Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Criminal Justice Administration

Identify a task that you would need to perform in your current career or future career, and explain how you would apply the knowledge you have learned in this course to succeed at performing the task in a real-world scenario.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Just pick a career please!

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Transnational Terrorism
For this assignment, write an essay that must be at least 500 words in length that discusses the affiliations between domestic terrorists and transnational terrorists. A point to consider is how the threats have migrated outside of Al-Qaeda and the nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, and Somalia.

Traditionally, transnational terrorism groups are classified as heterogeneous groups, foreign fighters, and suicide bombers. Pick at least one terrorist group that fits the classification of transnational terrorism. Conduct research to provide an overview on the affiliations between your chosen group and domestic terrorist groups. How do these affiliations between your chosen terrorist groups relate to the various types of terrorist cells, the chain network, and terrorist organization models? You must use at least two sources in addition to the textbook.

Please be sure to use headings and subheadings, as needed, to organize your paper and viewpoints. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. The title and reference page do not count towards the minimum word length requirements.

Criminal Justice Administration

Many differences exist between prisons, jails, and detention centers; differences also exist between managerial styles in federal, state, local, and private facilities. Compose an essay in which you address the following topics:

When every inmate reaches a prison with different crimes, backgrounds, and abilities, and different prisons offer distinct treatments, programs, and counseling, how can a state ensure an inmate is incarcerated in a facility with maximum efforts at rehabilitating and reducing recidivism?

How might social and cultural backgrounds affect grouping of prison populations?

How would a decentralized system differ from a centralized system in relation to managing workers in a state-run prison? Which process would be most effective in a private prison?

Your essay must be at least two pages in length. Be sure that you include an introduction in your essay. Include at least two outside sources. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

Capital Investments

Sky Fly, Inc is a fast growing drone manufacturer. The annual rate of return of Sky Fly’s stock has been 20% over the past few years. Company managers believe 20% is a good estimate for the firms’ cost of capital. Sky Fly’s CEO, Dane Cooper, believes the company needs to continue to invest in projects that offer the highest possible returns. Currently, the company is reviewing two separate projects. Project E involves expanding production capacity. Project I involves introducing one of the firms’ drones into a new market. The following table shows the projected cash flows for each project.

Year        E                          I
0    -3,500,000    -500,000
1    1,500,000    250,000
2    2,000,000    350,000
3    2,500,000    375,000
4    2,750,000    425,000

Calculate the NPV, IRR, and PI for both projects.
Rank the projects based on their NPV, IRR, and PI.
The firm can only afford to take on one investment.
Which project will the CEO likely favor?
What do you think the company should do?
Explain your answers.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Vietnam War involved the use of a chemical that is responsible for lingering effects to military service members and civilian population. Two such substances are napalm and Agent Orange. Are you aware of anyone suffering from the lingering effects from either one of these chemicals? Do you believe the use of such chemicals should be allowed in future wars? Why, or why not?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Criminal Justice Administration

What do you think is the number one drawback of private prisons? If you were a consultant for a private prison, how would you go about changing this to make the private prison successful?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Criminal Justice Administration

Reflect on a recent terrorist incident, and describe how the media’s coverage of the incident made you feel. Do you believe the media could have handled their coverage better? If so, how?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

An international terrorist organization is planning an attack during the Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City this year. The organization has created a front through a local religious organization that allegedly supports the Thanksgiving celebration and has secured a position in the parade for two floats. The floats will actually contain numerous sarin gas containers, which, when activated, will disburse the gas into the unsuspecting crowd.

How can you mitigate and prevent such attacks as well as develop proper response strategies knowing that the offenders probably have established secondary and tertiary attacks that are designed to limit or eliminate first responders?

Your response should be at least 300 words in length

Any topic (writer’s choice)

An international terrorist organization has established operations in Mexico and has purchased a well-known crop dusting franchise located in Tamaulipas, Mexico. The purpose of the purchase is to enable the organization to unleash chemical agents against specific targets in the United States. Can the small planes cross the U.S. border undetected as well as penetrate the unsuspecting targets without fear of attack from U.S. defensive measures? What impact would such actions have on future defensive measures by the United States or any other country?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You are the southwest regional homeland security director. You are preparing a scenario for your district to test its effectiveness in response to a chemical attack. You want your chemical and hazardous response team to consider this a live exercise. You are planning targets such as major political and sporting events that are scheduled to take place in open stadiums in Phoenix, Arizona; San Diego, California; Santa Fe, New Mexico; and El Paso, Texas. Considering a radical terrorist cell, what would be their chemical of choice and how would they disburse the chemical to ensure maximum effective coverage? What infrastructure defenses do you believe they need to overcome and what contingencies need to be looked at to ensure all areas are covered?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.