Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Depreciation of plant, property, or equipment is credited not to the asset account itself, which is maintained at historical cost, but to a separate contra asset, Accumulated Depreciation. However, amortization of intangibles is often credited directly to the asset.

What characteristics of intangible assets versus tangible assets can you name that would explain this difference in treatment?


locate an article on one of the following topics:

The treatment of Goodwill
Accelerated depreciation methods
Fair market accounting for fixed assets
Your response should be no more than a paragraph or two and include the following:

An analysis of the article using these headings: Key points, Evidence found, and Authors Conclusion.
Your thoughts on the article. (i.e., Do you agree or disagree with author(s) views?  Why or why not?)
Name of the author, title of your article, publication date, and an active link to the page source.  Remember to cite using the APA format.


The case about Jerome Kerviel and the firm Socit Gnrale should provoke you to think about how incentive structures can fail, but even worse, how incentives provide strong signals to your employees about what you believe in and what is important to your firm (i.e. company culture).Your response to this case study should focus on what was happening at Socit Gnrale and what caused the company to lose $7.14 billion. It is obvious that the three legs of the organizational stool (i.e. allocation of decision rights, incentive systems, and performance evaluation systems) were imbalanced, but how did each of the legs of the unbalanced stool affect the outcome. Furthermore, the incentives system at Socit Gnrale seemed to create cultural issues within the firm that were suggestive of an Economic Darwinism effect, how did this culture seem to affect Jerome Kerviel?

Discuss Your Communication Style

Discussion Instructions
Initial Post: After you complete the Communication Style Quiz and read the above article,  please answer the following questions: (Initial post due Wednesday of Module 4 by 11:59 pm ET.)
What style described your communication style the most accurately? Did you agree with this result? Why or why not?
What do you see as the challenges of this communication style when interacting in the business environment? Please provide examples.
What do you see as the benefits of this communication style when interacting in the business environment? Please provide examples.

Path Goal Theory

The table in your textbook, “Path-Goal Theory: How It Works,” illustrates how leadership behaviors are related to followers and task characteristics. This assignment will give you practice in evaluating which leadership style best fits the needs of followers and the work they are doing in the given situation, and predicting the results. You will be applying system thinking and theory to evaluate all systems that are impacted and affected by the leadership decisions made. In responding to the questions, use the terms described in the table in your textbook.

You are given four scenarios in the document linked below.
For each scenario, answer these questions.

Which leadership behavior would affect the motivation of the followers: directive, supportive, participative, or achievement-oriented?
How would follower characteristics change as a result of a the leadership approach you chose for this scenario?
Besides the example in this scenario, what are other examples of tasks or situations that would fit benefit from the leadership approach you chose? Refer to Task Characteristics from the path-goal theory table in the textbook.

Please include at least three scholarly articles dated within the last five years. Scholarly articles do not include business websites or blogs. Must include a doi. In-text apa citations and an apa reference list included. If citing using quotation marks, the page number must be included in the in-text citation.


Writing from scratch:

I will keep sharing further information moving forward.

Assessment is in two parts (Total: 2450 words)

Part Two: Essay One (1700 words) Learning Outcomes: LO1, LO3

Identify and describe in detail a leadership situation that you observed in your early childhood centre (real or hypothetical) (in 200 words).

Critically analyse the situation by drawing on three concepts from the Course Guide. Justify your decisions about the leaders actions by linking your discussion to the course literature. (in 1500 words)

These are the concepts from the Course Guide to apply. Choose any three from below:

Section One: You as a Leader
1.4 Distributed Leadership -(and other styles of leadership further down)

Section Two: Leading and Managing Teams
2.1 Building Teams
2.2 Supervision, Coaching and Mentoring
2.3 Staff Development and Appraisal
2.4 Conflict Resolution

Section Three: Leading Towards Change
3.1 Values-Based Leadership
3.2 Pedagogical Leadership
3.3 Developing A Shared Vision
3.4 Management Structures in the Early Childhood Sector
3.5 Planning and Associated Strategies
3.6 Implementing, Monitoring and Reviewing

This analysis depends greatly on the leadership situation that you describe. You need to relate a situation where the leader (or leaders if that works better) works with other adults – teachers – and gets things done, or resolves an issue or makes things better by using the concepts that you want to apply to it. The situation should be written as a detailed, factual account (like giving evidence in court) as in: this happened, then this happened, then the result of that was that this happened. Thereby concentrating on the actions of the leader/s in it so that you can refer back to it in your analysis. If you don’t have enough detail of interpersonal adult relationships, then you have to dig too hard to apply what you want and make it relevant. Just check that you can easily see three things there that relate to leading other adults.

The leaders don’t have to have formal roles, anyone can lead in a situation, and if you are somehow involved, then refer to yourself as “the student teacher” so that you distance yourself a little from the critique. You should be writing in the third person here.
Your critical analysis must link to the leadership literature covered in the course, and to three concepts. There are a number of different aspects in the course that you can use to critically analyse your leadership situation most are listed in the menu of the COURSE GUIDE but you may find others. You will find course guide in uploaded documents: Instructions-Course Guide.docx.

Part Three: Essay Two (750 words) Learning Outcome: LO2

Articulate and defend your values and beliefs on leadership in the early childhood sector and your own practice as a leader, in line with your philosophy of teaching. Draw on theories and practices in the course materials to justify the elements you are defending in your philosophy of leadership.

For the second essay, we want to know what you believe about leading adults, your values and beliefs of leadership in ECE. Don’t include your teaching philosophy – just the parts that relate to leading adults, if they do. What do you think works leading adults, why, and who in the literature agrees with you (theories and practices). You can use “I believe” but your decisions must be supported by the course literature to justify you including that element in your leadership philosophy.

Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Critically review perspectives on leadership within the context of early childhood education
LO2: Critically reflect on the impact of personal values, beliefs and practices in developing a professional and ethical code of leadership within the early childhood context
LO3: Justify a range of socially and culturally appropriate leadership practices in the early childhood education context

Course required readings must be used as well as additional literature and important websites to inform the knowledge of your assessment. Course Guide is only for your knowledge. APA 6th edition reference list must be attached.

Part Two: Essay One: 1700 Words
Part Three: Essay Two: 750 Words
(Total Word Count: 2450 words)
*15% leeway above or below word limit


(1) This is a level 7 course so please ensure to maintain good academic presentation standards with excellent referencing throughout all the parts. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Assessment_Presentation_Criteria.pdf

(2) My writing style is simplistic with understandable terms.

(3) No headings and sub-headings within essays. The first sentence of the paragraph is a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph. The last sentence of the paragraph is a concluding sentence proving the point you are making or act as a link to the following paragraph. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Well-constructed_paragraphs.pdf

(4) For Essay Introduction use 5% of the word count and Essay Conclusion use 10% of the word count. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Writing_Introductions_and_Conclusions

(6) Detailed information on marking criteria can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-Criteria for Marking Presentation in Written Assessments.pdf

(5) Referencing Style: APA 6th Edition with page numbers A MUST. You need to limit your use of direct quotes and more importantly, use effective paraphrasing APA Guidelines to be followed. Further information can be found in uploaded document: Instructions-APA-Quick-Guide.pdf

(6) 100% Plagiarism free.

(7) I have set deadline for this project as 22 May but my submission is later, so we can have enough time for revisions.


Summarize one benefit and one drawback of empathy for humanity mentioned in the CBT materials. Explain the role of empathy in medicine/business/academia (Pick one of them). Support your answer with sources, explanations, and examples.

Summarize one benefit and one drawback of empathy for humanity mentioned in the CBT materials. Explain the role of empathy in medicine/business/academia (Pick one of them). Support your answer with sources, explanations, and examples.

1)    Write essay outline. ( Essay prompt outline template is uploaded)
        CBT materials are uploaded.

– Do research, find your sources, (in addition to the CBT materials, min. 2 other citations from min. 2 different sources (Or max. 3 citationseither from 2 sources or 3 sources)* and save a copy of your sourcesone academic article (from Google scholar) citation required. Numerical data (statistics, percentages, number of something, etc) older than 6 years and sources written in any other language except English will not be accepted.
Indicate right on your outline where each source will be used in the essay by simply repeating the assigned number on each of your source again in the relevant parts of the outline.                                    See the sample outline.

2)    Write an essay

–      Write a well-developed response of 600 (+/-50) words to answer the prompt above
–    Follow the academic writing conventions (formal grammar and vocabulary, tentative language, objective tone, transitions, mechanics, etc.)
–    Include in-text citations using the APA conventions (6th edition)
–    Write end-text references
–    Do not forget to add a title
–    Follow the following format:
o    12-point Times New Roman
o    1.5-line spacing (
o    Indent the first line of each paragraph

An Integrated Marketing Campaign Promoting A Product Of Your Choice That Is Recognised Across The World As A British Brand In Any Industry Of Your Choice

Assessment task:

Individually you need to work on creating an integrated marketing campaign promoting a product of your choice that is recognised across the world as a British brand in any industry of your choice. As part of your campaign, you need to complete the tasks detailed below for which you will get formative feedback. For the final marked assessment, you are required, as an individual to submit a portfolio incorporating the tasks below. 

The Report should demonstrate planning, research, analysis and the ability to build coherent critical arguments. You are expected to refer to your core text and other credible academic sources. Reference your work using the Harvard style.

You are required to submit a section most weeks throughout the term You will receive feedback on your work in written or verbal form during your tutorials from your tutor so that you can improve.

You will find information on the businesses that you are studying on the internet (google search etc) and on INTO London Learning Resource Centre databases. You will need access to these resources.

Your tutor will monitor your progress weekly to discuss your progress.

The tasks are as follows:
Week 1 – Introduction and background –  Set your campaign objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound (SMART) and a mission statement for your marketing campaign. This should highlight the following for your chosen company: The Vision and Mission of the company. 250 words.
Week 2 Use a heading to discuss the Political factors of the business environment in that country that impact your industry/business of choice. You should have three points (referenced) under this. 180 words
Week 3 – Use a heading to discuss the Economic factors of the business environment in that country that impact your industry/business of choice. You should have three points (referenced) under this. 180 words
Week 4 Use a heading to discuss the Socio-Cultural factors of the business environment in that country that impact your industry/business of choice. You should have three points (referenced) under this. 180 words
Week 5 Use a heading to discuss the Technological factors of the business environment in that country that impact your industry/business of choice. You should have three points (referenced) under this. 180 words
Week 6 In planning your promotional campaign you need to consider as well as discuss the following: Target audience, media strategy, and channels. Clearly state why you have chosen them. 150 words
Week 7 – Write a Conclusion paragraph and make recommendations. 200 words


An Integrated Marketing Campaign Promoting A Product Of Your Choice That Is Recognised Across The World As A British Brand In Any Industry Of Your Choice


    Integrated Marketing Campaign
    Introduction and Background
    The essay will focus on creating a successful integrated marketing campaign promoting Burberry Limited in the United States(Personally I would recommend a selected state in the USA say New York. When you set out with your SMART marketing campaign, it should be specific, measurable, realistic and time bound. Most organisations that have done the expansion to the USA start with a state or two as the population of Texas alone is over 26 million people. Your SMART marketing campaign objective should be clear in the introduction. Then you tell the reader that this campaign begins by scanning the macro environment of business in this case you can adapt what you have  already to a particular state and add bits that are drawn from that state where relevant. Some states may be fashion capitals, some may have advanced IT/e-commerce sales than others. Socio-culturally habits might be different. See what is applicable.!!!!!!!). Burberry is an extravagance brand with a recognizes trademark, name, and signature across the world due to its better-quality products and services, and the fact that it has lasted for more than 150 years in the fashion world. It mainly focuses on producing and marketing fragrances, accessories, as well as apparel for children, women, and men. The company uses brand extensions and licensing to attract young people who are more into fashions.
    Burberry Limited was introduced in 1856 by Thomas Burberry, aiming to design clothes to protect human beings from the lousy weather in Britain. According to Leahey (2012), in 1879, Thomas created gabardine, a breathable, weatherproof, and durable apparel to help protect people during rainy seasons. During World War I, he fabricated trench coats, including the badges that help to suspend necessary equipment, like whistles and gloves, which are used by the military (Mc Loughlin, 2016). In 2008, the world established the Burberry Foundation as an independent charity for grant-making and generous benefits.
    Currently, Burberry Ltd. aims at applying innovative thinking to create long-lasting fabric, increase customer experience, and promote the manufacturing industry and the community internationally(Do you have a reference for this?!!!!!!!). The mission of the Burberry Company is to maintain its brand integrity and strength while continuing to establish an enterprise that remains significant to continually developing consumer tastes and markets (Reference for Business, n.d.). the vision of the manufacturing industry is to build its position vigorously in the extravagance fashion industry. It strives to promote growth, increase profit, and to ensure survival by sharpening its positioning in the most productive market (Gasparini, 2016). The company will consider different factors in the business environment in the United States to create a successful integrated marketing campaign promoting Burberry products.

    Political Factors
    In the United States, political factors are essential in identifying the elements that can influence the long-term, cost-effectiveness of Burberry Limited in the ever-changing market. The company sources its resources and equipment from different vendors. Additionally, it operates in numerous markets across the world, which might expose it to various types of political system challenges (Felmina, 2015). Therefore, it should consider the necessary rules and regulations of the US before entering its market and incorporating a marketing campaign to achieve success.
    Another factor to consider before investing in Burberry market is the political stability of the country. Schmid (2013) argues that there are various jurisdictions of which its manipulation might cause retrospective to performance of the business in most of the emerging industry in the US where Burberry limited has developed. Therefore, the company should consider the political stability of the country to prevent adverse effects on its income.
    Lastly, the feasibility plays a significant role in the market in ensuring an effective integrated marketing campaign that promotes the Burberry products. According to HU and XIANG (2019), Burberry Limited depends on the potential risk security department in the country to monitor the development of the market. Hence, the company should review the feasibility and business prospects of the country before entering the industry and incorporating a promotional campaign.

    Economic Factors
    Economic factors, including the inflation rate, commercial growth rate, and changes in demand, determine the total market and investment of a countrys economy. Zigu (n.d.), suggests that inflation rates can weaken the Burberry industry in the US because the country continues to experience low performance and poor economic outcomes. For instance, when consumers reduce their luxury products, the demand for Burberry will decrease, weakening the overall economy (Phan, Thomas, & Heine, 2011). Thus, the company must consider the inflation rate of the country before integrating the sales campaign.
    The long-term economic growth of a country leads to both positive and negative impacts. For instance, it increases national income and creates more job opportunities, which improves the standard of living. However, when the economic growth declines, a recession might occur, causing the GDP growth rate to contract, sales and revenues reduce, and the overall business expansion stops (Okonkwo-Pzard, 2017). Therefore, Burberry Limited should consider the economic growth rate of the US to help determine the industrial output. Change in demand for the product is also significant in determining the performance and success of a business before integrating advertising campaigns(What is the data now? What economic forecasts should guide this campaign?!!!!!!). Peng and Chen (2017), imply that when there is a high demand for rain clothes, Burberry increases the production of gabardine in the market. Furthermore, a rise in the need for prestigious designer products implies that the company should grow its export business.

    Socio-Cultural Factors
    The socio-cultural of the community and their way of doing things influence their organizational culture in a business environment. Lwin and Xiao (2016), argue that in the United States, the shared cultural beliefs and values play a significant role in determining how the marketers can understand the market consumers, and how they develop their sales message for their products. They also learn the demand of customers for a particular product in the market(Does this have an impact on consumer spending in the USA?!!!!!!). The companys product incorporates more of the British cultures, given the foundational background of Burberry Company. Felmina (2015), suggests that the elements that are strongly associated with this company make the brand popular amongst its consumers. Therefore, when the business expands its industry across the world, the social-cultural factors will impact how it performs its activities.
    Besides, the social changes in the lives of people can also contribute to the high demand of fashion trends in the market. According to Schmid (2013), the fashion-based demand of individuals can increase the need for the product, then the sales level and the overall performance increase. On the contrary, when the market is low, the level of returns achieved decreases (Baines, Fill, Rosengren, & Antonetti, (2017). By reviewing these factors, Burberry Limited will make a successful integrated promotional campaign of its products in the United States.( It would have been good here to see the rate of luxury consumption. Note that in going into a market, the question at the back of the mind of the marketer is who is my target market? What is their behaviour like especially around the consumption of the type of product/service the organisation intends to offer?!!!!!!)

    Technological Factors
    Burberry focuses on exploiting the advantages of various social medial platforms to enhance its image, improve sales, performance, and growth due to the rapid development and advancement in information technology. Peng and Chen (2017), argue that new changes can enable the company to stay up to date and in the competition. For instance, it can use its website ( or Artificial intelligence (AI) and other approaches into its retail industry to support potential online buyers while making purchases.
    The utilization of an e-commerce platform is also beneficial in ensuring that it reaches its customers nationwide. HU and XIANG (2019), suggest that Burberry Limited targets about 30% of sales in stores within London (Here, the focus should be one that reflects the levels of e-commercial sales in the USA that this company is targeting.!!!!!!!!!!). Therefore, the company should consider launching a new site in the US to target shoppers directly in the country. It must ensure that it extends its leadership position in this industry to maintain contacts with their targets audience.
    The type of technology that a company employs plays an essential role in ensuring the success of a business. According to Fyall, Legohrel, Frochot, and Wang (2019), it helps to determine the kind of equipment that a company uses and the quality of products it produces. Thus, Burberry Limited should support modern digitalization in the US to ensure a successful integrated promotional campaign while encouraging consumer integration and engagement with the brand.

    Target, Audience, Media Strategy, and Channels
    Burberry Limited targets children, women, and men. However, it mainly focuses on the young generation, as well as consumers who desire luxury products while being functional. The company will use social media platforms to target online buyers. According to Insider Trends (2018), the company uses a Facebook page that will a sign in which the buyers can develop a company profile by providing their email address and allowing the business to access their new page in exchange for a sample of their products. Moreover, it will use live tweet users reviews of their good and services (the hashtag#BurberryGifthampers) by encouraging Twitter followers to create looks of their clothing and other products and tweet them back to the companys official websites. Social media strategy promotes the new integrated promotional campaign. Additionally, the company will embrace different communication channels to make the brand more attractive to its consumers (Fyall, Legohrel, Frochot, & Wang, 2019). For instance, it will use the tech in its app to increase the nationwide reach to potential buyers.

    Conclusion and Recommendations
    Burberry Limited mainly focuses on producing and marketing fragrances, accessories, as well as apparel for children, women, and men. The mission of the Burberry industry is to conserve its brand integrity and strength while continuing to establish an enterprise that remains significant to the continually developing consumer tastes and markets. Its vision is to build its position vigorously in the extravagance fashion industry and strives to promote growth, increase profit, and survive by sharpening its positioning in the most productive market worldwide. The companys main target is the young generation and consumers who desire luxury products.
    Political factors are essential in identifying components that can influence the cost-effective of Burberry Limited in the ever-changing market. The company should consider the regulations, political stability, and feasibility in the United States. Economic forces, such as the inflation rate, commercial growth rate, and changes in demand, also play a significant role in determining the total market and investment of a countrys economy.
    Additionally, socio-cultural conditions, including shared beliefs, the foundational background of a company, and social changes in the lives of people, influence the culture of an organization in a business environment. Burberry should also consider the technological features, like changing trends, utilization of e-commerce platform and a kind of technology helps Burberry. Further, it applies social media platforms, involving Facebook and Twitter, which promotes integrated marketing campaigns.


    Baines, P., Fill, C., Rosengren, S., & Antonetti, P. (2017). Fundamentals of marketing. Oxford University Press.

    Felmina, M. (2015). Luxury brand market to millennials. Retrieved from (07.05.2020)

    Fyall, A., Legohrel, P., Frochot, I., & Wang, Y. (2019). Market sementation, targeting, and positioning. Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality, 321-342. DOI:10.4324/9781315651026-25

    Gasparini, R. (2016, June 28). (PDF) Burberry: A market success story. Retrieved from (07.05.2020)

    HU, X., & XIANG, C. (2019). Business analysis and valuation of the Burberry group. DEStech Transactions on Economic, Business, and Management (ssemr). DOI:10.12783/dtem/ssemr2019/30852

Insider Trends. (2018, January 16). Inside the retail strategy of Burberry. Retrieved from (07.05.2020)

Leahey, C. (2012, June 19). Angela Ahrendts: The secret behind Burberrys growth. Retrieved from (07.05.2020)

Lwin, M., & Xiao, Y. (2016). What factors drive young consumers to purchase luxury branded product compulsively? DOI:10.15444/gmc2016.06.06.01

McLoughlin, M. (2016). Burberry. The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. DOI:10.5040/9781472596178-bed-b109

Okonkwo- Pzard, U. (2017). The luxury brand strategy challenge. Advances in Luxury Brand Management, 59-64. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-51127-6_4

Peng, N., & Chen, A. H. (2017). Consumer perspectives of culture branding: The case of Burberry in Taiwan. Advances in China Brand Management, 133-151. DOI:10.1057/978-1-352-00011-5_6

Phan, M., Thomas, R., & Heine, K. (2011). Social media and luxury brand management: The case of Burberry. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 2(4), 213-222. DOI:10.1080/20932685.2011.10593099

Reference for Business. (n.d.). Burberry Ltd. Company profile, information, business description, history, background information on Burberry Ltd. Retrieved from (07.05.2020)

Schmid, V. (2013). Branding, positioning, and segmentation at Volkswagen. GRIN Verlag.

Zigu, (n.d.). Burberry PESTEL analysis | PESTEL analysis of Burberry | MBA Skool- study.learn.share. Retrieved from

Economic and political reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina: since 1995

The paper should be 8 pages in length, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, with 1 inch margins, on a Word document. Use subtitles. Always cite with in text citations other peoples ideas, even when you paraphrase them. Do not use casual language, prose, cute metaphors, or generalities. Do not use long quotes.
An additional page at the end of your paper should contain your works cited (bibliography). A good bibliography should have at least 5 academic sources

An Integrated Marketing Campaign Promoting A Product Of Your Choice That Is Recognised Across The World As A British Brand In Any Industry Of Your Choice

Assessment task:

Individually you need to work on creating an integrated marketing campaign promoting a product of your choice that is recognised across the world as a British brand in any industry of your choice. As part of your campaign, you need to complete the tasks detailed below for which you will get formative feedback. For the final marked assessment, you are required, as an individual to submit a portfolio incorporating the tasks below. 

The Report should demonstrate planning, research, analysis and the ability to build coherent critical arguments. You are expected to refer to your core text and other credible academic sources. Reference your work using the Harvard style.

You are required to submit a section most weeks throughout the term You will receive feedback on your work in written or verbal form during your tutorials from your tutor so that you can improve.

You will find information on the businesses that you are studying on the internet (google search etc) and on INTO London Learning Resource Centre databases. You will need access to these resources.

Your tutor will monitor your progress weekly to discuss your progress.

The tasks are as follows:
Week 1 – Introduction and background –  Set your campaign objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound (SMART) and a mission statement for your marketing campaign. This should highlight the following for your chosen company: The Vision and Mission of the company. 250 words.
Week 2 Use a heading to discuss the Political factors of the business environment in that country that impact your industry/business of choice. You should have three points (referenced) under this. 180 words
Week 3 – Use a heading to discuss the Economic factors of the business environment in that country that impact your industry/business of choice. You should have three points (referenced) under this. 180 words
Week 4 Use a heading to discuss the Socio-Cultural factors of the business environment in that country that impact your industry/business of choice. You should have three points (referenced) under this. 180 words
Week 5 Use a heading to discuss the Technological factors of the business environment in that country that impact your industry/business of choice. You should have three points (referenced) under this. 180 words
Week 6 In planning your promotional campaign you need to consider as well as discuss the following: Target audience, media strategy, and channels. Clearly state why you have chosen them. 150 words
Week 7 – Write a Conclusion paragraph and make recommendations. 200 words


An Integrated Marketing Campaign Promoting A Product Of Your Choice That Is Recognised Across The World As A British Brand In Any Industry Of Your Choice


    Integrated Marketing Campaign
    Introduction and Background
    The essay will focus on creating a successful integrated marketing campaign promoting Burberry Limited in the United States(Personally I would recommend a selected state in the USA say New York. When you set out with your SMART marketing campaign, it should be specific, measurable, realistic and time bound. Most organisations that have done the expansion to the USA start with a state or two as the population of Texas alone is over 26 million people. Your SMART marketing campaign objective should be clear in the introduction. Then you tell the reader that this campaign begins by scanning the macro environment of business in this case you can adapt what you have  already to a particular state and add bits that are drawn from that state where relevant. Some states may be fashion capitals, some may have advanced IT/e-commerce sales than others. Socio-culturally habits might be different. See what is applicable.!!!!!!!). Burberry is an extravagance brand with a recognizes trademark, name, and signature across the world due to its better-quality products and services, and the fact that it has lasted for more than 150 years in the fashion world. It mainly focuses on producing and marketing fragrances, accessories, as well as apparel for children, women, and men. The company uses brand extensions and licensing to attract young people who are more into fashions.
    Burberry Limited was introduced in 1856 by Thomas Burberry, aiming to design clothes to protect human beings from the lousy weather in Britain. According to Leahey (2012), in 1879, Thomas created gabardine, a breathable, weatherproof, and durable apparel to help protect people during rainy seasons. During World War I, he fabricated trench coats, including the badges that help to suspend necessary equipment, like whistles and gloves, which are used by the military (Mc Loughlin, 2016). In 2008, the world established the Burberry Foundation as an independent charity for grant-making and generous benefits.
    Currently, Burberry Ltd. aims at applying innovative thinking to create long-lasting fabric, increase customer experience, and promote the manufacturing industry and the community internationally(Do you have a reference for this?!!!!!!!). The mission of the Burberry Company is to maintain its brand integrity and strength while continuing to establish an enterprise that remains significant to continually developing consumer tastes and markets (Reference for Business, n.d.). the vision of the manufacturing industry is to build its position vigorously in the extravagance fashion industry. It strives to promote growth, increase profit, and to ensure survival by sharpening its positioning in the most productive market (Gasparini, 2016). The company will consider different factors in the business environment in the United States to create a successful integrated marketing campaign promoting Burberry products.

    Political Factors
    In the United States, political factors are essential in identifying the elements that can influence the long-term, cost-effectiveness of Burberry Limited in the ever-changing market. The company sources its resources and equipment from different vendors. Additionally, it operates in numerous markets across the world, which might expose it to various types of political system challenges (Felmina, 2015). Therefore, it should consider the necessary rules and regulations of the US before entering its market and incorporating a marketing campaign to achieve success.
    Another factor to consider before investing in Burberry market is the political stability of the country. Schmid (2013) argues that there are various jurisdictions of which its manipulation might cause retrospective to performance of the business in most of the emerging industry in the US where Burberry limited has developed. Therefore, the company should consider the political stability of the country to prevent adverse effects on its income.
    Lastly, the feasibility plays a significant role in the market in ensuring an effective integrated marketing campaign that promotes the Burberry products. According to HU and XIANG (2019), Burberry Limited depends on the potential risk security department in the country to monitor the development of the market. Hence, the company should review the feasibility and business prospects of the country before entering the industry and incorporating a promotional campaign.

    Economic Factors
    Economic factors, including the inflation rate, commercial growth rate, and changes in demand, determine the total market and investment of a countrys economy. Zigu (n.d.), suggests that inflation rates can weaken the Burberry industry in the US because the country continues to experience low performance and poor economic outcomes. For instance, when consumers reduce their luxury products, the demand for Burberry will decrease, weakening the overall economy (Phan, Thomas, & Heine, 2011). Thus, the company must consider the inflation rate of the country before integrating the sales campaign.
    The long-term economic growth of a country leads to both positive and negative impacts. For instance, it increases national income and creates more job opportunities, which improves the standard of living. However, when the economic growth declines, a recession might occur, causing the GDP growth rate to contract, sales and revenues reduce, and the overall business expansion stops (Okonkwo-Pzard, 2017). Therefore, Burberry Limited should consider the economic growth rate of the US to help determine the industrial output. Change in demand for the product is also significant in determining the performance and success of a business before integrating advertising campaigns(What is the data now? What economic forecasts should guide this campaign?!!!!!!). Peng and Chen (2017), imply that when there is a high demand for rain clothes, Burberry increases the production of gabardine in the market. Furthermore, a rise in the need for prestigious designer products implies that the company should grow its export business.

    Socio-Cultural Factors
    The socio-cultural of the community and their way of doing things influence their organizational culture in a business environment. Lwin and Xiao (2016), argue that in the United States, the shared cultural beliefs and values play a significant role in determining how the marketers can understand the market consumers, and how they develop their sales message for their products. They also learn the demand of customers for a particular product in the market(Does this have an impact on consumer spending in the USA?!!!!!!). The companys product incorporates more of the British cultures, given the foundational background of Burberry Company. Felmina (2015), suggests that the elements that are strongly associated with this company make the brand popular amongst its consumers. Therefore, when the business expands its industry across the world, the social-cultural factors will impact how it performs its activities.
    Besides, the social changes in the lives of people can also contribute to the high demand of fashion trends in the market. According to Schmid (2013), the fashion-based demand of individuals can increase the need for the product, then the sales level and the overall performance increase. On the contrary, when the market is low, the level of returns achieved decreases (Baines, Fill, Rosengren, & Antonetti, (2017). By reviewing these factors, Burberry Limited will make a successful integrated promotional campaign of its products in the United States.( It would have been good here to see the rate of luxury consumption. Note that in going into a market, the question at the back of the mind of the marketer is who is my target market? What is their behaviour like especially around the consumption of the type of product/service the organisation intends to offer?!!!!!!)

    Technological Factors
    Burberry focuses on exploiting the advantages of various social medial platforms to enhance its image, improve sales, performance, and growth due to the rapid development and advancement in information technology. Peng and Chen (2017), argue that new changes can enable the company to stay up to date and in the competition. For instance, it can use its website ( or Artificial intelligence (AI) and other approaches into its retail industry to support potential online buyers while making purchases.
    The utilization of an e-commerce platform is also beneficial in ensuring that it reaches its customers nationwide. HU and XIANG (2019), suggest that Burberry Limited targets about 30% of sales in stores within London (Here, the focus should be one that reflects the levels of e-commercial sales in the USA that this company is targeting.!!!!!!!!!!). Therefore, the company should consider launching a new site in the US to target shoppers directly in the country. It must ensure that it extends its leadership position in this industry to maintain contacts with their targets audience.
    The type of technology that a company employs plays an essential role in ensuring the success of a business. According to Fyall, Legohrel, Frochot, and Wang (2019), it helps to determine the kind of equipment that a company uses and the quality of products it produces. Thus, Burberry Limited should support modern digitalization in the US to ensure a successful integrated promotional campaign while encouraging consumer integration and engagement with the brand.

    Target, Audience, Media Strategy, and Channels
    Burberry Limited targets children, women, and men. However, it mainly focuses on the young generation, as well as consumers who desire luxury products while being functional. The company will use social media platforms to target online buyers. According to Insider Trends (2018), the company uses a Facebook page that will a sign in which the buyers can develop a company profile by providing their email address and allowing the business to access their new page in exchange for a sample of their products. Moreover, it will use live tweet users reviews of their good and services (the hashtag#BurberryGifthampers) by encouraging Twitter followers to create looks of their clothing and other products and tweet them back to the companys official websites. Social media strategy promotes the new integrated promotional campaign. Additionally, the company will embrace different communication channels to make the brand more attractive to its consumers (Fyall, Legohrel, Frochot, & Wang, 2019). For instance, it will use the tech in its app to increase the nationwide reach to potential buyers.

    Conclusion and Recommendations
    Burberry Limited mainly focuses on producing and marketing fragrances, accessories, as well as apparel for children, women, and men. The mission of the Burberry industry is to conserve its brand integrity and strength while continuing to establish an enterprise that remains significant to the continually developing consumer tastes and markets. Its vision is to build its position vigorously in the extravagance fashion industry and strives to promote growth, increase profit, and survive by sharpening its positioning in the most productive market worldwide. The companys main target is the young generation and consumers who desire luxury products.
    Political factors are essential in identifying components that can influence the cost-effective of Burberry Limited in the ever-changing market. The company should consider the regulations, political stability, and feasibility in the United States. Economic forces, such as the inflation rate, commercial growth rate, and changes in demand, also play a significant role in determining the total market and investment of a countrys economy.
    Additionally, socio-cultural conditions, including shared beliefs, the foundational background of a company, and social changes in the lives of people, influence the culture of an organization in a business environment. Burberry should also consider the technological features, like changing trends, utilization of e-commerce platform and a kind of technology helps Burberry. Further, it applies social media platforms, involving Facebook and Twitter, which promotes integrated marketing campaigns.


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