Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Prepare a response to the questions that follow this case study:

Steve recently joined a church. Church doctrine required that members reveal any personal indiscretions to the leaders of the church. Steve disclosed some of his personal indiscretions to the leaders of the church. After his disclosures, these leaders informed Steve that they intended to tell other members of the church about his indiscretions because they thought the church leaders might help him overcome his problems. Steve was dismayed that this personal information might be disclosed. He told the church leaders about his intention to leave the church rather than have his problems disclosed. The church leaders informed him that their next step was to tell the members of the church, his neighbors, and his employer about his problems by using social media, including posting his information on Facebook, Twitter, and the church’s online chatroom.

This case study is an example of the balance between First Amendment rights and freedom of religion. Based on this case study, examine Steve’s rights in terms of libel and the invasion of privacy torts by addressing the following issues and questions:

Is there precedence for using social media in libel cases?
Which of the four privacy torts are involved with regard to this case? Is this a case of libel?
Does the expectation of privacy apply to the facts in the case?
Discuss the defenses to the tort of libel and the privacy torts regarding Steve’s lawsuit.
Is there a legal difference in disclosing personal indiscretions to church elders, to members of the church, or to members of the public?

Job Satisfaction

While in the process of researching ‘Job Satisfaction Your Organization’ within Organizational Behavior, select 10 scholarly articles (ALL ARTICLES MUST BE WITHIN THE LAST 10 YEARS) that will support the research paper. (Attached in the Outline and Annotated Bibliography)

Follow the detailed outline (attached) to help write the flow of the paper and to ensure all references are used. It is not included in the paper.

The annotated bibliography paragraphs are not included in the paper.

This is an academic paper and 3rd person is required

– Thesis
Develops a focused and sophisticated research question or thesis that enhances the scholarly discussion of questions and ideas that are important to scholars in the discipline.

– Introduction
The writing provides an exceptional roadmap for the paper. In addition, the introduction includes meets all of the following criteria:
    The introduction contextualizes the thesis statement by referring to larger issues in the discipline.
    The introduction provides rationale for pursuing the thesis by demonstrating a research need or question.
    The introduction articulates how the paper will address the key question or issue being studied.
    The introduction refers to relevant, appropriate scholarly literature.

– The argument builds logically upon the thesis with research-based, discipline-appropriate supporting facts, evidence, and/or data.

    Student clearly describes major methodologies and practices of the field and   
    implements them in creative and innovative ways.

    The writing demonstrates the ability to interpret, analyze, and synthesize
    information to advance the argument.

– Communicates, organizes and synthesizes complex and contradictory information from multiple sources to advance knowledge in the discipline at a professional level.

  Accurately quotes, paraphrases, and cites information in ways that are true to
  the original context with no errors.

– The writing flows smoothly and logically from a well-defined thesis. There is a coherence in each sentence and paragraph that relates clearly to the controlling idea using appropriate examples. The flow of information demonstrates logical reasoning without jumps or shifts. The writing contains a thorough introduction, body sections, conclusion, and smooth transitions.

– The writing engages the reader through an original prose style appropriate to the subject. Language is precise and uses terminology appropriate to the discipline. All sentences are solid and reflect mature writing. Variety in sentence structure contributes to the logical flow and enhances readability.  Active voice and passive voice are used appropriately for the subject matter.

– The writing is free of proofreading errors. The writing contains sentences that are always complete and grammatically correct, and free of confusion and ambiguity.

– Provide a high-caliber, correctly formatted assignment in the assigned citation style. All citations in the text and in the references are accurately cited in the appropriate style.

mktg exercise

Imagine that a medium-sized recreational-equipment company with headquarters in Tacoma, WA requests you to guide them in a market forecasting exercise for a new rooftop tent (a tent that can be mounted on the top of a vehicle) they are developing. Which method would you suggest and wh

Ego Psychology

B.    Identify and utilize an Ego Oriented Intervention. Apply the goals, techniques and modalities of intervention that mesh with the Ego Psychological Perspective. {Ego Supportive or Ego Modifying Approach/Intervention} Include the focus, nature of change, the use of relationship, types of techniques utilized during the intervention with the client.

C.    Present and discuss the process of termination as ego building on behalf of the client. Discuss how the termination process with the client surfaces, and illustrate how specific interventions impact the termination process on behalf of the client and you as the clinician. Recognize separation-individuation issues, transference and countertransference, clients feelings, experience with loss, clients growth.


Reflecting on the Group Counseling With Adolescents: A Multicultural Approach video and the unit readings, describe what you learned about the working stage of a group and how it differs from the transition stage of a group. You may use specific examples from the video to help illustrate your analysis.

working stage

Reflecting on this unit’s segment of The Evolution of a Group video, describe what you learned about the working stage of a group and how it differs from the transition stage of a group. Use specific examples from the video to help illustrate your analysis. Then, comment on the therapeutic factors you saw either of the counselors utilize in the video to move the group toward the working stage.

writing assignment #1

View a Seinfeld or Friends episode.
In a one page essay discuss:
Describe the character that you observed.
Explain the characters skill level as a conversationalist based on the Four Principals of Cooperation.
What similarities or differences in the Principals of Cooperation do you share with this character?
Remember to always write an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph.

***Include a reference page and use APA 6th Edition for formatting, style, and proper in-text citation. Site the course textbook, readings, and videos.

intervention and evalution

This assignment is designed to provide you with an opportunity to apply data results and analysis to an evaluation of your intervention outcomes. All comprehensive school counseling programs are expected to be evidence based and data driven.

For this assignment, you will be able to be a little bit creative and improvise as needed. You will use real datasets, but you are not expected to run an actual intervention. Instead, you get an opportunity to imagine you ran the best evidence-based intervention and that it worked. Your students gained academically!

How you decide to show your measurements is up to you. For example, if you want to say you used pre- and post-test assessments or if you decide to review data over multiple years, you get to decide what would be best for your goals and your program. You may want to keep it realistic as this will be expected of you as a school counselor, but you can have some fun with this part of the assignment.

For this assignment:

Explain the need for program evaluation in a CSCP. This will take about one page to write.
Describe how you decided to implement the school counseling evidence-based interventions (i.e., the school counseling core curriculum lesson(s) and one additional evidence-based intervention) that address academic outcomes. For example, for the core curriculum component, was your intervention conducted in a single lesson or across a series of lessons? How many students were involved? For your additional intervention, if you decided to intervene with small group counseling, how often did you meet with the students, for how long, and with what expected outcome? This will take about one page to write. Remember, you are creating some information for this section as if you actually conducted the interventions in a school setting.
Describe the evaluation plan that you will use to show the effectiveness of your program. This section should go beyond a general definition of why program evaluation is important. Instead, it should specifically describe the way in which data will be used to measure effectiveness for the interventions you proposed. You should include definitions and specific examples of process, perception, and outcome data you will incorporate in your program evaluation.
Organize and review your data. Consider trends, increases, decreases, gender disparities, changes in scores, and so forth (see page 91 of your Facilitating Evidence-Based, Data-Driven School Counseling text). For example, you might use an Excel spreadsheet with either real data or data from a source provided in the Facilitating Evidence-Based, Data-Driven School Counseling text. Play around with this part of the assignment, as it will help prepare you for your final assignment in Unit 9. The more you practice working with data now, the better off you will be for Unit 9.
Evaluate the school counseling intervention based on your selected data. For example, how many students were served? What was their perception of change? What was the outcome on their academic goals? Again, you may invent school demographics and population data. This last step will take between one and two pages to write.
Note: Remember to carefully review the scoring guide criteria before you begin the assignment.

Assignment Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA format: Resources and citations should follow current APA style and formatting.
Length of assignment: 46 pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Reflecting on this unit’s segment of The Evolution of a Group video, describe what you learned about the working stage of a group and how it differs from the transition stage of a group. Use specific examples from the video to help illustrate your analysis. Then, comment on the therapeutic factors you saw either of the counselors utilize in the video to move the group toward the working stage.

Variables in Research

1. View the Video on different types of quantitative data. – Nominal, Ordinal, Interval/Ratio  Types of Data (Links to an external site.)
2. Note in the discussion on “nominal” or “categorical” variables, the speaker also refers to it as “qualitative” variable.  This is not to be confused with “Qualitative Research” data, but is only referring to a type of data used in quantitative analysis that is either “named” or “categorized” or descriptive in a “qualitative way,” thus the terms nominal, categorical or qualitative.    In the Cook, (2001), study – a Cook, 2001.pdf  for instance, the variable “attitude” has 4 nominal/categorical values: attachment, concern, indifference and attachment.  This is a quantitative, non-experimental study – using Large N (70+ teachers) “randomly” selected and relationships asserted based on a statistical analysis (chi square).  We will talk about these features later, but as far the the type of variable – both “attitude” and “type of disability” (“hidden” or “obvious”), in this study are nominal/categorical, or as they term in the video, qualitative.  Let’s stick with categorical or nominal as terms. 
3. Once you have reviewed the video, read this article abstract:
    This study was designed to compare the efficacy of two instructional methods, oral recitation and transcription, on the spelling accuracy of five students with learning disabilities. During oral recitation, the student orally spelled the words presented by the experimenter. Transcription was similar to the recitation method except that the students were also required to write the word as they spelled it. Results showed that all students achieved higher accuracy with the transcription method.
and answer the following questions. 
1.    What is the independent variable? What are the levels of the independent variable?
2.    What is the dependent variable?
3.    Give an example of how spelling accuracy could be operationally defined?
4.    What is a research hypothesis relevant to this problem? What is the null hypothesis?
4. Once you have completed this, search out an article abstract and identify the same concepts, providing the abstract and responses to the questions noted here.