Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Module 3

complete the module reading assignment from the Northouse textbook, then select 2 concepts of interest to you and research the concepts in peer-reviewed journals. Submit a thread of at least 500 words examining the relationship between the selected concepts and leadership. Then use the Merida text and other sources to provide biblical application of the concepts. Support your thread by citing at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles. Your thread must be in current APA edition format and must include a reference list.
Discussion Board Forum 3 – Path-Goal and Leader-Member Exchange Leadership Theories (chpt 6-7 Northhouse) Books are attached.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read Case 22: The Walt Disney Company: Its Diversification Strategy in 2014 (pages C319 – C334).
Complete a short Written Case Analysis (3-5 pages, not including a title page and references page).
Choose a model from chapter 3 to perform an external analysis.
Choose one of the techniques from chapter 4 to perform an internal analysis.
Present your findings as a SWOT report including components of  Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Propose an action plan and set of recommendations addressing the issues you have identified.

Briefly Explain The Difference Between Certification And Licensure

Please use uploaded material
Begin each writing assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).
Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e., an introduction, middle paragraphs and conclusion).
Responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font (i.e., Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.
Plagiarism All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to the course syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles

Demand-side Policies and the Great Recession of 2008

Macroeconomic analysis deals with the crucial issue of government involvement in the operation of “free market economy.” The Keynesian model suggests that it is the responsibility of the government to help to stabilize the economy. Stabilization policies (demand-side and supply-side policies) are undertaken by the federal government to counteract business cycle fluctuations and prevent high rates of unemployment and inflation.  Demand-side policies are government attempts to alter aggregate demand (AD) through using fiscal (cutting taxes and increasing government spending) or monetary policy (reducing interest rates). To shift the AD to the right, the government has to increase government spending (the G-component of AD) causing consumer expenditures (the C-component of AD) to increase. Alternatively, the Federal Reserve could cut interest rates reducing the cost of borrowing thereby encouraging consumer spending and investment borrowing. Both policies will lead to an increase in AD.

Develop an essay discussing the fiscal and the monetary policies adopted and implemented by the federal during the Great Recession and their impacts on the U.S. economy. Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document, and in APA format. Note your submission will automatically be submitted through “TurnItIn” for plagiarism review. Please note that a minimum of 700 words for your essay is required.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will be writing a research paper on the effects of plastic pollution on marine life. YOU MUST CREATE YOUR OWN THESIS PLEASE.

Also, all the articles being used will be posted below.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

There is no need to go into much detail like you did for your report, but still enough to give me an overall picture of the case study.

The cases study question is the topic of your Assignment 3: Case Study. Answer the following 5Ws (who, what, when, why and where).
Here is some guidance:
1) Who is advertising? company overview
2) What are they advertising product/service
3) When are they advertising title of campaign, year of the campaign and its duration
4) Why are they advertising background to the campaign
5) Where are they advertising? Media Strategy
Conclusion success of the campaign

Basically I need you to answer these 5 questions and conclusion based on the case study attached below. I don’t need it to be detailed, Dont copy and paste please paraphrase. BUT IMPORTANT TO ANSWER EACH QUESTION ABOVE

Experimental Psychology. READ INSTRUCTION FIRST

This essay is supposed to be theoretical part of a report to a simple research in Experimental Psychology class. The whole work is about people’s ability to recall pictures. Participants were shown a sequence of 20 pictures. After that they were asked to recall them. There were two categories (independent variables) we looked for: level of education (high school and college) and time of day (morning and night). Our analysis showed that level of education didn’t affect ability to recall pictures. On the other hand, time of day when the test was performed affected the number of pictures recalled.
This particular “essay” is just the theory behind people’s memory performance depending on their level of education and time of day when such performance takes place. It must be based on previous studies and scientific works. It would be better if you could find works that used pictures as stimuli to remember; however, it is not a must.
At least 3 sources should be used with this essay.

Advanced Pharmacology

*** Please write 1-1.5 pages for the prompt below with 2-3 references from reputable sources. References have to be the lastest and up-to-date, nothing older than 5 years.***

Please explain the importance of educating children and parents on hand hygiene and cleanliness when the child is diagnosed with Impetigo. Also, educate why to avoid topical disinfectants like hexachlorophene and Povidone-Iodine shampoos.

Shakespeares Hamlet

Compare and contrast Hamlets and Ophelias characters. How is their experience of madness similar and/or different? What do these similarities or differences suggest about the gendered ways madness is imagined?

12 pt font
Double spacing
One-inch margins
MLA style citations, works cited page, headers, and first page. Other citation styles such as APA or Chicago style are acceptable.

Length: 5-8 pages, double-spaced. Page numbers do not include the final works cited page.

External Sources
External sources besides Hamlet itself are permitted but not required. You can use external sources to provide support for your argument, but your thesis itself should be original.

A Successful Paper Will
Argue for a single, focused, debatable thesis that answers one of the guiding questions
Be organized into three sections: an introduction that states the thesis, a body that proves the thesis, and a conclusion that reflects on why the thesis matters
Use textual citations to support all claims about Hamlet. Citations include quotations and paraphrase (putting the meaning in your own words and sentence structure)
Comment on all citations, interpreting the textual evidence
Be built on strong paragraphs that (1) support the thesis, (2) have clear topic sentences, (3) include textual evidence and interpretation of that evidence.

I also added the pages from the book that is suppose to be used.

Strategic Management


Please read the mini case on page 29 of your textbook. Provide explanation and analysis by answering the following questions.

Please provide at least six (6) peer-reviewed resources in support of your arguments.

      What competitive advantages do you believe Starbucks seeks to establish? What are the main challenges the firm faces as it tries to maintain the advantage or advantages you identified?

      Please research about Starbucks Inc. and identify three or four capabilities you believe Starbucks possesses. Please explain your opinion if any of these capabilities are considered as core competence and justify your reasoning.

      Starbucks mission is To inspire and nurture the human spiritone person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. According to your research and (may be personal experience as well) what actions do you recommend the firm take to reach this mission?

      Please read about Starbucks’s new chief executive officer Kevin Johnson. Do you believe he is a strategic leader? What would be your recommendations to the CEO in terms of challenges he is facing in strategic management?