Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

The Role of Knowledge Management in Achieving Innovation in Institutions: Challenges and Solutions.

The Summative RJ.
As explained in the week 1 handbook, the summative RJ is longer than the Formative RJ, (you should aim at approximately 400 words), but it only includes one source from your research. It has another section called Overall Source Evaluation. This is where you demonstrate your critical thinking skills and summarise the evaluation that you have made using the CRAAP criteria.

Debate 1 Evaluation


The study of international business is fine if you are going to work in a large multinational enterprise, but it has no relevance for individuals who are going to work in small firms.

The pro-team  will support this statement. (attachment)

The con-team  will provide a different perspective and will criticize this statement. (attachment)

Please evaluate based on the given form (attachment)


Numerous societies have clear gender differences. There are some societies that place women in a subservient position. Furthermore, some women are devalued, as their family honor is considered more important than their lives. This is often the case in honor killings. There was a publicized case of a woman from Iraq who escaped to a U.S. military base because her family was going to kill her. She had disgraced them by talking to a young man on a cell phone. Using the internet, and other sources, conduct research on honor killings.

In your response, address the following:

Why do some cultures engage in honor killings?
Do non-group members have the right to interfere with other cultures when it comes to long-standing cultural practices? What happens to the culture when others interfere?
Most cultural groups developed their cultural practices in relative isolation, and as mentioned in the text, these practices often served a practical role. When cultural groups have maintained radical or “harmful” practices that have not evolved, how might the members of the group be impacted? State some examples of “harmful” practices. How do the antiquated practices affect the members of the group when there is little outside influence? Cite your sources.

discussion homework

Another important characteristic of culture is that it always involves debate. Over the last few weeks, we have been looking at relations of power on a global scale in which a free market economic system now dominates. This is supported by neoliberal philosophy that asserts that the free market provides an economic balance that benefits all participating nations. Identify and critically discuss a specific debate to neoliberalism from the lectures, readings, or media. What forms of negotiation, resistance, or escape do you see by groups featured in the media; how effective do you think these strategies are?



The human element in service is the essence of service provision and consumption. Being in-service of others (e.g. consumers) is an inherently social process where meaningful frontline employee-consumer interactions are a hallmark of service quality. However, the COVID -19 pandemic brings forth the need to practice social distancing and challenges traditional conduct of service provision to achieve service value. The pandemic is leading both companies and consumers to develop coping mechanisms and resilience to handle vulnerable situations and reinvent themselves to achieve wellbeing. In the post-pandemic era, a need for social distancing and futureproofing for the crisis will drive more businesses to redesign servicescapes.

Imagine your team is hired for re-designing an existing caf/library/restaurant/movie theatre/hotel reception/Gym/hair Salon (CHOOSE ANY ONE SERVICE SCAPE) to achieve social distancing outcomes while delivering service value and service quality.

Ensure you choose a servicescape you are familiar with; identify lines of employee-customer interaction; as well as customer-customer interactions where physical distancing may be required. In addition, consider the use of signage, information, social messaging posters, contactless deliver points, that will help customers and employees to change their behaviour and practices physical distancing.

Make use of The MehrabianRussell Stimulus-Response Model and Servicescape Model An integrative framework to develop your designs – please refer to Week 9 lecture slides

strategic management

1. Pick a public company that pursues Innovation as their main strategy.  Do not pick Apple.

2. Look at their SEC filings, how much are they invest into R&D each year?

3. How much are they spending on marketing?  Are they investing more into innovation or more into marketing?

4. Look at USPTO ( or Google patent search ( or other patent databases,
what types of innovation or technology is the company investing in?  Are these the right innovations for them to invest in?  Why or why not?

5. What is the main competitor of this company is doing in their R&D and innovation?  How is this company different than other competitors?

6.  Is Innovation the right strategy for this company or industry? Is this company successful with their innovation strategy?

strategic business

1. Pick a public company.

2. Internally, what do you think are the key weaknesses of this company?  What specific recommendations do you for the company to overcome these weaknesses.  Be specific with your recommendations because your grades will be highly dependent on how specific and executable your recommendations are.

3. Break the company operations into a number of departments or stages.  For each of the stage, provide 3 specific recommendations for ways to increase values to the products/services for customers and to minimize waste in the operation.

4. Based on your analysis above, what is the most important thing the company should do that will bring it the most benefit?

straegic business

1. Pick a public company.  Which industry is this company in?

2. Do the Porters’ 5 Forces analysis for this industry, from this company’s perspective.

3. Based on your analysis above, do you think the company is in a good industry?  What is the key threat and key opportunity for the company, based on the analysis above?  What do you recommend the company to do to maximize potential benefits and minimize potential risks?  Be specific in your answer.

The Role of Media in Influencing Government and the Public

You are attending an international journalist event and have been chosen to give a presentation of the roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens. Identify and describe the possible roles of the media in influencing government and its citizens using specific descriptive examples. Please create a PowerPoint presentation to assist you in your presentation.

As you complete your presentation, be sure to:

Use speaker’s notes to expand upon the bullet point main ideas on your slides, making references to research and theory with citation.
Proof your work
Use visuals (pictures, video, narration, graphs, etc.) to compliment the text in your presentation and to reinforce your content.
Do not just write a paper and copy chunks of it into each slide. Treat this as if you were going to give this presentation live.
Presentation Requirements (APA format)

Length: 8-10 substantive slides (excluding cover and references slides)
Font should not be smaller than size 16-point
Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style
References slide (a minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome)
Title and introduction slide required

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Here is the rubric: According to a strict interpretation of the Natural Rights Argument, the government is simply a tool of the sovereign and not the sovereign itself.  If this is so, why would any part of government have the power to declare war and not the people, since declaration of war is a sovereign power?