Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

Social Work

– Propose a well-designed research question. The question cannot be yes/no and there must be enough information to show that it can answered through inquiry.

– Describe how you conducted your search of the literature (for example: search terms, authors, Capella library, and so on) and where you located the articles that you are using in the annotated bibliography.

– Address the following in your annotated bibliography:
*Chosen articles should cover models of assessment, prevention, intervention, and evaluation.
*Summarize each article.
*Evaluate each article.
*Reflect on the applicability of the article to your proposed question.

Writer choice

Critically appraise a qualitative and quantitative research design.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

Change Project: Telehealth Plan and Project Management

Using the below information, submit your change management plan for Step 1: Creating a sense of urgency. The leadership team of a hospital is interested in creating a telehealth platform. The leadership team must describe the opportunity in terms that appeals to employees hearts and heads in order to raise a large, urgent army of supporters. Use at least one scholarly article in addition to those below. The article must be within the last five years and include the doi on the reference page. Must use in-text apa citations, as well. If citing using quotations, the in-text citation must include the page number.

To begin the Telehealth Project, the first step will be to create a sense of urgency (Small et al., 2016). Questions that must be answered are: Why telehealth? Why now? Continued healthcare access to care (transportation, finance, clinic availability) (Vallabhhan et al., 2020) combined with technological advances, patient satisfaction and inclusivity of telehealth reimbursement from insurance providers (Ellimoottil et al., 2018) has provided an opportune time to develop and initiate Telehealth services.

Ellimoottil, C., An, L., Moyer, M., Sossong, S., & Hollander, J. E. (2018). Challenges and opportunities faced by large health systems implementing telehealth. Health Affairs, 37(12), 1955-1959.

Small, A. , Gist, D. , Souza, D. , Dalton, J. , Magny-Normilus, C. & David, D. (2016). Using Kotter’s Change Model for Implementing Bedside Handoff. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 31(4), 304309. doi: 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000212.

Vallabhan, M. K., Jimenez, E. Y., McCauley, G., Kong, A. S., & Adolescent Health: Transforming Risk to Wellness San Diego CA 20200311-20200314. (2020). 140. early lessons learned from implementing telehealth in rural school based health centers. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(2), 72.


What examples of advocacy do you see in your own nursing practice? List and discuss 2 examples.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

Research paper on personality and cognition

I wrote a term paper that needs to be revised for full credit. This paper is a comparative study.

Teachers notes and corrections needed:

The term paper should be written in sentence/paragraph format. Your discussion presents as more of an “outline” or annotated bibliography of your sources.

Additionally, I read through your conclusion, and the feedback I can give is to be more specific in your discussion/comparison of studies. Avoid vague statements that are unclear or force the reader to go back in your paper and question, for example, “Which is study was Study 2 again?”

Marketing Management – Case Study – Starbux

Each question should be attempted. Read instructions for each questions carefully. (with respect to the marketing values and terms attached for each question)
Answers should include your justification for each point.

1.    Customers in over 80 markets choose to buy Starbucks every day.
(a)    Explain the level of involvement in the decision to buy Starbucks (2 marks)
(b)    Evaluate the typical customer decision making process for a customer choosing to buy Starbucks (5 marks)
(c)    Discuss how Starbucks marketing team can influence this process? (3 marks)
(d)    Explain which decision making role is regarded as the most important in this decision? (2 marks)
2.    What targeting strategy is being used by Starbucks? (5 marks)
3.    Using the criteria for successful segmentation, assess how well Starbucks have created their market segments (5 marks)
4.    Starbucks has created a very strong brand position since 1971.
(a)    Which type of value is Starbucks brand image based on? (3 marks)
(b)    Discuss the key criteria for Starbucks successful positioning (5 marks)

Relations Between Personality and Cognition

I wrote a term paper that needs to be revised for full credit. This paper is a comparative study.

Teachers notes and corrections needed:

The term paper should be written in sentence/paragraph format. Your discussion presents as more of an “outline” or annotated bibliography of your sources.

Additionally, I read through your conclusion, and the feedback I can give is to be more specific in your discussion/comparison of studies. Avoid vague statements that are unclear or force the reader to go back in your paper and question, for example, “Which is study was Study 2 again?”

Activity: Opposing Viewpoints (GRADED)

Let’s use the keywords you brainstormed earlier in the module to conduct three separate searches in the Opposing Viewpoints or Academic Search Ultimate or other similar database. When conducting these searches, pay close attention to what types of sources pop up. Are they written by professionals or academics in the field? Are they articles from one of the 24-hour news networks? What formats appear (article, journal, essay, news story, video, podcast, etc.)? How old are the sources? Why does the age of different sources matter?

Human Resources

Final Project Part 2 of 4: Employee Engagement Project Proposal Annotate Bibliography

Outcome measurement:
Propose an employee engagement plan

This is a continuation of the project from the previous unit.  By know, you have received feedback on your topic and should have an approved direction for your final paper.  During this step, you will start to document your literature and outside resources by developing an Annotated Bibliography

Activity Instructions:

Review the following video: Writing an Annotated Bibliography

Step 1: List at least 8 references related to your topic in APA formatting

Human Resources

1) Introduction:
There are many factors that go into developing and unleashing expertise at the team level, and leadership factors are just a few of them.  In this assignment, you will take time to link effective leadership practices to effective teams.

2) Instructions:
a) Watch the following video: What Great Leaders Actually Do

b) Utilizing our assigned reading, CUW library, and other scholarly materials, you will prepare a 2-3 double spaced page paper (not including, title page, references or appendices) following APA guidelines. This paper should exhibit some critical thinking on the part of the student.  Each paper should be well organized and readable.

3) Answer the following questions in your paper:
a) What is the role organizational leaders in developing work teams?
b) How can effective teams increase the morale in the workplace
c) Describe what steps an organization can take to engage and underperforming work team?

4) Writing Requirements (APA Format):
a) Write 2-3 pages, not including the title page, reference page(s), and appendices.
b) Include an intro and summary to your paper.
c) 1-inch margins
d) Double spaced
e)12-point Times New Roman font
f) Title page with the topic and the name of the student
g) Reference page (minimum of 4 resources)

Grading and Assessment.
The assignment will be graded on content and per the assignment rubric.