find some materials, you can begin to determine whether you want to develop an argument or an exposition of some type. If you choose the expository research essay, you will be providing an informational researched perspective on the case. You will synthesize the information and other scholarly perspectives from the sources you find in the library to present a new informational lens on the case. For the researched argument, you will need to present your own point of view or perspective on the case, which you will support with sources you find in the library.

Please note that in both cases, you will need to take account for multiple perspectives and not merely present a single lens on the case. This is called being fair minded in your writing. For arguments, you address the counter arguments that are most logical. For expository writing, you need to be inclusive of multiple points of view as you synthesize the voices of the field.

Review the specific requirements for completing the paper in the assignment instructions for the Unit 9 assignment.
Academic Writing Task Draft
Based on the preparation you did in the previous unit’s study, for this discussion, submit the rough draft of your academic paper for peer review. See the complete assignment instructions in Unit 9 to complete your draft.

For this assignment, you will finalize your academic paper draft submitted in the previous unit’s discussion. In completing your paper, keep in mind that criminal Justice writing may typically be viewed as existing in the field, but many criminal justice professionals actually work in more academic areas, including court analyst and journalism positions. Of course, some academic positions include teaching and research positions, as well. Learning to conduct research writing for a more academic audience and purpose is important for career prospects, but also to expose you to the sorts of texts you may be asked to read during your academic studies within the program.

You should expect to write between 5 and 7 pages, and use a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed, scholarly library sources for this paper. Your paper must include a cover page, a running head, in-text citations, and a complete reference list. You should also be sure to properly format the document with APA-appropriate margins (1 inch on top, bottom, and sides). You should also complete the following tasks:

Argue effectively for a claim on a topic for an academic audience.
Use accepted strategies for supporting a claim.
Assess opposing viewpoints and defend your claim.
Organize an argument clearly and coherently, using accepted organization patterns. Employ accepted APA standards for citing and documenting sources.
Communicate in a manner that is consistent with the standards and expectations of criminal justice professionals.

Developing an Investigation Plan

Assignment 3: Developing an Investigation Plan

A child was playing in a local park with his brother. A car pulled up as they were leaving the playground. A man inside the car motioned for the two (2) boys to come over. The man asked the two (2) boys where the nearest convenience store was located. He then stated that he was not familiar with the area and asked the boys to show him the way and he would take them home afterwards. He also stated that he would buy them whatever they wanted if they agreed to show him. The youngest brother got into the car with the man and they drove away. The older sibling ran home and told his mother what had happened. The younger brother was not heard from that night and a report was made to the police. The next day a body was found in a dumpster behind a local garage. It was the younger brother, who had been strangled to death and was nude.

Imagine that you are the lead investigator in this case and develop a two to three (2-3) page investigation plan in which you:

Outline the main steps that you would take immediately as it relates to the investigation of this case. Support your response.
Propose your methods for evidence collection. Next, predict the main evidence that you would expect to find regarding the investigation of the death of the boy and the arrest of the suspect. Support your response.
Propose the main investigative techniques that you would use to investigate the murder in this case. Provide a rationale for your response.
Use at least two (2) quality academic resources as references, such as journal articles, newspapers, magazines, and publications from law enforcement associations. Note: Wikipedia, blogs, and similar websites do not qualify as quality academic resources.

DISCUSSION POSTField Report Reflection

Field Report Reflection
Now that you have written a complete field report, consider what you have learned about writing for criminal justice. For this discussion, address the following: What do you feel more confident about as a writer in criminal justice for your career path? How do you see yourself as a writer at work? What have you learned about writing in criminal justice or expanded your knowledge of through this process? What advice about writing reports would you have for someone new to the position or coming into college to learn about this?

Post your initial discussion by Thursday.

Discussion Post Academic Writing and Field Writing

Academic Writing and Field Writing
Review the readings from this week. Consider what you are learning about what academic writing looks like. For this discussion, address the following: What can you say are the properties of academic writing, as opposed to the properties of field writing? (You may need to take a look at some examples of academic writing more generally in Campus or explore your textbook further, as well.) We call these propertiesthese descriptorsconventions. Describe the genres that you are seeing in the more academic side of criminal justice writing. How are they different from or similar to field reports that you saw earlier in the course? What do you think accounts for the differences and for the similarities?

Post your initial discussion by Thursday.


Textbook: Sheltered Content Instruction Teaching English Language Learners with diverse Abilities

For chapter 7 :

You read about “Modifying assignments” as well as many kinds of differentiated instruction.  There was so much to absorb but knowing ways you can help students is essential.  For this assignment, think of what you read and pick 4 ways you can help an English Learner in class. 

Total of 2 pages or more including an introduction, four ways to help a student, and a conclusion.  At the end, reflect on the assignment and this part can be in the first person.

Team Building

In any team, problems will arise and team members will have questions about the conflict and how to resolve it. Members across departments must collaborate and contribute to the resolution of any unhealthy form of team conflict. Based on “Case One: ElectriGov” (found on page 177 in your textbook), answer the following questions:
Why is it important for an organization to have a mission?
Why is it important for team members to know their roles on a team?
Is competition within a team a good or bad thing? Explain your response.
Why is it important to set short- and long-term goals when planning a meeting regarding conflicts? Provide examples.
What is an unhealthy agreement? Why is it significant for leaders to understand how to resolve conflict and avoid unhealthy agreements?
Your case study should be in APA style with a minimum of two pages (not including the title and references pages).

Field Report Draft Preparation

Field Report Draft Preparation
Preparing Your Field Report
Narrative writing is a key element in the various writing (and reading) tasks that you will engage in your criminal justice career. You will see that we are now engaging that narrative further and mobilizing it in the field report that you are looking at this week.

As we finalize the drafts of the narratives, you should also be seeing how the narrative fits the field report, and how it is so integral to the story that is told in the report.

You have each chosen a particular character to profile in Units 1 and 2. That character aligns with a subfield of criminal justicea career path, in other words. Using that career path, find an appropriate report for the field to complete (you may use the textbooks, the library, and the internet to help you, but please do ask the instructor for help with this, as well, if you need it). You will likely find a form or template-like model to follow for many of these positions, but for some (like attorneys), you will not have forms to fill out.

For the assignment in the upcoming unit, you will write a field report that follows one of the models of the reports a criminal justice professional is likely to write on a regular basis, similar to what you learned about this character from your profile in Units 1 and 2. You may have many reports to choose from for some characters, and few for others. This is natural.


For this assignment, you will finalize your field report draft submitted in the previous unit’s discussion. Building upon what you learned in the Unit 6 study for this assignment’s preparation as well as the Profile and the Narrative assignments, choose one type of field report and draft it. You may be drafting a police incident report, an internal affairs investigation report, a parole report, et cetera. You may find and use a template for the report, as appropriate.

You should expect to write between 2 and 7 pages, depending upon the type of report you are completing and its purpose; and you should complete the following tasks to draft your report:

Write a report to satisfy the chosen purpose, making appropriate use of detail and presenting information clearly, fairly, and persuasively.
Apply strategies for structuring the field report effectively.
Use the accepted style and form of the field report to develop a central point in an organized document.
Incorporate peer and instructor feedback into a revised, proofread, and polished document.
In addition, be sure you meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Style: Use formal current APA style and formatting.
Length of paper: 27 pages.
Sources: Use source material appropriate to the report you are completing, such as witness statements, officer observation accounts, lab data, et cetera.
Font: Arial, 10 point.
Be sure to include an APA cover page and add a references list at the end of the document for any citations you need to include for sources you have used to produce the report. Your references list should include the source of the template or model report or form, the sources of information you used (if you did not make it up yourself), and any other relevant sources you have employed for the document.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Essay Question is:
Based on your reading of the following works, in what key ways was the French Revolution an event with a global impact?  Why, in your view, do these scholars offer such diverse explanations?

Must use provided sources, and roughly 80:20 for part 1 and part 2 of the question