Category: APA (edition “APA 6”)


Topic: Brexit


1) Select researchable topic with keeping info on Management Problem & Research Problem  in mind in order to be able to find a suitable topic
2) 5 scientific articles related to your topic and why these 5 scientific articles and a summarize of all 5 scientific articles.
3) Create a Management Problem based on the topic/summary
3) create a Research problem based on the topic/summary

*Choose one company or industry as a main focus
Trying to be more specific.


Topic: Brexit


1) Select researchable topic with keeping info on Management Problem & Research Problem  in mind in order to be able to find a suitable topic
2) 5 scientific articles related to your topic and why these 5 scientific articles and a summarize of all 5 scientific articles.
3) Create a Management Problem based on the topic/summary
3) create a Research problem based on the topic/summary

*Choose one company or industry as a main focus
Trying to be more specific.

Investment Analysis with Data

For this assignment, it is assumed that you are working as an investment analyst in the research department of A.P. Investments. You need to write a report summarizing how you finish the tasks asked by the head of the research department of A.P. Investments. Your report should include the details of data analysis for investment with the use of Excel.

Specifically, the head of the research department has provided you with monthly historical data on the stocks of Goodman Property Trust (GMT.NZ), Contact Energy Limited (CEN.NZ), and the NZX 50 index as well as the risk-free rate; and he has asked you to analyze the data for the purpose of investments in the New Zealand stock market. In particular, he wants you to do the following:

(a) He wants you to determine what the average returns and standard deviations of returns per annum based on the historical data are for the two stocks and NZX50 index. He also wants you to use regression analysis to evaluate the market risk of the two stocks, and to give an interpretation of your findings from the regression analysis, particularly the estimated alpha values of the two stocks and their implications on stock price.

(14 marks)

(b) Suppose that you use the three average returns per annum calculated in Part (a) as the estimates of the expected returns for the two stocks and market portfolio respectively. Suppose that the risk-free rate is 0.8% per annum, your boss further wants you to draw a risk-return graph with beta on the x-axis and returns on the y-axis, which shows the Security Market Line, the market portfolio and the two stocks. Determine the fair expected returns for the two stocks according to CAPM and discuss your findings.

(8 marks)

(c) Finally, he wants you to construct a portfolio that invests 50% in GMT stock and 50% in CEN stock, and to estimate beta and expected return for this portfolio.  Comment on your findings on this portfolio and compare them with those for the two individual stocks.

(8 marks)

Note that 5 marks are allocated to writing, which includes grammar and syntax, paragraphing and logical sequencing of arguments.


I recommend that you listen to these three performances.  These artists are among the best musicians who have ever been born into Western society.Then write to me and tell me what you thought of the performances.

Art Tatum (1909-1956), Cherokee

Thelonious Monk (1917-1982), Round Midnight

Herbie Hancock (b.1940), Cantaloupe Island

Argumentative Essay on Why a Plant Based Diet is the Best

Research question is: Is a plant based diet better than a meat based diet?

Interpret information through close and critical reading.
Demonstrate effective use of the writing process.
Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.
Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.
Support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation.

8 Credible Sources, at least 5 Scholarly.

Written in Third Person

Operation Strategy

Overall task: Using an organisation with which you are familiar, consider a key operations strategy challenge. Consider how this challenge can be understood and resolved using frameworks, concepts, and models from the course. In addition, comment on any broader implications (practice and/or theory) that emerge from your analysis.

Organisational selection: Select an organisation where you can collect and analyse sufficient data to derive meaningful insights. You may use primary data, secondary data, or a mix of both. You may use an organisation that you work for / have worked for, or one that is new to you. Sources may include, but are not limited to, organizations website, your knowledge of the organisation, government and consultancy reports, journal articles, interviews, observation.

Your report should be 2000 words (10%) and should be typed with a font size 12, 1.5 spacing and must look professional. Your report needs to be well-structured, and divided into numbered sections that correspond logically to your chosen structure. You should include an overall introduction and conclusion.

The word limit includes the main text (including in-text references, tables and figures) but not the list of references at the end of your report. The main text starts with the first word in the introduction section and ends at the last word in your conclusion section. The word limit does not include the title, abstract (if you decide to include one), table of contents, reference list, or appendices (I would not expect a long list of appendices). Sticking to a strict word limit is difficult and an important skill for you to acquire, so make sure that you write in a concise and focused manner.

reflective paper exploring the concept of ’employee activism’ and putting forward concrete suggestions on how employees, and in particular middle-managers within an organization, can instigate, impact and/or accelerate change

Description of assignment:

Every student is expected to write a reflective paper exploring the concept of ’employee activism’ and putting forward concrete suggestions on how employees, and in particular middle-managers within an organization, can instigate, impact and/or accelerate change. Students are required to critically reflect on their attitude towards change, and towards managing change, reflecting on how the concepts covered during this module has informed/impacted/shaped/changed their thinking. It is expected that the paper will go beyond a mere description of Kotters 8-steps or any other theoretical model covered, to incorporate a critical reflection on a top-down change management approach.

The paper must be in Word format and meet the 2,000 word (10%) requirement, excluding a minimum of 5 references and cover page. Size 12 font Arial. References should cited and referenced using the latest APA Referencing Version format.

see below

Slope in the Real World

Image of a house.  The slope of the roof is emphasized.Slope is not just a topic relevant to the graphs of linear functions. Slopes are in fact all around us in the real world, from roofs of houses to the incline of ramps and roads, to name just a few examples. So, the concept of slope is important in all areas of construction, design, and engineering, as well as the analysis of data from many areas of study.

In this discussion activity, you will investigate the concept of slope and highlight examples of slope in the real world, as well as gain some practice in calculating slope in such situations.

Let’s begin our discussion:

Before your first post, please watch the video
Introduction to Slope (Links to an external site.) [Video, 5:10 mins]. Link to video transcript
There are many different ways to define slope, and there are examples all around us. In your initial post:
Please start with an explanation of how you conceptualize/understand the term “slope” that you think would be helpful to someone who has never heard of slope before.
Next, list at least two places where you encounter slope in everyday life.
Finally, create a real-life problem involving slope for a classmate to solve.
Be sure to check your peers’ work, making appropriate corrections and comments.

To complete the discussion: Thoroughly complete the directions listed above. To gain full credit, you must reply to the posts of at least two classmates, preferably posts that have not been responded to by anyone else yet. Also, return to your original post throughout the week to read and reply to any posts made there by others. In the two reply posts to your classmates, you can do any of the following:

Solve the slope problem posted by your classmate
Ask a question, such as clarification of a given problem
Give an alternative approach to set-up or solve a given example
Verify the solution to a posted problem solved by a classmate
Your initial post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM. Your responses are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM.

Please read Atwood’s “Death by Landscape”. Analyse the role of nature in the story; in other words, write a short essay about the role of nature in the story.

Please read Atwood’s “Death by Landscape”. Analyse the role of nature in the story; in other words, write a short essay about the role of nature in the story.

Form: full sentences. Length: Aim for 1,000 words. Add the word count at the end.
The spacing should be 1.5. Leave a margin. Include your name in (!) the file.

see below

Whats It Good for?
1717 unread replies.1717 replies.
Engineering equipment on top of a technical drawing.You have probably heard someone ask at some time in your life, what is this stuff good for, anyway? when studying algebra. Maybe you wondered this too? But algebra is a crucial tool used in science, technology, business, construction, crime scene investigation, video games, and health related fields to name just some examples.  And did you know that much of the coding that makes the Internet run, as well as the encryption used to make sensitive transactions on the Internet more secure, use algebra? The applications are truly limitless and all around us in the modern world.

In this discussion activity, you will investigate the practical uses of algebra for your chosen profession or field of study.

Let’s begin our discussion:

Before your first post, please watch the video, Introduction to Mathematics in Technology, below (click image to open video [Video, 2:44 mins]):

screenshot of video

Introduction to Mathematics in Technology
Introduction to Math in Technology. Films On Demand. Films Media Group, 1998. Web. 1 Feb. 2015. <>.

Now, consider your chosen profession, area of study, or a subject you find particularly interesting. Then, using your textbook and/or the Internet, find a specific application of algebra or a formula related to your chosen topic. State the problem the algebra or formula is being applied to, including enough background information so it is clear to those reading your work what the situation is.

Show the solution to the problem with the intermediate steps of the solution process detailed. If the algebra involved is more complicated than what you are familiar or comfortable with at this point, just do the best you can and point out where in the application you are not quite clear.