Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Describe your background of apologetics as you begin this course. What have been your conceptions of apologetics (both positive and/or negative)? Have you previously studied apologetics? If so, explain the chief motivators for and the benefits of your study. If you have not studied apologetics in the past, how do you think studying it could prove helpful?

Your paper must be 400500 words and include at least 3 scholarly/academic references in addition to Apologetics at the Cross and the Bible. Try to find material that supports what you are saying and/or material that has helped improve (or not improve) your views on apologetics. Submit your paper as a Microsoft Word document. Essay 1 must use Times New Roman, 12-point font, follow current Turabian format, and be uploaded to Blackboard.

Implementation Pilot Project

Develop the analysis for the pilot project for autonomous charging stations.
The project will be launched specifically in USA, by EINRIDE Startup, and the main point is to cover the route 66 with charging stations to let the trucks owned by EINRIDE to cover the whole distance (currently they just cover 200km) which is almost 4000km.

Develop the analysis as BULLETPOINTS and  the following details should be explained:

– Description about the Pilot (Location, Distance, Infrastructure (It needs to use specifically ROBOT charging technologies), Partner which chargers, why this partner for this project
Location Start-END / Distance (where the route 66 starts and where it ends)
Description what we are testing (after developing a first pilot project for less distance)
Question of the project: Works with several charging technology companies (we are going to  use different partners because the distance is significantly huge – explain why each of them) / Lessons Learned
Different Partners kuka, tesla, stable, plugless, envision. ALSO, research other charging  companies that can be considered as partners.

In general, there should be the description of the pillot, the specific location, what is going to be tested in this pilot (effectivity and efficiency of the chargers for this trucks owned by EINRIDE exclusively), different charging providers  (specify which ones and why and which distance will each one  of them cover), and come up with key learnings or “takeaways”  from the project (This might be hypotethical).

IMPORTANT. This pillot project is exclusively for EINRIDE startup, the only external partners are the  charging stations one using ROBOT TECHNOLOGY (thats what we are testing)

Discusses three (3) of the six (6) levels of Blooms Taxonomy as it relates to Servant Leadership (SL)/Annotated bibliography

Where are they similar?
Where do they differ? As part of this project, prepare an annotated bibliography of the 3 articles.  The bibliography will be structured as follows:
APA formatted reference (minimum 250 words per reference)
followed by summary of key points,
evaluation of the quality of the publication, evaluation of the quality of the author(s),
where this fits into the assignment

The performance of staff can have a significant impact on the success of a company. What can companies do to increase staff productivity?

I put to references at the bottom, all you have to do is but the two references in the RACCA analysis. The RACCA you see down here is an example for you to see what this is about..:

RACCAA Analysis

Harvard reference Boury, B. (2015) The Increasing Adoption of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, ECN: Electronic Component News, 59, pp. 1620. Available at: (Accessed: 16 February 2020).

Relevance to assignment

(include your assignment question)  This magazine article contains useful information and data about the performances of different types of hybrid and electric vehicles. It is relevant to the assignment question: To what extent are hybrid vehicles a solution to pollution and environmental damage, as it also compares the carbon dioxide emission and fuel efficiency of hybrid vehicles to traditional combustion engine vehicles.

Authority of the writer & publisher

    The author of this article is Bruno Boury. In addition to earning a masters degree in electrical engineering from the University of Leuven, he studied business in management, marketing, and related support services at Solvay Business School from 2010 to 2012. As for his career, he started off as the design engineer at Melexis and worked his way to become the companys product line manager of magnetic sensing. Advantage Business Marketing (previously known as Advantage Business Media) was a digital media organization at the time of this article. Also, this article was published to EE World Online (previously known as ECN), which is one of ABMs subordinate organizations that focuses on electrical engineering news and products. The fact that both, the author and publisher, are experts in electrical engineering justifies the focus on the electrical science of hybrid vehicles in this article, making this article reliable in terms of understanding the functions of hybrid vehicles.


    Although this article was published quite recently in October 2015, the rapid growth of technology and urgent need to combat ongoing environmental problems has prompted carmakers to continuously innovate hybrid vehicles every year. For example, it may be that full hybrids were only capable of reducing their CO2 emissions by 35 percent compared to conventional internal combustion engine vehicles in 2015, but now their capabilities to reduce the CO2 emissions have increased. Having said that, due to the fast-paced advancement of hybrid vehicles, this article may not be relevant to this question.


    This article addresses the turn to hybrid vehicles as a solution to reduce carbon emissions as well as other successful methods that was done in the past. Before hybridization and electrification of vehicles was an option, carmakers were looking to improving energy efficiency by focusing on modifying the engines of traditional vehicles. The article then compares the carbon emission levels and fuel efficiency of full hybrids to mild hybrids. The comparison also takes into account the cost factor, suggesting that 15 percent of all HEV production will be for mild hybrids. This is useful information for the assignment question, as although mild hybrids are generally cheaper than full hybrids, their carbon emission levels are moderately higher. This article also mentioned a key component in hybrid vehicles that makes them so costly and challenging for vehicle manufactures to mass-produce, which is its inverter hardware. To conclude, the author claims that as carmakers are continuously improving hybrid vehicles to become more affordable and efficient, and governments are providing more incentives to switch to hybrid vehicles, he is very optimistic about the concept of hybrid vehicles and its role in solving carbon emission problems.


    Overall, this article is well written. In some areas of the article, there was a significant use of scientific terms which made it quite challenging for the audience to comprehend. Nevertheless, there was very few grammatical errors and no spelling mistakes found in this article. Also, it was unfortunate to see that there was no evidence of citations, especially where the statistics was shown. Additionally, there was no mentioning in the article about the methodology of the data collected, which lowers the accuracy of this article.


    Given the context of the publisher of this article, the secondary target audience would be the general public with an interest in the world of electrical engineering. More specifically to this article, the intended audience would be anyone who is interested in switching to drive or buy a hybrid vehicle. Although this magazine article may not appear like it is for an academic audience at first, it contains many interesting information than can be used for academic purposes.

these are the two references that have to be done in RACCA style:

Business Town, (2020, April 6). 8 ways to increase productivity in the workplace. Business Town.  (13.05.2020)

Turner, P. (2019). Employee engagement and the employee experience. Employee Engagement in Contemporary Organizations, 1-26.  (13.05.2020)

the assessment question is: The performance of staff can have a significant impact on the success of a company. What can companies do to increase staff productivity?

the original text is:

t is true that a companys success relies heavily on the performance of its staff members. There are several measures that can be implemented to increase staff productivity. This essay will discuss these measures in more detail.
To begin with, improving working conditions for the staff is vital for them to be productive because such improvement will allow them to carry out their duties precisely and in a timely efficient manner. For example, almost all CEOs who participated in a survey in the U.S. said that the most important factor for their success was improving working conditions for the employees. Better working conditions will automatically increase the productivity of employees and allow them to achieve their targets.
It is equally important to keep employees happy. They should feel wanted and valued. Companies can increase the productivity of their staff and boost their morale by rewarding and promoting staff members who carry out their duties effectively because this will encourage other staff members to follow in doing their duties in more effective ways. For instance, in 2012, a Sudanese company was transformed from being a failed company into one of the most successful businesses in Sudan by rewarding and promoting their staff. Thus such a policy will undoubtedly help in increasing the productivity of employees in any business outlet and that will consequently help a company to succeed.
To sum up, the performance of employees is the most imperative factor in any businesss success. Companies can increase the productivity of their staff by improving their working conditions and by giving rewards and promotions.

this is my amended text:

Employee performance and productivity play a significant role in the success of a business. Increasing staff productivity requires managers and business owners to encourage, as well as engage their workers in the decision-making process. In this context, productivity is the amount of work an individual can perform within a limited amount of time on a long-term basis.  If the workers are happy, their productivity will automatically improve, which allows completion of more quality work in a short period and minimize the time wasted on unnecessary activities. The primary objective of this essay is to examine different measures that a business owner or manager can implement to increase staff productivity. Making small changes in employee attitude will dramatically increase their productivity and efficiency, which enables a business to grow.
            Improving working conditions for the workers is an effective strategy that allows them to become productive, perform their duties precisely and promptly. A recent study in the United States indicates that the working environment has a stronger influence on the level of staff job satisfaction, can improve the level of employee commitment, as well as ensure higher engagement (Turner, 2019). Other scholars suggest that healthy workplace practice is associated with different types of positive business outcomes, resulting in reduced employee turnover and increased levels of satisfaction (BusinessTown, 2020). Therefore, improved working conditions increases the productivity of workers and allows them to accomplish their short term and long term goals.
            Enhancing organizational culture is another essential measure for the business to consider. According to Turner (2019), the culture of a company incorporates various significant elements, such as company vision and goals, its work environment, values and ethics. For instance, most of the cultures that highlight rewarding teamwork and positive relationship building lead to increased productivity of employees. Some researchers suggest that business owners should improve their company culture by adjusting their hiring practices to help increase staff productivity (Turner, 2019). Hiring workers with a better cultural fit is necessary to ensure that they can work with others successfully, which helps to stimulate the present staff.
            Also, business owners must ensure that staffs are happy. Recent research shows that a stressful condition does not yield any outcomes (BusinessTown, 2020). Therefore, most of the employees who regularly work under highly stressful work environments have increased levels of absenteeism and disengagement, and they as well have low productivity. Managers must ensure that their employees feel that they are an essential part of the organization. they can facilitate this by taking their needs seriously, recognizing their progress, trusting them, and prioritizing a good life or work balance to ensure that they are more productive.
            Lastly, Business owners and managers should practice positive reinforcement strategies. Turner (2019) argues that workers should feel wanted and valued. Organizations should reward and promote their employees by giving them constructive criticism and telling them that they are doing a great job.  Also, they can indicate the success of one worker to their coworkers to nurture a feeling of fulfilment, which encourages others (BusinessTown, 2020). Therefore, by motivating staffs to make more significant efforts on their work to receiver rewards and promotion in return will most likely increase their productivity.
            Making small changes in employee attitude will dramatically increase their productivity and efficiency, which enables a business to grow. Employee performance is an essential element in any companys success. Different measures, including improved working conditions, organizational culture, ensuring that employees are happy, as well as practising positive reinforcement in the workplace increases the productivity of workers and allows them to accomplish goals.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This modules content focuses on the way that aging and family structure are interrelated in society. Apply a sociological viewpoint toward the way todays American families accommodate the needs of their aging relatives in comparison to at least one other developed country. Cite and use at least one additional outside source for this paper.

Your paper must address the following:

Giving direct reference to the study material in this module, explain the overall status of elders in American society. For example, how do we regard our elders? Are they considered to be a burden? If so, why is this the case?

After engaging in your own independent research, compare the status of elders in the United States to at least one other developed, industrialized country. Be sure to compare the way that elders are treated, their relationship to other family members, and their overall status in both of these societies.

Adopting a sociological perspective, analyze the way in which gender influences the type of care we provide to our elders. For example, are women or men more inclined to care for their aging parents? Explain in detail.

Finally, provide at least one important policy recommendation that can be implemented in order to provide better care for our elders in the United States. In making this policy recommendation, think about the financial, health, and social support needs of our elders. [MO5.2, MO5.3]

Chapters 12,13,14

AI-powered software/tools

Question 1: As discussed previously, emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) are reshaping and contributing to various building blocks of business including teams and group performance. For instance,, an AI-powered tool, turns employee feedback into customized leadership training for managers. For this activity, conduct research to find at least ten (10) AI-powered software/tools that are specifically designed to contribute to different aspects of teams, such as decision making, training, emotional intelligence, relationships, collaboration, and team structure/architecture. To present your findings properly, create a table with the following columns: (1) Name of the tool, (2) the aspect(s) of teams that the tool contributes to (e.g., decision making), (3) a brief description of how the tool works and contributes to teams or to managers in charge of the group, and (4) your assessment of the tool and considerations regarding using it in your current/future workplace. Please make sure to turn each AI-powered tool’s name into a hyperlink to its website so that your peers can have the option to further learn about it (e.g.,   

Question 2: Identify 2-3 systematic biases in group decision making. (a) Define each bias and explain how it can impair group decisions, and (b) outline some possible mitigation strategies to overcome each bias and to attenuate the potential for adverse consequences.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This modules content focuses on the nature of race relations in the United States and globally. Use sociological theories of social stratification to explain race relations domestically and internationally. Be sure to compare the social stratification system in the United States to that of at least two additional countries in your paper. Cite and use at least one additional outside source for this paper.

Your paper must address the following:

Drawing upon the Module 4 materials and one outside source, explain how the stratification system is different between the United States and at least one other country. Be sure to use concepts from your reading in your response.

Based upon your understanding of the stratification system in the United States, examine why inequality impacts some racial groups (ethnic minorities, for example) more than others. For example, is it because of racism or some other form of discrimination? Explain.

Provide and analyze one important example of the impact economic inequality has on one racial group in the United States. For example, how do the rates of crime and unemployment, levels of education, and amount of income differ for African Americans in comparison to the larger population? 

Finally, describe what you think are the implications of achieving a truly color-blind society in the United States. For example, how do we, as a society, achieve a careful balance in which we recognize and appreciate ethnic differences on one hand, but still

Chapters 9, 10, 11

Human Resources Information Systems

For your individual pre-work, identify and research three (3) Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS). Once you have identified each system, submit a short overview of each HRIS providing the pros/cons. Considering your role as an HR professional, give each system a rating of 1, 2, or 3:
    1 = research supports this as a top-notch system that I would use in any size organization
    2 = research supports this as an average system that might work best in a smaller organization
    3 = research supports that this system would not be the best fit for a large, complex organization

Your submission should be a minimum of 800 words. Support your work with course materials and at least three (3) additional sources. Use correct APA format throughout. Required word count does not include the title and reference pages.

communication and relations

Part 1 – Conflict: “Deliberately causing some form of conflict” represents a strategy that is often employed by some managers to create dissatisfaction with the status quo in an attempt to prepare employees for an organizational change (i.e., reducing resistance to change). There is a possibility that following the acceptance and implementation of change employees find out that the conflict was not real; however, it helped to move forward with a constructive change in a timely manner. Please share your technical thoughts regarding the above and explain how this strategy might affect communication and relations among managers and their employees.     

Part 2 – Audience Analysis: Let’s assume that you have been asked to present to a large number of students (ages 20-25) on a concept related to organizational management. Considering the common characteristics, learning styles, interests, and behaviors that we often observe among individuals within this age range, what steps will you take to analyze them effectively and prepare a presentation that will grab the attention of the majority? 

Power in Organizations: Leadership by fear

The paper should begin with a strong introduction of the specific thesis or central idea followed by the body of the paper which should include 3-5 Main points specific to your central idea. The paper should conclude with a brief Summary of the main points. Your personal opinions are welcome, however , the main points need to be supported by research that includes, but is not limited to, brief or extended examples; expert testimonies; and statistics.

I want to talk about fear in healthcare like nursing and doctors fearing their authorities. And workers not telling their leaders they made a mistake which can cost the company money.