Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Nursing Theory

Identify your specialty area of NP practice (Pediatrics). Select a nursing theory, borrowed theory, or interdisciplinary theory provided in the lesson plan or one of your own findings. Address the following:

Meaning and scope
Logical adequacy
Usefulness and simplicity

Finally, provide an example how the theory could be used to improve or evaluate the quality of practice in your specific setting. What rationale can you provide that validates the theory as applicable to the role of the nurse practitioner.

Nursing theorist to choose from:
Florence Nightingale, Virginia Henderson, Dorothy Johnson, Nola J. Pender, Sister Callista Roy, Imogene King, Betty Neuman or any other nursing theorist you see fit.


Using the current Visa Bulletin, provide a case scenario of a client whose priority date is current and provide steps involved in obtaining his or her green card. You must choose a family-based case. Your client should have at least one ineligibility issue. You can choose an individual either filing for Adjustment of Status or Consular Processing. You are then to advise your client on the Naturalization process. In your answer, you must include:
1. Case facts.
2. What preference category your client will fall under or if Immediate Relative
3. Priority date and how the date was obtained (or why it may not be relevant to your case).
4. Description of why the priority date is current according to Visa Bulletin (explain even if not relevant to your case).
5. Link to Visa Bulletin (provide even if not relevant to your case)
6. Description of preparation and what you would include in the immigrant Petition or Adjustment of Status Application.
7. Whether client will Adjust Status in the US or Consular Process and why.
8. Advise what is the ineligibility issue.
9. Link to USCIS memo, case law, government website discussing the possible ineligibility/inadmissibility issue
10. If Consular Processing, link to country form DOS website.
11. Description of analysis and information you would provide your client with the likely outcome of whether he/she would obtain a green card.
12. Assuming your client is able to enter the United States, what’s the earliest date your applicant can apply for Naturalization and why.
13. Include a discussion on the general requirements to apply for Naturalization.
14. Are there any waivers available to the requirements of having the naturalization interview conducted in English or to the civics exam.
15. What will you advise your client not to do (length of trips, crimes, etc.)
16 What form should be filed – provide a link to the form
17. What are the current filing fees
18. Do you foresee any issues?
19. Do you recommend that your applicant become a US citizen? What are the pros and cons of becoming United States Citizen?

Substance Abuse

I posted my rubric pls follow. the certain guidelines. There are guidelines questions that will help you understand what you exactly have to write. The paper should be related to the guideline questions. The topic should be related to pregnancy. The article should be attached. The articles should be listed and open to accessibility. I should be able to download the article you got your information from. It also should be in parenthetical citation form. The information that was paraphrased or quoted should be highlighted in the article when you download it. When quoting or paraphrasing the article, include in-text citation and attach a reference page with the article listed (APA format).  The paper should be written in APA format, with a title page and reference page.  Please paraphrase appropriately, with no more than 3 direct quotes (if necessary).

Solar Panels/solar Energy Marketing

Solar Panels/solar Energy

Marketing Plan: Marketing Activities / Budget / Schedule / Pricing
Using the new product you identified in Step Two:

1.    Identify the price point you will sell your product at, including the pricing strategy and objectives.
2.    Identify the marketing activities you will use to advertise your product (minimum of 5; combination of both offline and online marketing activities).
3.    Develop a one-year calendar identifying when you’ll execute each of these marketing activities.
4.    Develop a budget for the marketing activities identified above.

Response 3

The Background of the Problem section in Chapter 2 identifies, based on prior research, the gap or need that informs the topic and problem statement for the research study. Discuss the research gap you have identified for your dissertation study. How does this gap inform the problem statement of the study? How does the problem statement, in turn, inform the theoretical foundation you select for the study? How do the problem statement and theoretical foundation inform the development of content for the studys literature review?


The gap that has been identified for the dissertation study is understanding the need for mentorship for doctoral students and outlining guidelines on how a successful mentorship program will look based on a student perspective. Alvesson, Mats, & Sandberg, (2013) suggest that a research problem is the main organizing principle guiding the analysis of a paper. Therefore, for this study; the problem statement is based on the little research contributed and recommendations that speak to the impact of same gender, ethnicity, and self-selected mentoring programs that support doctoral learners

The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the theory that explains why the research problem under study exists, (Abend, G., 2008).

The problem statement informs the theoretical framework by addressing the problem in identifying the concepts, the theoretical framework acts as the platform to acknowledge the concepts, discuss the prior literature, synthesizes the information, and explains why the selected theory will create a foundation for the work. In my study, the posing research questions of the same gender, ethnicity, and self-selection impacting a mentoring program will be outlined in paragraphs supported by evidence that speaks to the topic, which will lead to the introduction of newer content for the study.


Abend, Gabriel. “The Meaning of Theory.” Sociological Theory 26 (June 2008): 173199

Alvesson, Mats, and Jrgen Sandberg. Constructing Research Questions: Doing Interesting Research. London: Sage, 2013; Chapter 1: Research and the Research Problem.

Response 2


DQUESTION: Discuss the gap you have identified for your dissertation study and the research that outlines the gap for your study. How is your dissertation topic justified by prior research? Explain.


The dissertation topic of interest is the effects of stress on teacher longevity. Many research studies identify the teaching profession as highly stressful, which causes teachers to pursue other careers, transfer to other positions, or retire early. There are a plethora of research articles on this topic, in which further discussion and research is needed. More research is necessary because of limitations, behaviors, and other factors related to how teacher stress impacts longevity. A variety of studies limit the ability to understand how teachers stressful experiences may change how they feel about the teaching profession over time (Richards, Hemphill, & Templin, 2018). This dissertation topic will identify stress factors that lead to burnout and ultimately cause teachers to want out of the profession. According to Jones and Watson (2017), teacher retention is a growing problem within the school system due to stress. Research shows that at least forty percent of teachers leave the teaching profession within their first five years.


Jones, D., & Watson, S. B. (2017). The relationship between administrative leadership behaviors and teacher retention in Christian schools. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 26(1),
Richards, K., Hemphill, M., & Templin, T. (2018). Personal and contextual factors related to teachers experience with stress and burnout. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 24(7), 768-787.

Response 1

To implement a doable dissertation study, the doctoral learner must transition from a topic of interest to identifying gap in the extant research. That is, the dissertation problem must emerge as a gap from prior research. Discuss the gap you have identified for your dissertation study and the research that outlines the gap for your study. How is your dissertation topic justified by prior research? Explain.


The topic of my study is how the effectiveness of practicing yoga with meditation, self-compassion, and mindfulness can help alleviate medical students in distress during medical training. Research has shown how emotionally taxing medical school is and how a students education experience can cause depression, anxiety, stress, burnout, somatic distress, thoughts of dropping out and suicide, decrease in empathy, poor academic performance, feelings of loneliness, imposter syndrome, financial burdens and loan debt (Hill, Goicochea, & Merlo, 2018). There were numerous articles on how the experiences in which medical students commonly experience which were stress, student burnout syndrome, anxiety, and depression; as well as how incorporating the practice of yoga and meditation helps individuals with different types of stressful careers, education careers, and personal lives manage their stress levels and anxiety and combat depression and burnout syndrome. Prior research has shown that mindfulness-based interventions have been extensively researched and reviewed, and have often been found to decrease both stress and worry, as well as to increase awareness and acceptance across a wide range of populations and settings (Baer, 2003; Bamber & Schneider, 2016; Gawrysiak et al., 2015; Goyal et al., 2014; Miller, Fletcher, & Kabat-Zinn, 1995) (as cited in Hylander, Johansson, Daukantait, & Ruggeri, 2017). My topic led to the gap of whether the practice of yoga with meditation, self-compassion, and mindfulness can help medical students alleviate or combat distress during their four years of medical school. My research topic is justified by prior research in how the practices of taking time for yourself and decluttering your mind can in fact have many positive benefits when living a stressful life. Increased levels of mindfulness through yoga practice have previously been shown to be beneficial in stress reduction (Riley & Park, 2015) and practitioners can strengthen key features of mindfulness through continuous yoga practice (Gordon, 2013)(as cited in Hylander et al., 2017).


Hill, M.R., Goicochea, S., & Merlo, L.J. (2018). In their own words: stressors factoring medical students in the millennial generation. Medical Education Online, 23(1)1. Doi: 10.1080/10872981.2018.1530558.

Hylander, F., Johansson, Daukantait, M., & Ruggeri, K. (2017). Yin yoga and mindfulness: afive-week randomized controlled study evaluating the effects of the yomi program on stress and worry. Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal, 30(4), p.365-378. Doi: 10.1080/10615806.2017.1301189.


1.What is the purpose of an abstract relative to conducting a search of the literature in a specific area of interest or topic?

2.Discuss the elements of an abstract in an article. In others words, what should the reader be looking for in abstract?
cite references

Cost & Quantity Produced

Apply critical thinking to use principles of sound reasoning.

In this Assessment, you will demonstrate your understanding and ability to define and calculate the five major cost elements of a business when given the total costs and the quantity produced, as well as how to use the computed costs to determine a minimum cost output level for that business. In addition, you will compute both the break-even price and the shut-down price for a hypothetical business in a perfectly competitive market, as well as determining if that business would incur an economic profit at various market prices and if the firm should continue to produce at each of those price levels. You will also explain how the spreading effect and the diminishing returns effect cause changes in average total costs.


Using the Word template provided below in the Minimum Submission Requirements, answer the following questions based on the situation.


Table 1 shows an LED light bulb manufacturers total cost of producing LED light bulbs.

Table 1

Cases of LED light bulbs produced in an hour

Total Cost





















1. What is this manufacturers fixed cost? Explain why.

2. Assuming that you only know the total costs (TC) (as is shown in the Table 1 above) explain how you would calculate each of the following:

a.  Variable Cost (VC);

b.  Average Variable Cost (AVC);

c.  Average Total Cost (ATC);

d.  Average Fixed Cost (AFC); and,

e.  Marginal Costs (of a single case).

3. In Table 2, for each level of output, insert the following values into the table:

a.  the Variable Cost (VC);

b.  the Average Variable Cost (AVC);

c.  the Average Total Cost (ATC); and,

d.  the Average Fixed Cost (AFC).

Table 2

Cases of LED light bulbs produced in an hour

Total Cost

Variable Costs

Average Variable Costs

Average Total Costs

Average Fixed Cost




























e.  Given the information you computed in Table 2, what is the minimum cost output level? Explain why.

4. Brenda Smith operates her own farm raising chickens and producing eggs. She sells her eggs at the local farmers market where there are several other egg producers also selling eggs by the dozen. (Brenda operates in a perfectly competitive market in which she is a price taker.) In order to make sure she does not lose money on selling eggs, she does an analysis of her costs for producing eggs as shown on Table 3.

Table 3

Dozens of eggs

Fixed Cost

Total Cost

Variable Costs

Average Variable Costs per dozen

Average Total Costs per dozen





























































What is Brendas shut-down price for a dozen of eggs? Explain how you found that answer.
If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers market is $1.45 per dozen, will Brenda make an economic profit? Explain how you determined your answer.
If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers market is $1.45 per dozen, should Brenda continue producing eggs in the short-run? Explain how you determined your answer.
If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers market is 72 cents per dozen, will Brenda make an economic profit? Explain how you determined your answer.
If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers market is 72 cents per dozen, should Brenda continue producing eggs in the short-run? Explain how you determined your answer.
If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers market is 64 cents per dozen, will Brenda make an economic profit? Explain how you determined your answer.
If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers market is 64 cents per dozen, should Brenda continue producing eggs in the short-run? Explain how you determined your answer.
If the market price of a dozen eggs at the local farmers market is 64 cents per dozen, should Brenda continue producing eggs in the short-run? Explain how you determined your answer.
Minimum Submission Requirements

This Assessment should be submitted in this template.
Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics.
Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
A separate page at the end of your paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations were appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA formatting and citation style found in the Writing Center. The Writing Center can be found within the Academic Support Center under Academic Tools in the left navigation of your course. (It should be in Times New Roman 12-point font, include correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references at the bottom of the last page.)

King Fisher Aviation – Scenario 2

As the financial manager for King Fisher Aviation, you were asked to provide some critical information on company bonds, present and future values, and cash flow. King Fisher Aviation is ready to grow, and investing in new technologies is under consideration. Your information and recommendations will impact the growth of the company.Write a brief synopsis of what you learned about the company and provide your recommendations for the company. Complete the five problems and prepare the spreadsheet template with your solutions. Consider each problem independently, without reference to the previous problem.King Fisher Aviation is ready to grow and is considering investing in new technologies. As the financial manager for King Fisher Aviation, you are asked to provide some critical information on company bonds, present and future values, and cash flow in order to make some tough decisions and appropriate recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

This is the second of three King Fisher activities that will assist you in completing a full analysis of the company’s financial status. Your decisions and proposed recommendations can make a significant difference to King Fisher’s growth. For complete project details, review the information on the King Fisher Aviation Project page.

Before tackling the problems, you want to prepare and review a few principle corporate financial areas.

NPV and IRR Terms
NPV and IRR Formulas
Video Resources