Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Recruiting and Selection

HR Project Assignment “Recruiting and Selection” paper due this week (Sunday 24 May). This is an APA written paper with 1,000 – 1500 words not including your reference page or cover paper. Please keep the following in mind.

1. Indent all new paragraphs. A minimum of paragraphs

2. Number your pages

3. Properly cite your references in the body of your paper.

4. Include a graph or charts in your paper

5. Properly format your reference and Cover page as per APA

6. Double space your entire paper, no extra space between paragraphs

Remember to follow the Sample APA paper I sent you earlier.

There is perhaps no more controversial subject in American history than the Civil War. Discuss at least three specific events in the 1850s that contributed to this conflict. Be sure to give an overall interpretation of causes of the Civil War in your an

There is perhaps no more controversial subject in American history than the Civil War.  Discuss at least three specific events in the 1850s that contributed to this conflict.  Be sure to give an overall interpretation of causes of the Civil War in your answer.

ECOL100 Module 4 Discussion

Population growth and distribution have significant roles to play in the sustainability of the world’s vast resources. Several studies have indicated that uncontrolled growth of deer populations lead to negative ecological consequences, including decreased biodiversity. The result of the deer overpopulation in many areas has led to radical alterations of shrub architecture, contributing to increased habitat loss for some important species.

Many people have varying opinions on the best way to approach the issue. Watch the following video about the deer overpopulation in Wayne County, PA (from 2015).

Also, read the following article: Pursell, A., Weldy, T. & White, M. (2013). Too Many Deer: A Bigger Threat to Eastern Forests than Climate Change? Cool Green Science. Accessed at on August 16, 2016.

Why are so many deer populating the eastern forests?
How did regulatory laws, human activity and ecosystem changes cause the deer population to increase over time?
How are the local communities being affected by the deer population?
What are some possible solutions to the overpopulation of deer in the eastern forests? How could you monitor your proposed solutions in order to ensure success?

Role health care professionals

Find a scholarly, peer-reviewed article no more than four years old that discusses an ethical health promotion-related issue. Use the WCU library databases to search for appropriate articles.
In your paper:
Briefly summarize the presented issue.
Describe your thoughts on the role health care professionals should play in resolving the ethical issue.
Provide specific theories and refer to specific ethical codes to support your position.
Your paper should be 2. Use APA to cite and reference the article and any other optional sources you use. Adhere to APA formatting throughout your paper. NO PLAGIARISM!

ECOL100 Module 4 Case

Assignment Overview
In this module, you have learned about how carrying capacity imposes restrictions on population growth, and how human economic growth and land use can threaten biodiversity. In this Case Assignment you will look at these topics from three perspectives:

Case studies of government regulation of land and trade restrictions to address threatened species in the Economist article: Political Responses: Where eagles dare
Examples of large mammals and the size of the habitat necessary to support them
The cost of conservation in a Botanical Garden case study

Case Assignment

Part I

To prepare for this Case Assignment, answer the following in paragraph format (one paragraph should be plenty):

Define invasive species using the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) website: National Invasive Species Information Center. USDA.
Provide three examples of invasive species in your region.
Define endemic species, and provide an example of an endemic species from anywhere in the world. If you can find an example of an endemic species in your region, please include it as well.
Now read the following article:

Where eagles dare: The more prosperous countries now favour protecting wildlife, not killing it. (2013).

After you have read the article, answer the following questions in paragraph format by using an introduction sentence, related topic sentences, and a conclusion statement that draws connections between the ideas presented.

Name some ways that governments are trying to redress threats against endemic species. Briefly, describe the examples presented in this article.
What is described as the biggest challenge for governments?
How are governments addressing this challenge?

Part II

With habitat loss, less land and resources mean lower carrying capacity. For the second part of this assignment, you will apply the readings from your Module 4 Homepage to two cases in which conservation of habitat applies to carrying capacity and economics. Choose one of these large predators to investigate: One of the large cats (i.e., lions, cougars, panthers, etc.) or polar bears.

What size of land/water is required to support this animal?
What pressures threaten this organisms habitat?
What role do international trade and political regulation play in protecting this organism? Are these in place and enforced?

Braun, D. (2012). Lion numbers plunge as African wilderness succumbs to human pressure. National Geographic Society. Retrieved from

Murdock, E., Harrison, R., Frank, A., & Bonnardeaux, D. (n.d.). Endangered cats of North America. National Wildlife Foundation. Retrieved from

Polar Bears International. Accessed August 1, 2017, at

Part III

Finally, examine the costs and benefits of conservation using the following article as a case study.

Drechsler, M., Eppink, F. V., & Wtzold, F. (2011). Does proactive biodiversity conservation save costs? Biodiversity and Conservation, 20(5), 1045-1055. doi:10.1007/s10531-011-0013-4. Available in the Trident Online Library.

What are the costs associated with delaying the conservation of biodiversity? (Generally speaking, not exact numbers.)
What are the benefits of preserving biodiversity and how are they measured? (Hint: conduct independent research to determine methods of measurement.)
Assignment Expectations
Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Part I: Invasive Species.

Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to use APA formatting throughout your essay with 1-inch margins, 12-point type, and double spacing throughout. Include a title page, introduction, answers to the questions with subtitles, and concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources (e.g., Murray, 2014). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all required readings and any additional resources you used to complete your essay. A helpful guide to writing a quality essay can be found in Trident’s Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper. This guide also provides links to example essays written in APA format.

Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for example: (Murray, 2014). Direct copying from homework help websites will not receive credit. Once you have completed your assignment within a Word document, please upload your final version to the Case 4 Dropbox. Please also note your Turnitin originality score and make revisions as needed. Please contact your instructor with any questions.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Common Factors Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to consider Michael Lamberts Common Factors Model, which is a frequently cited research model that identifies the outcome variance of four key factors of effective psychotherapy. In this academic essay, please use the following required headings: Introduction; Common Factors; Leveraging Common Factors; Evidence-Based Treatments; Conclusion.

Furthermore, for the “Common Factors” and “Evidence-Based Treatments” sections, students should utilize reputable sources to enhance those sections of the paper. That may include a textbook or peer-reviewed journal article(s).

See below for a detailed outline of what should be included in this essay:
Introduction introduce the topic of the paper and indicate what will be discussed in the body.
Common Factors – Please share a thorough description of each of Lamberts four common factors. Elaboration and specificity is encouraged in order to display full comprehension. Comments regarding the research used to identify the Common Factors will enhance your explanation. Please utilize reputable sources to enhance this section of your paper. That may include a textbook or peer-reviewed journal article(s). Be sure to use your own words (paraphrase) when sharing content from outside sources.
Leveraging Common Factors – Please discuss how you would leverage these common factors to ensure that your clients improve significantly. In other words, what specific actions would you take as the therapist to maximize the impact of these factors? Please offer suggestions for general stylistic choices you would make as a therapist as well as specific interventions or treatment methods you may select. Please elaborate on several actions you could take and be specific in order to demonstrate your practical knowledge and ideas about treatment planning. Feel free to use reputable sources (textbooks or peer-reviewed journal articles) if desired.
Evidence-Based Treatments – 1) Please discuss the value that evidence-based treatments bring to the field of counseling. 2) Also, how can evidence-based treatments work hand-in-hand with the common factors? In what ways might evidence-based treatments and common factors be in opposition? Please utilize reputable sources to enhance this section of your paper. That may include a textbook or peer-reviewed journal article(s). Be sure to use your own words (paraphrase) when sharing content from outside sources.
Conclusion provide a few brief closing sentences to conclude the essay.

Common Factors – Please share a thorough description of each of Lamberts four common factors. Elaboration and specificity is encouraged in order to display full comprehension. Comments regarding the research used to identify the Common Factors will enhance your explanation. Please utilize reputable sources to enhance this section of your paper. That may include a textbook or peer-reviewed journal article(s). Be sure to use your own words (paraphrase) when sharing content from outside sources.

TIP: Lamberts common factors are: client factors, therapeutic relationship, therapeutic model, and hope/placebo effect. Youll want to look up some research articles on these four factors, since Lambert looked at tons of outcome research and found that the presence of these 4 factors is what explains the change that happens in therapy most.  Once you understand these 4 factors, tell me about them in your paper, being sure to provide in-text citations for your assertions.

      Leveraging Common Factors – Please discuss how you would leverage these common factors to ensure that your clients improve significantly. In other words, what specific actions would you take as the therapist to maximize the impact of these factors? Please offer suggestions for general stylistic choices you would make as a therapist as well as specific interventions or treatment methods you may select. Please elaborate on several actions you could take and be specific in order to demonstrate your practical knowledge and ideas about treatment planning. Feel free to use reputable sources (textbooks or peer-reviewed journal articles) if desired.

TIP: Through the use of your knowledge gained thus far and/or through textbooks and journal articles, how does a therapist get the most out of therapy by harnessing these factors? For example, if I want to be sure that my client improves in therapy, and I want to foster the therapeutic relationship (factor #2), how should I go about doing that? Is there any research that tells me how to improve the therapeutic rapport and relationship I have with my client? Another example for client factors (factor #1) might be, how would I go about helping the client feel motivated for therapy? Or how would I help improve the client’s emotional or support resources? For factor #3, how would I ensure that I am using my therapeutic model to the best of my ability? And for factor #4, how do I best help my client have a sense of hope?

In essence, the question for this subheading is, “If you were a practicing therapist today, and you knew that these 4 factors are what help people change and grow the most, how would you make sure to leverage these in therapy and be sure youre taking steps to ensure your clients benefit from therapy?” Please ensure that outside sources are properly credited with APA in-text citations.

      Evidence-Based Treatments – 1) Please discuss the value that evidence-based treatments bring to the field of counseling. 2) Also, how can evidence-based treatments work hand-in-hand with the common factors? In what ways might evidence-based treatments and common factors be in opposition? Please utilize reputable sources to enhance this section of your paper. That may include a textbook or peer-reviewed journal article(s). Be sure to use your own words (paraphrase) when sharing content from outside sources.

TIP: Share what value you see in evidence-based treatments. Talk about how you see evidence-based treatments working to enhance these 4 common factors, and talk about if they are in opposition at all. You don’t have to have any specific evidence-based treatment in mind – rather, this is just a question asking to what degree the evidence-based treatment framework can work to hand-in-hand with ensuring that all 4 common factors are present in the treatment.

      Conclusion provide a few brief closing sentences to conclude the essay.


Use your data set as well as a few other data sets you may have to devise, as well as your SPSS software program, you will perform an ANOVA on any of the variables you select. Be certain to include in your discussion what your dependent variables(s) and independent variables (s) are, as well as the level of measurement of each.
– Describe your output, and interpret the findings.
– Why was the ANOVA appropriate to the data you used (that is, how were the assumptions of the ANOVA met). cite references

EDM402 Module 4 Case

After reading the required literature, comment on two of the following:

A: Read Resolution 2341 of United Nations Security Council on the protection of critical infrastructure from terrorist attacks. Answer the following: Who are the member countries of the UNSC? Comment on the UNSCs handling of Irans nuclear program.

Read Cooperation in Homeland/Civil Security Matters. Pick a Countrys agreement proclamation with the United States. Comment on sections regarding critical infrastructure.

Read What Is Container Security Initiative (CSI) and How Does It Work? Answer the following: What are the possible ways shipping containers pose a security risk? A critical infrastructure risk?

B: Comment on the most recent natural or man-made disaster and the effects on critical infrastructure, answering: When? Where? What? Why? How?

Assignment Expectations:

Length: This Case Assignment should be at least 3 pages, not counting the title page and references.

References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and also listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standards guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.


Based on assignment readings discuss an application of either the ANOVA or MANOVA to a research question that you would like to answer.

State a research question that could be appropriately answered using either an ANOVA or MANOVA. Be certain to inlcude your independent and dependant variables, level of measurement for those variables, and a rationale as to why either the ANOVA or MANOVA would be appropriate to answer the question.
  cite references

External Capital Funding Proposal – Nordstrom, Inc.

Company: Nordstrom, Inc. expanding into the Chinese Market.

Prompt: Submit a short paper that addresses Section III, Part C; Section V; and Section VI of the final project.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
III. Justification:
C. Financial impact. This section should discuss the projects most likely financial implications and the consolidated financial projection with and without the project. Be sure to:
1. Project the incremental, annual, and cumulative cash benefits and outflows associated with the proposed expansion for the next seven to 10 years, using a spreadsheet or other relevant presentation vehicle to support your narrative. Be sure to justify your assumptions and methodology based on sound microeconomic and financial principles. For example, what assumptions have you made about demand, price, volume, capital purchase costs, incremental hiring, and so on?
2. Develop a consolidated financial projection of revenue, pretax income, and cash flow for the overall business, over that same number of years, both with and without the proposed investment. Use a spreadsheet or other relevant presentation vehicle to support your narrative, being sure to describe any relevant assumptions.
V. Financing: In this section, compare the proposed loan to alternative financing methods. Specifically:
A. Weigh the pros and cons of raising money using internal financing mechanisms versus seeking funding through global capital markets via loans, commercial paper, bonds, or equity financing. Which might be viable alternatives should the loan not be approved? Support your answer with appropriate research and evidence.
B. Assess the viability of a business combination as a mechanism for expanding into the new market. Is this a reasonable option for the company? Why or why not? Support your answer with appropriate research and evidence.
VI. Track Record: Use this section to persuade the lender that you are credit worthy. You must:
A. Convincingly argue that your organization is on solid financial footing, and thus at a low risk for default, supporting your argument with appropriate financial statements, ratios, and other indicators of financial performance and health.
B. Convincingly argue for your organizations trustworthiness, providing credible evidence of legal and ethical financial behavior. For example, this might include recent audit results; credit history; absence of significant lawsuits, recalls, or regulatory judgments; or other evidence designed to show that the company holds itself to the highest legal and ethical standards.

Guidelines for Submission: Your investment project and justification paper should be approximately 810 pages in length (excluding spreadsheets, other exhibits, and list of references as necessary). It should be double-spaced with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins and should use APA format for references and citations.