Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Topic: Anxiety and Depression

Common mental health problems such as depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder, and social phobia may affect up to 15% of the population at any one time. The severity of symptoms experienced will vary considerably, but all of these conditions can be associated with significant long-term disability. Good communication skills including active listening are key components for building a trusting relationship with patients, for example through demonstrating empathy, by making eye contact and explaining and talking through diagnoses, symptom profiles, and possible treatment options. The evidence base shows that adopting a collaborative approach with patients can help facilitate a greater engagement from them in any resulting treatments.

Jerome is a 35-year-old welder who lives with his partner and two children aged 3 and 5 years. Jerome has come to see you at your primary care clinic as he is feeling tired all the time. Medical history Jerome has a history of anxiety and depression. He joined your clinic as a patient 5 years ago, at which time he was taking sertraline for moderately severe depression and associated panic attacks. This was prescribed by his previous provider. The sertraline was effective and Jerome stopped taking the medication after 6 months of treatment. He has not returned to the clinic since that time. Jerome is otherwise physically fit and well and is not prescribed any medication. On examination, Jerome describes a lack of drive and energy for the past six weeks. He feels stressed at having to face his job, but is still going to work. Jerome admits trying to cope with disrupted sleep patterns by drinking more alcohol than usual. He is now drinking 3 bottles of beer every night instead of only twice per week as he used to. His physical examination is normal but he appears to be sad and apathetic.

What will be your approach to addressing Jerome’s anxiety and depression?
What assessment and screening tools will you use to support your diagnosis?
What might be the physiological causes of Jeromes anxiety and depression?
Does Jerome fit into a DSM-5 category/classification?
What is your plan of care for Jerome? Please support with up-to-date evidence-based standard of care guidelines.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Click [Start a New Thread] to post to the discussion, then click [Post] once complete. Be sure to post a response to all discussion topics. Please review the Discussion Board Participation grading rubric under Course Resources. This is important information that will ensure that you earn maximum points. Your postings should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion. Please see the Writing Center located in the Academic Success Center in the student portal for assistance with writing, APA, and online communication.

Topic: Helping and Healing Relationships

Consider the various steps of the nursing process in order to address the following critical thinking questions.

As a healthcare provider, discuss ways in which you will establish a helping hand and healing relationship with your patient and their families.
How will you develop professional partnerships with health care team members in your clinical practice?
What personal behaviors, biases, and attitudes would you have to change to develop these professional relationships?

supply chain planning

Start a new game and play one year as a Manufacturer. It takes 15-30 minutes and you must play each game in one sitting. The computer will make automatically make decisions for the Distributor, Wholesaler, and Retailer. (URL)

Play the game again as a Distributor.
Play one year as a Wholesaler.
Your final game will be as a Retailer.
Your goal is to maximize revenue for all members of the chain. Revenue will be shown in Euros.

Game Experience: Debrief (1 page)

Describe the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, and retailers results based on debrief content that you have placed in the appendices of the paper.
Game Experience: Debrief Analysis (2 pages)

Through research, analyze the results and apply to real-world applications (research required).
Best Practices Supplier Selection (3/4 page)

Research best practices for supplier selection (research required).
Connect with game results. Assess how actions of the manufacturer and distributor affected the supply chain (research required).
Understanding Chain Relationships (1 page)

Research best practices for relationships within the chain (research required).
Connect with game results. Assess how the retailer and wholesaler are affected in the chain (research required).
The Consumer (1/2 page)

Research consumer behavior and economic implications of game scenarios (research required).


Screenshot and paste the Debriefs for each of the four games you played.

Manufacturer Role Game 1: Global results
Manufacturer Role Game 1: The four charts
Distributor Role Game 2: Global results
Distributor Role Game 2: The four charts
Wholesaler Role Game 3: Global results
Wholesaler Role Game 3: The four charts
Retailer Role Game 4: Global results
Retailer Role Game 4: The four charts

Use the attached APA-formatted template (OPM500 Case3) to create your submission.

Your submission will include:

Trident University Internationals cover page
The body will be 5-6 pages with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence introduction, body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)
The reference list page in APA format

Integrated Experiential Learning: Project Plan

Integrated Experiential Learning: Project Plan
XN Project: Project Plan
Create a roadmap that includes the following information:
    Your analytic approach to answer the project requirements (what models/tools/techniques)
    Milestones to measure progress
    Key risks and strategies to mitigate them
    Measure of success
    Your presentation method and delivery of your proof of concept

Requirement: This paper Two pages, double space. Include APA citations where appropriate.

Project Goals and objectives
The Viacom Company wants to know the performance of audiences by using visualization tool. This project aims to find some patterns or trends from the customers online orders. Also, the project wants to make user portraits for future targeted advertising or recommendation. Therefore, the project may needs to solve questions as following:
    What are the attributes of custom audience that result in high engagement (large clicks and low cpc)?
    Whether the number of users and orders are growing steadily each year, and whether the volume of sales is changing from quarter to quarter
    What kind of goods do people in different countries and regions prefer
    What’s the correlation between CTR and audiences’ impressions?
    Build the statistical model of predicting the cpm, cpc and ctr for them.
Data dictionary: data_dict_custom_audiences.docx

Nike: positioning and supply chain strategy

Hello!  The case is about Nike’s positioning and supply chain strategy.  I confirm that you can send me bullet point style answers/text (since I will then be putting your answers it into a PowerPoint). No citing needed, no introduction needed.  Answers should come straight from the case PDF.  These are the questions:

-Assess the options that the team of experts provide.
-Indicating the main advantages and disadvantages of each options.
-Indiate each options’ effect on the FTS targets.

Viacom Project: EDA in Tableau

Integrated Experiential Learning: EDA & Project Plan
XN Project: EDA & Project Plan
Create a report that includes the following information:
    EDA in Viacom project by using Tableau.
    Your analytic approach to answer the project requirements (what models/tools/techniques)
    Milestones to measure progress
    Key risks and strategies to mitigate them
    Measure of success
    Delivery of your proof of concept
Note: exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an approach to analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often with visual methods. A statistical model can be used or not, but primarily EDA is for seeing what the data can tell us beyond the formal modeling or hypothesis testing task. Exploratory data analysis was promoted by John Tukey to encourage statisticians to explore the data, and possibly formulate hypotheses that could lead to new data collection and experiments.

Report: three pages, double space. Include APA citations where appropriate.
Tableau: one twbx file.

Project Goals and objectives
The Viacom Company wants to know the performance of audiences by using visualization tool. This project aims to find some patterns or trends from the customers online orders. Also, the project wants to make user portraits for future targeted advertising or recommendation. Therefore, the project may needs to solve questions as following:
    What are the attributes of custom audience that result in high engagement (large clicks and low cpc)?
    Whether the number of users and orders are growing steadily each year, and whether the volume of sales is changing from quarter to quarter
    What kind of goods do people in different countries and regions prefer
    What’s the correlation between CTR and audiences’ impressions?
    Build the statistical model of predicting the cpm, cpc and ctr for them.
Dataset: custom_audience_ads.csv lookalike_data.csv
Data dictionary: data_dict_custom_audiences.docx

application of complex number in real life

i need an intro on the complex number
in the body i need  one or two examples of the application in complex number in real life it can be in physics or cars or anything with an explanation using the maths

finally a general conclusion

Managerial accounting code of conduct and ethics essay

Assignment 2: Code of Conduct and Ethics-Essay

Introduction: All managers need to be aware of how to address ethical dilemmas that they will encounter in their professional lives.

The following course outcome is assessed in this Assignment:

GEL-7.02: Apply ethical reasoning to ethical issues within the field of study.

Read the scenario and then follow these steps to complete Assignment 2.

First: Research the Accounting Code of Conduct requirements on the internet following the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) guidelines. Make sure to cite at least one source from those provided and reference them (in your separate reference page).

Second: Note how IMA code of conduct requirements of (1) competence, (2) confidentiality, (3) integrity, and (4) credibility are applicable to this scenario.

Third: Then review the Ethical Approaches tutorial located in the ethical approaches presentation provided.

Fourth: Address the following checklist questions in a 23 page APA formatted original essay with an additional title and reference page to the Dropbox.


Read the textbook scenario (Ethics Case, p. 18-48) and address the checklist questions located below:

Ren Kelly, president of RL Industries, wishes to issue a press release to bolster his companys image and maybe even its stock price, which has been gradually falling. As controller, you have been asked to provide a list of 20 financial ratios along with some other operating statistics relative to RL Industries first quarter financials and operations.

Two days after you provide the ratios and data requested, Erin Lourdes, the public relations director of RL, asks you to prove the accuracy of the financial and operating data contained in the press release written by the president and edited by Erin. In the news release, the president highlights the sales increase of 25% over last years first quarter and the positive change in the current ratio from 1.5:1 last year to 3:1 this year. She also emphasizes that production was up 50% over the prior years first quarter.

You note that the press release contains only positive or improved ratios and none of the negative or deteriorated ratios. For instance, no mention is made that the debt to assets ratio has increased from 35% to 55%, that inventories are up 89%, and that although the current ratio improved, the accounts receivable turnover fell from 12 to 9. Nor is there any mention that the reported profit for the quarter would have been a loss had not the estimated lives of RL plant and machinery been increased by 30%. Erin emphasized, The press wants this release by early this afternoon (Weygandt, et al. 2018).


(1) Who are the stakeholders in this situation?

(2) Apply two or more accounting codes of conduct to answer the following questions:

a. Is there anything unethical in President Kelleys actions?

b. Should you as controller remain silent? Does Erin have any responsibility?

(3) Then compare your response regarding the accounting code of conduct questions above, to the ethical approaches in the tutorial.

a. Which accounting code of conduct responses to questions “a” and “b” above would be supported by two of the ethical approaches in the tutorial? Explain.


Analysis: To provide a clearer understanding of World Civilization history, and to promote discourse of course material through the writing process.

The essay research question is such a question that is be related to World Civilization in the present era we are covering for the course. No essay research question written shall be submitted and accepted, which does not fall in the specific era we are covering. Submission of an essay that does not address the assigned research question, and that does not FALL WITHIN THE SPECIFIC ERA we are covering will result in a zero for the assignment. This course goes up to the year of 1750.

Length of Paper: The paper shall be from 2 to 3 pages in length and double spaced and/or 900 1050 words. You are not allowed by any means to use your text book as a reference source in doing your paper. You are required to have at least (2) sources, and one source must either be a book source or peer reviewed internet source.

Format of Paper: American Psychological Association (APA) for paper.

Essay Research Question: Statement:

The theme of civilization is noted throughout the history of humankind from its inception to the present era that we live.  It is a belief that many share in noting how important civilizations evolution has impacted humankinds progress in various parts of the world.

Here is Research Question below to be Answered:

If the themes of human evolution, cultural contributions and progress are obvious throughout the early history of humanity, then explain through your thesis and through obtained sources that support your thesis, what universal similarities or differences from the past have come to shape humankinds progress and potential evolution in the world today?

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership changes people. It moves followers to accomplish more than they could ever think possible. Transactional leadership focuses on the exchange between leaders and followers.

Transformational leadership and transactional leadership often occur in the same organization. How do they impact each other?

Use 2 scholarly article dated within the past 5 years. Must use in-text apa citations and include reference page. Articles should have doi listed on reference page. And, when quotations are used within the text, please include page number in the citation.