Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Vocation Autobiography

Create a dynamic 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation reviewing your own vocational journey and development, such as a career timeline. As part of this assignment, include a detailed growth plan for your career trajectory through graduate school and into your future career. Because it is important to know where you came from in order to guide where you are going, be sure to include the following in your presentation:

History of  your vocational experience history
Your future career plans
What assessment tools helped you determine the viability of this path?
How does your own cultural background and experience influence your plans?
Which theories and models do you prefer to integrate into your own style of counseling?
How does your personal history influence your preferences?
Construct a plan for helping clients assess and set their future career goals.
Be creative and have fun with this project! This is an individual and personal project; however, it should be scholarly in nature and solid academic writing is expected.

tesla case study

Tesla Case Study
Read the Tesla Case Below. analyze the case by answering three or more of the following questions and indicate which ones you are responding to:

Tesla Accelerating to Market Case.pdf Tesla Accelerating to Market Case.pdf – Alternative Formats

1.      Is there an advantage to being a first mover?  What drawbacks are there to pursuing first-mover advantage?  Is Tesla pursuing a first-mover advantage with their product launches?

2.      Which product, or products, should Tesla focus on? What justifies your recommendation?

3.      Is the tight association of Elon Musk to Tesla beneficial or problematic?  Under what conditions might you change your assessment?

4.      Is Tesla a technology or automobile firm and does the distinction matter?

5.      The Tesla Semi is geared toward a very different audience than the rest of Teslas lineup.  How should Teslas marketing strategy differ for the Semi?

Write a Case Study Response (i.e, Report) 2-3 pages long answering these questions in your essay response, and not a summary of the case. Review the rubric. Make sure you cite any references used properly (APA style) and submit your report by Saturday before midnight.

Genogram and Sociogram

A genogram is similar to a family tree that is used to identify various familial patterns going back at least three generations, whereas a sociogram is a self-portrait of relationships that can reflect any point in a person’s life. These tools can be used with clients.

Create a genogram in which you focus on education, career, employment, and community service or volunteer activities for each of the members of your family, including future aspirations when applicable. Use the appropriate symbols to represent gender, whether someone is deceased, and family relationships. You should take this opportunity to interview members of your family, particularly those you have not spoken with recently, to get more information about their work life and goals. You may wish to visit the genogram website to build your own genogram or simply draw it out on paper.

Create a sociogram in which you are at the very center of the target. Place an X in the middle of that central circle and label it “ME.” Choose a time frame that is either prior to beginning your master’s program, during your masters program, or after your masters program and you are in a professional position. At the top of your sociogram, indicate which time frame you have chosen. Place people on the target based on how close you feel to them. Some may be at the edge of the page, and some may be inside your intimate circle. This is not based on the definition of your relationship with them, but rather it is based on your emotional connection to that person during the time frame you chose. Then, draw arrows from you to the person to indicate your experience of the relationship, and from the person to you indicating your perception of their relationship to you. Both the near/far relationship and the attraction to/from is important information for you to understand yourself better within your own context. You may wish to use the provided template to build your own sociogram, or print the template, fill in the sections, and scan it.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to “Genogram and Sociogram Scoring Guide,” prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Genogram and Sociogram

A genogram is similar to a family tree that is used to identify various familial patterns going back at least three generations, whereas a sociogram is a self-portrait of relationships that can reflect any point in a person’s life. These tools can be used with clients.

Create a genogram in which you focus on education, career, employment, and community service or volunteer activities for each of the members of your family, including future aspirations when applicable. Use the appropriate symbols to represent gender, whether someone is deceased, and family relationships. You should take this opportunity to interview members of your family, particularly those you have not spoken with recently, to get more information about their work life and goals. You may wish to visit the genogram website to build your own genogram or simply draw it out on paper.

Create a sociogram in which you are at the very center of the target. Place an X in the middle of that central circle and label it “ME.” Choose a time frame that is either prior to beginning your master’s program, during your masters program, or after your masters program and you are in a professional position. At the top of your sociogram, indicate which time frame you have chosen. Place people on the target based on how close you feel to them. Some may be at the edge of the page, and some may be inside your intimate circle. This is not based on the definition of your relationship with them, but rather it is based on your emotional connection to that person during the time frame you chose. Then, draw arrows from you to the person to indicate your experience of the relationship, and from the person to you indicating your perception of their relationship to you. Both the near/far relationship and the attraction to/from is important information for you to understand yourself better within your own context. You may wish to use the provided template to build your own sociogram, or print the template, fill in the sections, and scan it.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to “Genogram and Sociogram Scoring Guide,” prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your final in this course is an original research paper investigating a social problem of your choosing. You may find here a document containing a list of possible paper topics, though you can write on any topic approved by your instructor. In this paper, you must address the following aspects of your problem:

-What are the causes and sociological explanations of the problem? Keep in mind the various theoretical perspectives.
-What factors (structural, cultural, interactional, political, etc.) contribute to the existence of the problem?
-What actions, on the part of society or within the power structure of society, may be able to address this problem?
-Do you think the problem can be fully solved? Why or why not?

Your paper must meet the following requirements:
-must be 4-5 pages, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font
-must be submitted in .doc or .docx format
-must cite at least three scholarly sources*
-must include a reference page in APA format.

*”Scholarly sources” include articles published in peer-reviewed journals and books published by university presses and other reputable presses for scholarly material. Many sources are available using the Library available via your EGCC Gateway, which provides guides for searching and allows you to restrict your search results to peer-reviewed publications. If you have questions regarding whether your sources are acceptable, please contact your instructor. Note that news articles, Internet pages, and Wikipedia will not be accepted as scholarly sources, no matter how good they sound.

To assist you in writing your paper in APA format, please visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab by clicking on the link.

earning experiences (Writing activity)

You are going to read and analyze the 4 writing sample from a 4-year-old boy,
Then add a Quote (word cited from the Reading Citation) to the chart where said Reading Citation.

Step Two: Create 4 learning experiences (Writing activity) to help the childs Emergent Writing.  (The child level is Preschool)

In the The Learning experiences you need to follow:

    Describe at least 4 learning experiences to further support that childs writing development. Be specific and connect to the data.
    Remember to always from literacy perspective. 
    Incorporate class readings in your discussion of learning experiences.

Criminal Justice

This essay should why I am so passionate to go to the college I want too, it should talk about this only speclifc college which is John jay of criminal justice.
it should talk about criminal justice and why this college is great for me.

WRITE something about this. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?
also Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma – anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

And write about why this college ( John jay ) should accept me


You are sent to a motel room to conduct an investigation.  There you find a deceased 30-year-old Hispanic male lying between two queen-sized beds.  His suitcase has bag tags from a local international airport.  His route was Cuba to Ontario, then Ontario to Newark, NJ.  Upon looking into his suitcase you notice an area where something large, half the size of the case is missing.  Based upon past experience you conclude he was a drug mule.  He was likely recruited to transport a large number of drugs from overseas into the U.S.
You also know that many of these transactions end with the mule being murdered, drugs were stolen, and promised money never delivered.  You find what appears to be a single needle mark, but no others on the deceased.  Upon questioning the motel clerk he states the man checked in about 6 pm and a woman came to the room alone at about 2 am and left by 3 am.
The local police want this case to be classified as an overdose if toxicology supports that finding.  You as a narcotics agent believe it to be a homicide.  The local police understand your position, however, they and the mayor do not want a lot of unsolvable homicides in the town.
How do you handle this situation?
You also know they are correct, that this case will likely never be solved.  Plus the mayor is a very powerful man who will likely find a way to punish you if you push for a homicide investigation.
What do you do?
Why did you make the choices you made?
How could your determination affect the victim? Victim’s family?  Community as a whole? Your own career?

Business Law

1. Perform your own research and select a current business event (last 3 years) that involved questionable business ethics.

2. Select one of the following frameworks for analyzing ethical dilemmas (may also require some Internet research to become more familiar);

A. Teleological Frameworks:

    i. Ethical Egoism

    ii. Utilitarianism

    iii. Sidgwick’s Dualism

B.  Deontological Frameworks

    i.  Existentialism

    ii.  Contractarianism

    iii.  Kant’s Ethics

3.  Analyze your selected business ethics event based on your selected framework. 

4.  Submit the paper (1- 2 pages Maximum) by uploading it to this assignment!

Green new deal

This research paper should include a intro, background and a thesis,
body paragraphs ,counterclaim and refute and lastly conclusion
the thesis question is Should the U.S. pass the Green New Deal?
the thesis should have 3 claims one of the claims has to be an opposition claim. put the oppsition claim end of the two thesis claims I will include a packet to get the information from

body paragraph one.  Write down your Claim # 1 get it from the thesis
2. Google search credible and reliable sites to collect 3 pieces of evidence to support your 1st claim. Create source information and Works Cited for all the evidence and quotes you are going to use
sentence starter
Moving forward with my argument __________ (Your Thesis), the first claim in support of my view is _____ (Your 1st Claim). As evidence, one should consider ______________ ( Statistics, Personal Experience, Expert Opinion) of ______ ( Name of the Author),  as documented in the article ____ ( Name of the Article ),  In _____, (Name of the Website).  it is explained that ___________ (Briefly say what is the evidence/quote is about). Consider this quote _____ (Write down the Evidence) (In-Text: Authors last name).  This shows __________ (What does the evidence prove) because _____________ (Explain how it proves your 1st claim or how this evidence connects to your claim].                 
body paragraph 2 ( claim 2 ) get it from the thesis
Write down your Claim # 2
2. Google search credible and reliable sites to collect 3 pieces of evidence to support your 1st claim. Create source information and Works Cited for all the evidence and 3. quotes you are going to use.
sentence starter
To back this up, another piece of evidence that supports the claim_____ ( Your 1st claim) is that ____ ( Briefly say what is the evidence and quote is about)  As shown in the _____ (name of the article or organization), by ___ (Name of the author or news organization). Consider this compelling quote _______ (In Text Citation).  In other words, _____ (Explain the Quote or Evidence). This makes sense because _____ (how this evidence connects to your claim). Overall, these two pieces of evidence proves that _______ (Restate your 1st claim)

For this part you will write your counterclaim and refutation paragraph.

Counterclaim is your oppositions argument. Someone who is against your thesis. You should use one evidence to show your oppositions argument. ( the oppositions claim from the thesis the end one )
sentence starter
Although I argue _____ (Your thesis), I understand those who disagree might say _____ (Oppositions Argument).  To support this, they might point to evidence that shows _____ (What is the oppositions evidence about). Based on article _____ (Name of the article), by (name of the Author), _____ (write down oppositions evidence) (in-text citation). This seems to suggest _____ (What does the evidence prove and explain the evidence)

In this assignment you will write your Refute paragraph. The purpose of Refute paragraph is to prove your opposition weak. You must the choose one new evidence that supports your thesis and prove your opposition wrong.

Find a new piece of evidence that supports your thesis. It must prove your oppositions argument weak.
Use the sentence frames to write your refute paragraph.
While it may be true that _____ (oppositions claim), however, this thinking is not the best because _____ (Why oppositions argument is weak). One proof of this that comes to mind is _____ (how your evidence will prove the opposition wrong). Consider this evidence from ____ (Article), written by _____ (author), from (Name the site), ___________ (in-text citation). This compelling (Type of evidence) proves that _____ (Explain why your evidence prove the opposition wrong)

n this assignment you will write your conclusion paragraph. Your conclusion should not simply restate your introduction paragraph. If your conclusion says almost the same thing as your introduction, it may indicate that you have not done enough critical thinking about your essay (since you ended up right where you started). Your Conclusion MUST include the following components.

1. Your conclusion should Restate your Thesis.

2. It should tell us why we should care about your paper. What is the significance of your Thesis?

3. Why is it important to you as the writer or to me as the reader? What information should you or I take away from this?

( I included the packet for you to read and get information from and the two article I put you can use one to find the opposition claim and also you can get information from google but it needs to have work cited in the end for all of the sources your using including the 3 I have put in here. And please send the sentence starters I Have provided for certain parts