Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following:
1) In 250 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care.
2)In 250 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it.
In 700 words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own personal perspective and worldview:
*What is ultimate reality?
*What is the nature of the universe?
*What is a human being?
*What is knowledge?
*What is your basis of ethics?
*What is the purpose of your existence?
Remember to support your reflection with the topic study materials.


Use references********

Final Project

Research Paper –  the research paper will be no less than 8 pages in length,  not including the cover page, table of contents,  well-documented references/bibliography, or any appendices.  This research paper MUST follow the APA format.
Select two businesses: (Amazon & eBay). These are my select companies
1. Are closely aligned in business practices and/or products or are direct competitors, 
2. Have publicly accessible company information (web-based) related to the key factors you will analyze, and
3. Are frequently reviewed/written about in Forbes, the Wall Street Journal and/or New York Times
Research the following key factors:
1. Management theory in practice
2. Strategic Planning method utilized and outcomes
3. Organization Structure – Leadership and Management effectiveness/styles
4. Human Resources management practices
5. Corporate Responsibility efforts/outcomes
6. Financial outcomes
(So, the companies I choose are Amazon and eBay. I already wrote everything and I wrote more than 8 pages. Now I just need my paper to be checked and revised. Including grammar, APA citations, and also check if I did include everything that needs to be done for the project, etc). Most importantly my conclusion. This project worth 40% that’s why I’m concern a lot for it. Thank you!

Marketing Research Process

The purpose of this essay is for you to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the marketing research process. Having a clear understanding of the marketing research process can lead to more accurate results when presenting to your clients.
For this assignment, compose an essay that examines this topic. Your essay should contain a brief introductory and conclusion section. Your essay should also do the components below:
Describe the basic types of research design.
Explain the differences between quantitative and qualitative research.
Elaborate on how the types of research design contribute to the marketing research process.
Describe each step of the marketing research process, and provide examples on how each step helps the researcher find solutions to the marketing research problem.
Discuss the activities and tasks performed by those in the marketing research industry.
You essay must be a minimum of two, double-spaced pages. At least one academic reference is required. Any information used must be cited and referenced in accordance to APA guidelines, and your paper must be formatted in APA style to include a title and reference page.

T3, , three competencies.

THIS IS AN MBA COURSE, CALLED CAPSTONE, LAST FINAL COURSE OF THE MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COURSE, this task basically asks us to list a lot of COMPETENCIES from different courses i as a student have learnt in the MBA program, which i listed in the doc below called competencies.

anyways bro light prof, remember we been working on the stimulation, marketplace game, the business bike shop, the one that had 6 quarters, and etc. i am reminding u, cuz in the task, u goona basically choose 3 competences from the doc called”COMPETENCIES” and explain how the 3 competencies faciliated ur performance in the tasks.

(((((here is the PROMPT:

1) Explain how three competencies you developed throughout your MBA program facilitated your performance in the business simulation completed for Task 1 and Task 2.

Note: Course competencies can be found within each course. (dont worry bro, i had them listed in the word doc called competencies. )

2) Explain how each of these competencies would help you in the future as part of a business career. )))))

advices: question 1 plz make sure u write a page and a half (around 400 to 450 words).

and question 2 around 300 to 400 words. a total of 3 pages.

plz dont mix question one and two together. separate them so i dont get confused.

anyways, again, check the doc word i uploaded after u read the competencies, so that u can choose any THREE comptences, to answer the prompt above.

thank u.

Projections Assignment

Guidelines for Submission: Use the Final Project Template to complete this assignment (attached)

Prompt: You have two tasks. First, predict your companys future behavior through forecasting, projecting its likely performance based on the most recent year of financial information. Then, explain the incremental impact of a hypothetical but reasonable and simple new investment project, such as a new product or facility or a cost-cutting investment, as an initial step in thinking about the future. To justify your findings and projections, you need to include accurate and relevant data tables that explain how the numbers were informed by existing information and model different scenarios. Be
sure to address the following critical elements:
IV. Projections: Using what you know about the companys financial health and performance, forecast its future performance. In particular, you
A. Project the companys likely consolidated financial performance for each of the next three years. Support your analysis with an appendix
spreadsheet showing actual results for the most recent year, along with your projections and assumptions. Remember that your supervisor is interested in fresh perspectives, so you should not just replicate existing financial statements: You should add other relevant
calculations or disaggregations to help inform decisions.
B. Modify your projections for the coming year to show a best- and worst-case scenario based on the potential success factors and risks you identified. As with your initial projections, support your analysis with an appendix spreadsheet, specifying your assumptions and including relevant calculations and disaggregations beyond those in the existing financial reports.
C. Discuss how your assumptions, forecasting methodology, and information gaps affect your projections. Why are your projections appropriate? For example, are they consistent with the companys mission and priorities? Aggressive but achievable? How would changing your assumptions change your projections?
Ensure you answer ALL aspects and questions.

Concept of Marketing Research

The article that discusses an area of interest to you related to the concept of marketing research. This article might include current trends in research methods, marketing research advancements, the role marketing research plays in organizational decision-making, or ethical implications of marketing research. Note that these are simply ideas; you may expand on these ideas while remaining within the parameters of marketing research contributing to effective marketing campaigns. In your review, be sure to include the following components:
a brief summary of the article to include the identification and analysis of the major points of the article, an explanation of how marketing research enhances organizational decision-making,
a description of the differences between market research and marketing research, and
your personal opinion of the pros and cons of marketing research after reading the article.
Your article review must be at least two pages in length and formatted in accordance with APA guidelines. Any information from the article or any other source must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Deliverable 6 – Consumer Expectations Online FINAL

For this assignment, you will consider the impact of content from a target audience perspective. In a 9 slide presentation, written with professional language and using proper spelling/grammar, include the following:

A cover slide with the name of the company in the title and purpose of the presentation as a subtitle.
An introduction slide listing the topics of the presentation. (one slide)
For the organization you have been working with, describe a possible blog focus for company. Detail at least 3 possible topics to create content for the blog. If the organization already maintains a blog, then review what they have been selecting to blog about and offer at least 4 suggested topics to add to the blog. (One to two slides)
Identify two (3) competitor blogs with a brief description of their services; provide links to their blog pages. (one slide)
Analyze the two competitors (3) blogs over the past 12 months. (One to two slides)
Consider how potential target markets would respond to these blogs.
Note what you like about the content on the competitor blogs and why.
Develop a recommendation that you would suggest to the VP of Marketing at the organization you chose. Explain what you would create or change in order to improve the quality of their information relative to their competitors. (One to two slides)
A Summary slide (one slide)
A Reference slide (if needed) in APA format. (One to two slides)
Thorough speaking notes for each slide.
Your presentation should be 9 slides in length (not including the cover slide), written with professional language, and use proper spelling/grammar

Deliverable 6 – Email Campaigns

You are currently an assistant to the national director of online marketing in the marketing department at Digital Market Makers, a national marketing firm with local offices across the nation.
The email management specialist for Digital Market Makers quit without notice. Multiple complaints had been lodged at meetings about how new customers were not receiving a welcome email. Also, the sporadic emails that were sent were quite generic and didnt portray the welcoming messaging desired by the company. Clearly, the person in charge of these emails had been doing a poor job.
During the past few months, you had spoken out about how it would be useful to send out emails based on the blogs the company was already creating. It also seemed to you that sales would more likely be generated if the emails could really capture the excitement of new products or services that company was promoting.
The national director, Rowan Jones, took note of your interest and ideas in recent meetings, and has asked you to help fill the position until a replacement can be found. They have asked you to draft three specific emails for review.
Select a for-profit company that has a website and sells within multiple states. Ideally, select a company that is small-to-midsized. The company should have no more than 500 employees and the revenue (if known) should be less than $40 million.
    Create a proposal for an effective email campaign. Include the rationale for why an email campaign is crucial to an effective digital marketing campaign.
    Include 4 sample emails to be reviewed by the Director:
    Compose a welcome to the company email.
    Create an email to be sent to existing customers and potential customers who have inquired about products or services based on one specific blog or PR announcement the company has already created to drive interest in the company, its products and services.
    Develop a product or service pitch email for one product or service the company offers.

Meeting Deadlines – How to best manage your time

For this assessment, pick a topic on a valid business or academic issue and create a professional-looking PowerPoint presentation based on your research on the topic. Be sure to use the best practices you learned in this week’s discussions and utilize your knowledge in formatting your slides learned in this weeks assignment.
Include at least 3 different slide styles from the New Slide or Layout Gallery
Include at least two images or illustrations
Add at least 2 notes to help you during your presentation to remind you what you want to talk about in addition to the information on the slide
Use at least two types of transitions between slides
a bullet list
a number bullet list
*If you do not do notes I can do them

Describe the health care power of attorney. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this legal document to the patient and to the health care community?

Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).
Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).
Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e., Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.
Plagiarism All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles