Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Reflection in action is the process of thinking about something as you are doing it. Please refer to Adult Development: Life Stages and Transitions in Chapter 5: The Developmental Dynamic to help you complete this assignment.

Reflection in action is the process of thinking about something as you are doing it. Please refer to Adult Development: Life Stages and Transitions in Chapter 5: The Developmental Dynamic to help you complete this assignment.
Using the handout on Life Stages and Transitions, think about and look at your own adult development and your potential needs as an early childhood professional.

Use the table provided on pages 66-69 (Table 5.1)to help you identify the characteristics of your current life stage.  Describe the reasons why you feel you are in this stage.  How does this stage affect your needs as a child development professional?

Be reflective in describing your life stage, your understanding of yourself in this stage and what it means in relation to the work you do with children and/or families

quality management and productivity

In preparation for that assignment, you must identify and research a quality improvement method from Plenert: ch. 3. Write a 500700-word thread including current developments and best practices in the selected quality improvement methodology, relating the significance of the methodology to practice in general, and describing what kinds of organizational issues/problems might be resolved through successful implementation of the methodology selected. Support your assertions with at least 4 scholarly resources that have been published in the last 3 years. Your thread must be in current APA format and must include a reference list.

Critic Verizon Mission statement & Vision statement

Critic how Verizon mission & vision statement align with the company

Verizon Vision Statement (1 page)
to inspire tomorrows creators to use technology to build brighter futures for themselves, their families and the world.

Verizon Mission Statement (1 page)
We deliver the promise of the digital world to our customers. We make their innovative lifestyles possible. We do it all through the most reliable network and the latest technology



All items you need for this are attached:

        1.  The major ethical question in DAX’S CASE revolves around the right of a person to refuse medical treatment and be allowed ultimately to die.  Each person involved in this case made his/her choice to ignore Dax’s wishes and “treat” Dax.  You are to write a paper explaining each of the following person’s viewpoints and identifying the theory (from t in the attached document) that most clearly defines the action that the person took with regard to Dax.  Remember that you are not expressing your views here but rather the views of each of  the participants.

          A.  Dax’s mother  –    Ada Cowart

          B.  Dax’s lawyer  –    Rex Houston

          C.  Dax’s Doctors (only choose 1)  – 
                      Dr. Robert Meier–rehab

                      Dr. Charles Baxter-Parkland, Dr. Robert White-psychiatrist

                        Dr. Duane Larsen-surgeon

                  (The doctors’ decisions to treat Dax were based on very similar types of reasoning.  Therefore discussing one doctor’s decision and subsequent theory will be sufficient.)


        2.  Describe Dax Cowarts decision to die using the Warner Ethical Conduct Paradigm (attached).  Discuss each step of the paradigm and explain what you think had an influence on Dax’s desire to die rather than be treated.  (Obviously, you are not able to have all the information about Dax and his innermost thoughts.  However, you have been given many hints from the book that should enable you to piece the information together for a good profile.)  4-6K (2-4 typed pages).

* After reading Daxs Case, if you have additional interest in Dax here is a web address of him speaking that you might find of interest.

Exercise 5 Dax’s Case

Required assay for university admission (Doctorate Program in nursing)

Three-page essay, double spaced: Describe 3 experiences that have prepared you for doctoral study; one from previous graduate work, one from practice, and one that reflects your strengths. Additionally, describe a problem within your practice that would lend itself to a scholarly project and include academic literature to support the project.

Incident Involving Critical Infrastructure

Write a three-page summary analyzing a response to an incident involving Critical Infrastructure of the United States. Ensure to discuss the coordination and cooperation between state, regional, local, tribal and territorial levels as applicable.

Be objective as possible. Provide examples based on your research and cite all references that support your position. (Most reading/reference material has been included in this order).

Infrastructure Solution

Develop a research on a SOLUTION for EINRIDE startup established in Sweden.  The solution is to build an autonomous charging infrastructure for those trucks. And the NFC chargers we have seen in the video are the one we talk about. The overall solution is the infrastructure.

Develop the research as BULLETPOINTS and it should be ideas around how to solve/create this infrastructure to solve the limitations related to the distance limitations that the trucks have. They can only travel for 200km.

Use updated resources to find information and important facts to support this solution and how to do it.

review task

Give constructive feedback on two (2) paragraphs written by your peers. This should be a two to three (2-3) sentence comment on their submission asse 5for Step 1. Use Harris’s ‘Revising’ techniques from the Week 10PPT file reading to formulate your feedback (coming to terms, forwarding, countering, taking an approach).


Supply Chain Planning

The company is beginning to take shape. You have already analyzed a key process, process improvement, and productivity quality management and its tools. We now turn to supply chain management.


The SLP focuses on the supply chain management of your company.

Two types of research are required for SLPs in this class:

General research on SCM which may be found in course readings, the library, or online.
Research on real companies engaged in the type of business that you have chosen.
SLP Assignment
Company Overview (may be the same every module).

Provide an overview of your company. (Use information provided)

    Blessings and Love Candle Creations, LLC was formed in August 2018 by Carla Pittman in Raeford, North Carolina. A newly retired veteran, Carla always wanted to start a business when the Soldier life was over. A candle fanatic that loved buying and giving candles as gifts, Carla felt that store candles were extremely expensive, and barely threw much of a smell. There were not many that had a message to those who received them, especially during a loss or a special event.
    Each Blessing and Love Candle is hand crafted by Carla and her team of 7 candle makers  who are all veterans. All candles are preblended with soy and paraffin wax that is clean burning and better for the environment. This blend also allows the individual fragrance of the wax to throw a wonderful fragrance that when burned will last twice as long than many store candles at a cheaper price. There are different candle vessels that the customer can decide on, as well as color and fragrance. Individual messages can be inscribed if purchased as a gift or can be purchased with or without an inscription.
    Blessing and Love Candles Creations, LLC- Candles made with love!

SCM in the Industry

Research the importance of supply in the industry. Provide background on the concept.
Identify how your company uses supply chain management (include purchasing and distribution).
Explain how the company can use supply chain management based on industry research.
This section should be 1 page in length. Research is required.

SCM Integration

Successful supply chain management demands a high level of integration among various parts of the organizations. Develop integrated supply management strategy, including suppliers, internal supply chain, and customers. Discuss internal supply chain and integration.

Generate a graphic of Supply Chain Mapping. Use a free online tool, components within Microsoft Office, or draw by hand (scan or take a picture of the drawing) and include it in your submission.

Supply Chain Mapping Graphic will cover 1 page.

This section should be 1 pages in length. Research is required.

Linking Supply Chain to Strategy

Review integrated supply chain with suppliers and customers.
Provide insight into how supply-chain links to operations strategy.
Articulate challenges and possible solutions.
This section should be 1 pages in length. Research is required.

**Note-type of company is a candle company**


Hello. The following is the instruction from our professor. You as a writer can choose any population from the list below. You do not need to use or cite any sources for this essay. Please use SIMPLE language.


For your essay, I want you to choose a population of people, and apply the bio/psycho/social (/spiritual) health psychology framework to their potential experience of COVID-19 as a group. I say potential because I do not expect you to personally know the experiences of others; however, from what we have learned, you should have some informed ideas. You may choose to include the spiritual aspect of the framework as you wish.

Background Information:
As we learned throughout this semester, the bio/psycho/social (/spiritual) framework is an essential tool to understanding how an individual is affected by a given life event. On a cultural level, we can apply this framework as well. The COVID-19 pandemic is a life event that is affecting people differently throughout the world, and within the U.S.

From an intersectionality perspective, it is important for us to consider the many different ways that aspects of identity shape the experiences of different groups of people and their mental health. This is a main objective of Health Psychology. You may choose your population of study based on personal experience or interest, and the group may be within the U.S. or beyond.

Here are some examples of possible populations to consider:
People who are.
  – front-line healthcare workers
  – essential workers, such as truck drivers and delivery people
  – in nursing homes
  – undocumented