Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Discussion: Strategic Impact of Positive Social Change Initiatives Wk 6 Comment

Required Media
Laureate Education (Producer). (2016). Business strategy and innovation: Effecting positive social change [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 7 minutes.

Optional Resources
Dyer, J., Godfrey, P., Jensen, R., & Bryce, D. (2018). Strategic management: Concepts and cases (2nd ed.) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Case 18: Safe Water Network: Mastering the Model at Dzemeni (pp. C-189-C-201
Kane, G. C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A. N., & Kiron, D. (2014). Finding the value of social business. Retrieved from

Mycoskie, B. (2016). The founder of TOMS on reimagining the companys mission. Retrieved from

Servaes, H., & Tamayo, A. (2013). The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm value: The role of customer awareness. Management Science, 59(5), 10451061. Retrieved from

Discussion: Strategic Impact of Positive Social Change Initiatives

Not all initiatives for promoting positive social change are successful, but these represent an opportunity to not only learn from one specific context, but also to shed light on a wider understanding of strategic planning. When larger corporations such as Starbucks have an initiative that fails, they can treat it like a learning opportunity for both the next initiative and their overall business strategies. Smaller companies, on the other hand, may be impacted in a more significant way.

To prepare for this Discussion, review the video case study featuring Walden alumnus Eric Barton and his organization, Business Owners Benefits Association (BOBA), and consider the potential benefits and risks of incorporating a social change mission into business strategy. Be sure to utilize the Walden Library to identify scholarly examples of both successful and unsuccessful instances of social change integration.

By Day 3
Post an analysis of the risks and benefits of integrating a positive social change mission into organizational strategic planning. Your analysis should include the following:

What are the benefits for organizations considering integrating positive social change into their business strategy?
What are the potential risks for organizations considering integrating business strategies with an emphasis on positive social change?
Provide a real-world example of an organization that experienced an unsuccessful implementation of a positive social change initiative. As an independent scholar and global change agent, explain what the organization might have done differently, including planning or executing strategies to improve marketplace or cultural impacts.
Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this weeks Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

Refer to the Week 6 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Read a selection of your colleagues postings.

By Day 5
Respond to at least two of your colleagues postings in one or more of the following ways:

Compare your initial posting with that of your colleague, including insights on the advantages or disadvantages of integrating positive social change missions into business strategy.
In what ways do you agree or disagree with your colleague on the impacts of a positive social change initiative on a business, and how can this enhance or expand on your main post?
Provide a suggestion for an additional example of successful or unsuccessful social change integration into a business strategy to better support your colleagues posting, including a rationale for your suggestion.
Please note that, for each response, you must include a minimum of one appropriately cited scholarly reference.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what insights you gained as a result of reading the comments your colleagues made.

Qualities of an Effective Counselor

The purpose of the Self-Reflection Journals is for you to reflect on the Reading & Study material

          1. Prompt:
Of the qualities of an effective counselor, at which do you excel most?  In which area would you like to see the most improvement, and what can you do to increase your competency in this area? What aspects of your Christian faith will you include in your practice?

        2. Here is what I have written so far:

As a counselor, dealing with clients who possess cognitive distortions and behavioral abnormality can be stressful. Therefore, it is crucial to undertake a conversation technique. In terms of qualities possessed to excel in counseling, it is my ability to cope through exasperating times that will enable me to deal with patients effectively. It is imperative to build on empathy, trust, mindfulness and acceptance that is advantageous in successful therapy. After 8 years of consistent counseling, it is easy to imagine the amount of knowledge that Ive obtained and have further applied to my day-to-day life. As a result, Ive discovered the importance of an established and collaborated partnership between therapist and client. When therapists show kindness and respect, it is easier to attain common ground and work together on tasks that resonates with a patients self-perception and worldview. Ive discovered that, although a stressful situation may be upsetting, it is possible to overcome adversity and gain achievement by providing an incentive for personal growth and development.

References if needed:

Corey, G. (2017). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (10th ed.). Boston,
MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1305263727 | Loose-leaf edition ISBN: 978-

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You are a full-service marketing and advertising agency that does everything from product development, to pricing and distribution, to branding and promotions. If a company has an idea or invention, you are the experts at presenting that
product to consumers and maximizing profits.

SITUATION: You have been approached by a potential client that is taking pitches from
multiple marketing agencies. The company has traditionally been a beverage
manufacturer, but it recently cornered the market on a special type of coffee bean.

Here are a few of the coffee beans characteristics:
Provides 4 times the energy of regular coffee beans
Clears your body 100% in 3-4 hours (meaning no jitters, no buzz, and 4 hours
later you can sleep like a baby, even if you are normally caffeine-sensitive)
Legal in every country and every sport
Tastes like the highest quality coffees on the market
Patent-protected (nobody else can grow this variety of bean)

DELIVERABLE: A video presentation of your marketing campaign along with a
presentation deck (i.e. PPT, Prezi, etc). Campaign presentation will be 7-8 minutes long.
I will provide some more instructions in Canvas on options for filming the presentation.
Stay tuned on that, for now concentrate on forming teams and creating your campaign

DETAILS OF THE MARKETING CAMPAIGN: Create a marketing campaign to help the
company launch this product. Campaign must include the following components:
A primary target group with high potential: Include a demographic and
psychographic description. Describe the segment as vividly as possible.
Product format and design: What should the product be? Coffee beans can be
made into a number of different products, and your job is to target your target
market most effectively. Should this company produce and market a traditional
coffee drink? Some other kind of coffee-flavored drink? Shots? Gel? Food
products? You decide. Pick one kind of product only. Also, how will the package
look and feel? Does it reflect your target market?
Distribution partners and channels: Where will the product sell and why are these
the best places for your target audience to find the product? Provide details.
Slogan: Time to get creative and capture the essence of your brand. Think this
One print ad: Include headline, visual, and copy. Could be magazine, newspaper
or billboard. Define where these ads would run, when, and how often. Also,
explain why you chose what you chose.
One TV ad: Presented using storyboards or acted out in person (this needs to be
rehearsed, if so). Define where these ads would run, when, and how often. And,
as above, why?
One social ad: Us the to make a mockup of your ad.
Finally, you need to discuss how the marketing choices you have chosen will bring the
client the highest return on investment (ROI) for their company.
All group members must participate!

A couple of things to remember
1) Remember that you are not selling the client on the product, they already know what it
is. You are showing them that you have put together the best campaign for selling
consumers on their product. You are convincing them that you have chosen the best
target audience, the best distribution strategy, and have put together the best
promotional campaigns. You are trying to win the account for your agency.
2) Be sure to maintain visual consistency between different parts of the campaign. The
print, TV, and social ads should have the same look and feel and hit on the same key
messages about the product. That way, when people see the campaign across different
media, the repetition will start to sink in and theyll remember the product. If ads from
each medium have their own look and feel, itll seem to the consumer like three different

Here are some good resources and tips for making effective presentations. Hope this helps.

Remember that the first step before you even think about writing ads is to:

Be clear about who your target audience is.
Be clear about what 3-5 messages you want to communicate with them (these messages will remain consistent throughout your ad campaign, regardless of the ad medium).
But let’s say you have figured those two things out and it’s time to actually make the ads. Where do you start? Often, this is where we get stuck. Staring at a blank screen knowing what we want to say, but not sure how to say it.

It’s easy . . . use the 6 tactics below and you almost can’t go wrong. Use one, or combine several of them – which is even better. The key is to decide which tactics will best fit your product and appeal to your customers. Another consideration is whether you are in a very competitive category. If you are, then tactics 1-3 are essential. Marketing is done in a competitive world, so sometimes framing your competitor’s drawbacks is almost as important as framing your benefits.

Here are the 6 tactics.

1. UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION: What does your product (or service) offer that nobody else does? Example: Enterprise Car Rentals will bring the rental car to your house.

2. COMPARATIVE: How does your product stack up against the alternatives? Tell people about that. Example: Verizon has largest LTE network.

3. DEMONSTRATION: Better yet, show the product in action. Example: laundry detergent commercials showing whiter whites and brighter brights.

4. TESTIMONIAL: Let satisfied customers tell your target audience about the product. Or let a celebrity tell your target audience about your product. Example: There are now infomercials that even have the testimony embedded in the title, like “Chuck Norris Uses Total Gym” or “Heidi Klum Uses (some makeup that I don’t remember)”. Testimonials are common-place on radio, where the host actually gives the commercial over the air talking about how they use the product.

5. FSH: Fear, sex, humor. I called these the primal tactics – since they are pretty universal. I’m not your dad, so I’ll skip the social commentary about any of these tactics. They work. Case closed. It’s up to you to decide whether to use them. Examples: For fear, you see this in most political. For sex and humor, pretty much any beer commercial. Using them and using them effectively are two different things. Making a commercial sexual for the sake of making it sexual, or being jokey for the sake of getting laughs – without telling a story about your product and benefits – is dumb and a waste of everyone’s time. Except for teenage boys. They’ll think the commercial is awesome. But they don’t have any money and won’t remember who was advertising. So yeah, be smart about the use of this tactic. Make sure its use actually relates to the benefits of your product in some memorable way.

6. HOOKS: Slogans, jingles, and music. Get stuck in their brain, and your marketing will go a long way. Examples:

Values and ethics in health service administration

  Essay/Writing prompt response. All applicants must submit a professional writing sample in response to both prompts below. The submission must be between 1 and 2 pages per prompt and must follow proper APA formatting.

Please reference this site ( for guidelines on APA formatting (an abstract is not required).

  Pick one of the values of the Health Services Administration Department and explain what that value means to you and how you will carry it with you into your future career as a healthcare administrator.
        Values: Empathy, multicultural, contemporary, leadership, and integrity.

  Present the two sides of what you believe to be an ethical dilemma healthcare administrators are faced with today.
        You may reference the American College of Healthcare Executives Code of Ethics to help with identifying an ethical issue.

Loss Prevention Policies DB

Assignment Details

At any given moment, individuals, businesses, organizations, and corporations can experience loss. Necessary actions are needed to recover from said loss. Loss can range from identity theft to embezzlement. Consequently, immediate identification of loss can lessen the impact and add to recovery of said loss.

Focus your discussion on the following:

Discuss comprehensive control programs and how these programs add value to loss prevention.
Similarly, to paid law enforcement professionals, security professionals are added value in our society. Identify several areas security professionals prevent loss to individuals, corporations, and retail businesses.
Be sure to explain the following:
Role and responsibility in loss identification
Criminal investigation and civil litigation
Suspect apprehension
Criminal and civil loss

Loss Prevention Policies

Assignment Details

You have been working for about 10 years within the private sector as a fraud investigator. You are now the director of fraud management of a well-known amusement park. Because your amusement park handles hundreds of thousands of dollars and credit card information, you must have a great fraud prevention program. Management is aware of a need for increased requirements for the amusement park to maintain a system of internal control to help prevent and detect fraud. The chief executive officer (CEO) of the amusement park, Mary Moore, is also interested in using a pro-active posture toward building an antifraud prevention program, including exploring the use of a pro-active auditing approach for fraud discovery. You have had discussions with the internal auditor and your external fraud investigators, as well as accounting and consulting firms for pro-active approaches for detecting fraud.

Management is aware that eliminating the opportunity for fraud is critical. Recently, the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) have adopted a comprehensive guide for managing the business risk of fraud.

Answer the questions below in preparing this paper of 35 pages. As you answer each question, you must provide support or evidence that will enhance and empirically prove your answers. Academic criminal justice articles or real-life criminal justice findings that are not found in journals or other academic sources must be used when supporting your answers. Use American Psychological Association (APA) style for all cited sources, including your reference page.

What are the benefits of a comprehensive control program? If you were advising this corporation, what would be the specific benefits for it?
What procedures should be considered for detective controls, including independent checks and a system for documents and records?
Because an amusement park deals with a large amount of cash and electronic funds such as credit cards, discuss the possibility of a fraud hotline as part of your program. Remember that an amusement park is just like a corporation in organization and has goals for making profits. How can a hotline be implemented as a tool for preventing and detecting fraud?
What recommendations would you offer the CEO to encourage a culture of honesty, openness, and assistance?
Do you think that a culture of honesty, openness, and assistance can exist as suggested by Ms. Moore? Or is it a utopian idea with no understanding of how human nature works? Provide examples to justify your answer.

Treaties and Tribunals

Write a 56-page paper that answers the following questions:
Why are tribunals very important among two or more countries? (25%)
How can the cultural and political differences that exist between nations affect a tribunal? (30%)
What would happen if tribunals did not exist? (20%)
While the significance of tribunals among nations is important, what are the limitations of tribunals? Explain. (20%)
Please provide APA citation and references where necessary. (5%)

Mass Media, crime, and justice

After reviewing the reading topics and course learning objectives, students will select a subject of interest for a 7-10 page research paper supported by a minimum of 5 academic peer reviweed sources. The paper is due at the end of Week 7. In your response to the discussion board Research Paper Topic, post the topic you wish to research, the course learning objective with which it aligns, and why this topic is of special interest to you. I will approve, comment, or disapprove. Please wait for approval before you begin your research. This should be completed by the end of Week 2. The following are the six course learning objectives from which you can base your topic:
1.Examine the organizational structure and the administration process of the U.S. justice system.
2.Differentiate among the various components that influence the administration of the criminal justice system.
3.Describe the use of force and the use of discretion in criminal investigation.
4.Examine the administration of the courts when addressing sentence alternatives.
5.Analyze the American correctional system and its use of alternative programs when administering justice.
6.Identify common ethical issues that occur in the criminal justice system.

Research paper topics must be based upon one of the six course learning objectives. When submitting the selected research topic by the end of Week 2, students must identify not only the topic of their research paper but also the course learning objective with which it is aligned.

When writing your research paper be sure to focus upon the aspect of criminal justice that you are addressing from the perspective of the course learning objective with which it is associated. You must support points made in the research paper with scholarly resources. Your personal opinion must be limited and will not be a determining factor in the final grade. Instead, your grade is determined by how well you support your argument utilizing the materials discussed in this course and research and reference material you locate.

What I do not want is a regurgitation of what is in the readings. Expand on the readings; do not repeat it. Direct quotes should be used sparingly and limited to instances where the original meaning would be lost if not directly quoted. Document your facts utilizing the current APA style edition.

This paper is to be submitted to me as indicated on the Course Schedule and Grading Policy Summary Table.  The paper is to be in the current APA Style format and the body of the paper is to be between 7 and 10 pages.  The body of the paper does not include the title page, table of contents, appendix or references. Abstracts should not be included and will not count as part of the body of the paper if included.

This is to be of high quality, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and of original work. Plagiarism will be dealt with harshly.  You are to title your paper by your last name.  For example, an individual with the last name of Smith would name their paper smith.docx with .docx being the MS Word file extension.  You are to submit your paper by uploading it to the Assignments area in the course site prior to the due date as indicated in the Course Schedule and Grading Policy Summary Table.

You must submit your research paper to this assignment as a Word document. Other formats will not be accepted. The date of your submission is based upon the date you successfully submit your research paper in the correct Word format.

Papers will be graded based on the Criminal Justice Paper Rubric

Canadian Studies

This is an independent project. Students are required to analyze the novel Indian Horse to assess how it depicts First Nations identity and the relationship between First Nations and Settler-Canadian society.

Length of Essay: 5-6 Pages.
The novel Indian Horse examines issues revolving around First Nations culture and identity, the effects of the Residential School system on Indigenous people, the importance of hockey as an escape from social trauma, and the racial and ethnic discriminatory practices that Indigenous people continue to face in Canada. Instructions: This assignment is NOT A SUMMARY of the novel. This essay is intended to sharpen your analytical capabilities. You must move beyond a simple description of the novel and into a deeper, critical appreciation of its content. This involves a more intricate analytical approach and a deeper critical analysis that goes beyond a simple overview of the Indian Horse plot. For this assignment, please answer ONE of the following questions. Make sure you indicate which question you intend to answer. 1) Assess the importance of Ojibway culture, ancestral lands, and First Nation families and communities on Sauls life. To what extent did he rely on these to cope with the trials and tribulations he faced in the novel? Provide examples from the text to support your argument. 2) Assess the role of hockey in Sauls life. Do we see hockey as a means for Saul to be included or excluded in Indigenous and Settler-Canadian society? How is hockey integrated with indigeneity in this novel and how is it represented in the greater Canadian society? Provide examples from the text to support your argument. 3) Saul faced racism and discrimination in and outside the hockey rink. How and why does this lead him to a rehab facility? How can you connect Sauls story to the story of Indigenous people in Canada? Provide examples from the text to support your argument. 4) Many of the chapters in this novel discuss topics other than Sauls experience in St. Gerome. How does Sauls lifelong journey tie back to his childhood experiences? Why was it necessary for Richard Wagamese to tell us this story? Provide examples from the text to support your argument. It is a good idea to bring in external sources to support your arguments, although this is not mandatory. Remember that a thesis is required for this assignment and must be adequately supported using examples from the novel. Citations must be used when you quote or paraphrase. Avoid the use of blockquotes. APA, MLA and Chicago are acceptable styles to use when citing the novel. Font: Size 12, Times New Roman. A work cited/references page is also required. The following list may assist you in writing your paper: Outlining a brief breakdown of the Residential School system in Canada. What was the purpose of this education system? (External sources may help here). Consider some of the long-term impacts that have emerged as a result of the Residential School system, in Sauls life, and the lives of other Indigenous people. Consider the importance of family and community in Sauls life. Consider the importance of Ojibway culture in the life of Saul Indian Horse. Consider the importance of Hockey in Sauls life. Does hockey help Saul cope with racism, discrimination and inequality? Consider the relationship that exists between Indigenous people and settler-Canadian society. Is hockey a bridge between a settler-Canadian society and Indigenous people? You will be graded on a clear and coherent thesis statement, your ability to answer your question clearly, and relevancy to the text. It will be easy for me to know whether you read the book or simply watched the movie. You must provide appropriate citations when you quote or paraphrase any information from the text. No blockquotes are allowed. You must include a bibliography at the end of your paper.

Management Communication Journal and Improvement Plan

Compare and contrast your personal communication style and methods with the criteria that you develop during the quarter. It is expected that you identify a number of areas for improvement based on your comparison. Accordingly, develop and share your improvement plans that will help to enhance your individual communication style and methods within an organizational setting. It is important to devise highly feasible, transparent, and detailed improvement plans.

Style of delivery (Verbal and written)
    I need to work on my bluntness when speaking and writing.
    Take the time to explain instead of demand.
    Listening vs hearing
    Keeping an open mind to other opinions. 
    Do not interrupt when others are speaking
Emotional control
    When frustrated, I tend to get emotional (Self-awareness)
    Controlling verbal aggressiveness.