Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)

HSCO Discussion Board 3

Topic: Faith Development

Thread: James Fowler was an American theologian who was the professor of Theology and Human Development at Emory University. He has produced several pieces of literature illustrating his theory of faith development. This week, you will review an article that introduces his stages of faith in relation to the developmental concepts you have learned about in this course. Faith theorists recognize the complex interplay of factors that impact ones faith development. Development of faith, like other aspects of human development, involves movement from one stage to another and is not always systematic or predictable. Individuals can reach chronologic and biological adulthood while reflecting structural stages of faith that are more indicative of early or middle childhood or adolescence. Spiritual nurturing and practice, combined with a persons spiritual aptitude and discipline, impacts the pace and depth of faith development.

After reading and reflecting on the article, develop your thread addressing these questions:

What are your impressions of faith development in relation to an individuals other developmental processes? Do you feel that there is interconnection, or do you oppose the idea that successful faith development requires successful development in other areas? Explain your answer using examples and support from the article and/or other sources of information.
Using your personal experiences, briefly describe some of the most meaningful characteristics of your faith development process. If there were pivotal moments or notable influences, good and bad, mention the significance of those people or events. Only include the most relevant details. Make sure to relate your thread to elements of Fowlers faith development theory and your specific experiences.
Reply Prompt:  Provide a response to 2 classmates threads. Your replies can include dialogue regarding their impressions of Fowlers faith theory or contribute to their personal reflection and analysis of faith development. Seek to integrate insight from the article, or relevant source of information, to support your own ideas.

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 5, and submit your 2 replies by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6.

hsco 502 DB 2

Discussion Board Forum 2: Thread
Topic: Impact Project Collaboration

Thread: Use the name of your topic as your thread title. For your thread, you will take on the role of advocate and educator to present an introduction to your impact assignment topic. You have spent this week researching your topic and have collected a wealth of information that you could share. Write your post as if you are trying to convince your audience that this topic has a significant impact on the field of human development. Provide facts, statistics, and relevant evidence that allow your readers to become more informed and inspired by your knowledge and presentation of ideas.

Discussion Board Forum 2: Replies
Reply Prompt: This week you will post a draft of your PowerPoint presentation by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday by posting it as an attachment to a reply to your own thread. Your instructor will assign you to 2 classmates, and you will complete peer evaluations for these 2 classmates’ PowerPoint presentations using the Peer Evaluation Form. The Peer Evaluation Form can be found in the Assignment Instructions folder under the Impact Assignment: Part 2. Along with attaching the Peer Evaluation Form, address these 4 questions in your replies to your assigned classmates.

In evaluating the quality of the presentation, is the content interesting, relevant, and professional?
Do the slides have good organization and attractive appearance?
What did you learn or appreciate most from the presentation?
What improvements could be made to the presentation? Identify at least 1 recommendation.
The peer evaluation is meant to give you an opportunity to evaluate others’ work, recognizing the strengths and challenges of producing original professional presentations. You will also benefit from critical and complimentary feedback from others. Note that peer feedback is not considered in the instructors evaluation of your work. Your instructor will provide the grade for your thread, PowerPoint presentation, and your peer reviews of your classmates work.

Submit the draft of your presentation by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday and your peer evaluations by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Saturday.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment Details

Prior to your graduation from AIU, you have been working as the Victims’ Assistant Advocate for the office of the local county prosecutor. You have a great working relationship with the prosecutor, Mary, and the remainder of the office. Normally, when you speak, the staff and the prosecutor know that you are speaking from a knowledge base that you have gained from personal experience, research, and reading, so they know that your comments are facts. You like to use APA format to cite your sources, but this bulleted paper does not need to be in APA format.
You have decided to speak with the prosecutor, Mary, on behalf of Maureen, a college student who was a victim of date rape. You want to convince Mary to support a change in the prosecutor’s policy of not prosecuting date rape cases when drugs or alcohol are involved. Maureen has a strict policy: When someone wants to speak with her about changing an established policy, she wants the person to submit a paper of 35 pages containing topic bullets that outline his or her argument for the policy change prior to meeting her. This way she feels that she is not blind-sided, and that she has an opportunity to research the topic prior to the meeting.
You follow her policy and write a paper using bullets only, hoping that you can persuade Mary and the chief prosecutor to change their policy or, at a minimum, meet with you for a discussion about changing the policy. Maureen knows that other young women are being attacked and that, very often, date rape drugs are being used.
Mary has agreed to review your policy change letter if you write it. You write the policy change paper in which you have the following goals:
Educate Mary about date rape using statistics and information about date rape and date rape drugs to show her that Maureen is one of the types of victims who perpetrators take advantage of in these situations.
Explain why not prosecuting the cases is the wrong public and social policy. (You are also hopeful that the victim, Maureen, also receives help in her case.)
To organize your efforts before your meeting, create a detailed outline where appropriate that contains information for the following 5 topics in 3-5 pages:
List crime statistics reported by Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) relating to rape and the strengths and weaknesses of each type of reporting.
Define the term date rape (or acquaintance rape; the terms are interchangeable) and how date rape is distinguished from stranger rape, statutory rape, and spousal rape.
List the types and uses of date rape drugs.
Describe the victimoffender relationship, including the following:
How victims are viewed by perpetrators of date rape
The special problems of date rape prosecutions
How society and jurors may view date rape (e.g., blaming the victim based on the perceived precipitation, facilitation, or provocation of the victim)
What is your position on this issue, and what action do you think would impact this social policy?
Use the library, Internet, and other resources available to you to conduct your research. Provide APA citations and references.


Topic: Case Study

Thread: For your thread, you will develop a case study by creating a scenario involving a child between 312 years of age. Write as if the child is being referred to you or your agency for help with a presenting developmental or behavioral problem. Include adequate, yet concise information. You only need to include the most relevant details. This should include demographics, family dynamics, parenting styles, cultural considerations, influence of religion, behavioral history of the child, temperament, and other pertinent facts that make your case unique. Do not make your presenting problem a mental illness diagnosis like bipolar disorder or conduct disorder. Instead, the issue must be relevant to development and the challenges related to development for a child this age. You must include enough detail and clarification that your classmates can analyze your case study using the theories and developmental concepts from the readings during Modules/Weeks 12.

(Brief Example: John is 3 years old and has just been placed in foster care. His parents were arrested after it was discovered that they were manufacturing methamphetamines in their home. His foster parents say that he cries uncontrollably and has tremors. He does not walk well and has a limited vocabulary for his age. They wonder if he has been exposed to drugs. Apparently, John and his mother stayed in the home and rarely left. The father worked various day jobs, sold drugs, and was only home late at night. His mother was very protective and affectionate towards him but established very few rules, and he was allowed to wonder freely in the home, eat when he wanted to, and sleep wherever he wanted to.)

Submit your thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday.

Reinforcement Schedules

Reinforcement is the cornerstone of behavior analysis. How frequently (or not frequently) reinforcement is delivered has a large impact on how quickly one may respond. This is the case for all behavior. For example, someone who sells cars may be paid on a fixed interval schedule (every two weeks regardless of how many cars are sold) or fixed ratio schedule (100 dollars for every car sold). As you can imagine, based on the pay schedule, the response rate of car selling by the individual who is paid every two weeks, regardless of the number of cars, is likely to be much lower than that of the individual who is paid per car sold. This type of reinforcement schedule and rate of responding translates the same for when you may be teaching a client a skill. Choosing the appropriate reinforcement schedule allows us to support our clients in achieving those successes.

For this assignment, write a paper that includes the following:

Describe the main types of reinforcement schedules (fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable ratio, and variable interval).
Explain how each schedule works to evoke a behavior and the type of responding that results.
Describe how you would use this information on response rates and reinforcement schedules to evoke a behavior in your personal or professional life.
Analyze why you would choose a particular reinforcement schedule for that particular behavior.
Assignment Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
Resources: 12 scholarly or professional resources.
Length: 34 double-spaced pages, excluding the title page and reference page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

The benefit and drawbacks of the advancements in communications and media


very easy just fill it with fluff, take like two pages on just how communications have developed or something. I just want it to be about how communications and media (like how people interact and gain information) has changed and whats the benefits of that (like smart phones giving us infinite info at the touch of a button and being able to talk to someone across the seas, world relations, weather, ectect) and the drawbacks(like mental health, body image, self esteem, lower patience, instant gratification, physical health, laziness)

Visual Representations of Response Rates

Visual Representations of Response Rates

Choosing when to deliver reinforcement is an important factor that can impact how quickly clients master skills. Understanding the different response rates can assist behavior analysts in deciding the most appropriate reinforcement schedule.

Describe how a response rate looks on a graph for each of the following reinforcement schedules: variable ratio, variable interval, fixed ratio, and fixed interval.
Describe a mnemonic device you may use to remember how each of these graphs would look.
Provide one example of a behavior that would benefit from each of the different types of reinforcement schedules.
Choosing when to deliver reinforcement is an important factor that can impact how quickly clients master skills. Understanding the different response rates can assist behavior analysts in deciding the most appropriate reinforcement schedule.

Describe how a response rate looks on a graph for each of the following reinforcement schedules: variable ratio, variable interval, fixed ratio, and fixed interval.
Describe a mnemonic device you may use to remember how each of these graphs would look.
Provide one example of a behavior that would benefit from each of the different types of reinforcement schedules.

Sexual Tolerance

People in the United States vary widely in their acceptance of the sexual and gender choices and orientations.  Recent changes in the legality of same sex marriage, the changing role of women in the military, and increasing awareness of transgender issues have highlighted how much has changed in recent months.

Choose one of these sources:

Find an article or graph that illustrates a recent change in law, attitude, or policy regarding sexual tolerance. 
Joel Burns:  It Gets Better (transcript located on YouTube site)
Write a 5-paragraph essay that introduces the topic youve chosen, summarizes the various points of view, and concludes with the current status of the issue you are addressing.  Be sure to use at least 2 references to support your essay. Your paper must meet the minimum 750-word count requirements. 

Post Exercise Protein Synthesis

Assigned Subject for the Paper Post Exercise Protein Synthesis

A.    Major Topic #1 Post work-out Nutrition
a)    Subtopic 1  Replenish glycogen
b)    Subtopic 2  Decrease protein breakdown
c.    Subtopic 3  Increase protein synthesis

B.    Major Topic #2 Protein remodeling stimulus
a)    Subtopic 1  Exercise
b)    Subtopic 2  Food ingestion
c.    Subtopic 3 IV infusions/ingestion of free amino acids

C.    Major Topic #3 Timing of nutritional consumption
a)    Subtopic 1  Rebuild of damage muscle tissue
b)    Subtopic 2  Restoration of energy reserves
c)    Subtopic 3  Enhance body composition and exercise performance

I would like my paper to include the topics and subtopics explained under each topic. Use a scholar articles as sources and when siting the sources, use a number to site the source instead of author.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What is a Chicano? Where did this term come from and how has it been used over time? How politically active are Mexican-Americans today? We will be voting soon, are Mexican Americans in California expected to participate and at what rate? What if any, is an issue that may be of importance to them as a group?