Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

i was writed in Instructions

Reflect and explain which aspects of this course have been most useful for developing your understanding of the concept of cultural competence. Draw on at least one reading or video material in your response (200 words).
Throughout this unit you have been required to complete self-reflections in response to videos included in the modules. Explain how your reflective thinking and writing has helped to develop your cultural competence skills throughout this course. Please include references to academic authors, concepts and your own responses. (300 words)
Develop a personal cultural competence implementation plan and describe how you can incorporate what youve learned about cultural competence in your study and in your career moving forward? (300 words)


Reply to paper of at least 250 words. Each reply must be supported by citing at least 2 peer reviewed journals. Your reply must be in current APA format and must include a reference list.  Make sure you are adding new and relevant information to the reply.  The chapter is from Northouse chapter 2-3 which is attahced.


Here are the instructions: To what extent does the creation of the regulatory administrative agencies such as the IRS, FCC, FDA, EPA, OSHA, and the Federal Reserve Board challenge the idea of the President as a chief executive?  What can be done to ensure the legitimacy of regulatory agencies?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You are the tournament director for a local junior golf tournament.  Write a mini-essay (i.e., 3-4 page essay) detailing your responsibilities for each of the six (6) “Critical Event Management Functions” (i.e., see below). Explain how you would complete these responsibilities.

1. Finance/Budgeting – “The process developing a written plan of revenues and expenses for a particular accounting cycle; the budget specifies available funds among the many purposes of an organization to control spending and achieve organizational goals” (Masteralexis, Barr, & Hums, 2015, p. 565).
2. Risk Management – “Protecting a business or organization from anything that could possibly go wrong and lead to a loss of revenue or customers; developing management strategy to prevent legal disputes from arising and to deal with them if they do occur” (Masteralexis, Barr, & Hums, 2015, p. 578).
3. Tournament Operations – “Pre-event, actual event, and postevent activities for staging an event” (Masteralexis, Barr, & Hums, 2015, p. 581).
4. Registration System – “A system for registering participants in events and collecting and disseminating the appropriate information” (Masteralexis, Barr, & Hums, 2015, p. 577).
5. Volunteer Management – “The supervision of volunteers involved with an event; it involves two areas (1) working with event organizers and staff to determine the areas in which volunteers are needed and the quantity needed and (2) soliciting, training, and managing volunteers” (Masteralexis, Barr, & Hums, 2015, p. 582).
6. Event Marketing – ” The process of promoting and selling a sport or special event; it encompasses nine areas: sales of corporate sponsorship, advertising efforts, public relations activities, hospitality, ticket sales, broadcasting, website development and management, licensing/merchandising, and fund-raising” (Masteralexis, Barr, & Hums, 2015, p. 569).

Please begin a new paragraph when presenting information for each of the aforementioned responsibilities. Also, identify each type of responsibility’s name (i.e., finance/budgeting, risk management, tournament operations, registration system, volunteer management, and event marketing) in BOLD font within the text.

These are broad topics, so you can be brief with some and more detailed with others. It is up to you. Be creative. This is a 3-4 page essay (not including a title page or reference page) written in American Psychological Association (APA) format. Please provide at least three (3) references in order to support information discussed within your essay.

Include an American Psychological Association (APA) formatted Title page and References page with your submission.


This is the topic: According to Article IV of the Constitution, Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State.  If this is true, why are many professional licenses and certifications, e.g. nursing and medical licenses, teacher and counselor certificates, not valid across state lines?

Marketing powerpoint presentation

i will be attaching a a file which is a report, I need the important information from the report be added in the powerpoint. This project HAS to be in powerpoint presentation format. In addition, I will also be adding the marking rubric incase you need to get back on anything.

week 8

you will conduct research on, consult your textbook, and refer to other similar, reputable resources on taxation. Your goal is to compare the three major forms of corporate organizations: partnerships, s-corporations, and corporations. You will then select a domestic organization, identify its entity type, and describe how the organizations tax methods are detailed in its financial report.

To complete Assignment 1, write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you do the following:

Compare and contrast the tax rules and treatment applicable to those three forms of organization and the major way in which the tax treatment affects the shareholders or partners.
Explain at least two reasons why a business owner might opt for one form of organization over another. Provide support for your rationale.
Identify two sources of tax guidance (e.g. IRS code, Revenue Procedure) for each form of organization and how it defines a component of the tax policy for that form of organization.
Research an organization by identifying its entity type (corporation, s-corporation, or partnership) and describe how that organizations tax methods are detailed in their financial reports.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the source list are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Evaluate the tax rules and treatment applicable to organizations and their impact on shareholders.

T7 W3 Cul D1

T7 W3 Cul D1

Initial Post:
    Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
    Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years
    Citations need to be within 5 (Five)  years
    Context: Nursing in the USA

T7 W3 Cul D1

Discussion Prompt
How does Healthy People 2020 address culture and spirituality considerations?
Select at least one topic or objective from Healthy People 2020 that is of interest to you.  Summarize key points of the topic or objective and discuss how this topic will affect patient care and its significance to the advanced nursing role and/or practice.

inherent risk

In this assignment, you will prepare a two to three (2-3) page report that addresses the requirements specified in the case. Fully address each requirement and include at least two (2) current references to scholarly and/or authoritative sources.

Specifically you will be required to:

Explain the effects on the account of the opening of the first retail store.
Describe how the business change will affect audit risk components.
Determine expected changes to inventory transactions and balances and specify which will be most affected by the business structure change.
Describe the population(s) and recommend a sampling approach for substantive inventory testing.
Use at least two (2) current, quality academic or authoritative sources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality scholarly and/or authoritative sources. Use the Strayer University Library to conduct your research.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or SWS format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the assignment title, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover and reference pages are not included in the required page assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Determine the impact of a change in business structure on audit risk, inventory transactions, and balances using a given sampling approach.

T7 W3 PD1

Initial Post:

    Length: A minimum of 500 words, not including references
    Citations: At least two high-level scholarly references in APA from within the last 5 years
    Citations need to be within 5 (Five)  years
    Context: Nursing in the USA

T7 W3 PD1
Discussion Prompt

Mr. Smith is a 64 year old African American male. He was diagnosed with hypertension and hyperlipidemia 5 years ago and has not taken meds regularly for the last year. He states he has been experiencing chest pain when working around the house and sometimes while on his evening walk. He also complains that his feet are swelling in the evening. His vitals today: P-105, B/P-165/100, R-20. Wt-260 Ht-59  Labs: TC- 240, LDL- 145, HDL- 30, Trig-250. Sulfa allergy. You are assigned as his new PCP.

1.    What medication recommendations will you make? Include the drug class, generic and trade name and starting dose range. Provide rationale for your choices.
2.    Discuss any potential side effects and drug interactions for this patient.
3.    What non-pharmacological interventions would you suggest?
4.    What patient education would you provide?